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Everything posted by EonChao

  1. At least the Cygor is cheaper than the Magmadroth and Carnosaur so it’s not too big a loss being removed from the box.
  2. I'm just amazed there's no Tzaangors in the BoC Vanguard box!
  3. Fauxhammer has revealed the first 10 issues contents and the fact that Hachette have removed one of the Beastgrave scatter terrain sprues in favour of another 5 Vindicators (bringing the total in the subscription up to 10). I'm okay with this change. I've updated the first post but for reference the first 10 issues are: Issue 1: Knight-Arcanum, Killaboss and Stab-grot plus six dice and battle mat (usually a cardboard board printed with a birds eye view photo of a battlefield) Issue 2: 10x Gutrippaz Issue 3: 5x Vindictors Issue 4: 4x paints (Retributor Armour, Leadbelcher, Orruk Flesh and Kantor Blue) plus a Warhammer Starter Brush Issue 5: Exclusive Praetor Prime Issue 6: 10x Hobgrotz Slittaz Issue 7: 2 paints (Corax White and Catachan Flesh) Issue 8: Lord-Imperatant and Gryph-Hound with STC Medium Base Brush Issue 9: Swampcalla Shaman with Pot-grot Issue 10: Xandire's Truthseekers So prepare to get those preorders in if you're doing the single issues approach.
  4. We know that they were content to run 40k and 30k side by side for years whilst 30k was confined to just expensive resin kits. We also know that they make back the cost of most kits very quickly. So they probably have a good idea to what degree they can balance TOW alongside the other games. And there's definitely people interested too.
  5. I got the UK Aelf drop and can confirm it came with Vanguard boxes for Daughters of Khaine and Idoneth Deepkin
  6. Kind of surprising there's no new combat patrol for them. I kind of expected it just so every army would have one (apart from Knights anyway)
  7. Yeah I got the same, and likewise I brought multiple copies of issue 1 of Mortal Realms to get the Chainrasps so I have far to many of this sprue already. That said looking forward to seeing the full launch in February.
  8. There's definitely been a few I've spoken to who've chosen to focus on 40k or buying old WfB stuff instead but I doubt it's a particularly big group, a lot of us tend to struggle with impulse control. If any were considering AoS they've probably started buying into it at least. Also I suspect we'll get a roadmap for TOW once it releases, we've had them for every other game at some point so they must be popular, it's just not worth committing to now when things are so far out.
  9. It makes sense. We know Cities of Sigmar are coming this year and we've only seen components for them. The Old World is almost certainly going to be coming in 2024/25 so the minis will still be at the stage of being sculpted. Plus with a setting as massive as the Old World they can't possibly re-release every faction at once. Revealing models now would either tip their hand as to what's coming first (causing sales of older figures to rocket in response and effect demand for the new ones they intend to sell). We'll see the Old World sculpts but only when we're a few months out from their release.
  10. Oh they could be and I honestly like everyone other than unit leaders to be wearing helmets. And the kit still looks like a great update to the old multipart plastic kit in general. It’s just a shame that at the same time we lose the flexibility to build models how we want as well as the benefit of extra heads for conversions elsewhere.
  11. They look good but only 1 female head in the whole Chaos Warriors kit is a bit of a joke. Guess they want to stop us from buying it to make female Chaos Marines 😒 Also means I need to hunt down the Start Collecting box while it can still be found in small flgs and the like.
  12. It could also be that the Marauder kits make more sense to save for a future starter set similar to Blood Reavers, Poxwalkers, Chainrasps, Necron Warriors and Hobgrots. Something that's fairly simple equipment wise but can also have some semi-interesting poses to fill out whomever is fighting the Stormcast whilst also not drawing attention to whatever big and more exciting thing is in the box on that side.
  13. Glad StD are finally getting released but I've realised how much I'd been hoping the Start Collecting Warriors sprue would be included in the vanguard box. Hopefully the new multipart ones has a mix of helmetless heads of different genders like that one did.
  14. Not sure which region but looks like the Underworlds bundle was a copy of Nethermaze and Rivals of Harrowdeep, which is arguably a good starting point for new players. https://www.reddit.com/r/WarhammerUnderworlds/comments/103vxta/underworlds_supply_drop_content/ The UK 40k one is Fabius Bile, Darkstrider, Reductus Saboteur, Deff Kopters and a Kustom Boosta-Blaster. The Australian 40k one is Fabius Bile, Havocs and the Killzone Moroch terrain set.
  15. Oh I'm taking it as fairly likely based on Valrak's current track record. I'm not a fan of him but it feels like he usually won't commit to a leak now unless he's seen something or it's coming from someone who's given him accurate information in the past. But we're still probably a year or two out from the Old World, things can change and there's plenty who will jump to take it as completely factual and get their hopes up.
  16. Remember to take it with as much salt as you want to. Valrak's got a few reliable leakers based on 40k stuff but this is still far out. That said with Tomb Kings and Bretonians being the factions that were completely cut out with the jump to AoS I could see them being included as the starter box.
  17. Thank you, just hoping mine arrives soon 😅
  18. Oh damn, that’s much better than expected. If it’s okay to ask what region are you in?
  19. Honestly it would have been good to have Excelsis and the surrounding area completely fall to Destruction. The Seraphon intervening could stop them there but it costs the city. Now various forces would want to claim the remains of the Spear of Malleus for their plans but Ghur overwhelms the city's ruins, covering it in a vast carnivorous jungle that would be the site of the current Warcry and Underworlds season. Just so much opportunity lost in restoring the status quo.
  20. It also doesn't fit GW's recent MO. Just last year they released a completely new tank for Horus Heresy's plastic release and immediately released rules for it to be used in 40K. They know that being able to double dip into different games increases sales. Anything release for the Old World will likely receive some form of rules either through Battle Tomes or Legends for AoS. Watford's event was the 1st October last year, I think you might have the older list there as the one they put out last year definitely lists Watford as the 1st October. The only one in January last year was Poole on the 29th and they've already advertised this years anniversary event is taking place on the 4th February. I think they reshuffled a few after the pandemic.
  21. Paying attention to the Facebook pages of any GW stores near to you is the best bet. They tend to advertise the anniversary weekends about four weeks in advance. Alternately I have a list they put out for last years Store anniversaries so if the mods are okay with it I can post it here or somewhere else. It's likely this years will be very similar.
  22. You can buy both, you can usually only pick up one copy of each from the ones they have in stock but if you're buying them as made to order later in the weekend you can usually order a few if you want them for conversions or friends who can't make it in. In addition if you spend over a certain amount you get various freebies (that will be available for you to collect from the store in a few weeks). Based on previous years it should be: £50: Two pins (Kharadon and Imperial Fist) £100: Dice bag £150: Anniversary dice £200: Accessory pack
  23. Store anniversary models for 2023 possibly
  24. The Imperium one a little over a year ago contained: Australia: Knight Castellan Kor'saaro Khan Kayvaan Shrike Scouts Scouts with sniper rifles UK: Marine bikes Arco-flagellants Fenris wolves Adrax Agatone Master Lazarus Mephiston Kor'saaro Khan Ireland: same as the UK but with Kor'sarro Khan swapped out for the EtB Redemptor Dreadnought. So a reasonable mix in all honesty from a painters perspective but not what you want to buy to build a specific army. For me I have small amounts of Daughters of Khaine, Sylvaneth and Dark Elves/Har Kuron in various stages of being worked on. I also plan to eventually start an Idoneth army. So Aelves was a reasonable gamble for me (especially considering most of the stuff I have is in the form of units for use in Warcry and not characters). If it's all CoS Aelves then I'll be very happy as I was planning to focus on them ahead of a risk of them being rotated anyway.
  25. This is the sensible choice. Also I suspect that part of the value here is taken up with a can of spray paint hence the dangerous message if you try to checkout
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