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Everything posted by EonChao

  1. I mean it's vampires, I could see it being a tongue in cheek joke that one of the monks was a count and they still call themselves that despite it not fitting their new monk existence. Or it could just be that the writers were told there's a Soulblight vampire warband but didn't see the models until after the map was finalized/forgot to update it. What if it's a Slaangor themed warband. Smaller ones than the Slaangor Fiendbloods, that occupy a similar area to regular Tzzangor (with the Fiendbloods being equivalent to Enlightened). Maybe, to fit the Nightmare Quest title, a type of Slaangor that focus excessively on maintaining their human aspect, becoming a pageant of questing heroes in a similar way to the Flesh-Eater Courts without the delusions. Mostly I'm just hoping for a Destruction warband, be it Spiderfang Forest Grots or Savage Orruks as they would both fit the setting and give love to a largely ignored part of those factions.
  2. I mean the Warcry warband for Soulblight in Bloodhunt are vampires who hunt predators in Ghur to drink their blood and resist their bestial nature. So it could well be them. Or a warband from the next Underworlds set.
  3. An important thing to remember is that in addition to appealing to kids and people they want to recruit directly to the game, you need to also catch the interest of parents. Space Marines and Stormcast have a distinct heroic/knightly look to them that's harder to capture in other factions that makes the game feel slightly more suitable for kids and grokable for parents. And we've got to that point through years of market research from GW to help them decide what sells best to most people curious about the game.
  4. Yeah I didn't have a chance to check until this morning but I got a very speedy reply confirming I'm automatically subscribed as I suspected. Now just to play the waiting game.
  5. It usually is but I've not quite got the time to do that today or tomorrow. I've dropped their customer service team a message and if I've not heard back next week I'll chase by phone.
  6. I'm in the same position. It'd be nice to get some sort of contact from them either way about it.
  7. Thing is I don't see that as a bad thing, AoS 2nd did a lot of putting out groundwork for the game. Obviously we have factions that need updated kits and factions that need new units and characters, but AoS has been really building out what we do have. Look at OBR, the came out of nowhere and got 11 new kits (13 including the terrain and endless spells), plus an Underworlds warband and adopting Morghast from Legions of Nagash. Add in the fact that some of those kits build multiple options and they're arguably not in a place that needs much more. There's an argument for archers, and I'm sure GW have half a dozen characters designed for them to release in future. But there's plenty that can be done with what's already been released for them. Likewise Gloomspite, plenty of us are annoyed they're not getting a full Gitmob refresh but at the same time they were in a very good place miniature wise at the end of 2nd and building on that in 3rd is a happy bonus. And whilst I'll never argue that the Skaven or BoC don't deserve an update, both factions have a decent number of options, with them really mostly just needing old models replaced. And I think they will. It might not be this edition but I think it will happen.
  8. Forbidden Planet are now taking preorders for issues 1-4, with issue 1 apparently releasing on the 15th February. Issue 1 is £2.99 (Knight Arcanum and Killaboss with Stab Grot) Issue 2 is £5.99 (10x Gutrippaz) With the remaining issues being £8.99 each.
  9. Just a heads up but here in the UK Forbidden Planet have started taking preorders for issues 1-4 of Warhammer: Age of Sigmar: Stormbringer, the new Hachette partworks. Issue 1 apparently releases on 15th February.
  10. So if I remember correctly, some of the early Underworlds kits were designed to be similar to the old £10 "pocket money" e2b releases. It was whilst they were being worked on that they ended up having Underworlds designed around them. My guess is that Gryselle's Arenai were designed during this time but ended up being side lined for some reason. The basing style is similar to a couple of the old Shadespire bands (Ironskull's Boyz even had tufts added to their bases for the official models and the Sepulchural Guard had very plain bases in some cases). I think these are probably early resin prints painted but then archived when the warband wasn't released. They've just had the rim of the base repainted to match the rest of the Gnarlwood warbands. So I think you'll find those skeletons and rocks are probably moulded onto the bases and they're on the sprue same as all the other warbands.
  11. If you're in Nottingham anyway then it's probably worth the extra little cost for going to one of the events compare to the ebay mark up, personally I'd much rather spend the extra money one me getting to enjoy an event and get the mini as opposed to paying for someone else to do so. Birmingham and Nottingham are both close enough to me that I'd much rather just go to the UKGE or a Warhammer World event to get one.
  12. Knowing people who've worked behind the scenes in the studio and elsewhere, yeah it can be like that. At least one sculptor I've spoke to had their first figure delayed to the point where another 4 kits they'd worked on after they finished it came out before it.
  13. I think it'll be Slaanesh cultists on a quest, with the nightmares being the destruction warband. My guess would be either Krullboyz, Spiderfangs or Ogors. I really want it to be Spiderfangs.
  14. I recently painted both the Warcry and Underworlds Khainite Shadowstalker warbands at the same time and I couldn't disagree more. Both kits are incredible looking minis, Warcry has a bit more exciting poses due to not needing to be push fit but the Underworld ones have some really great character. It makes me want more Underworld warbands adapted from Warcry ones to let the ideas shine a little more.
  15. Yeah for AoS 3rd we're currently at: Big updates: Stormcast, Orruks, Slaves to Darkness, Seraphon and Cities (upcoming) Medium updates: Nighthaunt, Sylvaneth, Gloomspite, Sons (technically as even though they only got an upgrade sprue it still gives them two new units from it and that's a lot considering how the army is made up) Single character: Maggotkin, Disciples of Tzeentch, Skaven, Lumineth, DoK, Fyreslayers, Idoneth, Ogors, Beasts of Chaos. 40k has clearly had more but I don't think we can argue that we've done badly as a game. Would it be nice for every faction to get bigger updates? Yes of course it would, but we've rumours of Flesh-Eaters on the way, space for new armies, and probably 5 more Warcry boxes before 4th arrives so I'm optimistic.
  16. I couldn't watch it live but that's a great set of reveals all around. Seraphon look amazing, there's a few of the heads on the Skinks that I'm not super into but they're not bad, the Slann is incredible and the Saurus are the ultimate realisation of those models. I can't wait to see what else is to come with them. Warcry is great, both warbands look really cool and work in a space that makes sense but hasn't been really explored for their factions. The Underworlds team is the most disappointing thing in the whole preview though, they're not bad models they just lack the dynamism and energy of the other two warbands. But then Sisters of Slaughter are my least favourite element from the army so that doesn't help them even more. 40k wise the Arbites are really cool, I could see collecting a 500 point combat patrol of them if they get a couple more kits in 10th edition. I think both them and the Kroot from last year are testing the water for smaller factions down the line (Harlequin sized ones). The Cerberus looks like we all thought it would although it's nice to finally have it confirmed. The battlebox is really unappealing (and that's as someone who plays Dark Angels and has a small Chaos Space Marine collection) but the new set is kind of cool. I'm not that into the missile launchers but I don't hate them. The new dreadnought could be fun and the lieutenant should have been released years ago.
  17. I think my stab in the dark guess is going to be that the tease at the end of the Gloomspite article is for an annoucement of a made to order of the gitmob kits with an online article giving them a small update.
  18. I think army sets have more appeal than the battle boxes. If a box comes out that has one new miniature for each faction and I only play one of those factions then I'm unlikely to buy it when I can just wait and spent much less on the army book and figure by themselves. On the other hand if it's an army box of entirely new or updated kits then that's an easier sell. Obviously we'll see what the future brings but I could see army boxes being used for larger releases but everything else just coming out normally.
  19. I'd even take a "We're bringing back some of the old gitmob kits" as part of some range rotation thing
  20. Is it wrong to kind of hope for an Arks of Omen type game mode too. Maybe a return to Beastgrave or a similar mountain with lots of tunnel fighting. Crossing over with the next season of Warcry.
  21. Hopefully it's a unit of Khorngors and not a single model in the Warcry warband.
  22. My guess is: AoS: Seraphon reveal WHU: Final Gnarlwood warband Warcry: Bloodhunt full reveal 40k: Farsight or Dante Kill Team: Soulshackle full reveal Land Raider Cerberus (with the assassin being revealed on the Thursday before and the librarian from the teaser being revealed next week)
  23. I honestly have no idea. It launches in the UK in February and might launch in other countries later, but if Forbidden Planet ships internationally you might be in luck. The alternative is go through the Facebook Loot Group to see if someone will pick a copy up for you.
  24. I thought we were fairly settled on the idea that Bloodhunt will be Khorne vs Soulblight warbands? Looking forward to the reveals either way though.
  25. Everyone's threshold is very different. I'm not yet at the point of selling up stuff in my pile of shame/opportunity but I am making a point of working through it. I'm very much the sort of person who gets bogged down and fed up with working on large batches of things in one go so I've been using a hobby streak approach to instead break up those squads and units into 30-60 minute chunks a day, just chipping away at them. It's definitely taken some of the weight of my backlog off of me and is encouraging good habits so it's been working but I'm also trying to be aware of what I have and trying to establish why I have it.
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