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Posts posted by sandlemad

  1. 22 minutes ago, GeneralZero said:

    The picture of 40K whole set was immediate at launch.

    No it wasn't, the four-issue trial was announced in February 2018 and we didn't see the full 40k range until August.

    Regardless, it's not hard to take a reasonable estimate at what the contents will be by looking at the ranges:

    Nighthaunt, probably

    • ETB Reikenor the Grimhailer
    • Knight of Shrouds
    • Cairn Wraith
    • Tomb Banshee
    • Knight of Shrouds on steed, Guardian of Souls, Spirit Torment sprue
    • 2 ETB Dreadblade Harrows
    • 10 ETB Chainrasps
    • Lord Executioner, 4 Grimghast, 5 Glaivewraiths sprue
    • 4 ETB Glaivewraith Stalkers
    • 4 ETB Myrmourne banshees

    Stormcast, probably

    • Lord Arcanum and Knight Incantor sprue
    • ETB Astreia Solbright
    • 3 ETB Sequitors
    • ETB Celestar ballista
    • 3 ETB Liberators
    • 3 ETB Retributors
    • Vandus Hammerhand
    • Some of the other stormcast Soul Wars sprues?
    • Maybe some of the other contents of the old Thunder & Blood box? Maybe not, they're not terribly well arranged for splitting out
    • A bunch of the single sprue SC heroes, e.g. the knight-heraldor, knight-questor, lord-ordinator

    There's other possible models, 40k Conquest spreads out two-sprue kits over two issues. Some of these (e.g. chainrasp) will almost certainly appear multiple times. Some of the other Nighthaunt kits are three-sprue though (e.g. Craven King, Lady Olynder, hexwraiths), suggesting they probably won't appear. There may also be some associated Death or Order models they could slip in as well as allies but hard to say what.

    And then some terrain and paint sets on top of this, maybe some sort of art book like the 40k Silver Templars one.

  2. 3 minutes ago, GeneralZero said:

    I don't see in their web site a list or a picture of the whole collection. Any link please?

    (for 40k, there are pics of the whole SM/DG armies+decors)

    Pretty sure the 40k list didn't appear until quite a while after launch, certainly not until after their four-issue trial. This only went up this morning so you will likely be waiting a few months to see the list.

    That said, we can look at the 40k version and get an idea of the kinds of models they'll include. Most of the stormcast and nighthaunt ETB/starter set ranges will be reused for this. Probably some of the single-sprue characters as well.

  3. £2.99 for 10 chainrasps and the ETB sequitors is ludicrous, I am sold. That's like a little over 10% of what the (overpriced, admittedly) retail box costs and vastly cheaper than ebaying them.

    Even when the cost bumps up to its regular, this is still a chance to get nighthaunt and SC stuff for incredibly good value. In fact if it's anything like the 40k one, we'll be seeing models like Lady Olynder and similar going for less than half price. I am absolutely onboard with picking up bits and pieces of nighthaunt as painting projects.

    EDIT: I mean damn, get issue 1 and 4 and you have a starter Warcry warband for about a tenner.

    EDIT: And hey, that looks like a unique Knight-Incantor!


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  4. 24 minutes ago, Blightzkrieg said:

    Stormcast = Fantasy Marines

    Primaris = Space Stormcast

    The logic checks out.

    I don't think the necron comparison exactly works out (though some of the layered armour looks similar, as does the antique militarism, the relatively dispassionate feel and the talk of a tithe) but I would unironically agree with this in that so much of what makes Primaris marines distinct from old marines can be easily traced to concepts and approaches that GW developed for the stormcast.

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  5. 9 minutes ago, tom_gore said:

    Yeah looks like a huge release. Interesting to see if the new faction will be able to field some of the "serviceable" plastic kits from the TK range. That would make a lot of angry former TK players happy again.


    Based on the aesthetic they're going with here, I'm not sure it would quite work. The serviceable kits are the tomb guard, necropolis knights/sepulchral stalkers and warsphinx/necrosphinx. All of them are pretty heavy on the obviously Egyptian look. There are hints of an Egyptian appearance in some of the art we've seen but not that much and what's there is blended with other influences.

    To my mind it's a bit like the Scourge Privateers and the Idoneth Deepkin. They're close and if GW had made a few slightly different choices when designing the Idoneth they'd sync closely but at the moment they don't really gel perfectly.

    For that matter, I'm not seeing much in the way of constructs in these previews... There's a focus on armoured skeletons but no animated statues or ushabti-things.

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  6. Look at those dudes, look at their helmets and gear. I can see Chinese, Mongolian, Roman and Egyptian influences going into a melting pot. Given the bones used for back ornamentation I think that scythe rumour engine is definitely for these dudes and not eldar/chaos.

    I am increasingly thinking the dude we saw in the previous video isn't the mortarch or the central character, more of a herald. The speaker is the masked general at the end.

    Possible units:

    - Catapult

    - Heavy cavalry on undead monsters (doesn't really look like a rhino skull but it's got horns and that one in the background looks like a terror bird)

    - sword and board infantry (armoured, hooked falchions, with a little pattern of bones on their skulls?)

    - spear infantry 

    - commanders (swords and banners, possibly command unit for infantry or could be heroes)

    - Mortarch (masked, spear/staff and heavy shield; could be infantry or simply shown unmounted here)

    - the tomb-on-his-back dude from the previous video.

    • Like 3
  7. 1 hour ago, Goddin said:

    I think you give too much credit to the designers =).  I think they just wanted Egyptian-looking symbols, and omitted the Aton for space on a miniature.  If I were to give the designers more credit than I think they are due, I would say because the Aton was a god and this character will be a servant of Nagash, who does not allow his servants to worship anyone else.... so take the aesthetic without all the meaning behind it.

    Oh I dunno,  there's a suprising amount of former art historians working or GW and folks like Jes Goodwin and John Blanche have a real depth of knowledge. Amarna period art is probably the best known kind of Egyptian art in the mainstream anyway and was discussed a lot in 19th/early 20th c. artistic circles. Akhenaten is widely known (rightly or wrongly) as 'the first monotheist' and I can see someone emulating his replacement of polytheistic gods in Nagash usurping previous gods. Or as you say the designers could simply have been reaching for 'generic Egyptian' style, which in most people's minds is basically the motifs of Amarna art anyway.

    One thing I would note above all though is that GW and the design studio are really going out of their way not to make 'fantasy versions of X'. When  Maxime Pastourel was talking about designing the Warcry warbands, he was emphatic that they didn't want to make a pastiche of any one culture but wanted instead to use motifs from multiple RL cultures to get a particular feel or atmosphere across. You've probably seen that image shared around (and linked here: https://i.redd.it/wgwsfh1c2tb31.png) of the Cypher Lords pointing out Chinese, Japanese, Roman and Egyptian aspects meant to convey a wealthy, cultured imperial feel.

    There's more depth there. More interest and room for designers to play around without it getting washed out quickly; I think of Jes Goodwin grumbling about folks mistaking the Ultramarines for space Romans when he made sure that they had the freedom to draw from the larger 'Classical' grab bag. There's also less risk of it being, to quote Jes Goodwin again, "culturally appropriative or just a bit naff".

    I think that's what we can expect from these new Death guys. Not Tomb Kings, not 'undead Mongols', but some new (and copyrightable) faction which draws from multiple cultures to make a defined AoS-specific thing, one which probably has overtones of ritual and antiquity and which may come off as vaguely 'Eastern-inflected'.

    • Like 8
  8. 58 minutes ago, Fairbanks said:

    It’s funny, but those candles in the vid line up exactly with the rumor engine photo. Looks like the back.

    That's an interesting point. The artist who does these animated trailers has quite a distinctive and stylised approach, so much so that when they did the Genestealer Cults one I saw the vehicles and thought 'nah, that's just a weird stylised background thing' but then it turned out to accurately reflect a forthcoming model. Here, well, the silhouette matches two rumour engines.

    It's funny because this illustration/animation looks wonderful but is clearly hewing very close to the appearance of the models, unlike a lot of the early AoS art which also hewed close to the models but looked dull, cookie-cutter and lifeless (haha). I guess previewing and hinting at things is the purpose of this kind of trailer art.

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  9. 14 minutes ago, madmac said:

    Yeah I think this pretty conclusively kills "Tomb Khans" in favor of this being a true remake of Tomb Kings. Which is perfectly ok with me.

    I mean the way rumours work, this hinges on the knowledge or understanding of who saw them. 'Mongolian' could have referred to a vague Central Asian aesthetic, even just pointy helms and lamellar armour or something, rather than a full horseback skeleton army. Dude is wearing that, maybe he's carrying a bow or sabre, 'I guess he's Mongolian?' Same with the music, the fact that I saw it described variously as Irish, eastern European, Chinese, Middle Eastern shows that we're dealing with (i) some broad fantasy aesthetics being hinted at and (ii) folks not really grokking what they're looking at

    I am reminded of the way the original Sanuinary Guard were accurately described ages before release with the exception that their (elegant, handguarded) swords were referred to as 'rapiers'. In this case the dude who saw them simply didn't know how to describe fancy swords and went with the term he knew. Spot on about the rest but everyone was confused about the idea of space marines with slender duelling swords.

    To return to the dude in the video though, what is that exactly on his back? It could match something from that one slate-with-candles rumour engine but it looks almost more like an overhanging awning or something. 

  10. This is indeed new death then. 

    Look at the general/emperor's staff or banner thing. That very much look like it has two heads hanging from it, just like the rumour engine, right down to what could be a silhouette of the crowns. Maybe the more recent stormcast helm could hang from his robes.



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  11. 6 hours ago, KriticalKhan said:

    That's word-for-word the 4chan post that got linked a few pages back. And that 4chan post was just everything that people have already been theorizing wrapped up in a nice little package with a 'leak' tag slapped on to get peoples attention. Throw in some disappointing stuff to keep it "realistic", nad you've got an unsubstantiated, uncredited rumor from a site known for making things up that gets spread around for no good reason, and now it's been picked up by someone 'legit', so even more people will believe it.

    Indeed, making this stuff up and making  is seem plausible is the easiest thing in the world. My suspicion is that while you probably do occasionally get someone posting a genuine  bit of news on 4chan... it's 4chan. Of course there's going to be fabrications.

    Case in point, this set of 'rumours' is being circulated:


    I think it's fair to say that this is pretty obviously made up of everything plausible which folks already speculate about, with a few disappointing elements lumped in, e.g. the highly unlikely case of Seraphon, the first WHFB army to get rebooted for AoS almost in its entirety, with a substantial plastic range which apparently sold well in WHFB and still does in AoS, being squatted.

  12. I question the idea that GW is simply going to cut all finecast models as a matter of course. We have the Free Peoples cull but then we also have two releases this year which kept quite a few finecast models, e.g. a lot of the skaven range, a fair few Gloomspite models. Even in cases where existing finecast models have been replaced with plastic, like the Khorne daemon heroes or the Gloomspite Looncurse boss on squig, we still have multiple other finecast models in those ranges.

    For StD I'd agree that the chosen are likely to go - the models were never that popular anyway, I think, folks seem to go with slightly converted/upgraded warriors - and that there's a lot of overlap between characters. The mounted lord though, eh. It's a distinctive model and a popular one for Golden Demon, etc. Certainly it has less crossover with other chaos heroes than, for example, the old Skarsnik/Loonboss & squig model has with the loonboss on giant squig or the loonboss on mangler squigs.

    RE: yhetees, I can think of at least two AoS-era art pieces depicting them, in their battletome. That's not a guarantee of their getting new models but it's more than other culled models got. I'd also note that the situation of an AoS book made up of pre-AoS models getting a new version/getting combined into a larger one has happened before with Sylvaneth and they didn't lose their finecast model.

  13. 55 minutes ago, silverstu said:

    You might get a new hunter model through BeastGrave - Hastings mentioned an Ogre Hunter as a possible war band [although his list missed BoC and Wanderers turned out to be Kurnothi]. Still possible  and what I'd hope GW would use Underworlds fro -to expand ranges. 

    That would work extremely well. A hunter and two sabretusks/hunting animals on two sprues. It would be about the same 'mass' of plastic as the other warbands and would offer some interesting command-based stuff for Underworlds along with potential harpoon crossbow tricks and a suitably wild/bestial/Ghur-ish focus. Then it gets released without the cards a month or two later as a kit for the Mawtribes. Boom, two resin SKUs replaced with a single multi-system plastic kit.Might be too sensible though...

    4 hours ago, Kyriakin said:

    Yea, I quite like the Hunter too.

    I know HeyWoah gives him a bit of stick by calling him the "gingerbread man" - due to his slightly unnatural arm position - but there are far worse sculpts out there

    He was the model that first sold me on the Ogre Kingdoms when I saw a blurry cameraphone photo when they were being released. I agree about the pose, I've cooled on it a bit, but the central conceit and a lot of the details are great.

  14. 12 minutes ago, Double Misfire said:

    With all this talk about how glad we'd be to see the finecast ogre stuff at the awful end of the spectrum disappear forever, would anyone else be as me if the Maneater models got retired? 😢


    The maneaters are special because (quite apart from being great sculpts and emblematic of a kind of light-hearted character and humour that was disappearing from GW even at the time of their release) I can’t imagine how you’d reasonably emulate them properly in a plastic kit. Half a dozen very distinct big infantry models (and associated unique gnoblars!) with basically no crossover, each unique and clearly a case of the sculptors letting loose and having fun.

    By that same token though, it’s half a dozen resin ogres for one unit, ogres which no one is really going to want to buy more than one of, so I can see why GW would not look upon them fondly from a limited stock rationalisation POV.

  15. I’d be sorry to see some of the units go but it would purely be from a thematic and variation basis. The yhetees and gorgers really are some of the ugliest models around. They were early 90s-looking when they were released. I’d like to see new yhetees but i’m not holding my breath. Gorgers on the other hand don’t really feel like they offer as much when pulled out of the WHFB context of the mountains of mourne.

    And for the sabretusks, all they need to do is release the fenrisian wolves kit in AoS packaging and call the warscroll “Frostsnarl Lopers” or whatever garbage name they go with. Hardly anyone uses the cat models as cats because they’re ugly and ludicrously expensive for what they are. Just go with existing plastics and make a note in the background that “some hunters are accompanied by great tusked mountain cats while others tame silent-running wolves” to leave it obviously open to existing players.

    The butcher also really needs an update but the hunter, the fire belly, and the man eaters are all excellent models. 

  16. As expected, a focus on the boxed games. That's minimum two rumour engines solved, the Kurnothi hunting horn and the ungor spear.

    I like the variation in ungor body types, some have pot bellies, some are buff. The Kurnothi are interesting, though it's hard for me to look at their legs/poses and not find them a little wonky. Wild Hunt themed elves (or elvish creatures) feel like they have some room to grow. I suppose they could carry over the old Wild Riders but as bsharitt said, there's no gurantee considering previous examples (gyrocopters/kharadron, scourge privateers/idoneth, slayers/fyreslayers).

    More importantly though, how about those Blood Bowl lizardmen. The saurus are wearing mouthguards! And look how cute the skinks are!


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  17. That looks pretty Hyshite, the candles make it like the old empire light wizards and the rays make it seem like the Cypher Lords' headdresses. I think this could plausibly be associated with Light Elves.

    Anyone want to have a crack at the runes? I see three elven looking runes, I start thinking Tyrion, Teclis and Hysh itself, though I can't quite get them to match any existing high elf examples even as closely as the Idoneth rune matches nastirr.

  18. The similarity in style certainly isn't an indicator that it's one of the katophranes, just that it's exactly the same kind of icon/visual element as was used for both Shadespire and Nightvault. I would be very surprised if this isn't what we'll see on the cover of the Beastgrave rulebook or on the generic Beastgrave cards. It's not an ogre and it's probably not a new army.

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  19. Dang that tyrant is brilliant. A colossal spear! Proportionate tusks on the gutplate! The old metal tyrant is still an incredible model but this guy rules. I'm digging out my ogres, that's it

    But do you know what's best about all this? "The Mawtribes hunger." Mawtribes. A new faction name. "Gutbusters" was hands down the stupidest name GW has ever come up with for anything. Whether Mawtribes is the replacement name or the term for an overarching Beastclaw/regular ogres battletome, anything which minimises Gutbusters as a term is genuinely more than I hoped for.

    And yes, I can easily see 'The Feast of Bones' being a battle between ogres (tyrant and then some combination of bulls, leadbelchers and the ironblaster/scraplauncher) vs... legions of Nagash, maybe, with some sort of new hero? There are a handful of bony rumour engines still to be solved. 

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  20. Warcry isn’t a boxed or specialist game though and GW has already committed to 8 new plastic kits minimum. It’s kill team, only more so.

    re: allocating resources, I know a lot of people who have zero interest in AoS as a mass battle game and who couldn’t give two figs about a random new battletome but who are going in on Warcry. Sometimes that’s because of game size, sometimes because of the models and background.


    Really, anyone can make an argument based on ‘why didn’t they just’. I would’ve rathered  they squatted beastmen and put the development effort into something interesting rather than a battletome which does nothing other factions don’t do in a more compelling fashion, but clearly they have some appeal.

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  21. The early modern HRE look of the old Empire range is unique and offers a good contrast with the rest of the high fantasy AoS range. The honest infantrymen with halberds propped against whatever comes against their city-state. I'm glad they stuck with that rather than churning out some generic fantasy humans.

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