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Posts posted by LordPrometheus

  1. 1 minute ago, PJetski said:

    10 wounds for 130 is still really bad, even if it's a 3+ save

    I hope the battletome offers a lot of strong allegiance abilities and synergies to help justify that price point for our basic troops

     I'm expecting that it will. The old tome is just a hodgepodge of random warscrolls with almost zero synergies, but the tomes have gotten WAY better in the last 3 years. 

  2. Super exciting news! I'm pumped. July battletome, finally! :D


    Ballistas up 30 points... I wonder if they get any changes?


    Hopefully they use this opportunity to revisit all the named heroes and actually make them worth using, cuz right now, they're all basically garbage warscrolls. (I'm looking at you, Vandus for 280 points that does basically nothing)

    • Like 1
  3. The problem is our bodies die far too quickly and we can't regen them fast enough to protect our heroes, and they don't hit hard enough unless we get lucky and wave of terror before we get hit. 

    1 hour ago, Zashier29 said:

    So, essentially, I'm running min squad chainrasps to eat a charge and use the Reapers to clean house? I'm thinking lists today will run at least 2 units of 20 grimghasts, possibly one 30 unit. this leaves one or two reinforced squads of rasps, but to me that just feels bad. I'm wasting points and reinforcements on a squad that even at 20, doesn't survive very long (this could just be who I play against, but not the overall meta)? 


    It's not just you. NH get absolutely obliterated by the raw damage that's out there right now. A 4+ unrendable save doesn't mean very much these days. It would be fine if our model return was better and more reliable, but it's just nowhere near good enough to keep up. Especially now that the game is pushing us to MSU, most of the time the unit will be obliterated before you can even use your abilities to return models. 

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  4. 33 minutes ago, PJetski said:

    Yndrasta can definitely outpace Praetors but her damage isn't spectacular (12 max damage per combat phase) so I'm not sure it is worth putting her out so far forwards on her own. I think she is best utilized reviving as many models as possible per turn, so you want to keep her centered in your army. 

    I think she will fit very well in a castle formation, which means you want a lot of shooting to force the enemy to come to you. Her revival mechanic will be great for weathering other shooting armies.

    Her 12" flying move will allow her to break away and go for specific goals after the initial engagement.

    Agreed. Start her on the board and use the bodyguards ability on her. Make them come to you, then use her flying to counter charge and blow up what needs killing.

  5. 1 hour ago, Freejack02 said:

    DOK was quite OP for a good while there lol. 

    I don't remember any cries to nerf them though. Not like Slaanesh a couple years ago. Now THAT was OP and flat out oppressive.

    1 hour ago, Nizrah said:

    Never been OP? Literally DoK and IDK are two the strongest army in the current game (end of 2.0)... Have you ever played competetivly againts them? 

    Strong doesn't mean OP. I agree they are very strong, and there's nothing wrong with that. OP is pre-nerf Changehost/Slaanesh/Kroak infinite mortal wound spam. 

    • Confused 1
  6. 9 minutes ago, Marcvs said:

    while it is easy to feel that way, this is not an inescapable destiny. Some old books have resisted decently (or incredibly well, like IDK or DoK) to the passage of time. My hope for SCE is to be "Ogor Mawtribes" level of power (and in some way, also in terms of "feel")

    You're exactly right. IDK and DoK have been VERY strong for pretty much all of 2.0, but they were never "OP". I'd love a book written in that vein. I think Mawtribes is a good template, since SCE want to be elite.

    • Confused 1
  7. 8 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

    yeah I get this is the overall problem: casually we can roll people, but competitively not. I am hoping second wave reinforcements to other armies help this out since I'm only trying to play casually/narratively. There's a lot more competitive discussion in this forum though, which even though it's clear Stormcast aren't great competitively we still don't deserve a redone battletome that keeps older kits relevant, etc. I'll always love the Stormcast (unless GW makes them hate mortals), so when it comes down to it I only want a book that feels nice, not OP.

    I don't think it's too much to ask for Stormcast to just be a good, solid, B+ tier army that doesn't get rolled by Seraphon, DoK, and Tzeentch. I'd like to feel I have a fighting chance in a tournament. 

    I don't want OP, because OP gets nerfed. 

    • Like 1
  8. 4 hours ago, EnixLHQ said:

    I have the rules. Had them since this morning and been over them about 5 or 6 times. I literally don't see any language saying warscroll battalions are out.

    Can anyone, anywhere, cite where it does?


    It's not in the Core PDF. Its in the full Rulebook that the Youtubers who got Dominion early have. Matched Play battlepacks is a section there that is not in the Core PDF.

  9.  Just chiming in to reiterate what others have said. We don't get to benefit from a good chunk of the new good stuff (All out Defense, garrison, Mystic shield, Monsters). We are literally (currently) the only army that I know of that cannot use some of the best Core Rules, and that's a shame. 


    The optimist in me says this means a new tome is in the works, or at the very least a reworking of how Ethereal works. But after reading the Core Rules, I don't think I'll be playing my ghosties until that tome or a updated Ethereal shows up. We're already a bottom tier army, and this will just make everyone else better while we get nothing. 

    Fingers crossed! :)

    • Like 2
  10. 3 hours ago, PJetski said:

    Yndrasta is really good.

    Praetors need to be on the table to use Soul-forged Guardians and the hero they pick has to be on the table too, so you're never going to use Scions on them. Unfortunate.

    Yeah that's kinda lame... Can't pick the Prime in the sky. Sad day.


    Agree that Yndrasta is really good. Currently she's an auto include for me, but of course, we need to see our new tome. Hopefully we won't be waiting too long.

  11. 12 hours ago, PrimeElectrid said:

    Leaks for those that don’t obsessively study every single social media platform.




    Yndrasta seems like a beast, especially if you pair her with bodyguards that you can bring back for free. 

    Hopefully our dusty Prime will get a better warscroll and a FNP like his ladyfriend. :)

  12. 20 minutes ago, TheGrayKing said:

    To everyone who thinks I'm being ridiculous when I say Annihilators will be 280 (which I know is high, but if I expect the value to be high then I'm pleasantly surprised when it's cheaper and if it's not, oh well). Here's why I believe they won't be valued around the 140 points area like many of you hope.

    1. Games Workshop thinks SCE are busted.

    2. The AOS community is very vocal about their disdain for SCE.

    3. We're supposed to be an "elite" army, so GW will make sure we don't have anything cheap.

    4. We're going into a new Edition, GW is going to hike points values to try and "rebalance" the game.

    If your predictions hold true, then my entire Stormcast collection will be on eBay in a few months time. You are correct that GW really seems to listen to all the whiners with some ridiculous hate-bon3r for SCE. It baffles me. 

    I'm more optimistic than you are though lol. I think SCE will actually be a fun, viable army to play in 3rd edition. 

  13. 27 minutes ago, GutrotSpume said:

    They don’t seem very hitty do they? They’re supposed to be our big smash unit but seem more defensive with re-rolling 1’s for deathless and a 3+ save. The move out of combat isn’t that great as they should be the unit you rely on to obliterate something on the charge. If they could move out and charge again it would be great but as is it’s a bit meh. 

    not bothering to give different weapon profiles for lances and swords is pure laziness. Starting to worry we got bin guy writer.

    Dude... check out the Kastellai buffs they get. Also, we need MORE cosmetic weapons in AOS, not less. It's way too easy to build the "wrong weapon" and not be able to do decent damage. This removes the noob trap and allows you to just build what you think is cool.

    This is a GREAT move. I hope 3.0 moves towards this completely. Having to try to work out the "best" weapon for troops with half a dozen options is tedious and unfun.

  14. 7 hours ago, Inquisitorsz said:

    The other big problem we have is that in recent times it's become a bit too easy to snipe heroes. There's so many spells, mortal wounds and strong shooting (Seraphon, Kharadron Overlords and Lumineth) that our low wound ethereal heroes don't last long. 
    And unfortunately, as an army we're heavily dependant on them. That's where all our buffs and survivability and resurrection and mobility comes from. 

    You're exactly right, and it's just further proof that AoS needs to adopt 40k's "Look Out Sir!" rules. That alone would make NH FAR better in the current OP shooting meta. 

  15. On 4/19/2021 at 7:14 AM, Tiberius501 said:

    I don’t know if you guys care about this stuff in this thread, but I speed painted a group of 10 rasps. I’m pretty pleased with them, even though they’re pretty vanilla haha.


    Dude, how did you get that sweet teal color? I love it!

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  16. 2 minutes ago, lare2 said:


    A very good point but unfortunately I love nothing better than attending tournies (including at Warhammer World) when the world's not broken. Most tournies are right sticklers when it comes to models and whatnot.  

    I believe as long as you have the correct base size and make it very clear to your opponent what the model counts as, it should never be an issue. 

  17. 6 minutes ago, lare2 said:

    Quick question for those with more knowledge: the new Gardus model, when he's wearing his mask can he pass as a normal Lord Celestant? I'm more of an Anvils kinda guy and I can't tell if there's any specific Hallowed Knight iconography on it. Thanks in advance. 

     That is always allowed, mask or no. Only the most insane losers would make a stink about you playing him as a generic hero, and those aren't the kind of people you want to play with anyway. 

    Feel free to use him however you like. :)

    EDIT: Assuming the base size is the same, of course! :D

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