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Everything posted by EonChao

  1. I really love the dynamic poses on both warbands. Great to have more Shadowstalkers and hopefully the Clan Eshin figures are the forerunners of a whole new range in this style.
  2. Is it wrong that as much as I'm excited about eventually seeing Malerion's followers the prospect of alternate models based on one of the Warcry warbands has me more excited? It just opens up all of the stuff from Warcry as possible sources for new warbands in Underworlds and vice versa adds more sculpt variety for Warcry
  3. I mean that's what I want from Underworlds now we've covered pretty much every faction. I'm assuming we're getting another season set in Ulgu so I'm really hoping we get teams of Khainite Shadowstalkers and Corvus Cabal in it as it would both be an obvious place to draw ideas from and provide alternate sculpts for Warcry. Also give me some random stuff that hints at the removed Warhammer Fantasy models and Cities figures themed to that realm too.
  4. I can reasonably safely say I'll be there at the event too, so if there's anything they show in the preview then put physically in the cabinets I'll be taking plenty of photos to share. And yeah UK Games Expo very much isn't just for the side games. They put a lot of work into promoting Dark Imperium, Soul Wars and contrast paints there for each of those releases. I suspect Heresy might get a chunk of attention but we'll hopefully see some other new bits and pieces.
  5. So that's all the major factions from Rogue Trader present in 40k in some form or other again. What a time to be alive. I get wishing AoS would get more love but honestly they don't seem to have put a foot wrong with 40k this year.
  6. Counterpoint: Realm of Shadow Chaos Duardin, operating vast furnace fortresses whose presence is hidden by the vast amounts of smoke that bellow forth at every moment, industriously building war engines to bring to battle against Malakith in his own realm.
  7. That's true. They have mentioned a UK GD this year but not the format. I guess I'll be hoping I can get the event models at the UKGE this year.
  8. We rarely know that far in advance. There's a Horus Heresy event on the 7th May focusing on the new edition so either there will be a preview in April to show off the box and stuff for other games, or that and other Heresy stuff will be saved for then. I'm not sure if we have a date for Warhammer Fest/UK Golden Demon this year. They might also do something for UK Games Expo (3rd-5th June).
  9. Yeah assuming the new DoK character is priced at the same point as the Ironscale then the DoK half is more expensive to buy separately than the box itself. The Nighthaunt side is similar depending on the price of the new minis separately. Just a shame I don't need anymore Bladegheists, Myrmourn or another Crawlocke!
  10. I mean from the looks of things it certainly seems that way. We've got the launch box, followed apparently by smaller starters and then possibly a few more vehicle kits if the Last Chance to Buy is anything to go off of. Plus you could imagine seeing a few other infantry choices like Breachers and Destroyers making the jump to plastic too. Hopefully that eating factory time is the main issue with AoS releases and they start to increase in pace once the Heresy releases
  11. I've not picked up the 40k ones but I believe from the contents pages that Warzone Octarius part 1 was at least 20% lore and Warzone Charadon part 1 was around 35-40% lore. So there should be a reasonable amount. It's also worth noting that Octarius part 2 also advanced the lore of the 40k setting
  12. Really pumped for some of that terrain. Plus the Nighthaunt hero is fantastic and the Underworlds zombies are going to be fun to paint
  13. So CSM or Chaos Knights for 40k, presumable the summer battle tomes for AoS (or at least one of them), Ash Wastes, Zombie warband and a new Blood Bowl team (I'm hoping Amazons). Horus Heresy will be a teaser video for the new edition but no actual reveal
  14. This is kind of what happened with Indomitus. There was a potato cam photo that had a whole mess of the Ultra Marine and Blood Angel Primaris Marines that were released with that wave (Gladiator, Storm Speeder, Outriders and Eradicators all being things I remember being in it) and they were just completely radio silent on it despite other leaks being revealed at the time. I suspect this is something similar, because it ties into a major release they want to acknowledge it properly. Adepticon I expect we'll see some of the upcoming Chaos stuff for 40K, Ash Wastes for Necromunda, a new Blood Bowl team, the zombie Underworlds warband, a tease of the summer battle tomes for AoS and Heresy teased or possibly unveiled.
  15. Oh I'd love Tomb Kings to be brought back. I think it'd be fun to mix some of them with OBR to use to make a Cities of Nagash idea
  16. That's honestly the main reason I'm excited about The Old World, various new sources for Cities of Sigmar models to increase variety
  17. Yeah as has been mentioned GW accidentally leaked a new Tyranid mini today that matches the tentacle/tail rumour engine so we can mark that as solved
  18. I really want it to be an updated Shaggoth now
  19. A better image of the new Praetor-Prime from the upcoming Stormbringer magazine
  20. Damn, was hoping that might be a means we'd get to see what would be in the upcoming Fyreslayers, Deepkin, Daughters and Nighthaunt vanguard releases if their books are released first
  21. Out of curiousity regarding the shift from Start Collecting to Vanguard boxes, did the Maggotkin Battletome include an image of the the Nurgle Vanguard box in the same way the 9th ed Codex include a picture of the combat patrol?
  22. Looks like it's made to order for two weeks with a full re-release later this year. Which seems reasonable to me. Also will be priced at the same as it was last year which is nice.
  23. Maybe if it's going to be made to order then hopefully so will the expansions
  24. Too echo what's been said above, generally they'll let you order as many as you can pay for. The loot group tends to try to hit up events like this and can have people ordering plenty to cover those who can't make it/don't live near a store/don't want to wait for their nearest event. However I believe some stores have recently been saying that ordering multiple of them doesn't count towards the thresholds for free gifts so if you're after the bag and stuff like that it might be worth remembering that.
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