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Posts posted by KriticalKhan

  1. 3 minutes ago, Mandzak-Miniatures said:

    Not sure why everyone hates on soup. Maybe it’s people who didn’t play whfb, only now armies were ripped apart to make sub factions, looking at you FEC and NH. (NH specifically, wascreated out of three units: wraith, banshee and spirit hosts. 2 hero and one elite/ non counting core depending on edition)

    ”soup” let’s creative minds run wild with conversions and themes.  Since building heroes was wiped in place of character hammer, I welcome more soups as a means for customizing and themes to flow instead of the mundane.

    Sometimes I forget that their are AoS players who just don't have any experience with Fantasy, even through secondary sources like Total War. Back when the Skaven book came out I saw someone complaining that Pestilens got "souped" in with the other clans and I was baffled as to why anyone would be mad that their old army got put back together until I realized that Pestilens might have been their only army and that putting them in a book with Skryre might be the same for them as Deepkin and DoK getting souped would be for me.

    Regardless, it would have been completely unrealidtic to expect every microfaction to have gotten full expansions and support (and I say this as a former Gutbusters battletome truther). I don't play dwarfs but I can completely sympathize with those who don't want a Kharadron+Fyreslayers books, despite how likely it's looking. Historically, Fyreslayers have never seemed like a super popular army- though I don't have any concrete data to support that claim -and despite how cool it might be, I don't expect GW to put more money into a faction that isn't making as much as they'd like already.

    I'm a big fan of diverse aesthetics in a faction (Kurnothi would be perfect for Sylvaneth and I still think Phoenix Temple should be in Lumineth), but Kharadron and Fyreslayers is pushing things too far, IMO.

  2. 8 minutes ago, Mandzak-Miniatures said:

    So far all the “stuff” that the boglins may have traded for with “chaos dwarves” hasn’t shown that these dwarves are the forge masters they once were lol. Everything we’ve seen is ramshackle garbage

    "Oh yeah, totally, this is one of our finest weapons. It's supposed to look like that. Like garbage, I mean. It makes them underestimate you. Very dangerous."

    "Fell apart? When you picked it up? That's the, uh... tactical auto-disassembly. It leaves shards of metal around for your enemies to step on. Gives them tetanus. Very dangerous."

    "I know a sword breaking in half the first time it hits something might seem like a sign of poor quality, but it's supposed to do that. Leaves bits behind in the wound. Very dangerous."

    "Yeah, they bought it, but you're going to have to get a new apprentice because I can't keep selling their junk. I know Zaltharr is family, but I'm trying to run a legitimate business here."

    • Like 10
  3. 2 minutes ago, Tiberius501 said:

    Hmmm... 36 mortal wounds on the charge? I’m assuming that’s best case scenario and will never actually be the base, because if he’s actually capable of doing that by himself regularly, he’s either going to be an unusable amount of points, or will just be disgusting.

    I really hope it’s a dramatization and isn’t a sign of 3rd revving up the mortal wounds as if it’s a meme...

    Didn't the say something like that about Stonehorns doing 50+ potential wounds, only for the statistical probability of that happening being 1 in several billion? I think they're just taking the best-case-scenario to hype him up

    • Like 2
  4. 2 minutes ago, Nos said:

    They're not looking to bring people into the hobby so much with this. They're looking to set up their own revenue stream.

    The focus wont be Disney, Netflix obviously- that would be crazy- but they will be looking to monoplise the market of media related to GW products currently available elsewhere into this service. Bear in mind pretty much all GW products released ahead of time on other services come from GW, they can turn off that tap whenever they like. 

    People looking at this now thinking "why would I bother when I can go to X or Y for my GW content" ' well, they wont be able to have access to those sources much longer I'm guessing.

    I'm pretty positive subscribers will have first or exclusive  access to certain products too. 

    Basically- if you're into GW stuff just now, to maintain that level of investment is going to become harder and harder without this subscription. *Of course* it will prove popular with enough people for GW to benefit from it. 

    I'm not saying this because I claim to know the future or anything, it's just how every subscription model has entered the hobby and entertainment economy the past few years. If you don't subscribe, you get a second class experience, very intentionally so.


    Other than access to digital armybooks, I'm not sure what else a streaming service could provide that would make things worse for someone who doesn't have it. Considering they dropped digital codexes for 40k, I'm betting that's one of the thing they're planning to include, but still.

    The only other digital content I can think of would be WarCom articles and comics (and who in their right mind would pay for those?) and 3rd party stuff like video games, which would never end up on a service like this outside of "Subscribe and get this 4-year-old shovel-ware game for free!!" type deals.

  5. 1 minute ago, NotAWzrd said:

    They may do something similar to Duncan Rhodes painting academy, whilst keeping the simpler painting guides for Warhammer TV. Possibly include some battle reports from the WarCom team as well as the podcast / interview stuff. 

    Professionally made battle reports would definitely be cool, especially if they went all-out with the production value. It'd be pretty neat seeing battles that use all that terrain that's only ever seen in White Dwarf backgrounds.

    • Like 7
  6. On a mostly unrelated note: whichever arm you don't end up using with Annika would probably work as a replacement for that Necromunda model people were talking about using as a Vampire Lord.


    Can anyone tell if those "cancelled Cursed City expansions" models are ETB kits? That should give  a pretty definitive answer as whether they are or not.

  7. Big F for all my Matched Play friends. I guess it was too much to expect an update to that rule so soon.

    But to look at things on a slightly more positive note, how would you proxy them?

    Torgillius and Gorslav are obvious Necromancers and Halgrim works fine as a Wight King.

    If the Vargskyr is big enough and you have the right base, then you might be able to get away with using it as a Vengorian Lord, or if you stick two of the Blood-Born on then it could work as Radukar the Beast, with the third being a generic Vampire Lord.

    That just leaves the Kosargi without a clear proxy. X-Tra thicc Wight Kings?


    • Sad 1
  8. 3 minutes ago, dirkdragonslayer said:

    That being said, for the love of the mortal realms, why would you create a warhammer-only streaming service? Streaming services are already getting crowded and a specialized service like this sounds doomed to fail. Putting your stuff on Amazon or Netflix has the benefits of strangers looking at it and going "wow that's cool, I am going to look more into this," like with the DotA and LoL shows. It increases brand recognition and fanbase size. Putting them exclusively on your own service seems really limiting, especially since it's going to have a small catalog of content.

    I could be super wrong, but I am getting Quibi flashbacks...

    I give it a year, at best.

    • Like 1
  9. 4 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

    Yeah, I'm pretty sure that the sword is for this model:


    Another point is if I think if Cursed City is dead or alive, and I'm pretty sure that Cursed City has not future.

    That guy in the picture is on of the Bloodborn pre-transformation, like the other characters in that image. See the dude on the left, with the same hair and sword hilt.

    The sword in the rumor engine is different.


    • Like 3
  10. 1 hour ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

    seeing warclans just seems  a cheap way to add options to the rooster without improving neither, as the ironjawz still have'nt got anything

    I know people don't want to hear this, but until (if) Ironjawz get their own book again, I don't think GW considers them their own army that needs new models. To them, they probably think that they fixed the issue by merging them with Bonesplitterz and vice versa for them.

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  11. Having read some of the darker parts of Warhammer's lore for greenskins, one would have to shudder at the thought of what an orc would have to do to earn the title of "cruel" from their fellows.

    Perhaps they deprive their foe of a meaningful fight? Relying instead on the anarchistic and barbaric methods of tactful diplomacy? Or, Gorkamorka forbid, they treat goblins with respect and offer them companionship on the same level as one of the boys? Stories abound of the Kruel boyz' horrifying methods of determining their leaders, electing them through "democratic processes" and base their skills not on size and brutality, but mental acuity and vision for,  I shudder to even type this out, a more peaceful tomorrow.

    Truly, even the Gods of Chaos fear what lies in the dank swamps and mires of the Mortal Realms...

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    • Haha 16
  12. 20 minutes ago, Saturmorn Carvilli said:

    I certainly don't believe GW owes us any kind of explanation any more than they owe use one on how well the Heavy Intercessors pre-sale are next week. I simply don't believe fans, ex-fans and/or customers are entitled to that information as a mater of fact.

    If they had advertised it as a limited run before hand there never would have been an issue. People don't want sales numbers, they want an explanation for why a product that was sold as a permanent addition to GW's range was deleted immediately after release.

    Releasing the models (I am 100% certain that the hero ones will come eventually) fixes 99% of the issues most people had related to it, but it's still a very, very strange situation and at this point I just want answers for the sake of my own curiosity.

    • Thanks 3
  13. Just now, novakai said:

    i am surprise that Rakudar the wolf and his court as separate sets considering that they are one unit in the game.

    in fact why does wolf Rakudar not have his own separate profile, he the only miniature in Cursed City that doesn't share a sprue with the other models

    I'm reaaallly hoping that they get separate points now, since the whole argument of "you don't want good units locked behind a sidegame" is 100% dead now. And as you said, if they keep things as they are, then you won't be able to run Radukar or his court without buying the other box.

    Worst case scenario, we'll get some cool proxy models.

    • Like 3
  14. 1 minute ago, pitzok said:


    well, i'm not seeing any legions of nagash here so i guess it got replaced by soulblight + they don't sell the LoN battletome anymore

    He's just being obtuse about whether or not it's still legal to use in matched play. It's obvious that it's been replaced and won't receive any further support, but until GW releases some kind of FAQ or errata, technically it will still be usable, but if I'm remembering the rules right, you'd have to use the updated warscrolls and points.

    • Like 5
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  15. 4 minutes ago, Televiper11 said:

    The SBGL novel was gone in 60 sec, same with the ltd ed art print set. I really hate their pre-order system that requires lightning reflex perfection.

    Are hardback novels limited runs? This is kinda lame

    • Like 1
  16. 2 minutes ago, Yoid said:

    most of their cartoony things come from outdated concepts from the old world.

    Gitz can be scary, but they can just as easily be comic relief; half their new models have some kind of joke or funny detail hidden on them. GW is actively embracing both and I don't think thatyou don't have to pretend as if one side is an outdated vestige.

    • Like 13
  17. 2 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

    Question, will he replace Be'Lakor as my favourite shadow demon monster?

    Why stop at one? With how he talked to Morathi in this story, ol' Mally boy seems single and ready to mingle. If he and Be'Lakor are both claiming to be the master of Ulgu, why not seal the deal and rule it together?

    Be'Larion new OTP

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