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Everything posted by jabbadewonga

  1. There was a lot of debate early on about the Bone Daddy himself being overcosted, then overpowered... Did we reach a consensus on that in the end? What's the most competitive Nagash list at 2,000 points do we think?
  2. Is Katakros and Arkhan too much in 2k? I really want to fit both models in but it's a hell of a sink... Also, the harvester seems a bad investment in a Katakros list with all his healing/reviving already - thoughts?
  3. Between the archai and unique character getting slated, and the secondary market getting flooded with ogor stuff, I'm actually quite glad I missed the boat on this one. 😅
  4. So far I've got 20 mortek guard Harvester Arkhan What would be your next purchase here? Also, I'd like to add to the Katakros question - if I'm on a budget but can't decide between him (I'm painting my OBR in Praetorians purple) and Nagash, who should I go for...? Both have been hounded in the past for being overcosted, but more recently I'm seeing people report on how great they both are...
  5. OK Current list for my first ever AoS army is... Petrifex (obviously!) Soulmason (140) Boneshaper (130) 1x Mortek Guard (swords) x10 (130) 1x Mortek Guard (swords) x10 (130) 1x Mortek Guard (spears) x20 (260) Gothizzar Harvester (200) Statue (0) 990/1000 How does that sound? My friend's just picked up a Stormcast army - I'll most likely be playing just him for a while but with a mind to go to tournaments eventually. Can't wait to get my hands on a Crawler!
  6. What are peoples' opinions on a handful of generic heroes? Something like: Soul Mason - 140 Boneshaper - 130 Leige-Kavalos - 200 20x Mortek spears - 230 20x Mortek swords - 230 5x death riders - 180 stalkers - 200 Harvester - 200 Crawler - 200 Double up on one of the latter to hit 1910? Or drop the boneshaper for Akhan and up the leige-kavalos to zandros and have 40 points left? Totally fresh to the game, but the boney bois have me so hyped!
  7. Hi guys - long time lurker on this thread - thinking about picking up OBR as my first 2.0 army. As someone with little to no experience here, would a couple of blobs of Mortek guard surrounding Katakros/a buff wizard, with a harvister for re-gen and a couple of catapults not be a great 'come and get us army'? I guess you'd struggle with objective grabbing...
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