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Posts posted by Tiberius501

  1. 11 minutes ago, Austin said:

    So I am really not sold on multiple Ballistas, especially when you already have a unit of 20 Sentinels.  I assume this list is intentionally not using temple units?  If that is the case I might another unit of Sentinels (if you do drop the ballista).  If not, finding room for a battle cow of any variety seems like a good idea.

    I’m kinda tempted to just go with my original idea then when I first started to buy these dudes and go Ymetrica with cow units.


    - Eltharion

    - Stonemage

    - Avalenor


    - 20x Wardens

    - 20x Wardens 

    - 20x Sentinels

    - 10x Dawnriders

    - 10x Stoneguard


    - Sanctum of Amyntok


    • Like 1
  2. I’m not sure what to buy myself. I don’t own too much just yet, so I can go a bunch of ways, but I’m thinking of a Vanari heavy list. So far I have: Eltharion, 10x Wardens, 10x Sentinels, 5x Dawnriders, a Stonemage, Avalenor, and 5x Stoneguard.

    But I’m thinking maybe something like:


    - Eltharion

    - Cathellar 

    - Loreseeker 


    - 20x Wardens

    - 20x Wardens 

    - 20x Sentinels

    - 10x Dawnriders

    - 5x Bladelords


    - Ballista 

    - Ballista 


    - Sanctum of Amyntok


    so 110pts left, any suggestions?

  3. Honestly, from my experience, trying to convince people on the internet of something they don’t want to be convinced of is a fruitless endeavour, which just makes you angry as it goes round in circles. Let them believe whatever they want to believe, they will anyway. Not really worth your time and effort. It’s much healthier to just chill with those who are more positive about the things you like, rather than try to argue with others.

    In regards to pickup games, if they’re going to refuse playing you because they read somewhere on the internet that your army is OP, they probably aren’t worth playing with anyway. 

    • Like 4
  4. 14 minutes ago, Acid_Nine said:

    Yea I was at ground zero for the discord stuff and it was messy. Cant say I believe all of it, as I think there is some stuff we’re missing out on. My list is going to change though. Think I will replace Avalorn and the stone mage in my list with two ballista, a regent, and maybe a lore seeker points willing. This seems really too good to pass up, and I wanna see how everything plays together in one legion.

    The generic Regent looks good then? That’s great news. Has there been any word on Command Abilities for any of these units?

  5. So, the ballista gets +1 shot when it sits still, right? Does the battalion give it yet another one? Or does the battalion just make it’s 6+ FnP go to 5+? (Which still seems good btw).

    I reckon I’m gonna get a Loreseeker and 2 ballista to add to my list, not sure what else yet. I was planning on using a big block of Bladelords as my elite killy unit, but maybe I’ll just do 5 to bodyguard and fill the other points with something else. Not sure yet though.

  6. 4 minutes ago, chosen_of_khaine said:

    I have to imagine the "theory" about bladelords is missing something. There's no way they don't have the sunmetal weapons rule. Not being a wizard would be strange as a vanari unit, and what about Ailenn's extra defense vs ranged attacks in underworlds? As it is they, stoneguard are just better in almost every respect. I REALLY hope there's more to them. 

    Yeah me too. I want to love these guys! 

    • Like 1
  7. Some interesting stuff. Are the Bladelords worth using? 2+ bodyguard rule is pretty good, but not getting additional dmg bonuses from anything seems meh. I guess their niche is bodyguarding and they’re good at it. 120pts though. Hmmm.

    Lord Regent seems pretty good, though do they get a command ability?

    I like the Ballista and Loreseeker the most, a little disappointed with the bannerblade, but he seems good.

    Overall though these units seem fun from these theories, intrigued to see them all properly written down to digest fully.

    • Like 1
  8. Yeah the Internet is as bad as it is good. Just don’t read the asshats, they’re everywhere for everything.

    EDIT: So this is just speculation and theory crafting, but if Ymetrica does change (I’m expecting it won’t though at this stage), would it be too powerful if it allowed the army to utilise the stone stance for ignoring -1Rend, while units who already have the stance ignore up to -2 instead? That way their army makes better use of it without being so niche. But perhaps it’d be too powerful on other units. 

    • Like 2
  9. 2 minutes ago, Gistradagis said:

    At 100 points they'd be quite amazing, I think. While not an insane unit except vs hordes, it still feels very reliable. If it's anything less than 120, it feels like an auto-include.

    I’d say so, as long as they’re capable of doing the mortal wounds or 2 dmg on 6’s to wound or something, like the other units. Along with a solid bodyguard rule they may be worth using alongside the Loreseeker who’d be going in alongside them, and they can protect him. Or potentially Eltharion to make him even more hilarious. 

  10. 6 minutes ago, chosen_of_khaine said:

    I'm surprised that the Perfect Strike only deals 1 damage. It feels like it should be 2 fluff and rules wise due to lacking MW output

    Yeah me too. For an anti-elite attack it seems rather meh. If their anti-horde attacks get MW, it’ll probably end up better to use it also vs elites, so I’m assuming there’s more to it... I hope anyway haha. 

  11. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/03/24/when-nagash-comes-knocking-theres-no-better-bodyguard-than-a-vanari-bladelord/

    I’m not 100% sold, but they seem pretty sweet.

    They auto hit elites, which is pretty damn cool, but 1 attack of 1 dmg. It means they also won’t get the sunmetal rule, as they don’t roll to hit. I assume the maths add up better than it seems.

    Regardless I love the idea of these bros, hopefully they actually get a bodyguard rule too.

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