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Posts posted by Beastmaster

  1. 1 hour ago, Gaz Taylor said:

    You got called out because you were trolling.

    It is. GW are going to great lengths to promote this, for example yesterday’s announcement about the Warhammer Indent. As you’ve said, the issue you have is you don’t like that some of the stuff used to be in WFB and you just want a line to be drawn under that and everything to move on. I get that but also I understand that GW want to support players that have these models. They seem to be doing the right thing now by giving older ranges a book and not much else. This says to me they are gearing up for lots and lots of new stuff in the future 😉

    Drawing that line too roughly would be a bad idea even from a pure marketing standpoint. I am quite sure that in the last few years the very popular PC games Vermintide and Total War: Warhammer may have drawn more new players into miniatures than all the Stormcast posters combined. Not that they all started older armies, but those who wanted to could.

    I myself started looking into miniatures with the Mordheim pc game. 😅

  2. Another problem could be rules bloat: With so many armies, all with their own special rules, it becomes increasingly difficult, especially for beginners, to get at least a rough overview of what the other side of the table is capable to do. Which makes it more of a game of luck than one of tactical thought.

    Also, some of the newer armies consist of just a few kits. I think fewer armies with more troop choices would be the better way.

  3. 52 minutes ago, elfhead said:

    LVO is coming up and I'm keeping my expectations low. Last year they announced a few things that would happen that year. Like battletomes for every grand alliance,  the new game Warcry and Forbidden power.

    Looking back, I feel they were quite conservative with their announcements. Who would have thought at that point that by the end of the year we would have battletomes for almost all armies, plus some completely new armies?

  4. 3 minutes ago, Icegoat said:

    People must be massively naive these clearly broken and awful kindergarten grade rules are written to sell the latest models. It weren't a coincidence the keeper of secrets was the most overpowered unit in the game for its first year of release. And its hardly surprising five minutes after releazing the ancient plastic demon Prince model for std is overpowered it get the nerf bat. How are people so blind do they think this multi million company is some drooling bunch of imbeciles. The rules are made to sell models. It's your bad luck when you buy old beasts of chaos sculpts. GW don't care about you or your battle tome they care about selling new stuff. Let's wait and see the new teclis warscroll I'm sure he will be a shy retiring type. 

    This doesn’t really make sense. Some of the top tier armies didn’t have new models for years (Skaven, FEC). Others with tons of new models never were that powerful (Kharadron, Grots).

    If what you describe is the plan, they are even worse at their job 😎

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  5. Just now, HollowHills said:

    I hope this doesn't mean idoneth are getting abandoned. If the narrative is just "Teclis fixed elves these guys are perfect" it will be a real shame. 

    On the other hand, if the Teclis Aelves are getting the classic revised High Elf Look, it leaves creative room to go more in the Cthulhu Sea Monsters direction with upcoming Idoneth kits 😍

  6. 40k makes it a lot easier for writers, though. Of course, nothing matters imperium-wide. But an author can invent  and destroy his own planets without clashing with the lore, just because the Galaxy is so vast. And each planet is a meaningful and relatable chunk worth fighting for and caring about, since we, the readers, are so used to a thinking that’s limited to one planet. 

  7. 2 minutes ago, Malakithe said:

    That could be cool looking. Use the stormcast ballista as their cannons unless its too big.

    Maybe even Mongolian style Ogor archers? Would fit the multi-shot rules even better maybe. 
    And, yeah, a big harpoon launching Ballista for really big game hunting 😃

  8. 8 hours ago, Eldarain said:

    I would pick a faction from all of that. Then pick one kit. Prep build paint and repeat.

    I know for me having a million projects leads to nothing getting done. Break it into small manageable pieces.

    Good advice, I think. 
    To keep myself motivated, I broke it into playable chunks: Started with a Mordheim Warband, from there to a 1000 point Vanguard/meeting Engagements army, next is 1500 p Battlehost. 
    In that way you don’t have to paint 50 of the same Unit at once 😄

  9. 20 hours ago, Overread said:



    It's a Steven King TV series that sadly only got one full season (which did complete its primary story arc, it just never got to finish continuing the story). It's not so much horror as it is closer to creepy/ghosty. Set in a hospital setting where the veil between life and death is a bit thinner than it should be. 

    It’s actually a remake of the series „Riget“ from Lars von Trier. I only saw the original. Really weird.

  10. Magnetizing the riders and/or the head of the mount is another popular option. Bit more work, but maybe worth it in the long run. Relative strengths of the options and their place in your strategy might change over the next years. 

  11. 8 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

    For GW to create a distinct enough aesthetic with TOW - without changing the scales from 28mm (AOS) to 25mm again (LOTR) -, they will have to deal with the many kits that are currently used in AOS (but designed for Fantasy). I could see those going OOP before TOW launches, only to be re-released with it. 

    - LoN / FEC : Skeleton Warriors / Zombies (if they are still around) / Ghouls ;

    - Gloomspite : Night Goblins, Spider Goblins ;

    - Sylvaneth : Dryads and some other Wood Elves-era tree spirits ;

    - Bonesplitterz  & Ogors : almost their entire ranges

    - Beast Of Chaos / Skaven : almost their entire ranges ;

    - Cities Of Sigmar : Dark Elves (with / without Daughters Of Khaine because "dynamic poses") / Phoenix Elves / Wanderer Elves / Ranger Elves / Dwarfs / Freeguild & Co. ;

    - Few units / Characters for the other ranges, including Slaves to Darkness and other Chaos

    And Seraphon.

    Not much left of AoS if that all goes to Old World.


    Personally, I do hope for fanmade crossover gaming. AoS rules with oldworld armies & fluff would be the best of two worlds for me. I don’t think I’ll ever warm up to rank&file (or the Realms). 

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  12. 1 hour ago, Baron Klatz said:

    Indeed and sadly armor was never allowed to catch up to it because of the cost in money. It wouldn't be until the slaughters of WW1 that helmets were introduced that cut casualties from shrapnel by 90% and then in Vietnam from a soldier sneaking a dinner tray in his vest to survive an ambush that body armor was considered.

    Very galling when a WW1 priest already perfected a bulletproof silk vest he even live fire tested on himself before trying to get the militaries to use it. They refused because of costs. Money came before men.

    Even the Kharadron would be baffled at that kind of greed.

    Seems modern industrialized countries who could theoretically draft millions  into their armies were more like skaven. Who would pay double for Clanrats if they had +2 armor save? 😁

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