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Posts posted by Percivael

  1. Has anyone heard any details about these start collecting premium boxes that are rumoured to drop in mid November? What factions do you think they will be? I think Fyreslayers is almost certain as their prices didn't fit within the £50 start collecting price point - I reckon a Magmadroth 10-15 infantry and a character. Also we haven't seen a Rotbringers Start collecting box yet - a Maggoth lord, 10 Blight kings and foot character perhaps. And what price for the premium boxes? £80-£100? Might hold off my next purchases until I see what's available!

  2. Many thanks guys for an amazing weekend of gaming and hobby! It was my first tournament and the staff, TOs and my opponents were all friendly and top notch! It made my weekend/year to get a nomination for best army for my nautical themed Dark Aelves, and an honourable mention in the awards ceremony - I'm taking that as coming joint third! (-; It was great to be interviewed by Lez too! Im already thinking about an army for next year - something a little more competitive I think, with a lower model count! Something Ogor sized, Fimir perhaps? Anyway, thanks again guys.

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  3. @Tullbeard I have recently rebased my dark elf army - see photo. Average size infantry such as corsairs and dark shards on 25 mm, this is what GW have done as far as I can tell from photos in Grand Alliance Order. I wanted characters such as Lokhir Fellheart and Black Ark Fleetmasters to stand out from the crowd as stand alone units, so put them on 32mm and they look great - they need that space to be honest, especially Lokhir. The Aelf heroes  from silver tower are also on 32mm. Recent sculpts by GW are no longer going to have ranking up in mind so poses will be more dynamic and spread out and so suited to larger bases than what similar models used to have.


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