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Posts posted by Tezia99

  1. This weekend I went to a 2 day tournament and wanted to share my games with you guys! I had originally wanted to bring a double cabbage list but I haven't practiced enough with it so opted for something I was a little more comfortable with. Also, I really wanted to play with my brutes. Quick synopsis and I'll go into the weeds. Day 1 I played BoC, Slaanesh, and Lumineth. I ended the first day 3-0 and in 2nd. Day 2 I played SoB and FeC and ended the tournament in 8th as I'll explain in the breakdowns. I had a ton of fun playing the list. 

    MK General: Amulet, Hulking brute, and Mean un. (warlord)

    Megaboss on Foot: Arcane tome: Bash 'em Ladz (Warlord)

    2 Warchanters: Get 'em/Fix 'em (Warlord)

    10 Ardboyz (warlord)

    2x10 Brute: Hackas (Hunters)

    2x5 Brute: Choppas (Ironjawz Fist)


    Game 1 vs BoC: Misson: The Vice

    TO selected The Vice because for that first round match ups are pretty random. The Vice rewards the players who are thinking ahead to turn 4/5 and helps to seperate out the pack a little. The BoC list was pretty meme level and my opponent was a super awesome guy. Belekor, bray shaman, some ungors, Cygor, and 11 cockatrice. His spacing was pretty good with cockatrice but by turn 3 I had gotten myself into a position where on 4 I'd have control of the center and then be able to push  into all of them. The 2 5 man units held the center, ardboys held a flank to keep things from summoning in on me, both 10 man units, the Krusha, and the footboss charged into 11 cockatrice and the bray shaman general. Waaaagh was called and not much remained. I had the pile ins orientated so that 3 brutes were each on a cockatrice and swept them away. The MK killed his bray shaman and another cockatrice, leaving the cygor and belekor to kind of wait for the inevitable. Final score was 27-22 as we both still managed to get secondaries out.

    Game 2 vs Slaanesh: Tectonic Interference

    I've never played Slaanesh but am semi aware of what they are capable of. It was a sort of alpha strike list with Sigvald, 20 marauders, 2 chaos chariots, Glutos, Synessa, infernal enrapturess, 3x5 hellstriders. Round 1 he took first turn and put sigvald, and 2 marauders on my flank with a teleport ability. Chariots moved up and hellstriders took the center and my left objective. Sigvald, marauders, and 1 chariot made their charge. Sigvald went right into my footboss due to not fully bubble wrapping, Marauders went into both the 5 man and 10 man unit of brutes. I tend to use the brutes as a block of 15 with the 5 mans being the "screen" to protect the hackas. After his turn Sigvald stood alone and a chariot was pretty wounded by the 10 ardboyz. On my turn i finished Siggy off, kept the chariot locked with the ardboyz. Plowed the MK, and 10 brutes into Glutos and the other chariot, slowly marching up the board. After that I won the double turn, finished Glutos off with a stomp and then got to move D6 and stomp again also killing his Enrapturess. Unfortunately I was now entangled with a unit of hellstriders so could not again. By round 3 I was in control of the board and he was able to summon in a keeper that unfortunately did not spend a lot of time on the board but did manage to finish off a unit of brutes. Final score 36-15.

    Round 3 vs Lumineth: Feral Foray

    Once again, another army I've never faced. Teclis, Cathaller, 20 sentinals, 20/10 wardens, 3 dawnstrider. This was such an intense game. A friend had given me the advice that if I saw the opportunity to end the Cathaller and destroy the terrain to do so.  Luck be it that my opponent used the terrain as a flank protection with the Cathaller garrisoned inside. 20 wardens screened the sentinels, striders screened the sentinels, others screened Teclis on the right flank. This was the most annoying army to play against. Round 1: He went first, shooting 8 wounds off of the Krusha, and hunkering down on objectives in his castle. The MK had the can't do anything spell on him, double CP usage, and negative bravery. I MD'd with 2 of my CPs and moved a 10 and 5 man brute squad up the board, MK was not allowed to move. Movement phase, MK was able to move but not within charge. The 10 man took a 3D6 charge into the wall. Unleash hell on the Brutes was not terrible losing 3 to 9 mortals. The 5 man unit made a box car charge to get in as well. The  5 Brutes cleared the horsies, and the 10 man unit was then able to pile in to the wardens and most importantly get the sentinels within 3". 11 dead wardens later and the Cathaller goes to make me -11 bravery but FAILS! Round 2: I win the double!! MK is all healed up, still under the stupid can't move spell though. I figure I've gotta do something big here and need a bravery roll fail on this move thing. Spend both CPs to MD and get to move! Movement don't get to move, but that's okay I'm in charge range. Just need his stop me from charging roll to fail and it does! MK is in business. I crash into the Cathaller, Terrain, and sentinels. Kill the Cathaller, terrain, and all but 5 sentinels due to dice being dice. The brutes couldn't get into the rest of the sentinels since they were all tied up with the remaining 9 wardens he autopassed before. His turn they teleported away and there was much crying. Teclis double moved to the other side of the board. In the following rounds it was a bunch of movement games, I had his 2 objectives and he had 2 of mine, while i still controlled one. By round 5 it came down to me burning his final objective and 1 brute plus the MK beating his 3 dawnstriders on my back objective and denying him the burn that would have tied us. Score: 24-23.

    DAY 2:

    I went into Day 2 as "the list to beat" I've always performed poorly on day 2 and was paired up against SoB Breaker tribe.

    Round 4 vs Sons: Savage Gains 

    To say that the objectives really mattered in this game would be hilarious. It's Destruction vs. Destruction. We didn't see it lasting longer than 3 rounds. His breaker tribe, was 3 Gatebreakers and 2 mini guys. He had the +1 hit vs 1-4 save non hero/monster ability. I knew I was going to be alpha'd very well. I bubble wrapped up as much I could and deployed back except to toe in for points round 1. I was elected to go first, 5 man unit of brutes and the ardboyz toed in. Turn complete. His turn saw all three giants in my face. Redeploy brought the units back into the bubble which honestly was a mistake. They would have been better speed bumps. His first swing decimated a 10 man unit and the other 5 man unit protecting the flank. But he was deep in. The MK and brutes did some work on my combat. One gargant took 24 wounds(with a 6+ward) the warlord took 4. I needed the priority and he rolled a 6! I was devastated until I rolled a 6 as well! Took my turn. With those brute units now gone there was space to work with.  One mega on my left flank, one directly in front of me and a mini giant stuffed in there somewhere. Warlord had 11 wounds taken, Best day ever, and amulet. This was it, the Waaaagh was called I needed to kill 2 Megas and a mini giant to win this. He still had a full health mega held back and a wounded mini giant tied up with ardboyz. MK roars the wounded giant. I needed it dead to start the bashing. Fists into it, weapons into mini guy. Both topple over and die, killing 2 brutes each. Brutes up next  8 fully buffed brutes, 2/2/-3/2 dmg on 6, 1 choppa, 1 boss. After saves and amulet I did........30 wounds leaving his warlord with 1 wound. I have never seen so many 5s and 6s rolled in my life. I cried, he turned around, popped Feral roar and smeared the remaining 8 brutes and 5 man unit on him. His turn, fresh mega gargant smacks MK and dies. Footboss kills Warlord and i'm left with Footboss + 2 ardboyz, 2 warchanters to try and finish off a Mega. It does not happen in turn 3 I am dead. This game came down to killing the warlord. I needed the 1 damage I would have gotten from the 2 Giants I killed landing on Brutes and killing 2 of them.


    Round 5 vs. FeC: Power in Numbers.

    2 Terrorgheists lots of ghouls, buffs, alpha strike. Got alpha'd took it like a champ, even stopped a broken ranks from happening by redeploying ardboyz in front of the unit he wanted to kill. Piled stuff in but MK couldn't find space. Wounded both gheists, my turn, got some space, Charged the MK, had a "wobbly model" spot.  Looked like this Arboys left flank, foot next to them Terrorgheist into footboss, RUINS, MK wobbly on ruins, Terrorgheist, Brutes to the right of gheist. I had placed the model towards the back of the table but where i placed it was still touching the gheist. I was trying to determine my Battle Tactic, since i won the double and now had the MK in . But i didn't realize because i had the model moved that my MK was actually in combat with both gheists. So slay the warlord, started with Krusha for the kill and boy did i kill it. Then moved to footboss because i was like yea, now brutes are free for next turn and gheist is tied up. Opponent said gheist into your MK and i'm like huh? he's over here. and that was when he pointed out that no he's here, remember wobbly model....so yea I should have killed first gheist with brutes, then 2nd with krusha but I made a key mistake and I just conceded after that. The board was gonna be flooded with ghouls and me with no real threats anymore. Killing my MK in my turn was just such a bad mistake on my behalf and definitely something I learned from.

    If I had to change things up I'd want to try Loud 'un mount trait, I wasn't seeing a ton of heartlands in my meta, being able to stop everything around the MK from using CAs would be great! esp. since he was constantly tied up with multiple units.


    • Like 2
  2. 15 hours ago, Malakree said:

    Did another tournament over the weekend which went reasonably well.

    My List

      Hide contents

    Allegiance: Ironjawz
    - Grand Strategy: Hold the Line
    - Warclan: Ironsunz

    Megaboss on Maw-Krusha (480)**
    - General
    - Boss Gore-hacka and Choppa
    - Command Trait: Master of Magic
    - Artefact: Arcane Tome (Universal Artefact)
    - Lore of the Weird: Bash 'Em Ladz
    Megaboss on Maw-Krusha (480)
    - Boss Gore-hacka and Choppa
    - Artefact: Amulet of Destiny (Universal Artefact)
    - Mount Trait: Smelly 'Un
    Orruk Warchanter (115)**
    Orruk Warchanter (115)**

    10 x Orruk Brutes (320)*
    - Jagged Gore-hackas
    - Reinforced x 1
    15 x Orruk Ardboys (255)*
    - Reinforced x 2
    5 x Orruk Ardboys (85)**

    3 x Orruk Gore-gruntas (150)*
    - Pig-iron Choppas

    Core Battalions
    *Hunters of the Heartlands

    Additional Enhancements

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Reinforced Units: 3 / 4
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 133
    Drops: 8

    General thoughts, I really missed having the armour of gork ward save, it felt like my 2nd MK was so much softer. That said bash 'em ladz is amazing if you get it off at the right time and mystic shield on the tankcrusher is so so good.

    I'm not using the GG's to their full potential and the Ironsunz CA combined with no skilled leader made the 15 Ardboys feel far less tanky than they did. All that said the list is solid and I'll be running it at bobo more because I can't paint stuff atm than not wanting to tweak it. 

    If I were to alter the list I would swap the 3 ggs and 15 ardboys to 10 Brutes and 5 ardboys.

    Games - will update a bit later

    That’s what I’m going to be running this saturday so will let you know. 2 MK 2 WC 10/10 brute 10 boyz. Not sure if I should split the boyz up into 5/5. Think I’ll be running Choppas for the buffs all around. I’m stuck on whether or not to take the tome and bash em over destroyer and fast un on one for a SnB trigger when I want it. I’ve ran lists with bash em though and getting things on 2/2 is just amazing in Ironjawz, almost feels like old BW with tons of tricks. 

  3. I’ve got my first tournament coming up with the new book and am just feeling overwhelmed with options. I consider myself pretty competitive and mentally prepared (as far as knowing the ins and outs of the book) so was wondering how peoples results have been so far? I’ve only 9 piggies so bloodtoofs is a little out of the question. I’ve got a semi list with 2 MK, 2 chanter a 6/3 pig setup and brutes to fill in. Or single MK Choppas with a brute heavy list, double MK Choppas?  Dunno why I’m constantly second guessing my lists. Feel like I’ve been waiting forever for brutes to be amazing and they are and kind of want to run 40 of them lol. Am I crazy? Anyone else just go into a mindspin over this?

  4. 19 hours ago, Scurvydog said:

    I just didnt mention the 2x5 ardboys thats all, I posted the list a bit earlier, but it is 2 MKs, 2 Chanters, 10 brutes, 2x5 ardboyz and 2x3 gruntas, so it is legal ;) 


    I would agree there is a play for lots of brutes, perhaps even a lot of MSU units in da choppas with perhaps 2-3 warchanters. Brutes are not that hard to kill, but wave after wave is a problem for anyone, and even 5 with violent fury do some really nasty work, although 10 can still take a few hits and dish back the pain and/or more likely to trigger a smashing and bashing. Might even go with footboss and a MK. The MK will be a prime target, so might even consider the footboss the general and go for mega bossy, then from these 2 alone it would be possible to double move up to 5 units to give the slower brutes some momentum up the board.

    I’ve been loving Da Choppas. I use a 10 man ardboys unit and 2 5 man brutes as my “screen” and keep 10 mans behind them within 3” as a come get some deterrent. With 2 warchanters, everything is getting buffed with fury. 

  5. 10 minutes ago, Bobberto said:

    So I was putting together a list and came across an interesting question: When a Megaboss targets multiple units with a Command, what's the order of operations? Are all the targets selected first, or do they resolve one at a time?

    So say a footboss is just out of range of a friendly IJ unit and decides to Mighty Destroyers. Can he target himself, move 4, and then hit the other unit that is now wholly in range? Or does he have to choose each target before either moves?

    My gut says that you have to declare them all first, but if you don't that opens some very interesting plays (particularly around Hand and Mawkrushas)

    I feel like the check is when you activate the command ability. It’s worded to be 3 instead of 1 of the same ability not 3 separate activations. I would always play this as up to 3 that are in range for sure. 

    editing on this. The one place I could see it working is with mega bossy. You could by all means mighty destroyers one maw krusha, move him up to be in range of other units and then activate his mega bossy MD

  6. 16 hours ago, Malakree said:

    Swapping 2" move for a 6++ and +1 to hit isn't actually that bad the moment amulet of destiny is off the table.

    I agree that fast un has a bunch of really interesting option it provides and offsets the loss of that 2" by what is essentially a 10" move if I desperately need to do the turn 1 alpha.

    The plus +1hit is awesome in itself. It’s one more target for AoA since it’s not on the krusha. Armor is definitely nice for a second krusha. 

  7. 18 minutes ago, Boggler said:

    Nitty gritty? Complaining?

    I'm just pre-emptively upset at the number of 4+ Heroic Leadership rolls I am going to fail on my MBMK. Those CP's drive the army.

    Lol same. I can’t count the number of times where realistically all I can do is get a CP for heroic action and it fails. 

  8. 47 minutes ago, Jabbuk said:

    Quick question guys. So with the new FAQ rules that non ward saves now stack with ward saves... Does this mean that Ardboys in Big Waaagh! are now going back to getting two 6++ after saves? (One for the shield + one for the BW ability)

    Until they FAQ the FAQ, rules as written says yes you can stack “allocate when a wound is taken” abilities. I only say faq the faq because there was a Twitter post the day it came out that sounded like they may be looking into it. Furthermore on the subject, if the updated rogue idol warscroll is any glimpse into the future they will probably be rewording all the allocate after a wound wordings to be wards. We won’t really know until we see the first battle tomes though. 

    Personally, we have a few people in our meta who insist that it was intended so when I play them I guess I’ll be using it, most other people in the area see how GW has been avoiding stacking abilities throughout 3.0 and are erring on the side of it being patched/reworded. 

    • Like 1
  9. 18 hours ago, Backbreaker said:

    You can prepare a list to get this bonus round 2 of course. But it is only if none of your characters are shoot off the board, it costs you CP, you need to cast a spell successfully, ...

    Whereas in IJ, you get your rules round 1 and that's all. But it's litterally the game mechanic of BW, when you are full buff, you are stronger than in IJ. But the road to get there can be a bumpy ride :) 

    Agree with others. I’ve currently been running MBoMK, 3 chanters(one with tome), 3x10 ardboyz 1x5 ardboyz 2x5 brutes 3 pigs. It’s 6+D6 +CA is another 5. It’s guaranteed 6+ward round one if not +1 to hit. I’ll agree that IJ plays a lot more aggressively but waaagh is really about the build up, I deploy kind of deep in my zone and try to make people either deploy aggressively and make my movement easier or wait out my push across the board as I get stronger and stronger. 

  10. On 8/16/2021 at 6:00 PM, Aelfric said:

    It is listed in the Charge Phase section 11.2 along with "Forward to Victory".  The first sentance of this section says " You can use these Command Abilities  in the Charge Phase (see 6.1).".  6.1 says "Each Command Ability will say when it can be used".  So "Unleash Hell" is restricted to use in the Charge Phase only.

    I don’t know if it’s been talked about either and they didn’t faq it at all today but the back of the generals handbook states unleash hell in YOUR charge phase. This has pretty big uses for the Ironsunz charge in enemy phase CA. Reading it that way would mean you could charge in their phase and they’re ineligible for unleash hell as well. A few higher profile tournament players (who don’t play IJ) have interpreted it this way as well. 

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  11. 34 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

    Im hoping for elite Murknob infantry and gnashtoof riders on top of what we've seen. 

    Same! That murknob keyword has me intrigued. As for other replies. Destruction definitely doesn’t need another subpar army but as a destruction fanboy it’s just become the expectation. I guess I’ll just play them to the utmost capability and enjoy having a huge ass Orruk army. With my plan to split 2 boxes with a buddy I’ll be sitting on nearly 7k in warclans and will just keep adding. Regardless of power level I just love the sculpts, play style, lore, and overall feel of the army. 

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  12. 5 hours ago, Arzalyn said:

    Its possible that they gain it when the Warclans book drop.

    How is everyone hype after the rules leak? I really like the models so far, but I really wanted to see what others units are available before committing to them... The luckwarm warcrolls didn't help too.

    I’m pretty hyped to get them and paint. I can’t imagine this army is going to just suck so bad it’s unplayable. Knowing we have limited rules at the moment isn’t enjoyable, seriously hoping that a new tome is dropping immediately after dominion. What’s the point of a brand new army with scrap rules. Has GW ever just released an army with no tome? I’m glad they’re in the cool starter box but would have loved to see new sculpts on another army and these guys to get a proper release with all their rules and models. 

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  13. I’m really curious for the Ironjawz/big waaagh changes in an updated tome too. I can’t see them just slapping Kruleboyz into an updated time and calling it good. That book is gonna be a massive 4 army update. I just pray daily to my little brutes that they become more viable. I’ve got 25 and would love to finally be able to use them competitively. 

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  14. Wondering if anyone could help me scour through the rules on this neat little trick I picked up in 3.0 core rules


    generic artifact that allows hero to become wizard, put that on a warchanter, take generic spell that is +1 dmg goes off on a (4). Put both violent fury and that spell on a unit and +2 dmg? In the abilities section it talks about trigged effects having to be decided which to take but neither are triggered. Under command abilities it talks about only issuing one per unit but neither are a command ability. A unit of  10 ardboyz at 24 attacks dmg 3? In big waaagh talking 2/2/-1/3 profile

    or I know wrong forum but caster with this in Kruleboyz and your MW output on a 5-6 becomes 2 instead of 1 for normal troopers


  15. 20 hours ago, Jackroks981 said:

    Anybody got any advice for IJ going into Bonereapers? Been playing the book since it dropped and have had the most fun I’ve had playing in years, every game has been enjoyable, not felt up against it yet and I’ve got a solid win rate with them despite playing in a very competitive local meta. The only match up I despise right now is Bonereapers, if I’m not running a Mawkrusha with the -3 rend artefact I bounce off of everything and anything I touch. Mortek backed up by Katakros just stand staunch and blend whatever touches them and I’m yet to find an effective way of dealing with them, IJ smash well but Mortek happily take the beating. 

    As the above poster asked, playing against them can be difficult since IJ is so combat phase heavy. Getting the most out of your MDs where shield wall and their bonuses can’t be applied is helpful. Moving over to the Big Waaagh side of things you could pepper in arrowboyz to do damage outside of that phase and a wurgogg prophet for some spell casting. I own both armies and will often play my son, who uses my bone reapers, and it’s a tough game but I do eke out some wins. I’ve definitely had more success moving towards a big waaagh list even if it’s pure IJ just for the 6+ FNP to match theirs, and more consistent hitting when I get to the 2/2 profile. Arrowboyz will decimate a harvester and 1 box gets you a full 20 guys. 
    last list I played him was something like 

    footboss 2 chanters wardokk and shaman

    ironfist with 2 units brutes 2 units (10) ardboyz and 6 pigs and 20 arrowboyz
    having double MD AND a shooting phase really opened things up. Buffed brutes into stalkers is a decent match up as well. I blended a unit turn 2 got the double turn and killed all but one turn 3 which took away that threat

    • Like 1
  16. Allegiance: Big Waaagh!
    Orruk Megaboss (140)
    Orruk Warchanter (110)
    Orruk Warchanter (110)
    Orruk Weirdnob Shaman (120)
    Savage Big Boss (90)
    Wardokk (80)
    5 x Orruk Brutes (130)
    - Pair of Brute Choppas
    5 x Orruk Brutes (130)
    - Pair of Brute Choppas
    5 x Orruk Brutes (130)
    - Pair of Brute Choppas
    5 x Orruk Brutes (130)
    - Pair of Brute Choppas
    20 x Savage Orruk Arrowboys (240)
    20 x Savage Orruk Arrowboys (240)
    Kunnin' Rukk (140)
    Brute Fist (120)
    Extra Command Point (50)

    Total: 1960 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 3
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 176
    Thought I’d share a list I’ve been running for home games and get some feedback. Currently it’s between the brutefist or swapping the brutes out for 30 ardboyz and running an ardfist. Taking brutal beast spirits to get a unit of arrowboyz hitting 4/4 profile depending on where I’m targeting. It’s a guaranteed 13 waaagh points round one  when using ere we go. Shooting in the hero phase with batallion, attacking in the hero phase with MD on the footboss. 120 shots in shooting and buffed up front line when combat happens. So far it’s been pretty exciting to see what the arrowboyz can do. 

  17. Couple quick lists I came up with point adjustments in mind. Brute/ardfist list comes in at 2k on the nose. Ard/iron at 1990. The MB/shaman changes are a wash since one goes up and one down 10. 

    ard/iron in a BW list could be good, 2 free MDs, 3 CP to start the game 4 on your turn(helps against lumineth double cp shenanigans) high body count for waaagh points if you need them +1s across the army 6++ on all versus just the shield guys in Ironjawz. 

    I like the idea of brute/ard in choppaz list. Most games I’ve played as them the enemy territory is pretty large and most terrain gives me reroll charges. Brutes become a little more competitive now and who doesn’t love their models amirite?

    I’ve got a list with 60 ardboyz too for the lulz but am interested in the double batallion stuff. Getting the explosions from brutes and also the regen from ardboyz gives more options. Ironsunz with the brutes charging in enemy phase to soften a charge and then force opponent to face 2 threats is an option as well. 
    I haven’t played around with the Krusha lists yet and those are the ones I’m a little more worried about where the loss of some models will be more detrimental 



  18. 18 hours ago, hurben said:

    I play a RI and it's awesome for the rend -2, we can buff him with +2 save that's litteraly a flying rock

    Allegiance: Big Waaagh!
    Mortal Realm: Shyish
    Orruk Weirdnob Shaman (110)
    - General
    - Command Trait: Bursting with Power  
    - Artefact: Shamanic Skullcape  
    - Lore of the Weird: Wrath of Gork
    Orruk Warchanter (110)
    - Warbeat: Fixin' Beat
    Orruk Warchanter (110)
    - Warbeat: Get 'Em Beat
    Wurrgog Prophet (160)
    - Artefact: Mork's Boney Bitz  
    - Lore of the Savage Beast: Gorkamorka's War Cry
    Wardokk (80)
    - Lore of the Savage Beast: Kunnin' Beast Spirits
    10 x Orruk Ardboys (180)
    10 x Orruk Ardboys (180)
    10 x Orruk Ardboys (180)
    10 x Orruk Ardboys (180)
    Rogue Idol (400)
    Ardfist (120)
    Balewind Vortex (40)
    Umbral Spellportal (70)
    Extra Command Point (50)

    Total: 1970 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 2
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 126

    I’ve been playing around with this lately. Sending Ardboyz out to play, weirdnob up on the balewind, spell portal from the prophet, and casting whichever 1 spell I need at the moment out of it. Makes for a good MW output. Opted for the weirdnob to be have 2 spells command trait(3 on balewind)  next to the rogue +2 to cast for prophet/weirdnob. Plus 3 for prophet if needed from wardokk or wardokk gives +1 save spell to idol when I want to send him in. It’s that or breath and hold him back then surprise a charge with a 20” move to charge combo from the back line. Good all around army.

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  19. Just got home from a tournament myself and went 2-3.  I ran the footboss/ironfist list we discussed @Malakree. First rounded I routed against FEC. Got brutes into his Geist and just made him go poof. Second round I  beat up some gitz on Battle for the Pass. His stabba turtle made it real easy to keep scoring both 2 point objectives. Round 3 and 4 it all fell apart. Got paired up with two different tzeentch lists. First one had 18 flamers and a nice 20 unit of pinks to screen. My shining moment came though when I got a fully buffed/waaaghed 10 unit of brutes in and 6 pigs. 69!!! 69 wounds caused by the brutes into the horrors. Just melted the whole unit. And then pigs mopped it up. Everything immediately shot off the board in the following shooting phase :( round four was more horrors less flamers. Board control was too strong though. 40 horrorsand couldn’t maneuver and kept getting stuck in combat and flamed. Last game sylvaneth. Was drained from the back to back tzeentch pairings and just focused on practicing caution but random d3s for objectives cost me the game. Another big tournament in a month. 

    learned a lot. Brutes were great besides the runaway issue. They’d blend what they touched but also be vulnerable to retaliation. Lost 3 one round, turned into 6 after battle shock. More IP protection is needed  

    tzeentch is just hard to imagine right now. Lots of mortals coming out in hero. Then lots of rend 1 d3 damage happening.  100 wound battle lines. Stuff just turns into magic dust.  That’s gotta be the main lesson I learned this weekend. 

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  20. So finished up a tournament today and figured I’d put together a little battle report for fun. Hope you enjoy as much as I did. I ended up placing 3rd with a 2-1. The game I lost was by 1 point on objectives. The list is not really optimized at all. Many of the players were going to LVO and this was their last “practice tournament “ before then so I went a little trolly and fun not expecting to do as well as I did. 

    Allegiance: Big Waaagh!

    Megaboss on Maw-Krusha (460)
    - General
    - Boss Gore-hacka and Choppa
    - Trait: Brutish Cunning  
    - Artefact: Ethereal Amulet 
    Orruk Warchanter (110)
    Orruk Warchanter (110)
    Orruk Weirdnob Shaman (110)
    - Artefact: Great Green Visions  

    15 x Orruk Ardboys (270)
    - 1x Gorkamorka Banner Bearers
    - 1x Gorkamorka Glyph Bearers
    10 x Orruk Ardboys (180)
    - 1x Gorkamorka Banner Bearers
    - 1x Gorkamorka Glyph Bearers
    10 x Orruk Ardboys (180)
    - 1x Gorkamorka Banner Bearers
    - 1x Gorkamorka Glyph Bearers

    Rogue Idol (400)

    Ardfist (120)

    Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
    Extra Command Point (50)

    Total: 1990 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 2
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 119

    Grab a drink and some popcorn and enjoy the “report” 

    Round one: Focal points vs Skaven

    I was able to get some really good round one action out of the Idol and the Krusha but I was at the bottom hoping for the double and lost all my priority rolls. This was the best game of the day even if it ended in a loss. We kept trading objectives but I was behind from turn 1 and 2 scoring only 2 points in each of those turns.  By turn 4 I had rallied back and controlled all 5 objectives and put the game to a 15-12 game in my favor. I was able to bring back the 15 unit I lost and a 10 unit failed which is what I really needed. I managed to get the 15 unit in a nice spot on the board at the bottom of 3 when I lost them and on turn 4 successfully pulled off a 3d6 19” charge and strung them out across the board so that they held 2 objectives. Lost the priority going into 5 and my skaven opponent saw what I did and did something similar with his stormvermin and was able to take them back resulting in a 1 point loss. 
    These next ones will go quickly though:

    Round 2 vs Ironjawz: Duality of Death2018(hero and behemoth hold)

    There were so many feelings tied up in this game. My opponent had only been playing for a few months. I’m now a year + in and saw a little reflection of early me playing before I went down this rabbit hole of orruk obsession.   I gave him the first turn and he over committed on the objectives. Porting a unit of 15 boyz onto the left with a megaboss behind them to get the points and his maw krusha on the right all alone. Scoring 2 points and no combat to be had other units were moved up maximum or ran so really central board. I really got to see the difference between big waaagh and Ironjawz here. Scoring 6 points on the D6 4 from the chanter and another 4 from the command ability had me sitting on 14 points out of the hero phase, MD on the krusha + move put me at a 6” charge. 
     My 15 unit moved to match his, rogue got comfortable with an 8” charge, the other 10 had an easy charge and then the big dawg warchanter pulled off the 3d6 charge again getting a 15” charge putting one model onto the MK and the rest just outside of 3 of the piggies. The pile in would prevent them from charging next round in case I didn’t get the double. Our realmscape was if within 12” had to charge or suffer MW and successful charges with 3 charges + hero that’s another 8 waaagh points by start of  combat and 22 points  full bonus here we go!


    The moment we all hate when we make that over committed move. MK charge did 5 MW putting his at 10. Good rolls/bad rolls depending on what side you were on and he was removing his MK :( 

    His return wasn’t as grand. 3/3s and between shields and warpaint saves my non buffed boyz removed more than his 2dmg ones. The next surprise was the idols 3” range attacks. His megaboss was positioned so I got buffed rogue attacks into the boss. Got him down to 1 wound left. The other 10 attacks into the ardboyz did some major damage as well. After all was said and done i won the double turn and my opponent realized there was no real way to move forward. Only 2 chapters and a shaman could get those objectives and they would have to kill both my MK and rogue. 

    GAME 3 vs Nighthaunt: blood and glory 

    this was another really poor mistake from my opponent. Gave him first turn and he went for a huge move with some carriage thing and 10 horsie guys. Dropped some grimghast outside of 9 and moved his main hero squad up and forgot i could port I guess? 
    My opponent failed all charges but his carriage thing. Which he promptly pushed into a 10 unit of ardboyz. He killed one I did 6 wounds back with a hard pile in. On my side of the turn I made the port with the 15 and the charge. Buffed up doing 2 dmg but not getting any plus to hit/wound because of bad waaagh rolls. It didn’t matter though. I got all of them wrapped around his 3 heroes, took lady o and a horsie hero out and then won the double as well. With this one being similar to game 2, he realized that while he still had plenty to do, losing the key parts of his army pretty much sealed his fate. He conceded after I won the double. 

    I recently built my own Rogue Idol (recommend it for sure) and just wanted to play with him. I just intended to build a list to ****** around with today and didn’t think it would perform as well as it did. My biggest concerns were waaagh point accumulation. The list felt like it really needed to be played aggressively but the generation is to dependent on the CA and then getting the charges for the charge/combat points as well. The rogue exceeded my expectations 20 fold. I thought kind of like a MK that he’d just be a big target but with a 4+5++6+++ he is extremely resilient and also a great hammer.

    i felt like the 3 units of ardboyz were pretty good. I had pretty okay board control over all.  Knowing I had a chance to bring them back was a definite bonus. All in all I had some really good rolls, dice were definitely in my favor, fun times were had and this was the first major tournament(14 players) where I placed top 3! Really hoping to continue this trend as the tournament season out here begins and as always WAAAAAAAAGH!!!!!!  


  21. Freaking formatting. I can’t get the quote and comment  stuff figured out. Ideally, and in the future, I’ll most likely be running an ardfist but right now I’ve only got a max 40 ardboyz. That’s where I end up with extra points really and the options of a block of 10 brutes for hero/high wound hunting or a second unit of GGs and 2 15s of boyz

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