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Posts posted by KriticalKhan

  1. Getting rules late into an edition is only a problem if you immediately switch to the new rules. If you and your buddies play armies that don't even have next edition battletomes, then why play the next edition? GW send the Pinkertons to keep you from playing 3e

    • Like 2
  2. 11 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    I really hope this is the case. Ogors need to be scaled up drastically. Something that is 8-10 Feet tall should not have a Fyreslayer come up to their shoulder in height.

    The Ogor range refresh has me as excited as I was for Sons of Behemat.

    My only gripe for an ogre refresh is that there's no way GW will keep the level of intercompatibility that exists between the kits right now. Admittedly, it has limited their posing options (which makes sense considering the game they were designed for) but I have been able to make entire units out of spare parts I've had left over and the glut (pun intended) of extra ogre bodies you end up with. I made a Tyrant out of extra bits from the Ironblaster and a unit of Ironguts from left-over Mournfang arms and some Leadbelcher bits.

    I'm sure whatever GW cooks up will look better than what we've got, but I'll really miss what feels like an unmatched level of easy customization that we have now.

    Or maybe we'll get dropped like BoC in 5e. Who knows :^)

    • Like 3
  3. As someone who was asking for a SCE consolidation, this is about the last way I expected GW to do it haha. And based on their wording and how they want to cut roster bloat, I'm 100% sure they're not coming back. At least, not in the foreseeable future. We would have seen something in the trailers or leaks.

    It also won't be difficult to proxy them as other units and if you don't like the rules getting dropped, there are better fantasy war games out there. GW makes good models. That's about it. Free yourself from their shackles.

    It is pretty goofy that the 3e battletome had entire sections and a short story dedicated to saying, "Don't worry, Fatcast. The Thunderstrike won't replace you. Everyone has their role here :^)"

    And then...

    Given the existence of Vigilors, I wouldn't mind if Judicators were dropped completely, and Liberators could replace Vindictors and I don't think anyone would complain.

    But now I have to wonder: what will happen to the Vanguard and Extremis Chambers? Celestant-Prime? I guess they have to save something for 5e.

  4. Other than having a lot of hero units I think the roster bloat of the SCE is slightly overstated. The only major redundancies I see are the Vigilors and Judicators, and the three or four "stalwart battleline" troop options. I was hoping Vindictors would get a multi-part kit with multiple weapon options to replace Liberators entirely. Not sure if "slightly tankier" will be enough to set them apart. A lot of the other units are just different weapon options listed as their own units that could easily be condensed to a single warscroll (Paladins being the only exception I'd like to keep as-is since I think they do a good job defining themselves with unique roles).

    That being said, what niches can exist for an army have been filled already and I don't see what the Ruination Chamber can bring to the table if it really is just more Stormcast (but with axes instead of hammers!!!). Those fan concepts people like to pretend are real are a lot more interesting and would provide some needed visual variety; nothing that GW has shown so far fills me with confidence. TBH, I'd be happy with some 1e revamps and warscroll condensing rather than adding even more stuff, but that has never been the GW way, so it's whatever

  5. 47 minutes ago, The Red King said:

    This looks like cash grab mobile game art. I know it's not but geez is that a step-down in art quality.

    If it weren't for the new design, I'd have thought it was straight out of 1st edition

  6. To everyone who predicted the leaked ghouls would be a new unit and not replacements, I kneel. (actually kinda glad since I like the old ones too but I 100% thought they were getting the axe. Which, they kind of are, considering the executioner 🤔)

    I already loved the FEC range, but this update has elevated it to one of the best armies GW has ever put out. I adore the freaky new varghulf---I was a little disappointed that it strayed so far from the original design but the vargskyr is a perfect replacement for people who want something more bestial.

    Normally, I have a thing against buying named characters because I want my armies to be 100% original donut steels, but... Ushoran... Oh, mighty Ushoran... Perfect. Perfect, perfect model. A striking silhouette, characterful pose, enough detail to be interesting but not so much that it's overwhelming with strong contrast in material that keeps them from getting lost amongst themselves, and a base that complements the figure without overwhelming it. Look at how he holds his scepter---the regal, yet casual show of strength. Do you see how the bangles hang off his forearms? How the cape folds around his body and base? The knowledge of gravity on display... The weight of the objects illustrated so subtly yet so apparent. The face is immediately visable despite the amount of detail surrounding it and every line in the model leads toward his outstretched hand, as if he's asking you to kneel in supplication and kiss his ring. Even the broken pillar on the side serves to balance the composition---it creates visual interest without distracting from the focal point. I've never felt more like Patrick Bateman looking at Paul Allen's card than I do now. My god.

    I cannot wait to see what the skaven players get next edition. You guys have earned it.

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  7. To continue the long string of "make Kragnos better" suggestions, I think he would have benefited from alternate build options that let you put faction-specific trinkets and iconography on him (ironjawz armor, gutplates and maw symbols for ogres, etc.). Maybe some theming stuff for the base. Obviously, people can do that themselves with left-over bits from their own armies, but a lot of hobbyists I know are allergic to anything that isn't in a GW-approved instruction manual, and it would have shown they actually considered Kragnos to be a cross-faction centerpiece, rather than some guy who looks like he got lost on the way to the BoC book

    • Like 9
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  8. Decoupling SBGL and FEC is pretty tricky because the terrorgheist alone builds

    -(Royal) Terrorgheist 

    -(Royal) Zombie Dragon

    -Ghoul King on Terrorgheist/Zombie Dragon

    -Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon/Prince Vordhrai

    Six units! One of them is a named character!

    If GW updates it for FEC, and keeps their options, what happens if they don't add the vampire ones? Do they keep the old kit? Do they lose access to those units entirely? Do they get their own zombie dragon model? You could ask the same thing about Vargheists.

    They could update them as they are, but I can't think of a single modern AoS kit that has that level of modularity or, as others have said, cross-faction compatibility. One option I see is FEC getting a new terrorgheist with ghoul king, and the vampires getting a new zombie dragon and lord/Vhordrai. Crypt Horrors/Flayers and Vargheists get bespoke kits.  Or FEC gets updated models with slightly different names while SBGL keeps the old ones until their own update. Maybe GW doesn't touch any of them.

    We saw Morghasts and Arkhan dropped from Legions of Nagash when they became SBGL so I think GW is working toward each Death army having unique models but maybe they don't care this time. I don't know why I'm trying to predict this when I've been wrong just about every time. In fact, I could just delete this before I post it but I've spent ten minutes of my life thinking about tiny plastic vampire guys and all of you will just have to deal with it.

    • Like 7
  9. FEC getting a full teaser like that means this is going to be a big expansion, right? I can only remember trailers for completely new armies or ones that were getting a battletome for the first time.

    Other than Ushoran and the leaked Ghoul sprues, are there any rumors of what it would have?

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  10. You think you have a banger of a post then someone hits you with the 🤨 and you remember to stay humble

    But on a serious note, for expanding Death, instead of finding a new variant of walking dead guy, GW could treat them like any other race and make a new faction where the differences are in the aesthetics, lore, and playstyle. We've got plenty of elf factions and are still expecting more. We've got two dwarf races. Five different variants of "chaos guy with armor and spikes". We've got racial books like Mawtribes, but even though orks are all in one book they don't have to be. The separate factions in warclans are all the sizes of some other standalone ones.

    We've got vampires, but vampirates could be their own book. Necromancers and zombies are in SBGL, but you could have a faction of Frankenstein-esque necromancers who don't want to serve the vampires and use twisted science to augment their dark magic. Imagine a faction of sentient zombies that are more like draugr and lean into a completely different cultural pastiche instead of the pseudo-eastern European one that SBGL has now. Bonereapers are like Roman samurai, what if we got a faction that drew from Indian or SEA mythology? Just "undead that aren't human" would probably be enough to set a new faction apart.


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  11. 8 minutes ago, SilentSentinel said:

    A non-Morathi sub faction of DOK might actually motivate me to revisit my DOK that I grabbed back when they first released, especially if they're based around a death god(ess).

    The narrative stranglehold Morathi has (had? since rivalries have already been established) was one of the biggest reasons I never started them---it's the same issue I have with Death and Nagash, but the models were too good for me to stay away. A lot of Warhammer lore exists as a framework for players to create their armies and set their battles in so having something say, "This is how it is 100% of the time with no exceptions," feels pretty weird and counterintuitive to that. Conflict is the beating heart of every narrative, so even having them as hopeless underdogs is still a big boost to the universe and what stories you can tell with them. Actual model support would be even better.

    On that note, I really hope GW uses Nagash's (temporary) downfall as an excuse to bring back some other gods of death. They don't have to be equal in power, but just saying they're out there and doing stuff opens a lot of narrative potential.

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  12. 40 minutes ago, Preppikoma said:

    (Long-time lurker.) The DoK icon might belong not to a random Crone Herald but to their alleged ringleader name-dropped in Covens of Blood:

      Reveal hidden contents

    Crone Hellebron

    Due to the crow theme of Morai-Heg, the icon might be on the same model as this RE:


    Even more speculatively, an endgame-ish direction for DoK:

      Reveal hidden contents

    Morathi-Khaine vs. Hellebron-Morai-Heg (Morai-Hellebron?)



    • Haha 18
  13. So many races would benefit from even single-unit releases with their battletomes over more foot heroes, but the profit margin for them is probably lightyears apart. Keeping seraphon as an example, imagine how much less effort it takes to design one fancy saurus guy vs a squad of ten and then be able to sell it for almost the same amount.

    But with Sylvaneth, Ironjawz, and potentially FEC (if it's not just new ghouls), there's still hope for other factions to get proper expansions... eventually.


    And I think we've all got plenty of backlog to work through in the meantime lol


    • Like 4
  14. 1 hour ago, Shankelton said:

    Been away a while, and im sure its come up.

    But Valrak, that 40k viewer and rumormonger, has mentioned twice that a big Skaven vs Stormcast release is coming next year.

    Any other notable rumors floating around?

    Other than the usual suspects (Chorfs, Malerion, Kurnothi, etc.) perhaps the most credible is that some amount of older Stormcast models are getting Thunderstrike replacements to go with 4e. 

    And there's the FEC update, but I'm not sure we have any actual rumors or leaks for it, other than the new ghoul sprue.

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    • Confused 1
  15. 29 minutes ago, Kronos said:

    Indeed. I feel 8 years is far too long to be teasing a character. Still, I got Kroak and Be’Lakor (and Angron!) so I know I’m being a spoilt little hobbyist.

    But not to detract - why is my quote in French now. 🇫🇷

    GW's marketing for bretonnia is getting out of hand

    • Haha 18
  16. 5 hours ago, KriticalKhan said:

    It's going to be interesting to see how a revamp of the old Stormcast goes. I'd say Sacrosanct stuff is pretty safe for the time being and the Vanguard units look good with the extra details and more dynamic posing. If it's only going to be the OG releases and Dracoth riders (Vandus is either getting a heroic return and new model or permanently killed off, IMO), then that could be done in a single edition's worth of releases.

    -New Liberators (dual kit with new multipart vindictors?)

    -Judicators (I really don't see the point of these guys with Vigilors now, but I was thinking the same thing about Liberators before last week, so...)

    -Prosecutors w/ variants

    -Paladins w/ variants

    -Dracoth riders w/ variants




    and then all the foot characters, some of which could be rolled into kits with multiple options or else dropped where there are already clear Thunderstrike alternatives (Knight-Vexillor and Lord-Relictor, for example). GW has been combining a lot of weapon options into single profiles and we might see something like that with the Paladins becoming a single unit to complement the Annihilators. That would be about on par with the initial Thunderstrike release and take care of the "worst offenders" of the range. If we assume they're going to add stuff from the unopened chambers too, then it would still only take about two editions. I don't think it will take as long as the Primaris stuff has since SCE are only dealing with about half the number of models.

    Or maybe it'll just be Liberators and we'll all look back on this and laugh



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