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Posts posted by elfhead

  1. I gotta say I find this a very boring special miniature. It's nice to see a stromcast without a helmet. But why not use this opportunity to give us a glimpse of something new and exciting. Like steamhead duardin, something tzeentch, something aelves... 

  2. Here are some more pictures to get this plog up to speed. I've been working on Thalion's warband for some time (although work and live makes progress slow). The warband consists of elves, daemons and human followers of Slaanesh. 

    Thalion is somewhat skilled as a mage and can summon daemonettes. I've got some of the old Diaz sculpts and grouped them in two units of 6. I'm trying to form units in groups of six or a multiple of six, as it is Slaanesh' sacred number.

    sTPJtjPl.jpg 8GBdCrgl.jpg

    daemonettes with converted banner.


    Devoted of slaanesh led by a priest. The banner is based on a banner from a piece of artwork from the 6th ed. hordes of chaos book. The priest was made with high elf and wood elf parts.


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  3. So I've started this plog on Warseer and it has really been a fun project for me. Warseer is down, again, so I went looking for another forum and ended up here. It seems this is a more positive forum and I'm happy to share my progress here. This plog revolves around Thalion, an elven prince in Ulthuan controlling a large pleasure cult. Thalion aspires to become a daemon prince in order to survive the Rhana Dandra (or end times, as humans refer to it) and save a piece of the old world both he and his patron god love. As Thalion's army grows I will figure out what it is Thalion has to do to reach his goal and eventually end up in the Age of Sigmar...

    This story allows me for me to explore the old world a little more before leaving it behind. The plog will involve lots of conversions and pieces of fluff to evolve the story. Here we go:


    "Ever since the time of Aenerion cults of pleasure have existed within elf society. Though seemingly immune to the other three gods of chaos, the dark prince Slaanesh fanned the aesthetic inclinations of the Asur, which resulted in the first formations of the cult of pleasure within Ulthuan. The influence of Slaanesh bored deep into the roots of society, pushing the selfish and artistic nature of elves to extremes. Even though the power of Slaanesh lies not within war and battle, it was the lord of pleasure who birthed the schism in society that led to what the Asur refer to as the sundering. To this day thousands of elves secretly worship the dark prince. 

    The cults of pleasure still thrive both within Naggaroth and Ulthuan. But where the Druchii cults focus on the sensual and sadistic elements of elven nature, the cults of Ulthuan focus more on the emotive responses to artistic, philosophic and culinary excesses. The cult of Ulthuan is considered even more secretive than the Naggarothi cults, as the excessive behaviour of elves stands out more in the structured culture of the Asur. The Cult of Ulthuan is controlled by six magi, of which Thalion is considered the most influential.

    The power of chaos gods does not corrupt the elves like it does humans. It is unknown for elves to suffer mutation but other more beneficial effects can occur. Though easily over two centuries old, Thalion looks like a young elf merely 300 years of age. His youthful appearance combined with his deep insights and military cunning has earned him a powerful position in many a courtroom. The perfect position to grow his influence and extend his grip on Ulthuan in the name of his dark prince."



    ODdV8XHl.jpg UTuecc7l.jpg dgTQpVul.jpg gbIl2Jll.jpg 


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