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Posts posted by Dolinarius

  1. @Ghoooouls

    yeah sure somehow I can...a battletome and a plastic blood knights kit is great after all, althought I already kitbashed myself 10 of them and wont' buy the new ones.

    Gonna order a start collecting flesheater courts for crypt flayers and a vampire lord on zombie dragon - now that I know the won't go away. But be sure I convert the zombie dragon - I can't stand the head ;)

    Meanwhile I continue my "vampire on food with shield and helbards" project, but the downer is, that the release didn't effect all these things, I think thats the reason why I'm so disappointed. It seems like my approche on vampires in AoS seems pretty unique in a bad way.

  2. I allowed myself the luxury of getting hyped - my bad. I'm happy for everybody who is satisfied by the release to day - I'm not.

    A lot of reskins of models we already have, if we can believe the leak, there will be harsh changes to zombies and skeletons - for good and for bad.

    But when it comes to new models, boy I' disappointed. After the crimson court, after the new blood knights, after the new vampire lord I was hoping for something more classic regarding todays reveal. But here we are, having a sh!tload of named models nobody will play and and this "thing" I don't know how to feel about (dragon-vampire-snake-bat-idk).

    Radukar the beast is ok, but not my taste, the ol' lady is cool, I also like both share the esthetic with the dire wolves and the 3 wild vampire guys from cursed city. Which leads me to the next downer, they are seriously forcing you to take the whole crew of vilians to the party - what nonsense! I have no words for that. How cool would if have been, to field radukar the beast, with the old lady, a vargskyr and some lesser, feral vampires and dire wolves as BL options? yeah, no, not today honey.

    No fleshed out, vampire knight army with a nobel thrist for blood, which is the absolut worse setback for me. No new VL on ZD, no vampire elite guard/footmen/whatever and no mention of Neferata or Manfred.

    So no changes at all. U still have to field hords or a kind of a patchwork of bloodknights, crypt flyers and heroes. A big miss here by GW, I hope the battletome makes things clearer, but by now, I'm disappointed af...


  3. imho it would be great if GW would explain what went wrong or at least publish a statement regarding the current status of the game.

    It's kinda embarrassing for a large company like GW not only to ****** over the release, but to be not capable of handle this case apropriate and transparent.



    and I was lucky to get the game at my LGS

    • Blood Lines as subfactions
    • Plastik Blood Knights
    • Elite Vampire Footmen
    • Endlessspells and magic spells that suck wounds out of enemies and give them to your troops, and make attacking the bravery of the enemy a thing (vampire shoud be feared right?) 
    • mortal footman (as your horde option) which represent the mortals of shyish
    • a new zombie dragon model - the old one is just ugly imho


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  4. finally!!!

    Everything arrived the other day and i assambled my first few minis of the army and started to paint one of them as a concept. 






    I also found a second box dragon princes in spain - 50€ sounds kinda ok. I hope it arrives until xmax ;)


    and if someone could help me out, how to post pictures properly I wouldn't say no... ;)



  5. meanwhile i start thinking about listbuilding. 


    VLoZD will be the general for sure

    VL on foot & Necromancer for the battleline  suppport

    10x Bloodknights (i hope i will find some more dragon princes)

    As battleline I'm thinking of zombies maybe also skelettons - i got 40 of them laying around like the rotten bones they are. It would be a shame not to use them, and I'm not motivated enough to paint 40-80 zombies - so far!


    VLoZD - General

    VL on foot


    10x Blood Knights

    10x Graveguard

    40x Skelettons (Spears)

    5x Dire Wolves

    5x Dire Wolves


    1970P total 138 wounds


    This is something I can achieve easiely, as I already have most of the models except VLoZD, the GG (Executioner conversion) und 5 Blood Knights. As it has 3 generic battleline units, it can fit basicly every LoN army & soulblight. 

    From this base I will build up the vampire theme further...



    I initialy wanted to field vampires only. 

    So the heroes stay the same as above (VLoZD+VL+Necro) and in addition to that 

    10 Blood Knights

    3x20 Grave Guards (with the Executioners conversion)

    1950P (Grand host of nagash)

    so far so good, but if you imagine this force on the table, it seems kinda boring and it's lorewise difficult to believe, that a minor necromancer can (re)summon 20 vampire warriors (GG)...so I came back to the plan with zombies (in the end) and skelettons (first of all)

    so I'm constantly thinking about ways, to convert common death units into vampires to use them. the problem is, that most of the battleline options are blobs and its not very thematic to bring up 40-60 vampire warriors who die like flies in combat. 

  6. @XReNoh thx for the advise!!!! I was about to hit the order button...


    Chaos Knights (old or new ones) only come in the SC! boxes as far as I know, right?

    I'm already thinking about taking the skeletton horses of the blackknights...but that's like plan F and the final produkt will not look like originaly itended. 

  7. oh boy, that dude looks scary af!

    got some bad news, I didn't receive my dragon princes - they are out of stock so no lucky bargain for me. 

    Plan B is to use Drakespawn Knights as rider (with other heads and shields). But I'm not quite sure were to get the horses from...any ideas?

    Atm i think about using the horses of the darkriders kit.


  8. If you really wanna bring the smallest possible bases (25mm)+ the largest possible one, there are not that many options

    LoN: Mortarch/Nagash + Skelleton/Zombies

    Skaven: Verminlord + rats

    FEC: Terrorgheist + Ghouls

    Cities of Sigmar: provide several possibilities: Blackdragon/General on Griffon/Hydra maybe even a Phoenix + basically every infantry in the book. 

    Gits: Trolls/Squigs + your tiny green ****** 

    That's - as far as I have it in my mind - the combinations with the largest differences. 



  9. On 1/31/2020 at 5:35 PM, Kyriakin said:

    Why no mention of Vargheists?  


    ...because I don't like the model ;)

    I would love to post some pictures, but I'm still waiting for my knights (dragon princes) to arrive...I found one for 30€ - got to give it a shot!


    To be honest, I want to avoid to walk down the FEC road. I love their lore, but not the design of the models. That's why I try to bring up somekind of own, unique army visual wise. I have no idea so far how to play them regarding the alligiance. This depends strongly on the battleline units, At the current state I also don't know how big this project gonna get. So far, I'm thinking of 1500 points. The VLoZD + Blood Knights + Battlelines will not allow a smaller scaled army. 

    ...and last but not least, some IJ are staring at me in my hobbyroom, waiting for their paint. I thing I gonna switch between painting them and building this army the whole year as I don't have that much time to spend, thx to my 10 month son ;)

    So please don't expect this thread to be filled weekly with news, allthough I would enjoy some konversation about the idea and maybe some of you guys have finished similar armys/units?

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  10. hey guys, 

    I got some IJ noob questions, maybe someone can help me out here. 

    1. do you usually use the megaboss on mawcrusher or Gordrakk?

    2. do you take the MBoMc as your general or one of the smaller heroes so you can bring the big boy in combat?

    3. how do you arm your brutes best? Speaking of brutes, I like the models, I will field them and use them as monster/hero hunter right? It does seem smart to combine them with hand of gork?

    4. Ardboyz banner - the +2 Bravery one seems a good choice, right?

    5. is there a general tactic with which i can start with? I'm planning to use the MBoMc in 1500p game upwards, for smaller games I'm fielding the unmounted one. The core of the army are 2 units of ardboy 10-15 models and one unit of 6 GG. Ofcourse there will be 1-2 warchanters and one shaman. 



  11. tbh I still don't know where GW wants to go with death. 

    The idea with Legions was good, but imho didn't go far enough...

    Legion of Sacrament

    Arkhan as a leader + OBR Mini with OBR Ruleset

    Legion of Night

    Manfred as the leader + Deathwalkers + Deathrattle + Deathmages + graveyards

    Your classic resurrect subfaction.

    Legion of Blood - I personally think, GW should combine it with soulblight and bring a new twist to it instead of a knew SB battletome.

    Neferate as the leader + vampires + bats and some new kits like vampire infantry on food and new blood knights

    Specialized on fast attacking, elite armies that can fly. 

    Legion of Grief

    Lady Olynder + NH + the ****** mortis engine

    NH can stay as the are, but make the bravery bomb a thing.  


    No separately NH, Soulblight, OBR etc. just choose a legion, with their unique mortarch, playstyle and modelrange. This way, you finaly bring order to this soup faction!

    Admittedly radical but I can't see why this shouldn't work out?

  12. oh I love those spearmen!

    black, gold, red color theme gonna look so badass - can't wait to lay my hands on them. 

    The guy in the hollowed armour is such a cool idea!


    ...and Teclis, yeah, not my taste. 

    If you look an his trousers and then at the face of the guy in the background in the post above this one, this looks kinda 1001 nights/arabic esthetic gin. 

  13. Hi guys, 

    I'm thinking of building a vampire only army + maybe some zombies. 

    As we all know, there are not that much vampire models out there, beside some hero models and Bloodknights ofcourse which are expensive and I personally don't like them too much. 

    So I started thinking about the core of the army and about using dark aelves for this purpose (as infantry with graveguard warscroll) and chaos knights as a Bloodknights prox. I would prefer Dragon Princes, but atm they are as expensiv as the BKs. To make them more death-ish i would use the upgradeset Death GW provides and some bald heads. 

    Painting them with the typical red armour, brown leather, white skin theme should do the trick here to make them look uniformly. 

    As a filler unit and because I like the idea, i also would love to add one blob of zombies made of Freeguilds, Dwarfs and maybe also Aelves - but I'm not shure about the paintjob here. Do I paint them all with the same colour scheme or do I paint them in their typical schemes and only paint their skin zombie-like, wash them heavy and base them all the same?


    Other potential adds for the army:

    Vampire Lords


    Dire wolves





    What do you think?

    Any other ideas which minis could fit?

    Would an army like that be allouwed in a GW store? 

    The rule was "to use GW minis only" but not that I cant proxy GW mini A with GW mini B (outside of WYGIWYS games), at least in your store as far as i know. 


    I don't play competitive, so I don't care about listbuilding too much. This project will come to reality as early as summer, I have to finish my IJ army first. 

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