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Everything posted by trolemon

  1. Slaves have had 10 new kits this year (underworld warband, 6 warcry warbands, chaotic beasts, new start collecting, endless spells). Gloomspite had 15 new kits (2x underworlds warband, herd, hoppers, manglers, fanatics, gobbapalooza, snufflers, rockguts, trogboss, skragrott, loonboss, squigboss, terrain, endless spells) Bonereapers had 13 new kits (crawler, riders, guard, harvester, arch kavalos, katakros, boneshaper, soulmason, soulreaper, vokmortian, stalkers, terrain, endless spells) So slaves didnt have the most new model kits.
  2. While I am happy that the ogors battletome is confirmed, I can't help but feel shafted as an orruk player given ogors get a new model, dice, and terrain (orruks got diddly squat on that front).
  3. At the moment the only bonesplitterz units with rend are the Big Stabbas, the Wurrgog Prophet, and the Savage Big Boss
  4. Makes ethereal amulet not an ideal artifact to use against these guys aswell
  5. Morathi's warscroll states that any additional wounds or mortal wounds allocated are negated, which is what Drakkfoot ignores so I expect we'll see an errata or FAQ on this
  6. Strength of Purpose The Ethereal ability has no effect on attacks made by a DRAKKFOOT unit. In addition, any ability that negates wounds has no effect on wounds inflicted by a DRAKKFOOT unit. This means that against Morathi, her only taking 3 wounds per turn ability doesn't work, right?
  7. The earliest we'll get our hands on cities and warclans now is September 21st which would be 9 weeks from announcement to release. Space marines and this expansion would be a week and a half from announcement to release. Sylvaneth was ten and a half weeks from the late bloom article to release, so I guess we don't have it as bad as they did, but at least they released the new warscrolls and teased everything ahead of time, unlike cities an warclans where all we got was the cover of the book.
  8. Well here's why we're angry regarding cities and warclans... (at NOVA): CoS & OW are coming so soon we're not going to discuss them at NOVA (also at NOVA): Here's a significant part of the reveal article/presentation on the Warcy expansion (4 days after NOVA): Warcry expansion announced for preorder next week
  9. This is the second time that something has been announced AFTER cities and warclans, and been released BEFORE cities and warclans, within a week of being announced (space marines & warcry expansion). I'm a little salty.
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