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Everything posted by KingKull

  1. Would anyone be so kind to repost leaked pics of the flesheater mandril dude and hairy abhorrent looking dude?
  2. Wasn't there supposed to be another day of reveals?
  3. Also, can anything ever again compete with the sheer magnificence this new Lizard wave is? Also also, the entire reveal has been profoundly amazing ngl, which is the first time I thought that ever since GW started revealing stuff on warcom.
  4. As if lore hasn't played second (or third, fourth) fiddle to GWs business model in relation to new miniatures for at least a decade now.
  5. I think that Kurnothi *are* the new sylvaneth models.
  6. Fat cosmic stoner toad for the win! This is what keeps playing in the back of my head every time I look at their corpulent glory: https://youtu.be/X3W7ch0oLeA
  7. Honestly I feel the same way. Been trying to read new lore, old lore, books, WD excerpts codices - and just couldn't get to care for the setting (I've got a lot of things I don't like, but the main thing for me is, when everything is super magical and what not, it really feels like an endless stream of "my dad is stronger than your dad" arguments). However. The new Lizards revamp finally got me invested in the game (tried to buy in two times beforehand), and maybe my experience will be helpful to you. As you mentioned, the new Lizard models (in my case) are everything I wished them to be and more (they were my first Warhammer army back in the day), and I've simply come to terms that I can just not read the fluff and enjoy painting great models and playing with friends instead. Another main motivator is that my closest circle of hobby friends all switched from 40k to AoS recently, so I'm diving in also because I'll continue sharing the good hobby times with them. Tldr; I think you don't have to like the lore if you feel the other pros are worth it in your case - such as the rewarding hobby projects and gaming experiences that the game offers.
  8. If the lizard launch box gets announced Thursday, when can we expect preorders?
  9. I don't know man, I just love Wild Hunt, Orion/Kurnos and everything that has to do with that concept. After Lizard, wood elves were my first Warhammer models and the faction that I spent the most time playing in my hobby history.
  11. Ah, thanks. Thought the etching was somehow related to Lizards, but I suppose now it's a sign to start discussing CoS instead.
  12. I know it's anecdotal evidence, but just for conversation's sake - I am one of those people. I grew up a WHFB nut and only started playing 40k when Fantasy got axed. AoS conceptually doesn't appeal to me on so many levels (which I won't be getting into because it's irrelevant for what I'm trying to say), but now I'm getting into the game with new Lizards (still think that having an Abrahamic-inspired word for Mesoamerican-inspired faction is stupid so I'm not calling them Seraphon) - and I'm considering to keep playing exclusively AoS with them - even though the new models fit perfect with old Fantasy - and get another army for ToW. I.e. a WHFB nut who's as far removed from AoS target audience intends to play and invest in both, as both games have pros and cons for me. As mentioned, anecdotal evidence, but evidence nonetheless that the two systems can coexist. And I never would've imagined that I would be an example of that.
  13. Thanks! But the thing I was most interested in was the time schedule - you mentioned the "starter" coming out first and then other models coming out later. Could you remember roughly how much time passed between the two was, and how large the second wave was? Basically, I'm thinking whether it's possible to, let's say, have a ToW starter (alongside an index for other armies) coming out later this year, and then get the other releases rolling in a more spaced out and less theatrical manner down the line. If I was GW, I'd probably do this - but if this was indeed done with HH, then it makes it more probable for ToW I guess.
  14. I wasn't following the HH revamp, so would you be so kind as to elaborate? From what you wrote, it really sounds like the best-case scenario - and, what's more, plausible (which makes it all the better). After all, they are playing on the existing models card to an extent (at least initially), so box + indices do sound like a reasonable thing to do. Edit: as for Cathay and Kislev, I remember a rumor that said they're coming (way) later down the line, and that GW released those articles only because of TWWH3 release.
  15. I ran out of reacts but I agree so much with everything in this post. However, we do know that square bases will be a thing, but there are base converters out there, and with (hopefully) bigger bases for ToW, making/using those won't be a problem.
  16. What is there to improve upon when you already have perfection 😉 Edit: There was a lot to improve upon in the case of tomb kings and the design of those renders is s t u n n i n g! Mwah! Also - "The swords look like swords and nothing more." Thank. God.
  17. Getting some proper wood *elves* (i.e. not trees) - especially Wild Hunt themed ones - would be a literal dream come true. Especially if it included an iteration of Orion/avatar of Kurnos. I know I'm already having my dreams fulfilled with the new Lizard wave but man would I be absolutely over the moon for that one.
  18. Genuinely curious, why do people dislike non-random charges? Fantasy was a game of movement arguably more than any other GW game, and I for one prefer as little randomness in my games' crucial aspects as possible. Granted, it would work better with no pre-measuring (which I hoped would come back but it's no biggie), but this also looks promising.
  19. Given that I've impulsively ordered the new beastlord even though I don't have my first army sorted yet, does anyone know when the existing gors and other beastmen are from? I remember they got a massive refresh shortly before I left the hobby as a young teen, but I can't remember what were the things that got updated and what they got. Another related question, what are the odds of having beasts redone in the relatively near future?
  20. Slaanesh won today. By miles. That's one of the best Warhammer minis I ever saw, not gonna lie
  21. To each his own I guess, but I for one loved the lumineth spearmen, archers and cav with their uniform poses, and hope to see more of it in both games. It makes armies look like armies (that glorious first scene in LOTR when orcs clash against a line of elves comes to mind). I also love the new WoC and Saurus, and I think they've got just the right level of pose variation given what factions they represent. As for ranking up - the WoC you talk about don't seem to be any more difficult to rank up than some whfb models - below's a photo of them ranked up on 25mm bases, taken away from a gentleman on one of the ToW FB groups. On 30mm + bases, they'll rank up like a charm.
  22. I first heard that was an actual rumor (not prediction/wishlist) in the new GBoG video, and the evidence he presents looks pretty compelling. I.e. a photo of a mini (done by an eavy metal person for an in-house competition IIRC) of an old empire captain that shows him on a 25mm base (humans went on 20mm) and with "KF" Insignia filed/converted off (another hint that model was intended for ToW given how there was no Karl Franz around back then). The bigger sized bases IMHO give weight to the theory that new WHFB-esque AoS models are officially intended for dual use in ToW, especially since I saw folks base models as big as the new chosen on 25mm bases (the rumor argues they'd now go on 30mm+, which would give them plenty of space). With Valrak rumor about ToW coming late this year thrown in, I guess (some of) the new lizards would be an indicator, given how they'd probably have to have the ToW logo on the box if they were indeed intended for dual use (there's also been some talk about reboxing of surviving WHFB kits going on). In either way, I'm stoked (and doubly so, now that I've finally got a Sigmar army that appeals to me with new lizards)
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