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Posts posted by Beastmaster

  1. 21 hours ago, NinthMusketeer said:

    The Hinterlands rules, which were so well done they got their creator a job at GW, are still out there. Whatever GW publishes needs to be comparable before I stop recommending people to play those instead.

    Thank you! I looked into the Hinterlands rules over the weekend, and this looks indeed like a nice quick and easy AoS skirmish solution. Never heard of it before, sadly 😬

  2. Nice examples and well argued. Only thing I ask myself now is:

    Why not just play Mordheim?

    It is made for exactly that format, and has lots of more options, in terms of customization opportunities, skirmishy movement and interaction possibilities (climb, jump, hide etc), character development options...

    It’s just objectively the better skirmish game. 

  3. 18 minutes ago, sandlemad said:

    That's the thing though, they can make flexible kits. I think the current approach is perfectly fine for Underworlds and tbh most line infantry for AoS/40k but kits like the Necromunda gang boxes have a lot of versatility in loadout and personality, even with some duplication of broad poses (some are better than others). They don't have absolutely everything you might need for a campaign and the amount of suitable gear can be out of sync with what a player might prefer to use but they're wonderful kits.

    Now imagine a 10-person set of Mordheim mercenaries done in the same fashion. 5 broad body types, 20 heads (some plausibly Middenheim or Reiklander, etc), a mix of armour plates, half a dozen swords, the same for axes and daggers, maybe four spears/halberd/greatswords, some crossbows and blunderbusses, a pistol or three, a flaming torch... Just like the old Free Company kit, only better.

    Would be an instant  buy not only for me I think 🤤

    Also a great way to introduce some new and variable battleline infantry for long-neglected AoS armies. Basically, all the classical Mordheim Warbands would fit into some AoS army as a long overdue addition of fresh models: Skaven, Empire, Vampires, Witch Hunters... See the pattern? Just like Warcry was for our Slaves fans.

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  4. 10 hours ago, JPjr said:

    I don’t think I could imagine a better modern update of the classic Monkey’s Paw tale than GW, after a prolonged campaign by fans of the original game,  bringing out a new updated version of Mordheim. 

    So true. 😱

    Then again, new models with all-in Mordheim aesthetics would be nice. But it would definitely come with rules and cards and stuff, sadly.

  5. 19 minutes ago, sandlemad said:

    That would be insanely good but unfortunately I think the philosophy behind Mordheim's rules is pretty alien to modern GW games with the exception of Necromunda. I'd love it but seeing Mordheim with a clean, simplified ruleset would not be pleasant.

    Yup. Mordheim does have its issues, but they are easy to houserule. Why fix something that’s not broken?

  6. 1 hour ago, ManlyMuppet88 said:

    And all the “giant stuff” rumours are based on the single use of the word giant in a Warhammer Community article.  Not exactly gonna hold my breath on this one.

    Love for it to be true, but it’s beginning to feel like speculation is starting to be treated as valid rumours.

    There was also that rumor engine picture with the column.

  7. 1 hour ago, Forrix said:

    Depends on the army. If your losing a Harvester to melee units you probably need to bubble wrap him better with Mortek Guard (and keep more Guard in range of his rez ability). I've been working on my MawTribes and CoS recently. With Mawtribes about the only chance in hell you have of killing a Harvester is with the Underguts/Tyrant Trophy Rack/Ironblaster spam list and that list presents its own issues.  In Cities though, yeah, I don't think killing a Harvester is going to be difficult with things like Scourge Runner Chariots, Irondrakes, and Hallowheart spells.

    What about a dozen or so frostsabers ambushing at the right moment with 48 4/2/-1/1 attack’s?

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  8. I don’t think Standard AoS rules, points and unit choices can work in skirmishes. The basic AoS battleline model is just too weak to accomplish anything on its own,  so they have to move together if there are any AoS-strength heroes/ monsters on the table.  If you want to use buffs, the heroes must stay by the troops. So, with limited points, you’ll end up in a single blob that sooner or later meets the enemy blob and dishes it out, regardless of terrain and scenario.

    For a functioning skirmish game, I think, the disparity in strength between models and the number of buffs has to be low in order to work.

  9. 16 minutes ago, Satyrical Sophist said:

    There are a couple of reasons I could see being true, with differing amounts of credit to GW.

    The please don't sue us reason. They already had a lot of similarities to Alien. Just another change to make it less legally actionable. It's pretty lazy, but a fair amount of GW stuff follows the "throw it all at the wall and see what sticks".

    The more thought out reason. Genestealers share a lot with alien, but one thing they have that is very different is the cult part. There is a very creepy Manson or Jones town vibe to GSC. The idea of people being subverted to a cause. They may have decided that it worked better as a creepy faux paternal figure than as a mother style one. Particularly with the deep veins of subverted religion, the disapproving father.

    Or, maybe, the Dark Mother who murders her children (think Skyrim) is still too much of a cultural taboo to even be considered in a grimdark world...

  10. 32 minutes ago, JPjr said:

    it's almost like in the absence of female representation they've picked the most genderless option available.

    Genestealers are actually a whole annoying thing if you really think about it.

    "Ok isn't Alien awesome, lets introduce a faction that steals, even more than we usually do,  wholesale from that concept."

    "Great idea, how about we change one thing... You know how the films are considered, by some, to be important feminist texts within the sci-fi canon and the Xenomorphs are generally coded as female with Queens and lots of allegories to icky girl parts and how giving birth and the concept of mothers is a thread that runs through it all."

    "Yes, I too did Media Studies A-Level at college, I am aware of this."

    "Ok, cool, so lets make the leader of a Genestealer coven be a Patriarch instead."

    "Love it!"

    This actually got me thinking. Why did that obvious and weird change from queen to patriarch never strike me as odd?

    Maybe I’m not as aware of gender issues as I thought. 🤔

  11. 2 minutes ago, passtheKhorneplease said:

    I am not arguing for female space marines which I don't see as problem now that there are awesome sisters models as an option for women who would like to play as awesome space warriors.  I just think that as a hobby and as a society we should be concerned with making every human being feel welcome and valued. 

    I think we can 99% all agree on that goal, but are female monsters in a fantasy army really helpful/necessary/important for that? Not so sure.

  12. 5 minutes ago, Lightbox said:

    GW better release some battle cucumbers or I will riot! ;)

    Would definitely be nice to see more lovecraftian and deep sea horror injected into deepkin as opposed to just the current "Aelves but on eels and not horses!" vibe.

    Yeah, but it won’t save the infantry I’m afraid. Why give them bows, which don’t work underwater? Why not some kind of speargun? Why  not some movement that actually implies swimming/fighting in the aethersea, alongside their flying fish?

    Sorry for ranting, I just love underwater themes, and am still sad that they just weren’t for me 😕

  13. 2 minutes ago, The lord of murder said:

    In my opinion they should gave gone full dark cthulu,with fin ears and gills.And as for the sisters of battle ,in all honesty,they have a pass  because there a lot of face types,plus wen it comes to Impirial units I prefer them helmeted.And for the beauty,exept for the saints I don t think they need to very ''sexy'',but some of those faces can easly go on a space marine marine or a catachan jungle fighter and no one will see the difference.

    Absolutely! With deepkin it seemed to me as if the designers couldn’t quite decide whether to make them classical elf beauties or weird sea creatures, and ended up in the no-mans land of the middle. Missed opportunity.

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  14. 3 minutes ago, 123lac said:

    Tbh the differences in race don't phase me at all. My only issue is how damn ugly they all are. Why can't GW sculpt attractive female faces?

    Could scream „Sexist!“ now, because why do women have to be beautiful?

    But, then again, the sexy nun is a cliché and therefore good in Fantasy. So I wholeheartedly agree. 😁

    • Thanks 1
  15. As bad as clichés are in real life, in fantasy, especially if it’s a bit comic style, clichés are a helpful shorthand. Let’s take the Ogors: The bald, bearded, fat-bellied brute who likes his meat raw is a not very positive, actually even quite offensive male cliché in real life. For fantasy miniatures, though, it’s absolutely perfect and lots of fun. Don‘t take it too seriously, and you will enjoy it. 😁

    If someday a designer comes up with a female model that fits this style, great. If not, it’s not really missed. Both is ok for me.

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