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Posts posted by Druug

  1. 4 hours ago, Atreyu said:

    Are there any heroes or units you would recommend me to get more from?

    As it stands, you're about as well stocked as you could be. I certainly don't think there's anything you need more of; however, if you want to buy more just to totally round it out, I'd recommend more Spites, another magnetized treelord/TLA, and more Kurnoths with swords and/or bows. Spites are, from everything I've seen, super efficient and fairly effective with this new tome. You can't go wrong getting as many boxes of them as you can afford. But unless you want to give GW more money, you're set.

  2. 36 minutes ago, Namelessone81 said:

    given the new battle tome what do you think I should build him ? Durthu , treelord or ancient ?

    If you're not down to magnetize it, then I'd recommend another TLA. It would likely offer the most utility, as well as let you take LotC if you're running a Gnarlroot grove. The vanilla TL is worth a look though, as it's 50% cheaper and offers a decent source of damage, wounds, and distraction. The Durthu is, I think, the least helpful option, but I'm also not the most experienced player, so it's worth it to get more opinions.

    Also, does anyone have a dryad-heavy or Drycha list that works? I'd like to field 70 just to be able to, and it is only 640 points, but it seems unreliable.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 34 minutes ago, Trevelyan said:

    The key is timing and patience. Only commit them when it matters, because they’ll take an objective but rarely hold it against retaliation. 

    Thank you for the advice. I may pick up some more kurnoths and magnetize them, and maybe try a game playing my bows as scythes to try them. 

    What list do you use? I'd love to see more examples that work with this new battletome. I feel like a Winterleaf list with Drycha, spite-revs and a few units of dryads could be quite deadly, or a Gnarlroot with all the wizards I have. 

  4. 5 minutes ago, Trevelyan said:

    For something more specific, can you elaborate on why you are struggling? What is your typical battle plan and what stops it from working?

    You're probably right with the bows. I didn't know about magnetizing until recently, so none of my kurnoth's are. However, I don't think they would mind if I played one of the bows as swords.

    I feel like the swords are better than the scythes; while you get the extra range and rend, the bonus attack from the swords and the ability to deal an extra mortal wound on a 6 seems quite strong. 

    As for battalions, the main reason I'm getting it is for the artifact and point. 

    I have yet to see any value out of my tree-revs. I rarely am able to hold an objective with them for more than a turn before they disintegrate. I also don't have too many of those models, which is my main reason for using so many dryads.

    I don't really have a complex battle plan; I put down my 3 forests down on T1 (one for free, one from TLA, one from branchwraith w/ vesperal) and start grabbing objectives. The main issue is that I struggle to chew through the wounds and disgusting resilience of the nurgle army. I start losing more units than him around turn 3 and then it's generally downhill from there. Again, I'm a new player, so any and all advice is appreciated.

  5. Thanks for the link @Emissary. Looks like my wallet is gonna take a hit again.

    The main list I've tried is this:

    Harvestboon Glade

    Durthu - General w/ Silent Sickle (320)

    TLA - Regrowth (300)

    Archrev - Treesong (100)

    Branchwraith - Vesperal Gem, Verduous (80)

    Branchwraith - Throne of Vines (80)

    3 units of 3 Kurnoth Hunters - 2 w/ bows, 1 w/ swords (600)

    Unit of 5 tree-revs (80)

    Unit of 5 spite-revs (60)

    30 Dryads (270)

    Free Spirits Battalion - for extra artifact and command point (120)

    Total - 2010

    I want to work in Drycha, but I'm not sure where. I tend to falter after the charge; I don't feel I have much staying power.

  6. 1 hour ago, Heksagon said:

    Our new woods will be 30£ / 40€ / 50$  for a box.
    Box will include 3 "bases" making one Awakened Wylwood.
    That's confirmed info.

    My hype is all gone. This price is ridiculous. I know, this hobby is not cheap, .but this pricing is really reaaaally hard to justify.
    You will probably need 2-3 boxes for a 1k games and twice as much for 2k.

    Where'd you get this from? The only info I've found on the new release is from community, and I haven't seen anything yet. Not that I think you're wrong; it sounds like what GW would do. Any links?

  7. Hey all, new player here. I just got into the hobby 2 months ago, and have built a decent size Sylvaneth army so far. I love the models and lore, but I've been really struggling with them against my friends on the tabletop. We're all new, so we may be getting rules  wrong, but I always feel disadvantaged compared their armies. They play Nurgle, Nighthaunt, and Stormcast. Nurgle especially hurts me, but I almost always struggle after turn 2 or so. Any advice on countering Nurgle, or building a competitive list in general? I've been using the new rules/glades, and have my my own cheapo awakened wyldwoods to use. I've got pretty much every model except for Alarielle. Any help is appreciated.

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