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Posts posted by Sinfullyvannila

  1. 2 hours ago, Gesundheit said:

    Hopefully they got rend 1 and ist just increased by 1!😕 otherwise they are still ******.....

    They may get other warscroll changes yet.

    And Champions, melee combat and destiny dice cheese aside, with the Rend they outperform Skyfires with a Shaman buff.

  2. 1 hour ago, Asimov said:

    I expect it to be like in 40K. Same unit, and thus you can allocate further wounds to your blues/brimstones in order to make your pinks (and their ability to cast a spell) last much longer. 
    But if it plays like this, it would tend to extend the length of the turn, as you kill each horror one by one, summoning each time. 

    In AoS you don’t remove models until all the attacks are resolved; IIRC. Meaning you probably won’t be able to do the shenanigans like in 40k.

    EDIT: NM, even though this is the case the rules do state that models are slain as soon as their last remaining wound is allocated.

  3. 1 minute ago, Landohammer said:

    So far the changes are all looking great. The changes to acolytes is *really* interesting, especially if they get access to allegiance spells.

    Also the Locus effectively makes all Daemon characters -1 to hit in melee. Thats a huge buff for LoC.

    Pink Horrors could really become insane if they manage to get -1 to hit. 


    They lose their Locus of Conjuration though.

  4. 29 minutes ago, JoltUK said:

    How is everyone approaching the modelling with their new SC boxes? It seems like the preferred options for warriors is a pair of hand weapons and the preferred weapons for knights is ensorcelled weapons. Obviously neither of these are available in the monopose kits. 

    Are people just dealing with it and building armies with lances and shields or are there any good conversions going on?

    I wouldn’t do pair of hand weapons just because there is so many sources of that buff.

    Lances are better than Ensorcelled if you target something you can delete or if you have a teleport spell.

    RAW; you can mix any of the battleline units’ weapon options.

  5. 3 hours ago, Mikeymajq said:

    What's you guys opinion on the Manticore? I got a hold of last years battleforce (godsworn warband), and looking at the warscrolls I'm kind of not impressed by it's prowess or survivability. 🤔

    The sorceror version has a really mean spell though. So I'm leaning towards that one. Or doing my first magnetisation if it's easy to do.

    It’s the easiest model I’ve ever done

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  6. 1 hour ago, Gibs said:

    Really hard to fit everything you want into list haha. With Plaugetouched if you want to keep a unit alive just stack Bloated Blessings on it. There is no FAQ saying this cannot happen YET.

    Knights on the charge with 2x Bloated blessings will probably kill most things in combat and your opponent isn’t going to want to counter charge the unit with anything valuable in their turn. Hits of a 6 are doing 2xD3 mortal wounds which is very scary and will literally melt units that have high attacks before they can swing back. This is one of the benefits of having big blocks as unless your opponent wants to stretch to hit charters they are forced to engage 20 warriors of 10 Knights that are most likely reflecting damage over multiple rounds of combat. 

    With double Sorcerer Lords you can also teleport one into the opponents backfield if need to support and unit sent in the round prior to ensure you maintain re-rolling saves. They also count as 2 units out of the 7 needed for the battalion. 

    Oh yeah brain ******, forgot you were playing Nurgle. Bloated Blessings and Ensorcelled weapons are definitely the way to go.


  7. Remember you get the Chaos Runeshields with the halberds so you don’t need to put the hand weapons ones in there.

    I don’t think I’d use knights without a Manticore Sorcerer Lord to soften up the unit first and another caster for teleporting them out of combat to charge again.

  8. I changed my mind on what i said about Tzaangors earlier. I think they’ll probably just change their warscroll to make models with shields and the ones with two weapons that aren’t mutants be mechanically the same. Just give the model the shrug if it contains any number of models with hand weapons.

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  9. 10 minutes ago, Landohammer said:

    So I could write a novel on why the Wyldwoods are a problem mechanically, but at least the terrain fits in with the fluff of the army. However most of the other faction terrain just feel like they were tacked on as a cash grab. I can see Alarielle summoning a woods on a battlefield, but are Slaanesh followers gonna haul around a mirror the size of a building?  Do Khornates take the time to construct an altar when battle is imminent? 

    They really only benefit their faction under a specific set of circumstances and are more often than not forgotten about/disregarded early on in games. I feel like Tzeentch terrain would have been similar. I imagine we would have got a $50 giant bird statue that lets you reroll 1's to cast while wholly within 6 inches" or something similar.

    I wish the time/money/talent had went into creating more units.  

    I don’t entirely disagree with you but I am going to point out that historically,  nomadic cultures would have pre-constructed altars that they would assemble before battle. 

  10. 8 hours ago, Thostos said:

     Humm...wondering what they mean by "and all the games you play use the updated airborne battles system found in the box."

      It certainly cant be what was released in WD as that is described as a different game like the one they released for 40k last year.

      And do they mean just the games played with the models in the box set..or are these "updated" rules going to be added in to the main AoS rules.


    I actually just noticed this too and was wondering what that was all about.

  11. So... just for goofiness sake I made a Fatesworn Warband list;

    Chaos Sorcerer Lord on Manticore

    2 Chaos Sorcerer Lords

    3 Gaunt Summoners on Discs

    2x20 Marauders 

    2x5 Chaos Warriors 1h/Shields

    Darkfire Daemonrift 

    100 pts of Endless Spells

    Maybe sub one of the Gaunts or the Manticore with Warriors or Marauders and more endless spells, since there would be a bottleneck.

    I think I could actually make this work in a DoT list since you can get splits on the Pinks and leverage a crapload of Fate Points for summoning. Not competitive by a longshot but not as impossible as I thought from my initial read.

  12. 28 minutes ago, The_Dudemeister said:

    Am I seeing this right, the Changeling getting 2 casts and denies? And he can cast the spells from enemy wizard's warscrolls? Also 3 attacks instead of one. ☺️e49c69a8.jpg

    That’d be nice. He’s about 30 points overcosted at the moment. Looks like he also debuffs hit rolls in addition to lowering move as well. Double down with the Geminids and he may actually survive the first turn.

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  13. 3 hours ago, DarrinTheOccult said:

    So, what do you think new endless spells will do? I bet the book improves our casting rolls or so

    The Simulacrum is probably going to be a straightforward damage spell. Maybe something like the Daemonrift where it gets buffed by a nearby wizard.

    The Icon is described as “flesh warping” since the Simulacrum is going to have a damage component; my guess is that the Icon is going to convert enemy models that died from a different source of Mortal wounds into either Tzaangors or Chaos Spawn.

    Lots of possibilities for the tome. I’m going for a bold guess though and say it’s going to let you access different lore spells from what you designated beforehand.

  14. 2 hours ago, Prometheo567 said:

    I reckon in the past there was some old rule (I think it was for 40k armies of World Eatyers) about Khorne armies not allowing psykers. Maybe that's where they got it. Or that old rule about not being possible to give the Mark of Khorne to psykers/wizards. But, as many other have told you, you can take a non-slaaneshi-Sorcerer as an ally. It's even fluffy.

    I don’t understand how it’s not readily apparent that I understand that now. I literally ended up contacting my Khorne buddies to explain this to them.

  15. 1 hour ago, kenshin620 said:

    Nothing is stopping Khorne from taking Wizards allies.

    The only Wizard KHORNE armies can take is Archaon. Unless that got changed in a GHB, which I don’t have access to right now.

    Also IIRC, NURGLE can’t ally Tzeentch units.

  16. 1 hour ago, Prometheo567 said:

    Tzeentch routinely uses the other three gods for his own schemes. I can see one of his agents opening a rancid portal spewing nurgle creatures is that benefits him.

    I don’t want my Pinks nerfed so that one of my units work better in other factions that won’t use them(also KHORNE can’t even take one in their army since it’s a wizard).

    Besides, Pinks are only remotely worth their points in a Tzeentch list. And they’re only an absolute steal when your opponent is inexperienced enough to kill them off in the first 3 turns.


  17. 1 hour ago, kenshin620 said:

    I do hope Heralds of Tzeentch become more interesting. They just kind of....exist.

    I guess thats the problem, theres so many wizards that if you're just a little bit "meh" then you'll get passed by another.

    They’re ok if you pair them with Blue Scribes. Have the scribes learn their spell and then cast it on the 2+.

  18. 9 minutes ago, LordPrometheus said:

    I just traded for a Tzeentch army a day before the new tome was announced, so I'm stoked! I'm expecting Endless Spells and hopefully a lot of fun magic shenannigans. :D

    I do have a question. Is it worth getting some Chaos Knights for this army, or any other StD units? They seem pretty good.

    You’re better off with Tzaangor Enlightened over Knights. Knights need a warshrine buff or the Chaos Sorcerer Lord buff to be worthwhile.

    Gaunt Summoner on Disc is going to be a staple from now on I’m sure; since you don’t need a terrain piece to summon the pinks with him anymore so he’s basically 80 points for a 2 cast with a decent spell(his pinks don’t count as battleline though). They may be changing the foot model to do the same.

    Chaos Sorcerer Lord on Manticore should math put to being a stronger horde clearing spell than Summoner on foot but is pretty pricy. 

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  19. 16 minutes ago, Prometheo567 said:

    Interesting. What's your opinion on the Gaunt Summoner (the undisked one)? It casts 2 spells per turn, apparently, for only 20 more points and is also a daemon. Also, for suiciding pinks, aren't swords somehow better? I fell like I would need to downgrade the blues to brimstones for that.

    Thank you!

    He’d be in there if LoC weren’t. He’s a staple at 2000 points but you aren’t going to be dealing with as many hordes at 1000 points. Also, I chose the Magister for his conversion spell. He’s got a pretty decent chance of paying for himself too.

    Swords is definitely better if you don’t have an Arcanite General. I prefer Arcane Sacrifice and Burning Head because an ideal outcome for me is only losing enough models to get the blues out on the first turn, so that I can burn a one on my battleshock roll at the end of my first turn. Quicksilver is riskier, but it will work. 

    • Thanks 1
  20. 45 minutes ago, Prometheo567 said:

    Hi, I was gifted a Lord of Change for Xmas so I guess that's a sign of Tzeentch to finally start a DoT army. I would like to start at 1000 points. I have some minis from back on 8th edition (yeah, I need to rebase them) and I was wondering if a "mini-changehost" (I know I cannot field itr under 1000, I just mean LoC + tons of horrors and endless spells) was possible.

    I was thinking on something in the lines of LoC+2-3 Pink Horror units + fill the leftover 100 points with brimstones or assorted endless spells. I have 2 questions tho.

    a) Which endless spells would you use on a 100 points budget? I am hopelessly lost there

    b) Would that be too fragile? Can the whole horror-multiplication compensate for that? Is my LoC going to die first turn to cannon fire?

    Thank you for the advice.

    I’d do 2 Pinks, LoC, Magister, Blue Horrors and Burning Head

    Magister is your General with Arcane Sacrifice  so you can Arcane Sacrifice Pinks. Then run them over with your Burning Head. If you kill 4 pinks and get 2 other Fate Points you can bring in 10 more Blue Horrors on your first turn.

    Take Unchecked Mutation and Bolt of Tzeentch on your Pink Horrors and then Fold Reality on your LoC. You can use your 5s from your destiny dice to roll D3 on Arcane Bolt with your LoC. If you have Chaos Spawn models(if your opponent is cool you can ask if you can proxy in some Large D&D models as they have the same base size), your Magister is probably going to be casting his spell scroll spell each turn. Unfortunately he isn’t a Daemon so he doesn’t benefit from Beacon of Sorcery.

    Alternatively you can ditch the Flaming Skull to replace the Magister with the Tzaangor Shaman. He has better stats and the Daemon Keyword so he benefits from Beacon of Sorcery and can take Fold Reality and let your LoC take Tzeentch’s Inferno. You lose out on Magister’s conversion spell though(TS can only convert into lost models from A unit of Tzaangors).

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