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Posts posted by Merlyn

  1. Long time lurker, occasional poster....

    My sympathy and condolences to the gamers and collectors affected by the range removals. As someone who collected the majority of the Sacrosanct models range via the Mortal Realms magazine I partially feel your pain, though it is somewhat reduced by my being a collector rather than gamer these days.

    Sometimes gallows humour helps (aka if you didn't laugh, you'd cry). In that spirit, I find it ironic GW have destroyed the Sacrosanct range given the dictionary definition of the word....

    • Like 2
    • Haha 2
  2. A thought just occurred to me - does the reveal of Tahlia Vedra, Lioness of the Parch give us any indication that the Aqshy crusade will be the one to succeed?

    I can see an argument both for and against - why make such a centrepiece model for the failed crusade, but also it could also be a great plot twist and give her a great narrative for seeking redemption in 4.0 and beyond. What do others think?

    • Like 2
  3. On 5/12/2023 at 7:29 PM, Vicar in a tutu said:

    I wish GW would make older Warhammer Underworlds-warbands available again. I'm toying with the idea of starting Ironjawz (the new giant war-pig is very enticing), and I would love to get Morgok's Krushas as a way to add variety to my units of brutes. Especially as I have no interest in ardboyz. Here is an idea: Why don't GW make old warbands available as a made to order when a faction has a new battle tome? 

    It's not a perfect solution, but the Hachette partworks magazines include OOP underworld warbands at a reduced price. Unfortunately Stormbringer will be including Ironskull's Boyz rather than Morgok's Krushas for Ironjawz...

  4. Much as I would love a refresh of the Skaven line, the fact they are a relatively unique concept could be what's delaying it. GW have been prioritising moving away from generic fantasy with LRL replacing High Elves, KO and Fireslayers expanding on the Dwarves concept, etc in order to have IP they can call their own and protect. With the Dawnbringer crusades completing the human element of this movement, perhaps we can hope for some Skaven love to come...

    • Like 5
  5. Appreciate this is a 40k point, but it's been noticed that some Forgeworld Tyranids kits have now been moved to the GW main site and labelled as advanced kits for experienced modellers. Could this be the start of rejigging of content to prep for Horus Heresy relaunch and/or The Old World?


    • Like 1
  6. The 40K rotation articles states "These miniatures will be rotated out on the 27th of February, so you have until then to grab any that you might have missed. We guarantee that anyone who orders one of these kits before then will get one.".

    My friend has ordered one of the listed models, and the confirmation email from GW stated up to 6 months for delivery - which suggests they're preparing to need to produce more than what's currently sat on shelves.

  7. 14 hours ago, Nezzhil said:

    Kroak is not named in the last Flashpoint as part of the BR Be'lakor

    Just to call this out more clearly. The latest White Dwarf arrived today, with a Broken Realms flashpoint. There's narrative and rules for the War for Tepok's Eye, which features Seraphon vs Chaos. Belakor is a main part of the story, but his new model is not featured. It's a regular or garden variety Slann Starmaster leading the Seraphon, and I haven't spotted any reference to Kroak after skimming the article this morning. This suggests although Seraphon are part of BR Belakor, Kroak himself might not be.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Still-young said:

    There’s been job adverts on the GW site that mention The Old World and they were Specialist Games jobs (so part of Forge World). I know because I applied for one. 

    Edit: in fact there’s one now, for Specialist Games Studio Graphic Designer.




    I was about to flag the specialist games jobs posting too (they're also looking for army painters). A short while ago there was also a Horus Heresy focused games designer vacancy. 

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