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Posts posted by chord

  1. 48 minutes ago, OIF4IDVET said:

    I’m thinking of just shelving mine, I played my girlfriends Nighthaunt last weekend, and even it outperformed our book. I really hope we get a fixed book and not just “oh here’s a new chamber open! Enjoy it til we here the hell out of it because the vocal minority’s Facebook whining!”. I swear if enough of us got on their Facebook and said something maybe they’d listen. 

    Stormcast was my main army (followed by seraphon and khorne...so yeah...).  The amount that GW has messed up SCE has really hurt my hobby motivation

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  2. 48 minutes ago, PJetski said:

    Crossbow Judicators are surprisingly good if you don't move. They are almost as good as Hurricane Raptors in PPD but theyre battleline. If you reduce their cost then Judicators become better than Hurricanes, and it doesn't seem right for a battleline unit to be more cost effective than a specialized unit.


    I've had good luck with crossbow judicators by leaving them off the board, and then dropping them behind a unit that is tied up in combat and just start shooting them in the back while they are pinned down. 

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  3. I really enjoy skirmish a lot.  As mentioned above , DO NOT play it as a matched play experience it will be terrible.  If you do play it in a matched play type environment, make sure the people you are all about everyone having a good time vs winning.  There are just some models which are overpowered in Skirmish.


    Skirmish can be so much fun with the right people.

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  4. On 11/16/2019 at 1:41 AM, Xeperi said:

    Every now and then the Venator will pull off that Star-Fated Arrow shot too.  I one-shotted a Vampire Lord last Meeting Engagement with him.  He had the Ethereal Amulet for 3+ unrendable but I went for it since I had no better target.  Hit, wounded, failed his save, max damage, bad deathless minions roll, dead.  He had other heroes but that probably won me the game.

    Give him the luckstone and watch your opponents tread way more carefully regarding the Venator.  

    • Haha 2

    1 hour ago, EccentricCircle said:

    One idea might be to suggest an Age of Sigmar tournament set in the Old World. Try to pique the grognard crowds interest in the current rules set, as preparation for the Games return. You can use the event to drum up more interest, teach them to play the current version of the game in case the new one is more like that, and show them that their armies can still work in the new system, if not the new lore.

    Great idea!  You could leverage this really well done book


  6. On 11/11/2019 at 11:45 AM, Corcaedus said:

    So ladies and gents, i come bearer of news. 

    My friend picked up the Ossiarch Bonereapers battletome, and I feel like it's bad News to us. 

    Even if they are even less mobile then we are, their sheer resilience is problematic, even facing double shot longstrike raptors. 


    For you all, what's the feeling you have after this latest addition to the Death Roster ?

    Same thing I always feel...our battletome was written to appease all the  stormcast haters out there.    

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  7. 6 hours ago, Moldek said:

    Do you use any house rules? What scenarios do you play?

    If they keep warcry as the small skirmish option maybe they could take the meeting engagement approach and create an AoS mode balanced around something like 500 points? Enough for the core rules to work but a lower cost of entry for new players

    No house rules, but we just play don't bring broken stuff.  Cause that would not be fun.  Play the scenarios GW provided as well as the ones in the Files section of TGA.

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  8. 8 hours ago, xking said:

    Seriously, it's like who's ever designing the stormcast rules, don't know what they're doing. All of the old war scrolls need to be updated,  liberators should be able to hit, wound  and kill stuff, Vanguard Hunters should be able to charge after riding the wind and Lord celestants should have  multi damage attacks.  And for the love of Sigmar can we have some more rend.

    I would even like to see an additional Allegiance ability each, for strike chamber units, extremis chamber units, Vanguard chamber units and sacrosanct chamber units.


    We'll never get a "good" SCE update.  If they make SCE good then the very loud minority group of haters will revolt and storm GW HQ.  

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  9. 1 hour ago, amysrevenge said:

    Some of them only sort of work.  Consider a Maw-krusha.  It's got a little dice next to it with a 7 showing, and you've been counting down and not up.  What entry on the Damage table should you be looking at?  Well, on the warscroll it has 15 wounds, so you have taken 8, which means the 7-10 table.  But wait, it's had 3 glorious wounds added to it from its command ability, so it actually has 18 wounds, so that 7 means it has actually taken 11 wounds, so you have to look at the 11-13 table.


    If you've been counting up instead of down, it will have an 11 on the dice next to it, and you look on the 11-13 table.  It just doesn't die until the dice gets to 18.

    Why wouldn't you just adjust the wound marker,  to represent it has more wounds to go till it does.  

    In an example the die shows 7 wounds till it dies (since it had 15 and took 8 damage).  Then it gets 3 glorious  wounds bringing the total up to 18.  Well since it took 8 damage then the die showing 7 would get adjusted to show 10, meaning it has 10 wounds left.   People I've played against who count down and have run Iron Jawz do exactly that, adjust the wounds remaining die, since the wounds remaining has changed. 

  10. 2 hours ago, gjnoronh said:

    With all respect I'm not sure you read the thread I linked to :)  it's worth a read if you are into thinking about the science of balancing a very complicated game.  

    I work in data intensive research.   The problem is you don't have enough underlying information to do big data type analysis prior to releasing a book into the wild.  Read the thread for a discussion about the kind of information you'd want (and right now there is no standardized system to actually quantify i.e. player skill level)  Post being out in the wild if you could log the results of all the games you'd have a huge data set - but still not have information on underlying factors (heavy terrain, light terrain, skill level of the player.)     For example Nighthaunt look a lot worse on a limited elevated terrain board then they do on a board with lots and lots of very tall pieces they can move onto, or that significantly impede the movement of their opponent.    

    And you'd still be asking yourself philosophically do we balance an army so it's balanced when two players of average skill play each other or when two highly skilled players play each other.   The experience of most GW customers is driven by  something around the 'average skill level' answer, the results of GT's which people tend to pay attention to are driven by the highly skilled answer.  For many games and factions the answers will not be the same.  

    I get it, sure the data is not there currently but part of actually having GW start to get into this method would be setting up the ways to collect that information.  

    Agreed, the various game attributes matter but developing the data model is not one n done its something that evolves over time becoming more sophisticated as time goes on.  

    I'm not saying starting out it will be perfect and easy but its not a reason to keep on with what is a broken way of doing it. 

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