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Everything posted by KingKull

  1. I may be wrong, as I was giving the counter argument the benefit of the doubt and going by the biggest possible timespan (I know those numbers used to be mentioned a while back). If the time needed to get the new product on the table is shorter, then the whole "3rd party models make GW step up their game" make more sense.
  2. I was about to type the same thing yesterday. Last Sword, Lost Kingdom, Raven Twin, and (as of relatively recently) Onepagerules all have breathtaking Lizardmen ranges I've been resisting to buy in for the past couple of years in hopes that GW might redo their range, which they eventually did. I'm not sure how many people reasoned the same way I did, but the logic seems sound from GW's perspective - observe market trends, let other companies create demand with their products, and then come up with your own product, knowing that customers in this market have an illogical preference for your (GW's) models even when the competition has a better product (in some or several ways). The only caveat is that we know GW has a 3-5 year cycle from when a project is first greenlit to when it finally hits the market, and I don't know which of these ranges were around 3-5 years ago, and for how long they were available at that point (i.e. if they had time enough to kickstart a consumer trend that GW realized was worth exploiting). I suppose we could theorize more once we see the dates on new Lizardmen sprues. I thought the same thing with Artel W's orks for 40k, but I'm not sure of the timeline for that one. However, that's about the only other example I can remember (but ToW might be an effort to compete with Bretonian, TK, and Empire ranges out there), so aside from lizzies and maybe 40k orks, there isn't enough examples to draw a conclusion from (that I know of, at least). Still, I suppose there could be some kind of correlation, although to which extent it's hard to say.
  3. Does this happen to anyone else? To be clear, I don't have any problems with my phone and this only happens specifically on this website.
  4. Y'all got any more of them lizard rumors? 🥺
  5. Genevieve was a protagonist (or a recurring side character) in the novel/short story series that began with "Drachenfels" in the late '80s. Newman liked the character, and introduced it in Anno Dracula as well (same character, but no inter-universe connection). I read the books just recently, and I highly recommend you read the Genevieve books as well. It's hands down the best, most gripping piece of Warhammer fiction (from any universe) I've ever read. I know the bar for WH fiction is pretty low, but it's also pretty high on my list of best fantasy series, I even found it more engaging than The Witcher. Not to spoil anything, the characters and stories rely at once on nuance and cliche, and one of the thing I really admire Newman for is his ability to lean into the cliche with style (when he does) and still make it fresh and spicy. As a side note, I'm not that much older than you and only caught the tail end of Fantasy while it was still around as a little kid, but the Old World from the late 7th/8th ED I love so damn much pales in comparison to Newman's early vision of the setting IMHO.
  6. Where is that text from? Edit: nvm, ignore me, I don't know how to delete posts Edit 2: While I'm at it, that blurb makes it seem like koatls might be a unit of smaller beasties rather than one chonky one. Could be they end up as part of the potential 2nd wave with Saurus guard/knights and/or whatever else we don't get now.
  7. Goddamnit this release has me excited like nobody's business, and just when I thought I got out of GW's bubble. And while I'm at it, let me just say something I never thought I'd say for an AoS army - the design cues and attention to detail have been impeccable for this release. As a history nerd, I generally prefer my fantasy to be rooted in the real world, and having skinks who use actual spear-throwing levers (Aka atlatls) won me over like no other model did in a long time. I also love the balance between traditional Lizardmen and more "sci-fi" elements that has been struck on the models we've seen so far, I hope it remains that way. I wasn't a fan of the new saurus shields at first as I felt they were too on the nose, but the fact that patterns resemble those on documented and surviving Aztec shields (i.e. chimalli) is also amazing, and will hopefully look even better once their faces are painted to resemble cloth and have some feathers added.
  8. The Good Ending. Side note, that non-Whitefang (that we know of) from a while ago explicitly said temple guard, and has successfully predicted BoC and what else was there, I forget. Now that Whitefang hints we're not getting TG, this makes me think there's gonna be another release down the line (couple of years probably, as is GW's habit) that will also feature whatever else we don't get now from that previous list. I also think that Whitefang's "now choose 4" comment referred to the fact that we've already seen the Lizard Wizard (aka astro bearer).
  9. Although I'm not Whitefang, have another trophy for making my day sir. I still hope salamanders don't get left out, and they were mentioned in that partially proven rumor a while back.
  10. By the by, have we got any remotely tangible evidence that new saurus knights are also coming? Thanks to Whitefang, I'm fairly certain that a new scar-vet on cold one is, but I'm wondering if he'll have any mates to lead into battle. The suspense around this release is killing me haha!
  11. I take this as a confirmation that we're getting a new scar vet on cold one, just with a different weapon! 😄😄😄
  12. Daaamn! I was hoping GW kroxes end up the same as TWWH ones, but now I know if the "previously unseen" iteration of the chonky boys doesn't appeal to me, I'll be getting these ones instead! Do kindly share the name of the creator, please!
  13. I really shouldn't have commented in the first place, as the comment itself wasn't constructive. Knowing that lizards were the first GW models I ever fell in love with and that they'll receive a massive update soon, my friend group (which now plays exclusively AoS) bought me Lord Kroak for birthday, and upon learning all that I was over the moon all things considered. I tried to get into AoS a couple times before (back when all of the friends in question played 40k) but got demotivated both times, thought this time would be different (I told myself I'd ignore the lore, just paint models I love and play games). Thing with the Saurus is that the idea they were hulking, exceptionally large "basic" infantry appealed to me (in WHFB terms, the largest non-monstrous infantry along the likes of orcs and WoC, or gors, compared to "standard-sized" humans, undead humans, elves etc). Now that I see that an anaemic orc is not just taller, but also bulkier than the saurus, the saurus don't seem exceptionally large, but rather that this apparently *is* the baseline infantry size for AoS (goblins, dwarves and other stunties notwithstanding). I didn't want to pursue this line of thought further here for reasons mentioned, but thanks for asking and giving me the option to vent here rather than gak on my friends' parade. In a vacuum I still think the models are beyond lovely and I'm happy to see that lizard fans from all backgrounds seem to love. I'll definitely get some to paint at least.
  14. Well, there goes a lot of my hype for this whole release.
  15. That seems to be on a lot of people's minds, and even if GW doesn't directly sell those kits as cross-system models, people will still be free to use them in ToW (if GW indeed releases "index-type" rules for all the old factions at the onset of ToW, which I think they've already hinted at). I know that I'm finally taking the plunge into AoS knowing that even if all of my mates go back to 40k and/or I somehow find AoS unplayable even with updated models for my first Warhammer love, I'll still have an army for ToW/oldhammer with some base swaps.
  16. Since I'm making my third attempt of getting into AoS after my friends got me Lord Kroak as a birthday present... y'all got any more of those Lizardmen new model rumors?
  17. If you mean the entire WHFB world then yes, they're hanging out in pseudo-Mesoamerica like they have since the beginning of time. If you mean Old World in the sense of pseudo-Europe, then no. There are lizardmen cities in the Southlands though, which should be south of Cathay or something.
  18. Honestly, I don't see this as a problem at all. A lot of Age of Sigmar non-legacy (i.e. non-CoS) armies have old WHFB models (some reaching 20+ years) as their regularly-stocked baseline troops, not to mention "special" units and monsters. Examples that come to mind: Sylvaneth, Gloomspite Gitz, Skaven, Ogres, Beasts of Chaos, Lizardmen. If ToW armies retained old plastic sculpts in a similar manner and had the rest filled out with 1-2 bespoke plastic kits and 1-2 bespoke resin kits (plus a smattering of characters in both/resin), I'd be perfectly fine with that - like AoS players already seem to be. All of those could be replaced down the road if/when the game takes off, like GW (probably) intends to replace those skinks, stabbas and dryads for AoS sometime in the future. Like someone mentioned, the only case I can't see GW keeping *all* the plastic sculpts is tomb kings and their atrocious skeleton archers/spearmen, cavalry and chariots. However, they could address the issue by axing the cavalry (good riddance), make a dual plastic kit for skeletons and another one for chariots, and rounding it out with a couple of resin kits (sphinx, TG, and those snakey boys already look a charm and I'd buy them in a heartbeat).
  19. Well, you don't really need Tamurkhan for that (in addition to the fact that he ascended much later than the supposed time period for ToW). OTOH, ToW is supposed to be set relatively close to the Great War Against Chaos, and I'd be damned if they don't eventually lead up to it, as it's as close as it comes to a free-for-all, setting-defining event akin to Heresy that the Old World has. And since Asavar Kul, the Everchosen that started the war, was king of the Kurgan, it'd be only reasonable for the mainstay of his forces (and thus the "default" chaos warrior/marauder) to be Kurgan as well. Although I doubt that GW would actually follow through with a design choice as described above (or even make chaos models specific to ToW), I'd really, *really* love it to happen as the Kurgan are definitely my favorite chaos-native people/nation.
  20. So, someone on a ToW FB group posted the following, claiming it was also covered by a French youtuber. The source was allegedly a store owner in Switzerland who's good friends with some of the ToW designing team members. Looks promising, perhaps bordering on the "too good to be true" territory, but I choose to believe 😁
  21. Very much obliged! Something like that would indeed be wonderful! Although, it would be weird if GW re-designed the minotaur part without touching the gors/ungors, since IIRC, the current minotaur kit is a bit younger than the baseline beasts.
  22. Speaking of rumors of upcoming factions, I believe that one (the notorious 4chan leak?) said something about a substantial Beastmen release? If so, would anyone be so kind as to remember any further details (if there are any)? The Beastmen rumor got me excited as frankly that would be one of the factions (the other couple being more wild-hunty wood elves and generic human barbarians) that would finally get me into AoS.
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