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Posts posted by elfhead

  1. Loving this discussion about the lore, good points are made in both sides. 

    I really really loved the world of WFB, but I do whine it would be fair to point out that the lore didn’t progress much, if at all. There was a lot of backstory but there weren’t many events that really changed anything and the main characters almost never died. 


    • Like 8
  2. A lot has already been pointed out. But for me a very important improvement was starting to work with a wet palette. It makes blending easier and simply not having my paint dry every other minute was a big improvement. 
    black lining was something that was pointed out to me and it makes models look so much more crisp and clean.

    • Like 2
  3. During second edition death got a lot of focus at the start (malign portents) and the end of the edition (soulblight). Underworlds moved to Ulgu during the ‘death’ edition. I don’t think there’s any reason for concern about destruction not getting enough attention this edition (yet).

    • Like 1
  4. I don't care for rules and such, because I'm only into the hobby/painting side of the hobby. I don't have a lot of time or space for all of my stuff, so I don't start a new project lightly. I don't want to start a new army unless I have a good and fun idea for an army. I need a good background story that drives me to create new units and do a lot of conversions. for a new project, a hedonites army, I also know I want to paint a really colorful and vibrant army. Using a colorscheme I have never done before also makes me motivated to start on this new force. 

    Currently I'm also considering creating an army as a commission, so I can do a nice project but it doesn't end up just sitting on a shelf. With all the new eldar stuff coming up I might even start doing a 40k army for the first time ever. 

    • Like 1
  5. Eldar are getting exactly what I would have wanted for my beloved classic high elves, a rework of the old kits but staying very close to the original look and feel. I think a lot of people would love this for their favorite army. Having the core troops as a new kit is also a big deal. To me, the core troops are the most important part of an army and they need to look good.

    • Like 13
  6. I thought some of the lore snippets suggested something ‘terrible and majestic’. I’d say malerion’s troops will incorporate a lot of monsters/daemons/creatures. 

    also, there was another elf in the silver tower set that everyone seems to forget about…

  7. 2 hours ago, GrimDork said:

    Looks like they’ve taken it off their Instagram feed now. Was there 5 minutes ago, someone jumped the gun.

    I saw it on Insta and there were like 200 responses asking why GW was releasing yet another primaris instead of anything else. It seems a lot of people are fed up with the constant stream of space marines.

    • Like 9
  8. Cool thread:)

    There are some projects I'd love to do If I had all the time and money in the world. and also more space on my shelves... I'm just in it the hobby and painting part of the hobby, so I don't really care if a project would be useable on the table. 

    I'd love to do a giant war altar using the skaven screaming bell as a base, with lots of crazed devotees pulling it. It could be based in the realm of light, a giant war alter spreading light on the battlefield. It could tie in with the lore about the human city in Hysh (settlers gain?) where it seems the lumineth might be brainwashing the more difficult humans. It could even be a entire army of human scholars and devotees, controlled by elves. A lumineth model could be present in most units to represent this control. 

    Another idea I have is to create a nurgle force, combining 40k and Aos models. 

    I've also toyed around with the idea to create a Nurgly take on the fungal 'clickers' from the Last of us video game. 

    But the first new project will be another Slaanesh force. This time it'll be a really vibrant and colorfull army.

    • Like 3
  9. 5 hours ago, Cambot1231 said:

    I wonder if they will spill the beans on what start collecting boxes are coming for the holidays on the 30th. Fingers crossed for mortal slaanesh start collecting.

    Slaanesh mortals would be nice, but only if they use the new models. No hellstriders please. 

    • Like 1
  10. Question: if I were to convert more dismounted slickblades like the one in the underworlds warband, what could they ‘count as’ in a list? I only do converting and painting, But I’d like this unit to be useable in an actual battle. 

    i’m looking at cypher lords and the leftover slickblades from the exalted seekers kit for the conversions, in case you were wondering. 

  11. Looking forward to some new cool warbands for underworlds, although I would really love it if the Slaanesh warband gets a separate release from the starter box.

    I’m also hoping wel’ll see some new warcry warbands. For me those are some of the most interesting expansions to chaos we’ve seen. A very welcome and cool looking expansion on the look and feel of that part of warhammer. 

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