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Everything posted by EonChao

  1. I think Scyla Anfingrimm was mentioned in the books so it could be them who get a new model for Khorne here
  2. 12 is only half of the factions in AoS right now so it's probably not that out there, especially considering most will only get a mini or two
  3. In the interest of not getting our hopes up I think plenty of us are assuming 12, and then hoping for 13/14. But should be plenty still to come. My guess is Skaven won't get anything, as they're likely to be the focus of 4th ed but otherwise I could see any faction getting updates.
  4. 5 (Gloomspite, Orruks, Flesh Eaters, Fyreslayers and Maggotkin)
  5. From a collecting standpoint they're pretty great, the new Space Marine box is £40 and effectively contains 3 character models and 2 other marines for less than the price of 2 modern clamshell releases. Likewise the Gobbapalooza is £35 for 5 of the best models in the range, instead of each being released as a separate character for £19+. True in matched play you can only run all 5 together which can add to the confusion but with all the additional rules you have to deal with anyway for running multiple units and characters, we're well passed that steepest part of that learning curve.
  6. Not really, his source has been pretty accurate for 40k and Heresy. I think the only notable thing that he got wrong was a Black Templar Ancient (a conversion by one of the sculptors who worked on the new Primaris Templars that was included in the Codex photo sections was assumed to be a new model by his source) and updated Chaos Marine Bikes (which I could believe are ready to go but waiting for the right window).
  7. I honestly had a lot of fun painting Grashrak's Despoilers earlier this year so I'd be very much okay with an update to the range in the next edition
  8. Not to be too pedantic but concept art can be done through rendering in 3d too, the whole thing involves exploring and building off a variety of ideas and some of that is done in 3d, especially in later concept stages with cgi shows and films to help capture the look and feel. With GW, where a lot of their modern models are designed digitally first, there's also going to be a lot of existing 3d assets that could be used to help with concept work so it makes sense to lean on that too.
  9. To be fair he just says it contains a Slann, so that could be Kroak that's been misidentified by his source.
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dawRLPbNZVU He doesn't say anything we haven't heard before though
  11. To be fair Valrak doesn't dislike AoS, he's just not interested in the game or lore. He's said numerous times over the years that AoS has some of the best looking models on the market. But yeah he is interested in TOW and so I'd put this as a tick towards it being Stormcast vs Skaven
  12. The kit doesn’t have to be particularly big or expensive, just a nice looking centrepiece to tie the box together. Last year we got: Daughters of Khaine (Cauldron of Blood) Gloomspite (2 Mangler Squigs) Nighthaunt (Lady Olynder and Black Coach) Orruk Warclans (Killaboss on Corpse-Rippa Vulcha and Snatchaboss on Sludgeraker Beast) Skaven (Screaming Bell) Stormcast (Stormdrake Guard) Sylvaneth (Drycha and 2 Treelords) So it doesn’t have to be that new (or even an AoS release), just flashy enough to draw attention whilst discouraging multiple purchases. These are, after all, aimed at convincing people to start new armies
  13. I mean in this latest video he uploaded today. Those were in a previous one.
  14. I gave it a listen earlier and I don't recall him mentioning anything about the AoS boxes
  15. I would assume they might do eventually but I don't know how much room Khorne has for new units so she might be saved for a future battletome update
  16. My delivery of 27-30 arrived yesterday too. Hopefully I can get back on with painting as I'm lagging behind 😅
  17. She wrote one of the short stories in the Covens of Blood Daughters of Khaine anthology. I couldn't tell you which one off the top of my head but I do remember enjoying the audiobook in general. She's also done some written Dragon Age and Pathfinder novels
  18. Same as with Seraphon/Lizardmen, GW will more than likely revamp them for AoS where they're a major player with lots of design space and then use a mixture of those kits plus a few older ones for TOW. Then if Skaven become a focus faction for TOW too they can look at what gaps that it needs that the AoS range currently doesn't fill. Beastmen/of Chaos will be certainly the opposite. Use TOW to get some new plastics out there for them and use those as the basis for the AoS revamp. It's just an efficient use of resources until you have the time to build them out into their own faction in full.
  19. Those are amazing figures. Definitely what the Fyreslayers range needed and hopefully there's more to come next edition.
  20. In addition to an elite unit Tzeentch could also do with a mortal cavalry unit that isn't Tzaangor, another big centrepiece kit (Nurgle has GUO and Glotkin, Khorne has Bloodthirster and Skarbrand, Slaanesh has Keeper, Glutos and the twins), and a melee focused hero option. Plus updates to the Blue Scribes and Fluxmaster. Also I would really like some more mutated mortals/tzaangor in a unit like the 40k Chaos cults got.
  21. I've not heard anything to refute it and I'm sure I've seen it implied in interviews with former GW studio staff. Sylvaneth are also included in that batch of early armies and got a nice little update similar to Ironjawz in between Broken Realms and 3rd ed (three units from two kits, and a couple of characters) with rumours of more to come. Likewise we've seen the Ironjawz update, know there's a FEC one the way, and I think Whitefang has teased more for Fyreslayers? I would be shocked if Kharadron, Idoneth, and possibly even Disciples of Tzeentch don't have more in the works, especially as all of them have clear design identities to build off of.
  22. As mentioned the Shaman is currently still very available in the Harbinger set, I suspect when Orruk Warclans get their 4th ed release it and the Killa-boss with Stab Grot will be released separately through the webstore similar to how the Captain and Lieutenant from 40k 9th starters just were (and presumably the Royal Warden will be in a few months when Codex Necrons drops)
  23. I'm not playing too much right now but I'm definitely making purchases with Warcry in mind of the other two games right now. Hopefully I can play some more soon
  24. The AoS lines smashed it out of the park with this preview. The Trogg-King is gorgeous, such a cluttered ugly model but it's exactly what an ancient trogg should look like. The Ironjawz really flesh out the range, especially with the other two minis previously revealed. Hopefully they get a little more in future too. And those Gorgers are a solid update to one of GWs worst minis. Add in that creepy terrain for Warcry, two solid warbands for Underworlds and some nice minis for TOW and Blood Bowl and I'm very happy. Space Marine wise it's kind of shocking that there's 93 datasheets in the book. Like, no other army in the company goes that over the top. I'm kind of glad these are all just updates, even if they look alright. Fulgrim looks fantastic though and I'll be hoping that MKIII box set sticks around for a while as I could do with adding it to my 30k Dark Angels.
  25. Honestly with it being likely that we're getting new Assault Squads, Vanguard Veterans and Terminators, plus a rumoured Command Squad, as part of the Marine release there probably won't be too much to delve into Marine wise. "Here's new kit, it has a bunch of options, look how good it looks, move onto the next one"
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