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Posts posted by Shirtripper

  1. Big Waaaagh got 5th at the New Orleans Open:

    Army Faction: Orruk Warclans
    Army Type: Big Waaagh!
    Grand Strategy: Hold the Line
    Triumph: Bloodthirsty

    Battle Regiment
    Megaboss on Maw-krusha
    Artefacts of Power: Amulet of Destiny
    Mount Traits: Fast ’Un
    Points Cost: 480 pts
    Rogue Idol
    Battalion Slot Filled: Monster
    Points Cost: 430 pts
    Orruk Brutes
    Points Cost: 160 pts
    Orruk Brutes
    Points Cost: 160 pts
    Orruk Ardboys
    Points Cost: 85 pts
    Wurrgog Prophet (General)
    Command Traits: Master of Magic
    Artefacts of Power: Glowin’ Tattooz
    Spells: Gorkamorka’s War Cry
    Points Cost: 150 pts

    Command Entourage
    Magnificent Bonus: Artefacts of Power
    Points Cost: 300 pts
    Orruk Warchanter
    Points Cost: 115 pts
    Orruk Warchanter
    Points Cost: 115 pts
    Total Points: 1995 pts

    • Thanks 1
  2. I went 3-0 today! Got 2nd out of 17 due to VP totals. I played STD with no Archaon, Sylvaneth with Alarielle, and new Stormcast.

    Every game I charged my opponents entire front line in their deployment area and didnt let them leave. Rogue Idol punch 4 Kurnoth Hunters to death in one combat as well as a block of marauders.

    The Savage Big Bosses scored the coolest kill of tournament, with the 2 Bosses dealing 10 to Alarielle thanks to Icebonez. And the big Stabbas were great too. Wurrgog killed a Daemon Prince with an Amulet and failed to kill a Treelord Ancient due to bad rolls, but did 7 MWs to it before his head exploded.

    Boars are legit, and I think my list or something close to it is what I'm going to stick with for a long time.

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  3. Taking this to a casual 3 round tournament tomorrow. Battleplans are Savage Gains, Tectonic Interference and the Vice. Just gonna hope two drops let me go first each time so I can T1 charge my opponent's lines. Tectonic Interference is only an 18" deployment, so hopefully there'll be some juicy for the prophet to stare at Turn One!




  4. 15 minutes ago, broche said:

    Quick rule questions: I was rereading some section yesterday, and i looked at the Marsh Sloggoth and found him interesting in bonesplitterz (+1 to hit is not clan tagged). But I already spotted weird army building rules. It state (translation, book in french) that if you want to be bonesplitterz, every Orruk warclan unit in the armies need the Bonesplitterz keyword (same wording for Ironjaw and Kruleboyz). 

    Since Sloggoth is an Orruk Warclan unit but doesnt have any of those keyword, that mean that according to this wording he cannot be taken except in big waaagh.

    Am I missing something?

    You are correct--the Marshcrawla has no Clan keywords, so it can only be taken in Big Waaagh.

    • Thanks 1
  5. 5 minutes ago, swarmofseals said:

    I'm aware of what the warscroll says. What I mean is that when the devs want you to choose something, they describe it explicitly using the language "Choose X or Y". If the ability were intended to be a choice it would most likely read:

    "When you choose a unit of Savage Boarboys to fight, if it made a charge move in the same turn choose either Savage Stikka or Tusks and Hooves. Add 1 to hit rolls and wound rolls for attacks made with the chosen weapon."

    Gotcha.  That makes sense, thanks for clarifying!

    I've been playing on the safe side by just choosing, and the boars still perform well, so this is even better.

  6. Got my first real game in last night versus Vyrkos Soulblight running 80 zombies. Double Rogue Idol and 10 Boarboy Maniaks did a lot of work in Icebonez. I lost the game, but mostly because I played really poorly at one point. Bonesplitterz Waaaagh! is the real deal, denying my opponent Broken Ranks the turn I activated it. I'm feeling much better about BS after playing it against one of the heavyweights in the meta.  I'm happy that others are feeling the same.

    Next up is 6 Wurrgog Prophets!


    3 hours ago, crowned said:

    After a game against Bonereapers I am really satisfied with Savage Boarboys with Stikkas. With Icebone and a +1 to hit and wound from a source, the -2 rend on piggies you tend to delete a 20 man of Mortek Guard fairly easy.

    So for the Boarboys with Stikkas, the warscroll ability says "Add 1 to hit and wound rolls for attacks made with a Stikka or Tusks and Hooves if this unit made a charge this turn."

    I interpreted that as you have to pick, right? Since the old warscroll had AND instead of OR.

  7. 25 minutes ago, Warbossironteef said:

    I know this looks kind of meme worthy but I honestly think it might be worth trying out. Big Stabbas make me so sad. I miss the old spells and warscroll. That said, they are 80 points and they are MSU which is how I think this army will play for the most point. Also, they can be kind of super annoying when you call a Waagh. Obviously a Waagh doesn't make them tanky but it does mean they wont just instantly die from an opponents chaff meaning they might get a 2nd round of combat in.

    I'm mean it's not meta breaking but I think it would do pretty well against some melee armies and it has enough bodies to outplay your opponent with movement. That said the worst part about the new rules is the nerf to our movement.... so much tactical ability gutted. 

    It's got 8 pregame moves so you an set up your little screens and run onto objectives. Turn 1 or 2 when enemy comes in you can call Waagh, try to hold on and then melt army with Wurgogs and Bigstabbas. Eh, it's not nothing.

    I was looking at some similar. I really do think we've been forced into MSU style to be competitive, since I think our goal is to tag objectives and then immediately attack our opponent all out.  There's something menacing about throwing massive quantities of Big Stabbas out that can generate MWs in Icebonez.

    My thoughts are that if you are playing Icebonez, you either play:

    1. Boarboys and then units that have D2 on their attacks, which means Big Bosses, Rogue Idols, and Big Stabbas
    2. Boarboys and MSU Maniaks since they take advantage of Icebonez through sheer weight of attacks
    3. Boarboys and Wurrgogs in the most epic staring contest of all time.

    Otherwise, I think the other "competitive" list is the MSU Bonegrinz with 1x Big Boss General, 5x Wardokks with the Save Dance, 10x Units of MSU Arrowboys, and an endless spell of your choice. I'd run with the Soulsnare Shackles myself.

    If nothing else, the psychological shock of telling your opponent you can shoot 300 times if everyone is nearby should make them play cautiously lol

  8. 17 minutes ago, PlasticCraic said:

    Yeah we've been kicking around Wurrgog spam lists in the Bonesplitterz Whatsapp group too.  One guy (Will) has committed to taking an army with 6 of them to an event, so he played a practice game last night.

    Turn one, he stared off a Mercenary Gatebreaker, a Wight King and 20 Grave Guard.

    Turn two, his opponent conceded!

    It was a dream matchup - a melee army that comes straight towards you - but it did make me chuckle.

    I've got 4 in the list I'm writing right now 🙂

    That's the kind of degeneracy I can get behind

    • Haha 1
  9. Gonna play this at an upcoming tournament. I have epically low expectations here, but I fully intend to surprise people with just how mobile the army can be.

    1x Savage Big Boss (65)
    --CT: Great Hunter
    1x Maniak Weirdnob (100)
    --Artefact: Glowin Tattooz
    --Mount Trait: Fast'Un
    --Spell: GorkaMorka's War Cry
    1x Savage Big Boss (65)
    5x Savage Boarboys w/ Chompas (140)
    5x Savage Boarboys w/ Chompas (140)
    5x Savage Boarboys w/ Chompas (140)

    1x Savage Big Boss (65)
    1x Savage Big Boss (65)
    1x Savage Big Boss (65)
    5x Savage Boarboys Maniaks (145)
    5x Savage Boarboys Maniaks (145)
    Rogue Idol (430)


    7 units can move pre-game 8", which in this case would be all of non-hero units. Hopefully by being a two drop, that would let me go first in a lot of cases.

    In my hero phase, I would use the Fast'Un trait to march up the Weirdnob 12", within 6" of a Rogue Idol, and then cast the WarCry on something they have on their front line--given that most deployment zones are 12" apart, I might need to use Tireless Trackers on him to get in range of something.  Of course, if he's just going to get auto-unbound, who cares anyway.

    After that, move into range of my opponent, and then charge their entire front line on T1 with everything.  Given that a lot of damage comes from buffs in most non-monster armies, I should be able to dump damage across the board with minimal crack back.

    On my opponent's turn, I'll activate the BS Waaagh, and then hopefully hold on long enough to score on the objectives.

    Block of Big Bosses will run around tagging objectives, since they are all individual models.

    Bad? Probably, but at least I'm going to have fun! 

    • Like 1
  10. 2 hours ago, Yargar said:

    I wonder if it would be beneficial to run more then one Savage Bog Boss? He is only 65 point now.

    I'm going to run 6 in Icebonez and abandon sanity.

    The idea being that if you think of them less as heroes and more as a 390 point unit whose models pile-in individually and end up with the following attack profile: 36A/3/3/-1/2 that deal 2 MWs on 6s to wound in Icebonez.  And then they can let another unit pile in and fight after that.

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  11. 3 hours ago, bonzai said:

    Yeah, a better comparison would be 10 Maniacs with a shaman behind them giving the same buff (+1 to hit). 8 would make it into combat due to coherency. 

    I will say what I said on the other thread. I am not disputing that Icebone Boar spam can be effective. My main issue is that it is pretty much all we have now. We had the ability to get exploding 6's in the last book. Now it is army wide and that is great. But it came with a hit to a lot of our bonus attacks, our casting, and our ranged effectiveness. Our options across the board have been cut, and those that remain were either nerfed or remained status quo. So when people say how much better we are now, I take exception. GW ran us over with a truck  and then were kind enough to hand us a crutch.

    For sure. I'm in it more for the memes now that anything.

    *Looks at 6 big bosses*

    • Haha 1
  12. 46 minutes ago, Magnus The Blue said:

    Obviously lots of dependencies on both sides and it's a bit apples Vs oranges but interesting to see the comparison between them in near ideal circumstances.


    One of the big issues ist arroeboyz are a single activation, whereas 3 units of Maniaks are 3 activations. This gives the opponent a chance to damage the unit which will reduce their fighting effectiveness since it drops them below 5 models.

    That said, you can give a Maniak Weirdnob the Fast 'Un mount trait which lets it make a normal move in the hero phase. Theoretically if you went first and with an 8" Tireless Trackers pregame move, the Weirdnob could move 20" then cast GorkaMorka's War Cry, make the enemy unit fight last.

    THEN you said in the Boys.

    Unless you play against Teclis :c

  13. Hey you, yes, you! Do you like playing Herohammer? Do you ever look at Idoneth Deepkin or LRL with envy over their abilities to fight multiple times in a row but you exclusively think green is the best color and that aelfs really need to cultivate mass?

    Now introducing: The Clone Wars (tm)! Where you can fight with 6x Savage Big bosses in a row followed by a Rogue Idol or whatever! That's 36A/3/3/-1/2 with 2 MWs on 6s to wound.

    This is of course a memey list, but the idea of forcing opponents to split their attacks among 6 Big Bosses who are walking up the field with each other is just too good to pass up at least one test with.


    Warlord Battalion

    GENERAL: Savage Big Boss 65 

    --Command Trait: Great Hunter

    --Artefact: Glowin Tattooz

    Savage Big Boss 65

    --Artefact: Arcane Tome

    --Spell: GorkaMorka War Cry

    Savage Big Boss 65

    --Artefact: Vial of Manticore Poison

    10x Savage Orruks w/ Chompas 165

    10x Savage Boarboys w/ Stikkas 280

    5x Boarboy Maniaks 145

    Warlord Battalion

    3x Savage Big Boss 195

    10x Savage Orruks w/ Chompas 165

    10x Savage Boarboys w/ Stikkas 280

    5x Boarboy Maniaks 145

    Alpha Beast Pack

    Rogue Idol 430

    Rogue Idol 430

    2k on the dot

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  14. 1 hour ago, Requizen said:

    I feel like we lost a lot of exploding combo stuff, which felt pretty iconic. Arrowboyz aren't nearly as terrifying now, though shooting in general still isn't awful.

    Interestingly, I think a big winner is the Rogue Idol. Still benefits from a lot of the good stuff, Spirit of the Were-Boar and Wierdnob's spells both work on him, and with that once-per-game 4+ Ward, he might be a real force to be reckoned with.

    They're also TOTEMS so they can issue commands as well.

    Here's what I'll be trying out:



    Wurrgog 150


    -Command Trait: Master of Magic

    -Artefact: Glowin Tattooz

    -Spell: Power of the Wereboar

    Maniak Weirdnob 100

    -Spell: Glowy Green Tusks

    20x Savage Orruks w/ Stikkas 330

    10x Boarboys w/ Stikkas 280

    10x Boarboys w/ Stikkas 280


    Rogue Idol 430

    Rogue Idol 430


  15. 38 minutes ago, Verminlord said:

    Anyone been testing out thanquol?

    I have! He has been an all-star so far between being able to delete large blocks of infantry, his great spellcasting, and his small base size allowing you to do some creative pile-ins and Scurrying.  Last game I killed 40 Mortek Guard with just him, letting Stormfiends take care of other higher priority targets.

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  16. Played Veins of Ghur against an OBR opponent running Arkhan. Thanquol was the MVP of the game--even with only 2 Warpfire Throwers, his Unleash Hell wiped 20 Mortek Guard. In the next shooting phase, he wiped out 20 more Mortek Guard!

    Also, his small-ish base makes it so much easier to Scurry out of combat. Thoroughly impressed so far.

    • Like 2
  17. 14 minutes ago, Btimmy said:

    They have the Hekatos keyword, which allows them to give themselves the command. 

    Where is mentioned that the Hekatos keyword grants the ability to issue commands?

    The only times I see Hekatos mentioned as being able to issue commands is the pre-FAQ wording on Unstoppable Advance and on Deathless Warriors. The Hekatos keyword is never referenced in regards to issuing commands so far as I can tell.  The designer's commentary calls out that commands are issued by the unit leaders which is still true in 3.0, but in 2.0 the Stalkers could issue commands to themselves because that's what their warscroll said.

    Stalkers/Immortis don't have unit leaders, and the FAQ did not clarify beyond that. RAW, they wouldn't be able to issue their command is how my local group have been interpreting it unless there's something critical I'm overlooking?

  18. Here is a theoretical list of mine that I'm looking to test.  It has poor objectives game, but there's something to be said about having your entire army do shooting.  Stormfiends continue to over-perform, and with Mystic Shield and such they can be surprisingly tanky.  All of the Engineers have MMMWP for redundancy. 

    I've learned that -1 to hit is not all that great, so every unit will be able to land shots at -2, or completely bypass in the case of WLC's.  The idea would be to park the WLC's in the backfield and demolish things one at a time while the deathball of Stormfiends + Arch-Warlock march up the field flanked by the Acolytes, who can run and tag objectives as necessary. The single Warpfire Projector is to shore up matches against Immortek guard, basically.

    I'm going to test this out soon, so let me know what you think! Comes out to 2k exactly.

    Command Entourage (Command Point)
    Arch-Warlock (175)
    --Command Trait: Deranged Inventor
    --Artefact: Amulet of Destiny (or Vigordust Injector, not sure which yet)
    --Spell: MMM-Warp-Power!
    Warlock Engineer (125)
    --Spell: MMM-Warp-Power!
    Warlock Engineer (125)
    --Spell: MMM-Warp-Power!

    Hunters of the Heartland

    Skryre Acolytes x10 (130)
    Skryre Acolytes x10 (130)
    Stormfiends x9 (945)
    --3x Ratling Guns
    --2x Windlaunchers
    --1x Warpfire Projectors
    --3x Shock Gauntlets

    No Battalion
    Warp Lightning Cannon (185)
    Warp Lightning Cannon (185)

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  19. 52 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    Yeah, with the current system, I’m literally seeing rend -1 or less as almost useless.

    Thankfully, we are skaven players, and for that reason have a ton of option to just out straight deal mortal wounds.

    This is definitely a volume of fire game now.  Hopefully 9d6 of shots from Stormfiends all at 2D each can get the job done!

  20. 31 minutes ago, Coyote said:

    Mystic Shield + Clanshields question -

    I think I already clarified this before- but please confirm- 

    If casting Mystic Shield on Clanrats/Stormvermin while unit is 10+ Models  - We don’t get an additional +1.

    But still worthwhile if opponent uses Rend weapon against us, as we may lose -1 (or whatever) but get a +1 back.


    Right.  You can only ever at most get a +1 to your save after modifiers are calculated, meaning that you can stack +1 saves to negate rend but the most you can get after rend is a +1 to save characteristic.

    This is important because some units can get really tough to kill.  I played a game yesterday where I stacked Mystic Shield and All-out-Defense on a unit of Stormfiends which gave them a 3+ against -1 rend attacks.

    Similarly, my opponent playing OBR with Petrifex (reduces rend by 1) had an Arkhan buffed by Mystic Shield and Finest Hour. That meant my Verminlord had effectively zero rend!

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