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Posts posted by Boar

  1. 2 hours ago, W1tchhunter said:

    but my best friend is a stormcast player who keeps sending me pictures of the ballista crew and saying how sharp there sextants are 😜

    Well I guess they channel lightning or something. At least it appears their rules and lore aligned, well depending on who you ask ofc.

    16 minutes ago, W1tchhunter said:

    Yeah tbf your not wrong with the last bit :/ Wont tzeentch marked Iron golems pretty much always be a better choice than warriors now? Between coherency and just generally having bad weapon profiles they don't do any damage so survivability is there only thing. Iron golems will keep the plus 1 to save under 10 units and are much cheaper.

    Depends what you want to do. They are not as resilient to MW, and memes aside Chaos Warriors fight better. They can easier be used to grind and blunt attack by resisiting and lowering numbers of enemy attackers.

    Tough maybe with conjunction with Curse in Idolators as that gives +1 to praying?

  2. Finally Ogroid with Mark, and Warqueen and Cultist too. Nice.

    As could be expected looking at SoB WD changes we got strategy, tactic and battalions, and Mark of Chaos patch as extra. I honestly don't know why people were hoping for some indepth rewrite, there lies road to dissapointment.

  3. 19 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    The wording "a unit may not benefit from this command ability more than once per phase" allows for two readings:

    1.: A unit may not benefit from more than one instance of this ability in any given phase.


    2.: A unit may not gain the benefit of this ability more than one time per phase in which it is used.

    Accoring to 1 you would not be able to stack extra attacks, but according to 2 you would be fine, since you issue the command only once per phase.

    That could also be understood that you can not benefit twice, as in when Vanhel's is used only one pile-in your skellies or whatever would get bonus attack.

  4. 9 hours ago, Tizianolol said:

    I dont think they are too good( coherency hurts them a lot) but many people are playing that unit. Im curoous about your thought!

    They are very effcient in terms of effective wounds per point, and quite fast. That makes them very annoying obstacle for your opponent to remove.

    • Like 1
  5. 10 hours ago, Beliman said:

    New FAQs, nothing about leaving our skyvessels. Maybe we need to do a bit more noise.

    Yes! Admirals, I again cordially invite all of you to join our correspondence with GW regarding Flying Transport rule. And if you are so inclined perhaps in asking for additional clarification regarding use of Disengage with Fly High, where implied intent of new ruling suggest that Fly High needs Disengage to allow for shooting attack, but RAW of FAQ does not fully support it leading too unnecessary confusion.

    Please adress your inquiries -as I did- at below address:


    Have a fantastic and profitable day!

    • Like 1
  6. 9 hours ago, EatRawFish22 said:

    I'm going off of https://wahapedia.ru/aos/factions/kharadron-overlords/#Guild-Triumphs, and considering how the book was released shortly before aos 3 and that aether-gold would lose a lot of its strength by being limited to the 3rd edition triumphs, it seems like it is intended to use the old triumphs for aether-gold.

    Like @ArkanautDadmiral wrote new universals plus Belakor thingy.
    This wahapedia page is outdated and for 2.0. If you enter from main page and go to KO you will get current rules.
    And it was definetly intended with new triumphs, they vastly reduced re-rolls as main part of design, and guild triumphs are probably at least in part to offset changes to core triumphs.
    Otherwise re-rolling saves along with all out defense would be busted.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 5 hours ago, EatRawFish22 said:

    Wondering if anyone can clarify this, but aren't the old triumphs still used for aether-gold? BR: be'lakor states that "in a pitched battle, you must use he following triumphs table instead of the one in the core rules" and then goes on to list the previous triumphs. from what I can tell, this is intended, but I wanted to confirm it before using it in a game.

    BR: Belakor does not say that! It just says you can use BR:Belakor triumphs in addition to any other triumphs you can use.

  8. 4 hours ago, pikachoux said:

    Can someone explain the new rule for the Saurus Sunblood? On Lustria-Online a person said its a huge nerf but I dont understand.

    Previously he targeted enemy unit and anyone attacking it got +1 to wound rolls. Now he can target own unit to give them +1 to wound rolls. So he could buff potentially several units if they were attacking one marked unit, and also it could stack with other CA.

  9. 1 hour ago, Beliman said:

    Option 1 and 2 follow the new rules, but they are clearly a big nerf/buff, so I'm not sure what to think about all of this.

    That's why I wrote again yesterday to GW asking for clarification on Flying Transport. And I encourage everyone to do the same.

    • Thanks 1
  10. 5 hours ago, Charleston said:

    I don't get the Archaon nerf to be honest. Was Eye of Sherian so oppressing that it needed to be addressed? Isn't "reroll saves of 1" in StD Alligiance more of an issue?

    Many would argue that Archaon required urgent change to somehow limit slightly dude (as whole not necessarily this ability). However similar ability in Ogre Mawtribes was also changed, so it may very well been more about removing re-rolls.

  11. 19 minutes ago, Beliman said:

    Grudges affect Thryng non-KO Duardins again:


    But Fly High seems to be in a weird state:


    That can only be true if we count a Fly High as a retreat. So, we lost a setup and we won a "special" move, or at least, that's how I understand this FAQ.

    In 2.0 Disengage was in very peculiar state. It was clearly referenced in Fly High as possibility, but really only made sense for normal retreat, as Fly High was setup and so was ruled by different rules than moves. There was never situation when Disengage was required after Fly High

    What they wrote here seems to show that intent is for Disengage to work with Fly High and be required to shoot if Fly High is used instead of retreat. And so in effect treating Fly High as in a way inheriting restrictions from Retreat move.

    It is written tough in such way that RAW it does not exactly match apparent intent.

  12. 1 hour ago, Beliman said:

    A quick question that we talekd about in our WhatsApp group:

    What do you think? Imo, that not shoudl be allowed, it seems like an unwanted interaction.

    I will only say that bit from warscroll is in parenthesis, and thus part about overwritting rule is questioned. As GW puts just additional clarifications in parenthesis or something to that effect.

    Something to have in mind

  13. 33 minutes ago, Liquidsteel said:

    Yeah, whilst Geminids doesn't apply in the Combat phase, so can't stop saves there, it does stop commands being issued in Hero, Movement, Shooting and Charge phases.

    The Hero phase is something I hadn't considered before. I can imagine it really messing up people's day if you get it to hit something that's putting out a good command ability, such as Daughters of Khaine fight in the hero phase etc,

    Since spells are moved at end of hero phase, it is not going to stop anything in that phase

  14. 1 hour ago, anthalont said:

    Hey there
    I am mostly a painter though I like to throw some games with a like minded friend once in awhile.
    I am trying to make Harkuron list but was wondering if Morathi counts as 2 dok units in terms of coalition? Do I need to take 8 other units to be able to take Morathi? I understand it might be a silly question for most :)

    No such thing as silly question! She comes as two units, so yeah you need 8 units (not in addition like you wrote). So both Morathis and at least 6 others and you are set.

  15. 54 minutes ago, baiardo said:

    Could be the perfect replacement for squig-gobba if it will have -1 to rend.

    Also, there are some kind of rumors for troggoth hag and colossal squig, like new models for them?

    Rend -1 is kinda underwhelming right now, maybe -2 it's ballista after all. What is interesting whether it will be sufficiently useful as ally, or whether it will just rely too much on Krulboyz allegiance abilities.

    Heard nothing about FW models, seems as pure speculation honestly.

    • Thanks 1
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