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ZLee Syn

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Posts posted by ZLee Syn

  1. 22 hours ago, El Syf said:

    Has it been confirmed that the new warscrolls for Nagash, Arkhan and the morghasts supersede the old one? 

    Can't find any mention of it on the official sources.

    They have the same name as the old one so yes.

    • Like 1
  2. 21 minutes ago, themortalgod said:

    This is true, but just wanted to clarify that, as a general rule, bonus attacks are more valuable if you have fewer attacks to start with while re-rolls are more valuable if you have many attacks. You are correct that for most of our vampire units, the re-roll is more valuable, but I just wanted to point out that re-roll isn't always better.

    Say, if we simulate blood knights it fully supports your thesis. 


    But, in comparison, if we simulate Morghasts with Halberds both buffs provide almost identical benefit:


    Finally, if we simulate something with a low number of attacks, say a single zombie in a big unit, the bonus attack is much more valuable.


    Nice simulations. I study math (aplication of statistics and probability) on university so I have done the calculations (or sometimes eyeballed the results) but this might be great for others.

    • Like 1
  3. What do you guys think about this list?

    Dreadblade harrow (general, vasal of the craven king)

    Necromancer (aetherquartz brooch, -1 save spell)

    Knight of shrouds

    Knight of shrouds on ethereal steed

    40 chainrasps

    2x10 chainrasp

    20 grimghast

    20 bladeghasts

    2x12 banshees

    Extra Cp

  4. 8 minutes ago, Rabidweasel said:

    So a block of 20 rasps and 2 x 5 wolves is what i was originally looking at with the Flying VL with Vile Tranference.  

    So you suggest bunch the Blood Knights to one large block of 15 to run with the VL?  I originally thought one of 10 one of 5 just so i can reach out to other targets if needed, then use the wolves to grab objectives, chain rasps to sit on an objective.... only 20 so not the hardest to ******, but will be annoying enough.

    As I have said. Vampire lords command ability is not relevant since you dont have CPs to burn and If you do, reroll is way better.

    For me rasps worked great in 2000 court of nulahmia list since they can hold objectives better. I know that wolfs are more mobile but because of their bases, it might be sometimes hard to squeze them on point with endless legions.

    And from my experiance, solo vampire lord is almost never worth the points. Yes, it does look good on paper but you dont use both transference and comand ability that often and 5 wounds is just too little.

    Yes, necro is slow. But he can run every time (while other units will be charging so they cannot). But both spells are sooo good and flexible that you are not punished for not casting vanhel.

    Same for rasps. They will be running 99 percent of time since you dont want to charge with them. Just block enemy charges.

    But I guess 5 wolfs would bring more flexibility. Would still play 2 units of rasps and 1 unit of wolfs

  5. 14 minutes ago, Rabidweasel said:

    I didn't think small units of rasps would be that viable? My theory behind the vamp over the necro was giving their CA to the VLoZD for even more attacks or one of the Blood Knight units.  Plus extra attacks themselves being a vamp plus healing via Vile Transference. 

    Reroll to hit is better then extra atack for all of your vampiric units and you dont have command points to get both. 

    Vampire is more mobile and has acces to transference (so you can take pinions on dragon) but it isnt reliable since it has high cast. And also you dont want to cast it every turn. On the other hand necro can have 2 amazing spells that are always great (overwhelming dread and fading vigor)

    And chaibrasps are great since they arent that slow, they have bodies and they dont die that fast + they are easier to heal

  6. 1 hour ago, Liquidsteel said:

    Are people still running the Court of Nuhlamia at all?

    The list with Nef, 2x VLoZD, Palanquin and 3 x Chain Rasps / Wolves?

    I am almost done with my first Nighthaunt/Legion of Grief army and I'm looking to get in to something with big monsters, so LoB seems like a nice crossover considering I already have the battleline.

    Just played it a week ago on a tournament (report few pages back) and it is certainly playable. It just punish every mistake quite hard but if you dont make them then it works great. Certainly strong against many armies (exept tzeentch, that one is extremly painful). 

    After the tournament I switched it alittle and it is better in my opinion.


    Neferata with OD

    Ethereal dragon with transference

    Orb dragon with pinions

    Bloodseeker with spirit gale? (3 dices, doubles -1 to hit)

    20 chainrasp

    2x10 zombies 

    Extra cp 



    Also quite recently court list finished 2nd on one big tournament. He/she used 

    2 dragons with pinions, neferata, 5wolfs, 2x10 zombies and vampire lord with transference (no extra CP). 

  7. 25 minutes ago, Rabidweasel said:

    Hi all,

    Managed to source some chaos knight i'll be converting into Blood Knights.  Was wondering what people's thoughts are on this list? My concern is the lack of battleline which could cause me issues, and i know i'm going to be facing some Tzeentch armies this time round so not looking forward to the shooting!  1500 points is tricky to get hard hitting things into a list!


    VLoZD - General - Ethereal Amulet - Aura of Dark Magistracy - Pinions

    VL - Flying Horror - Vile Transference 


    20 x Chainrasps

    5 x Dire Wolves

    5x Dire Wolves


    10 x Blood Knights

    5 x Blood Knights

    This is 1480/1500 So with the spare 20 i was going to throw in a Suffocating Gravetide.

    Possible tweaks are take the VL on a nightmare to run better with the knights, but wanted them to be able to get VT off on the VLoZD so being able to jump over possible LoS blocking terrain is useful.

    I could drop 5 Blood Knights and take 40 Chainrasps or Skeletons, that leaves me with an odd 100 points so not sure what i could squeeze in with that?

    This looks good. I would take rasps instead of wolfs but I guess that is personal preference. Also I would consider necro instead of vampire for overwhelming dread.

    And finaly maybe separate 10 knights to 2x5. 7 or 8 dropsdoesnt make a diference.

  8. I will give you diferent idea. Since you play vhordrei, you dont need artefact for your dragon. That means you have 1 free. This opens some options.

    Legion of Night

    Prince Vhordrei (pinions)

    Necromancer (artefact-claw, overwhelming dread)

    Coven throne (general, swifr form? )

    40 skeletons

    2x5 wolfs

    2 Morghast harbingers


    Was plaing similar list before switching to lob. Just with mannfred instead of coven throne and 10 extra black knights and it worked for me.

  9. 1 hour ago, SevenXes said:

    Something Ill probably never understand, so many people in this hobby who introduce themselves as someone who has never played before but go for 2k lists right off the bat. 


    Start small, try out different units and grow from there. 😄

    Some players (like me) cannot enjoy lower points games. My first game was 1000 game with my friend so he cold show me and it was extremly boring. Every time i tried lower points it wasnt enjoyable. Without higher points you dont have that many combinations what to do. Also armies are certainly not balanced for lower points.  

    Hope this explains it for you.

    • Like 1
  10. On 2/28/2020 at 2:11 PM, ACBelMutie said:

    Just a quick question. Can I resurrect a dead unit of Dreadscythe Harridans witch are allied in a Gran Host of Nagash army? 


    And you cannot to use 6+ negation or heal from gravesites either. But you can use heal from invocations.

  11. 4 hours ago, Sartxac said:

    Are you sure about this? And thank's for the description of your tournament. I only don't undertand your battle vs ogor mawtribes. As a player of both teams, i suggest you to use the chainrasps as screen and wait her charges. If he had charged your screens with the frostlord or gluttons, you would be kill these with a dragons charge (the dragon with the orb vs one frostlord is mandatory) and the debuff of Neferata is excellent.


    For other band, anyone knows when we will have mount traits and better battalions for our vampires? And solve our problem with always use Neferata as general. I think that we need the orb+etheral in dragons + aura of dark majesty (or the excellent Soulblight trait Mist Form). 

    I am not sure because I dont know the exact wording. But If you have multiple triggers at the same time (such as start of the combat phase), then first the active player do his in any order and then the reactive player his in any order. If that artefact says at the start of combat phase then it is ath the same time as the orb and so active player deals with that first. On the other hand if that just say, "before first unit is selected to fight, this model can fight" (or omething like that) than orb can stop that since it is not happening at the same time but the atack is later then the orb trigger.
    And for the ogre game. I could have played it better. But unlike other 2 games it took me a long time to find out a strategy that might have worked. Maybe I would have come with it there if I wasnt so tired (I finished painting my army 4 hours before the tournament :D  ), if I wasnt suprised by my GF comming to watch (that was lovely :D ) or if I was more serious about the game and not just joking with my oponent (he was amazing and very fun). Also this was actualy my first time playing this battleplan ever (dont know how did it happen) so I wasnt going there with solid plan. The problem was the ambush. I was trying to both protect the points from ambush and from frontal engage and that is not possible with the amount of models I had. And I should have known that. What I should have done was to defend only one point. That way I could make sure that the ambush and fromtal engage wouldnt get him to the point even with the 3 pile in after charge (that lost me one point, h e charged sabers and stonehorn to ghosts, stonehorn killed them but wasnt near the point. But then sabers could pile in since they charged so they got there). After 3rd turn ambush would be no problem And I could get one stonehorn with orb, then take over one of his with my high move and win on killpoints since he would be basicaly half army down at that point. My inexperianced showd here and thats why I lost. With the sudden death this scenario has, it requires very diferent aproach and I didnt play it that way. Next time I will know


    Edit: the loss against ogres was diferent then those against nurgle and KO. There one bad move lost me the game. But against ogres there wasnt a single mistake that lost me the game. The whole strategy was wrong.

    • Thanks 1
  12. On 2/27/2020 at 2:31 PM, Kaime said:

    Sounds like the tyrants of blood batallion from the khorne army where bloodthirsters get to attack in sequence.

    It gets past things like locus of diversion, but I don't think it would get past the orb (though, I'm not sure)

    Then you cannot atack with the one targeted by the orb. I know that there is an artefact that says you atack first. If it says that you atack at the start of combat phase, then if it is the khorne player turn he atacks with it (and rest of the bloodthristers) before you can activate the orb. 

  13. On 2/25/2020 at 1:57 PM, Piikalo1 said:

    If you use orb on a bloodspiller does the tyrants attack immediately get around the orb or can the model still not attack

    Can you provide vording of that ability? I dont know what you are exactly refering too.

  14. 5 minutes ago, sal4m4nd3r said:

    Pardon me while I blow your mind, but you can fly high in a CoS army. That’s a warscroll ability, not an allegiance ability. Same for embarking MARINE units. So you can have 15 thunderers in an ironclad teleporting around blasting things in a CoS army. 

    Thats what he said. He said that CoS cannot teleport so adding KO ships fix that 

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  15. 3 hours ago, 5kaven5lave said:

    Think this sounds amazing. Give it a game and let us know?

    Sadly I  dont have models and I even never played KO. I just created a list what I thought might be good and wanted your opinion. I quite like it but dont know if I will ever play KO. Considering it. Thats why I posted it here. To get feedback. 

    I like creating lists. Some of them will be used but most of them just stays as ideas.


    Edit: But since my friend like it alot too I might give it a try with proxing

  16. 13 hours ago, Raptor_Jesues said:

    - Nah, full vampires is very fine with me, i would not like to spoil it with other inferior speciments :3 (except for the engine, thats a sweet ride)
    -Usually i would have agreed but last time i played vhordrai literally murdered his way through his battlefield and i decided to give him sum luv, so i will use him for this time.  If i dont find him too valuable i will drop the engine, take a normal dragon lord and slap 5 more blood knights in it, maybe making it swift death, how does that sound?

    I havent ment to drop him.  Just to add a character that can take artefacts and traits.

    My soulblight list was something like 




    Vlozd with ethereal amulet and mistform

    2x3 vargheist

    10 bloodknights


    If I remember correctly

    • Like 2
  17. On 2/23/2020 at 12:57 AM, Snoogens said:

    Aww, reading here makes me a bit sad - I was hoping that GHoN was still quite competitive with Nagash in it..
    C&C this list, please - I was hoping of running it when I've finished painting the last Dire Wolves.

    Allegiance: Grand Host of Nagash
    Nagash Supreme Lord of the Undead (880)
    - General
    Necromancer (130)
    Vampire Lord (140)
    - Flying Horror
    40 x Skeleton Warriors (280)
    - Ancient Spears
    5 x Dire Wolves (70)
    5 x Dire Wolves (70)
    4 x Morghast Archai (420)
    - Spirit Halberds


    Legions of nagash are not top tier but they are definitely playable on competetive tournaments. I think nagash isnt that great in legions after the changes but you can get decent results without him. In a recent tournament I participated in there were at least 3 legions armies out of 54 players and at least one was grandhost army. He used neferata, necro and dragon with graveguard, skeletons, wolfs and grimghasts and did very well. Dont know result of final game so either 3/2 or 4/1 but it might have to do more with the playerthen the army because he is quite good.

  18. On 2/21/2020 at 5:52 PM, Raptor_Jesues said:

    So, following suggestions around the community and other less healty places i came up with the following army list: 

    Prince Vhordrai 480pts
    Lore of the Vampires: Amethistyne Pinions

    Neferata Mortharch of Blood 340pts
    Lore of the Vampires: Vile Transference

    5x Bloodknights 200pts

    5x Bloodknights 200pts

    5x Bloodknights 200pts

    6x Vargheists 300pts

    Soulsnare Shackles 40pts

    Extra Command Point 50pts

    Mortis engine 180pts
    TOT 1990pts

    the point is rather clear, wait for CP, ubercharge neferata CA and jump in wailing, hoping for something to survive the enemy retort. I feel like the shakles could be nice to slow down one of the nemey flanks and then skidaddle everything the otherside to overwhelm the other half or so since i will porbably have the speed advantage.
    What think thou, fellow knights? 

    I dont know what your goal is. If you want to get best possible soulblight list or you just want to play pure vampires. If the first is the case then it might be a good idea to get in some nighthaunt allies for bodies (and sustain).

    Also I feel like you are wasting alot of resources by having only unique heroes. Dragon with mistform and amulet might also be a huge inmprovement.

    But your list isnt bad. If you lije it then play it

  19. Hello guys. Yesterday and tomorow I attended Prague Open. It was basicaly my first big tournament. I started playing little bit more then a year ago but I wasnt playing that much and had a break for three months from september to december last year. In december I jumped back to playing and started practising my new list. I managed to play 15 games before the tournament so I wasnt completely new to this list but still I wasnt expecting anything big. My goal was to not be in lower half. With the introduction done, here is my list

    Neferata (overwhelming dread)
    Vampire lord on zombie dragon (ethereal amulet, transference)
    Vampire lord on zombie dragon (orb of enchantment. pinions)
    Bloodseeker (amarathine orb)
    3*10 chainrasps
    shards of varsomething 
    extra CP
    court of nulahmia
    and my hidden agendas were slay, retake, conserve, antient heirloom and dominate

    First game was against Nurgle. Very interesting list with glottkin. 30 plaguebearers, plague furnace and 40 monks + some blightkings and flies. The battleplan was battle for the pass. I chose dominate for this one. I started and move to points, Popped neferatas ability 2 times and let him play. He charged my ghosts on one side with blightkings and plaguemonks and other side was charged by plaguebearers. With 125 atacks he only killed 7 ghosts adn I killed most of the plaguebearers.  In my turn I finished plaguebearers and damaged blightkings. He managed to sneak up 2 flies and hero on fly to neferata and damaged her to 2 health. And my orb dragon lost 12 wounds. Here I made a mistake and instead of finishing the flies with neferata and bloodseeker while losing neferata, I decided to retrearback to the point. My orb dragon retreated to his point in the back and second dragon killed his only model there. In his turn his flies killed neferata and bloodseeker (I forgot that neferata has +4 move so I moved her not as far as i could have) and monks finished one of my ghosts. sadly there was one plaguemonk left in range on his objective so even If I destroey those blightkings I wouldnt have taken it so I just hold it. I thought he would need plaguemonks to destroy last ghosts on my objective so I can take that next turn but he moved them back to secure that point and flies rolled pretty well and took over my point. At that moment I couldnt win on points so I took damaged dragon to the edge to deny him kill points and  slay (if he had it which he did).  Overall very fun game and fun army to play against. Maybe it would have been better if I had more space to use move advantage (wide instead of long table) but I lost it to myself. 

    What I learned: if you are winning on points. Its sometimes a good idea to sacrifice more valuable units just so enemy his less units to get objectives back.   

    Second game was against KO and it was duality of death. This is one of the better battleplans for this army in my opinion because everything can score there.  He had Ironclad, 2 gunhaulers, 10 thunderers, endrinmaster with suit, 20 arcanauts (in one unit), navigator (or khemist, not sure) and endringers (6 I think). Again, dominate would have been perfect but I alread used that and rest of them were rly bad here. I chosed slay since there was slight chance I could maybe kill a small hero somewhere and rest of them were very unlikely. He deployed to the left and I deployed ghosts to grave, ethereal dragon to the left and rest to right. I started and moved to objectives and pull out all the ghostson right. Ho moved and shoot at my ethereal dragon but only did 3 wounds thanks for rerolls saves of 1 from comand ability and 6+ negation terain near the point. I rolled my spells and I did get ethereal and +10 move on my other dragon. I thought that charing to the other side of the table would help my other dragon since he wouldnt be able to shoot him with everything but only with half of the army.  This was very big mistake since I underestimated his damage (and most importantly mortal wounds) output. My dragon did nothing and he got few wounds back. He used and artefact that gives mortal wounds until he rolls a 1 so he did like 7 and with all the shooting he killed both dragons. after that I moved my ghosts further away to block his fly high. He destroyed 8 ghosts and did like 3 damage in total to bloodseeker and neferata. Then he got a doubleturn and killed neferata with shooting and then finished bloodseeker exactly with the last wound in close combat. Since I did move all ghosts away i didnt have any one near the point (i should have thought of that) so I lost the objective. Then I reclaimed it with ghosts and got a double turn so I tied on points and he finished the ghosts. Tied on points but 1910 to 0 on killpoints so only a minor loss.  Again, I lost it to myself (for sure). Would have won If I stayed with other dragon on my point and stick to the plan I had. Maybe I shouldnt have rolled for the +5 move because that rly baited me :D. Also I should have extend one ghost unit to the point to have even more units there. 

    What I learned: sometimes it is best to stay still and let the enemy shoot at you instead of doing charges when you can. 

    Third game was against ogors. And if last battleplan was one of the best for me, this one was I think the worst one. Blood and glory. He had 2 stonehorns. 12 gluttons, butcher and alot of cats in ambush with hunter. Chosed retake since I thought he would get one objecitve at some point or I would get to one of his eventualy.  I let him start but he moved only a little bit. I moved slightly forvard while keeping 2 ghosts to defend points against ambush as best as I could. He moved alittle bit. I popped neferatas ability 3 times and charged with all behemonts. Killed all gluttons and some sabers. Didnt roll a doubleturn so He walked to the points with stonehorns, brong cats from ambush, killed the ghosts units and got both my points. At least I get more killpoints Then last game :D. I guess I needed to be more agresive since I couldnt have stop him from getting one objective with sabre ambush. But still it was an uphill battle I think

    What I learned: on blood and golry, I need to bring the fight to the enemy and pray instead of waiting for right moment

    My 4th game was at table 24 out of 27 so at least It couldnt get much worse :D. My enemy should have been another KO player but when I came Judge told me that they had to switch me up with someone else. It was quite a rollercoster since I was happy that I can maybe go fight with something, then i discover that my enemy plays tzeentch. And then I discover that it is pink horror spam tzeentch instead of usual flamers. 30 pink horrors, kairos, 20 blue horrors, 20 brimstones, gaunt and blue scribes I think. Battleplan was focal points. I chosed Antient heirloom. This oponent wasnt very experianced so I got quite a big point lead early since he was very defeinsive. Game was decided in turn 3 but we played turn 4 since we had some time left just for fun (and kill points :D ). I think I did more then 160 damage that game but in the end he still have 150+ wounds on the table and alot of summon points for next one. My oponent was very fun and it was very fun game. After the game he told me that this is his first tournament so he isnt quite good at scoring points. I noticed that too, that here players were much more focusing on points then killing stuff. A perfect win since enemy didnt manage to get his agenda while I had still one dragon alive. Both of us have 520 kill points I think.

    What I learned: If enemy is unkillable, try to force him where you want him to be. 

    My last game was was against sylvaneth and battleplan was gift from heavens. Enemy had 2 spirits of durthu, antient treeman, archrevent, 6 kurnoths with scythes, 6 kurnoths with bows and 3 units of 5 revenants. I let him start, he did almost nothing. I play, and move alittle bit up. I lost the roll of and he give me a doubleturn. objective fall on right side (our aries are mostly left-middle but I have ghosts on the right). I moved my orb dragon with ethereal from neferata and kill 5 revenants.His objective fall on right, He shoots at him and do 3 wounds. Then he get a doubleturn and do 10 wounds to neferata and charge my dragon with both durthus and 6 kurnots. I use orb on one (finaly I use it :D )but it doesnt matter since he kils me just with kurnoths (+1 to atacks and they go 2 times). I learned from first game and so I charged one durthu with neferata, 10 chainrasps and bloodseeker while I charge second durthu with ethereal dragon. Neferata whiffs alot (thinking about it i forget rerolls from batalion here, first time I could have used that :D ) and he splits his atacks but doesnt do any damage thanks to  shards and other -1 to hit stacking. And I finish it with bloodseeker while the other one is on one health. I get a double turn, finish spirit with magic, then charge kurnoths with dragon and bloodseeker. 1 is left. He charge bloodseeker with revenants and I kill them. His shooting failed to kill neferata but archrevenant charge her and finaly kills her. At this point he conceeds becasue he cannot get my objective and he cannot get more bodies to his objective to hold it. I did manage to finish my last hidden agends (conserve) but I couldnt stop his since that was sacrifice. Fun game with many twists and turns. Also his army was beautifuů. I am not that great painter but that was form me the best looking army of the tournament, especialy the concept was extremly interesting (they were sylvaneth in winter under snow). Shold have played little bit more agresively on my second round or little bit more defensively on my 3rd but I forgot that he can give me doubleturn since that is usualy not done but in this situation it was 100 percent correct play.

    What I learned: remember that sometimes giving away doubleturn is a good idea.

    With the last 2 wins + the fact that I was doing quite well on denying and getting agendas I managed to get to 27th place out of 53 players which finished (which is exactly the half so great :D )

    I dont know if I was unlucky or meta shifted but there arent that many scary expensive heroes where orb is that valuable (there were, just I missed them. Need to check lists to see how many percent of lists had them) so I will consider replacement. I started practising this list before neferata went down in points and thats why I have shards there. They were ok (used them in 3 games). With the experiances from the tournament I will drop shards and play 20 chainrasps + 2x10 zombies. Extra bodies will help alot and I didnt need extra move on at least 1 chainrasp unit whole tournament since I ether pulled them from the grave or I just left them guarding points.  Also I will change amarathine orb on bloidseeker to spirit gale (3 dices, if any are double -1 to hit)

    Thanks to everyone who read this this far :D 

    • Like 3
  20. 15 minutes ago, Rabidweasel said:

    Doh! Sorry completely forgot you can't take Mannfred in LoB! Back to the drawing board!

    You can drop wolfs and separate chainrasps to exchange mannfred dor vhordrei. Or maybe 10 rasps for second zombie dragon? Dont know which models you own 

  21. 15 hours ago, Piikalo1 said:

    Is walking Death not enough of a dmg boost to warrant a take? In my meta Im thinking of this as the trait because things need to die or I tend to get blown out like stonehorns and the like. Whats peoples take on this trait? Is it not as potent as I’m thinking?

    Also if you have problems with stonehorns you can always use orb of enchantment

    • Like 1
  22. 43 minutes ago, Thamalys said:

    You mean via Neferata's CA? Sometimes you need 4 CPs to get those pesky elite units to hit you on 6s...

    VLoZD and Hexwraiths move 14" and 12", respectively... your opponent can try to ignore them, but they can either (1.) sit on a objective for 5 turns straight (Places of Arcane Power, Knife to the Heart, Duality of Death, Relocation Orb... with a beast like that in play...) and/or (2.) move forward and kill most things in one go (a LoB VLoZD with his own CA switched on can take on a lot of things...)

    Don't get me wrong, I almost always try to squeeze Neferata into my LoB lists, but she can't stay around for long... and you're right, the Dolorous Guard can fix that. However, I still think she might go down with not too much effort even with the Guard to support her, and her CA, while sometimes utterly hilarious, costs you a ton of CPs, goes down in range when bracketed and most importantly of all implies that you have to have two substantial chunks of your list within 15" to take full advantage of that. My LoB lists are very much elite-like (which poses a problem in terms of bodies, but that's a story for another day...), and I just can't afford to have my VLoZD or my Bloodknights close enough to Neferata when I am facing armies with lot of potential for board control (and there are quite a few of these around). Finally, no command trait to be leveraged with Nef in... very sad, given how strong they are.

    True that... alright, here're two possible Dolorous Guard builds, one with Nef and a VLoZD, the other one with two VLoZDs... food for thoughts!


    Out of the last 9 games I played there were 4 decided by the fact that one player ignored/didnt ignore tough character.

    First: legion of blood against khorne.  Just deployed to oposite side and won on points while 3 of his bloodthristers did nothing untlil he couldnt win
    Second: nurgle std. Killed all his marauders so he cannot beat me on models near objectives. His 2 warmamoths killed like 30 ghosts for first 3 turns and then I just fed him dragons because I needed just one more turn.
    Third: stormcast eternals with stardrake (2+ save, reroll of 1 and scales for mortals). Kept him debuffed and locked into meaningless combat for whole game while I killed everything else he had.
    fourth: KO. Basicaly a lost game. In his second turn I had half of my army. He could have won If he ported his ship onto point. With that he would won even if my last dragon and palanquin killed everything else in his army . He decided to stay and destroyed palanquin + wounded the dragon.  In my turn I charged the ironclad and lowered it so It couldnt fly high anymore. my 2 units of ghosts took hold of objectives while he was pointlesly trying to kill the dragon with 3+ ethereal + rerolls of 1. Even if he had killed it he wouldnt be able to get to points qwuick enough without flay high and with my ghosts blockig him

    My guard lob list would look like this:
    Neferata (Overwhelming dread)
    Dragon (ethereal, transference)
    Dragon (orb of enchantment, pinions)
    20 chainrasp
    10 chainrasp
    10 chainrasp
    5 hexwraiths
    5 hexwraiths
    extra CP

  23. 9 minutes ago, Thamalys said:

    I do apologise, @ZLee Syn, I might stand corrected on this one... not that clear to me. I have always assumed that the two identical artefacts on two different (non-named) Heroes would have been perfectly ok, as I've seen this happening in more than one tournament... even looking through the LVO 2020 lists I found one with a double artefact (see below)... however, digging in the core rules I found that "an army may not include duplicates of the same artefact of power" (page 242). On the other hand, both Azyr and Warscroll Builder are ok with duplicated artefacts (I know, I know, they're not meant to be flawless). Now I am mightily confused... any thoughts?


    That happens. I wasnt sure either when you wrote It and went to check that into rules too. Simple answer Is that this list is against the rules. I thought that flesh eathers had 2 piles of artefact and one of them was in both (so it could have been argued to be 2 diferent artefacts) but it is not this one.
    That beeing said I have seen many wrong builds on big tournaments. Mostly lady O. as ally in legion of x List happend many times. 

    With these things, always go by the rules and FAQs. Builders and apps are sometimes wrong. In case builder and rules say something diferently riles are the one to go with. 

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