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Posts posted by Kronos

  1. Isabella as the mortarch of Grief makes sense. I could alos see her as being the manifestation of Grief for all the Dead, rather than being one spirit she is instead a manifestation/avatar. Could also be the Lady of the Lake mourning the loss of all of Bretonnia, doubt GW would poke that bear though. Art work looks amazing for this so far, really bringing the Grim Dark back to the game.



  2. Ladies and gentleman we’ll call this game for today, GW nocked it out the park... cheese. Seriously these night haunt miniatures are unreal. I’m chaos through and through, and don’t pick up another army mostly due to money and space, so I’m racking my brain how I can convet them with a Chaos twist, which I will but feel kinda cheeky doing so. Very glad Death collectors are getting this love, enriching the factions enriches the game... and the bits I can chop and hack(eavil  twizzle of  the beard).

    • Like 1
  3. And Throrough Background on Throgg 2.0

    Ghrandukker u’Raak Throgg

    An ancient terror from the Age of Myth, Throgg’s genesis came at the destruction of World that Was. His primeval counterparts were three powerful Troll Warlords, hideously conjoined into one form. During his reign, before the arrival of Sigmar in the Mortal realms, Throgg had brought an age of ice and darkness to Ghur. Perpetual darkness and bitter blizzards raged across the savage realms of Ghur. The primordial wonders of Ghur were either killed, driven into retreat or deep hibernation, or forced into the ranks of Throgg’s Horde.

    Throgg is the Troll Jotunnr of Chaos and first of his kin, a behemoth of scales, tusks and maws. His arms bristle with great bony protrusions, his gut is sprawled with terrible mouths, and his maw is enclosed with gnarled tusks and dagger like fangs. Throgg is a favoured champion of the Dark Gods, for his triumphs in Ghur Throgg was granted gifts by both Khorne and Nurgle, both brother vying to claim the Troll King as a champion for themselves. Khorne gifted armour, weapons and martial prowess to Throgg, there are few beings that can withstand a strike from Throgg’s monstrous hammer. Whereas Nurgle joyously gifted mutation and bubonic blessings, not least a particularly destructive stream of corrosive bile. Yet it was Tzeentch who had bestowed Throgg with his most peculiar and advantageous gift, a cunning and taciturn mind entirely unbefitting a brute such as the Troll King.

    Monsters that once roamed the lands of Ghur aimlessly were gathered under one banner, a legion of Trolls, Ogors, and their fell kin. Throgg’s army was unrelenting, beasts and monsters obeyed his guttural roars and thunderous barks. Many of the creatures under Throgg’s banner did so instinctively recognising Throgg as an undisputed pack leader, others were in Thrall to Throgg from fear of the Troll King’s wrath, for Throgg was a tremendous creature able to rip a gargant in two, a display of dominance which he demonstrated on many occasions.

    Many wars were fought in the realms of Ghur, the ice swept lands stained red and black with blood. Grimnir himself had faced Throgg but only managed to maim the Troll King and destroyed one of the Troll Kings eyes even beyond his regenerative powers. After many pyrrhic battles Sigmar could no longer stand the attrition to his armies, with few choices left he held council in Azyr. There the pantheon of Gods elected to free the Orruk God, Gorkamork from the primodridial sludge of Drakatoa. Throgg’s dominance over all of Ghur came to an end after the two headed God of Destruction was unleashed. Sigmar did not freely choose to free the savage god and knew that once unleashed civilisation would likely no longer stake claim over the lands of Ghur. Once allied to Sigmar’s cause Gorkamork sought the Wintertooth and challenged the Troll over dominance of Ghur. With wanton fury and bestial prowess both behemoths clashed. Their duel lasted many moons, Throgg’s hammer crushing bone and flesh, Gorkamork’s club splitting tusks and armour. Mountains toppled in their titanic brawl and whole lands were made anew. Neither wavered, neither gave any quarter, many times over was one thought dead only to pick themselves up once more and continue the bloodied fight. Eventually the unbridled ferocity of Gorkamork prevailed, and with a series of thunderous swings of his club he brought the Troll King down. Gorkamork’s club continued to strike until nothing was left but a mound of mangled armour and foetid pulp and teeth.


     The lands of Ghur were freed from Throgg’s rule, the Chaos Legions were hunted down and kept in check by Gorkamork and the Orruks, Ogor Raiders battled with their treacherous kin and hunted to but a handful of the chaos tribes.  Over the millennia the name of Throgg faded out of memory and thought. Yet, in the coldest mud, under root and stone, a darkness has gathered once more. Throgg’s flesh had been made anew and the Bitter Beast has risen once more. Like a tumour in the earth Throgg became a fell and swollen growth. Troggoths had gathered to this site, unwittingly guarding it for many decades while skin and scale had reknitted into shape. Throgg returns to the Realm of Ghur, seeking vengeance on any that would oppose his rightful doiminion.


  4. Some Background, God of War made my curiosity with Jotunn's into a full blown fascination. It's also a way for me see Morghur and Throgg in the same army, which although being Chaos I saw little reason for them to actually ally themselves, Don;t know If  I'll actually ever try to make the others.


    Jotunnr of Chaos
    The Eight Jotunnr of Chaos were primordial beings that rivalled the Gods of Order. The Jotunnr are thought to be as old as the Realms, Seers and scholars claim they are even older having existed as an etheric essence as the Realms were forming, others that they had belonged to the World that Was, reincarnated to bring anarchy and chaos upon civilisation. Whatever their nascent may have been they are an unnatural contrast to the Pantheon of Order. The Jotunnr. Like the Gods, vary greatly in size, form, power and aspect. Throgg took the form of a gargantuan Troll whereas Be’lokki is a shifting shadow,


    Azyr – Kholek Sun Eater,
     The Storm Incarnate, Kholek dominated the lands of Azyr, the enormous Dragon Ogor Jotunnr was the fury of tempests and storms made manifest. Kholek was the first Jotunnr to fall in Sigmar’s Reclamation of the Realms.


    Aqyshy – Galraurch
    The Dragon Jotunnr. Galrauch, the Jotunnr of Irradecent Flame, was a being of two mind, these were not her heads but rather a separate spirit that existed within her corrupted body. Galrauch was hunted mercilessly by Grimnnir and met her fate as each of Grimnir’s axes claimed one of Galrauch’s heads.


    Ghyran – Morghur the Corrupter
    Chaos given form, Morghur is the sire of all Brays, Gors and their kin. Morghur was perhaps one of the strangest Jotunnr, his body changed and flowed with each passing stride, his many cloven limbs in turn distorting all reality and life around him, Morghur caused the very air to revolt around him, the abominations that followed in thrall were nothing less than mockeries of life. Morghur is said to be the first Jotunnr and was key in the formation of his kin.  Morghur was tracked by the Goddess of Life, and although maimed he was never captured by Alarielle or Sigmar. It is believed he died from his many grievous wounds. In truth Morghur had burrowed to the centre of Ghyran and there he has Gnawed at it’s roots waiting for time of the Jotunnr.


    Ghur – Ghrandukker u’Raak Throgg
    King of Trolls, Throgg was a bulkwark of scales and maws. As Lord of the Monstrous horde Throgg held sway over most of the beasts in Ghur until his demise at the hands (or club) of Gorkamork. Throgg returns once more to Ghur, to claim the Realm of Beasts for Chaos and gather the Monstrous Horde


    Ulgu – Be’lokkii Master of Shadows
    The Daemon Jotunnr, half-truths and lies, mystery and deceit, these are Be’lokky’s weapons of choice. Be’lokkee is the great deceiver of Chaos.


    Hysh – Egrimm Vlka
    The Sorcerer Jotunn, captured by Teclis and Tyrion, his foothold in Hysh was barely established at the time of his imprisonment. Egrimm Vlka still lives, but as a tortured soul, a blind spawn never able to see the light he once embraced his  mindless mewing serves as warning to all that fail the Dark Gods.


    Chamon – Taurox the Brass Bull
    Scion and avatar of Hashut, Taurox is the incarnate of the Lord of Darkness, a beast of smouldering metals and living fire. Though his body was forged by his own hands, long having abdadoned his physical form Taurox formed his body from metal and Daemon blood. Through rites known only to Hashut and himself, his once Duardin heart echoes in a chamber of iron wreathed in flame. 


    Shyish – Hel*
    The Ice Witch of Death. Hel if the collector of souls claimed by Chaos, upon their death Hel and her Daughters, the Valkias, hunt down the souls before Nagash can claim them. Hel was quickly driven out of Shyish from Nagash, her halls are now within the Realm of Chaos known as Spires of the Damned.



    (*Too direct a referance, but would like her to  be a fallen like valyerie with elements of the Joutunn Hel) 


  5. I'd prefer if it was new Slaanesh, but I do liek the rogue trader beasties and will definitley be picking them up for conversions. 

    Also, is anything leading the rabble of mutant sin Rogue Trader? Seeems we've only seen brutes, infantry and some creatures, haven;t seen anything I;d consider to in charge or Alpha. 

  6. Thats an astonishing piece of artwork, kudos to the artist, wouldn't mind getting a print of that. 

    I'm seeing 2-3 Darkoath in that image clearly, and at this point I think it'll be more a case of when rather than if we'll see some Darkoath (Night haunt makes me foolishly hopeful). Hope they're as detailed and somewhat macarbe  as the new stuff we've seen. Wouldn't mind seeing some more scarred/partially tainted marauder types rather than the He-Man and wonder woman inspired barbarians. Everyone in the realms surely can't be a looker, but that's just my subjective taste in Chaos. 

    • Like 2
  7. Third sorcerer complete, decided to remove the big cape and to add some legs, the conversion was actually started over 8 years ago when it was desined to be a vampire lord, but the dark tods claimed him. Quite happy with the look now as he reminds of a norse Shaman, think I may add a crow or vulture somewhere allong the base.





    • Like 1
  8. If you came looking for painted miniatures you’re gonna be dissapointed...


    update, more conversions, this time more ogors, and a new sorcerer. I havent quite finished my fix with sorcerers, still think a unit of diverse looking sorcers a la Realm of Chaos. Ive also made more progress with Ghurth Spawnchomper, Throggs Right hand leader of the Chaos Ogors. Looking to expand my Chaos Ogors after a special purchase, so the next Ogor is a Chaos Firebelly, was going to make a bitcher but think firebellies could be persuaded more easily by the gods. 










    • Like 3
  9. Fulgrims looking like a tekken character in that rendition of him. I can only imagine when Slaanesh eventually comes its going to be something special if the new Aelfs ae anything go by, and I say that as someone who holds Slaanesh as his 7th favourite Chaos God.

  10. The Eidolon of the Storm is superb, loved the first build, but that mask and grimace is absoloutley awesome. I dontthink I can reesist this release, going to have to get the Ediolon, a few of the eyeless Aelves with gliaves and bows, some characters, and a merwyrm. Don;t really care much for the floating fishes and turtles, I'm sure someone will convince me otherwise somehow.

  11. 23 hours ago, Lucio said:

    As much as I'd love to, sadly my career has moved beyond entry level jobs :(

    This, :(

    Although the opportunity would be amazing. Simply a dream job of crafting and sculpting miniatures all day, and spending all day with like minded people. I mean it's mostly what I do except that I don't get paid for my models (mostly conversions with the odd bit of sculpting) and that my Teaching job takes up most of my time. 

    @GW Citadel Recruitment, does it require the designer to work in house at Nottingham, are there any freelance opportunities?

    • Like 1
  12. That Terrain piece is also behind Manthlan on the video. seems to be some other coral type terrain. Forget about the Malign Portents, looks like it;s the time of High Tides.


    On the Subject of the apect of Manthlan, I know why I immediately fell in love with it. He must be inspired by Elric Melnibone.


    Thumb adepticonpreview mar22 deepkin3kvdkig

    Michael Moorcock's Elric of Melnibone Art by Yoshitaka Amano




    • Like 5
    • Thanks 2
  13. They are superb, very happy to see some refresing designs. Than Avatar/aspect of Manthlan is a fantastic sculpt. Great designwork and concepts. The sea horse dragon rider is very cool too.


    All round looks like a soild releas

    • Like 2
  14. Two updates, one is a mash of artwworks, from the original Throgg art (well the second edition of Throgg). and a piece of artwork I found on Gogle images. then blended it on the brushes app.


    The second is my Sorcerer which I entered in the conversion competion. Base don Syabb the od Chaos Sorcerer wielding a sword. Very Happy with him.



    • Like 3
  15. Please no more timers, the taste is still in my mouth from the last one that led to pretty much no where. Who am I kidding I live for the next preview date and time...

    Hope something juicy is shown, for all systems, things have got a little stale over in 40k and the hobbit recently, been a few quiet months, Morathi and her daughters were very cool, not for me, but very cool and advances the story line nonetheless. 



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