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Posts posted by Kronos

  1. Kroak! He is, really, the most Mythicised Character in Warhammer. Previously I would have said the Green Knight, but we know diddly Squat about Kroak other than he was Killed in Itza and he was the first Slann. This is the background Headcannon I’m writing. How Kroak, and the other Slann eradicated various species, Waged war on the Ancients of the Primordial World, and Sought to undo the natural course of Evolution and Experimenting on the original inhabitants of the world.

    I’ll be posting more about my little Project Primal Hammer soon #PrimalHammer 







  2. 9 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    LETS MAAAAAAAAW!! Hopefully we get dual builds for Destruction!! For as much as I cannot wait for Ogors if they release them first for a different Faction that isnt made for their own Ill be a little annoyed.

    'Look Skaven players, the updates youve been waiting for!! Except these new Clan Moulder Rat Ogors have been hired out by Cities of Sigmar'*


    *Same feels.

    Just to remind you, GW released a Giant bipedal Bull Made of Stone for Elves before Chaos Dwarfs, and perhaps the biggest Kickers was a Centaur Beast God, For Orruks. I totally believe they could dangle beautiful Ogors for Cities.

    I Hope, if Anything that the City Ogres are just Mercenaries/Man Eaters. viable in Cities and just about any Army, Including Ogors. 

    I also think Ogors (and every other army) is long long overdue a Plastic Character. Whether it’s a New AoS character like Brodd or the return of a Favourite like Greases or Skrag.



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  3. On 6/13/2023 at 11:09 AM, Flippy said:

    I love this project - weird, alien and very creative. Sometimes I don't even know what I'm looking at, but in a good way.

    Thank you, I really appreciate that. It’s been one of the most fun projects I’ve done. Truly addicting. Ad you mention thing’s you’re not sure what you are looking at - 


    Possibly one of my favourite characters in the Lizardmen, I do miss that he was a One Off/Last remaining of the Chameleon Spawning, so I’m hesitant to add more to the army…As lovely as they are. Then again, could always head cannon write him as a separate spawning. He is after all nearly the size of a Saurus, but I like that for what is pretty much the Champion of Huanchi. I need a damn Blow pipe for him still! And the Gs work which is going to be super fiddly to say the least.






  4. @EccentricCircle Thank you! Really appreciate that.


    my Newest wierdo to Join the Seraphon


    A Creepy Skink Oracle on a Counts as Troglodon. Rather than a typical Dino, I wnated to make something of a Cave Dwelling Therapsid. Still dino in aspect, but with somewhat mammalian features. And being a cave dweller it would be adapted to pitch black hunting, like a Deep Sea Fish. An Apex Predator of the Dark.  That made me think about what Kind of strange Ghoulish skink would spend it’s time in the caves, looking to tame such a strange and foul creature. A Barking mad Oracle.







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  5. Just now, MitGas said:

    Great ideas, all of them - but it will still probably look "off" I figure... then again, with such a theme that's the whole point. You win this round decisively. :)

    🤙 I just want all the cool kits. I do also think Seraphon can/could, be more playful with the Alien aspect of their design. 


    On the other end of things, I’ve seen some things recently about having Seraphon/Lizardmen join 40k as a transferable army like Daemons. Initially I thought, no, not without big guns. But Daemons really don’t have guns and it seems to work fine as an aesthetic at least. 



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  6. 2 hours ago, MitGas said:

    Don‘t really see it as part of Seraphon but I‘ve always wanted a new lictor (just to paint for fun, not gonna start Nids) Gonna wait for the normal lictor but Deathleaper looks great - almost like a Mindflayer. I think someone will one day cook up an Illithid cult with this mini as the leader for AoS… 😅


    Off the top of my head:

    A xenomorph styledweapon locked in slumber in the darkest chambers of the Old Ones Temple ships. Unleashed as extermination weapons to scour areas and rid the population before building begins.


    A Spawn of Tzunki, Deep Sea creature brought up from the depths  to fight at the side of the Seraphon.


    Voidborn Auxillia,  bascially Vespids/kroot for Seraphon, survivors of another destroyed World that has aligned with the Seraphon.





  7. 39 minutes ago, return_of_grom said:

    My Slann already got shipped! Guess they have at least some stock prepared in advance

    Me too, My Kroaks are the way! 

    My understanding is they have X amount pre made, and every after is cast per order, hence some arrive in a week, and some can take half a year. 

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  8. 2 hours ago, Draznak said:

    For me, plastic infantry kits as a priority to be redone :

    • Skaven night runners (almost painful to watch as they belong to another age)
    • STD marauders (same as the naughty mice above)
    • Orruks ardboyz (too many stylistic differences from their big brothers)
    • Skaven plague monks (too basic and outdated)
    • SBL grave guards (when removed plastic base skeletons look more modern, there's a problem)
    • Seraphon temple guards (the last thorn in the saurian paw)
    • Slaanesh hellstriders (painful comparison with the new cavalry of the dark prince)
    • ghouls (not the worst but weight of years is starting to take its toll)
    • Savages orruks (same as above)

    Agree with almost all bar the Ghouls, I think they’re a brilliant kit, and lots of build options. Lots of conversion potential. Don’t touch my Ghouls! 😂

    Another Skaven kit that needs updating are the Rat Ogres. Which is bizarre because they released two stunning Rat Ogres and pacK master under Island of Blood and never released it as a separate unit. 

    I hope when they get round to them they’re as customisable and full of choices as the new Kroxigors.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  9. Kroq’Gharok, Kroxigor Scar Lord (wip)

    Quite possibly my favourite model in my Slann/Seraphon army. It’s a right labour of love because the last 24hrs of getting to this point have been some highs and lows but now with scales, a remodelled mouth, and finally the sexy parts of the helmet- I’m finally starting to see some progress on it which I’m content with. Far from finished but I can see an end in sight 😬🐊 







  10. @ThraxThank you for those kind and encouraging words. It’s very much appreciated. 

    Some work on my two Other Dlann Characters. Join Venerable Lord Kroak and the Lord Emperor Mazdamundi are these two. Delving deep into old Slann lore for Whispers of named Slann. 

    The thinner and ganglier of the two I will use to Represent Kremlo the Slann, the Ensalver, The Mind Eater. Where in the original lore he was adopted by Skeggi, in my rewrite he enslaved a Skeggi colony, amongst many other would be invaders.

    The second Slann is Durlndribl, Toad-Slann War leader named after the artwork in which the Slann Character appears. Lota and lots to do on both.



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  11. 4 hours ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    Talking about video games, I've seen the new "WH40k Boltgun" has plague toads (lesser and greater) as enemies. That means GW has not abandoned this type of demon ! 

    Doesn’t it, sorry to sound brash, but why?

    Warhammer Total War is full of miniatures which they no longer produce. It sometimes feels like they’re lifting the second curtain saying”Ooh lets see what You could have won”.


    Unrelated but I’m having a blast reading the Seraphon Tome. This Book has really gripped me back into AoS.

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