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Everything posted by Maelke

  1. Thanks mate, i might need the battletome then haha. Makes sence that it is in there. That idea i can work with.
  2. Well that is a start. I just still have way too many questions abouth this strange mooncave to just blindly belive in it
  3. Loonshrine Lore? Where can i find it? I am starting a Troggoth army and i am really torn on the loonshrine. Why are there a moon on the top of the cave? How did it get there? Who shaped it. (the two moonfaces is a symbol of both gorka and morka?) I feel the look of it is too much grots and was wondering the origin of it and how I can implement it in my army lore. I was thinking of cutting the moon part of and plant som more shrooms and a tree or two instead. I like the idea that my troggoths sleept in the cave and got disturbed by the enemy army. and now they woke up they are hungry.
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