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Everything posted by plavski

  1. It was sold out on the official website two days ago. Luckily I have my two boxes
  2. Admiral is so good; I'll be hard pressed not to include one in every list.
  3. If you have an Admiral, they can take the Cunning Fleetmaster command trait which allows a friendly skyvessel to move before the first battleround begins. It can fly high if it's not an Ironclad. He doesn't have to be on the ship, so you can just have your Wizard Frigate fly in range for the spell before the hero phase.
  4. I think most of it is fine - it's the only way we get to play in the activation wars. But the command trait is weak as hell. I'm hoping it'll be errata'd into something useful cos the differences between that and just flying high are minimal.
  5. Couple of those in the book - The artefact for Barak-Mhornar is only restricted if you have a Navigator, and Barak Urbaz's trait is restricted to Khemists.
  6. There's more synergy in keeping them melee and having the riggers go ranged. Is there a way to make the Skywardens able to retreat and charge in the same turn? Cos that would be incredible!
  7. Gotta say, after a couple years it's nice to have a workable KO battletome in my hands! Still a vague sense of disappointment that they didn't update their painting guide from the old version. Can't have everything I suppose, and contrasts don't really have much place in a KO army.
  8. Right, if there's an objective market in a house, you can put your dudes in the house to guard it and they'll count as holding it with all the benefits of the garrison. Ships just have a specific rule that says this doesn't work and you have to get out to hold it. You still count as being one model on the objective tho so you can still hold it with a ship, just not with 25 dudes inside an ironclad
  9. Garrisoned models are on the table for the effects of everything that they are specifically not called out for. Like you can't get the extra attack bonus for Thunderers, or add their numbers to objectives, but you can do everything else - like get shot!
  10. Don't worry about the FAQ - Ben Johnson confirmed it - use any Endless spell you want, all casting restrictions are moot. The effects will still have restrictions (Sylvaneth spells only healing Sylvaneth etc.), but the casting box is effectively blank. I'm partial to the OBR spells for their soul-bind ability. You don't get the negative of the -1 to cast and your opponent can't move them. Soulstealer Carrion looks quite nice depending on your meta. Lets you play a little more aggressive with your Khemist too as you get all the healing.
  11. Burning Sigil of Tzeentch - make sure you have a spare Chaos Spawn model around!
  12. Good call. There's also the Verdant Mantle from Ghyran which lets you unbind an Endless Spell. But if you're gonna give your Khemist an artefact, not having it be the Spell in a Bottle has got to be a warcrime.
  13. No artefact directly, but if you go Barak-Nar, each hero can unbind one spell.
  14. Urbaz makes gunhaulers battle line and balloonboss makes the endrinriggers battleline too, so that's 3
  15. I think there's potential for a decent build around the admiral on a flagship with all those extra command point bits and bobs just giving out all his command abilities constantly. There are so many options for getting extra cp, or having free command ability uses that your admiral can just be a flying buff machine!
  16. That's correct. Drakkskewer can't hitch so has to stow his balloon in the hold.
  17. Thundrik's buff is just an ability, no command point needed. Properly useful.
  18. 140 points and yes, they all have to go together. I'm looking forward to trying them as I think they're quite strong.
  19. Not giving Drakkskewer hitcher makes sense. He couldn't hitch on his own without breaking coherency so it would mean loads of extra rules to handle it. He already has the annoying "has 2 wounds and can fly" extra rule, so more would just be confusing.
  20. Gunhaulers can take an artefact that lets them carry five people so you can stuff him and his mates in there. Also note that Thundrik has to be taken with his buddies, but they don't have to stick together. He can live the good life in the offworld colonies while his chums take up guard duty. They lose some perks for being far away from him, but they can survive fine on their own.
  21. While garrisoned units inside a boat won't count for scoring, hitched models will, so if you want to grab an objective in a turn it's worth throwing some balloon boys along for the ride.
  22. At the very worst, you have a cheap alternate build Aether-Khemist. But Thundrik's actually got some decent rules and point this time around (re-roll hits of 1 for a skyfarers unit within 12 for free, 140 points) and it's probably the best rules/points combo of any Underworlds warband. Though I really like Rippa's on the board.
  23. You cannot Fly High if you have taken more than 6 wounds. At that point the Disengage rule comes into affect whereby you encounter the 3" flyer restriction.
  24. We've very specifically talking about the Fly High/Disengage rule here. Disengage: This model and any models in its garrison can still shoot if this model retreats in the same turn, as long as there are no enemy units that can fly within 3” of this model at the start of the retreat move and there are less than 10 wounds allocated to this model at the start of the retreat move. Note that Fly High requires less than 7 wounds, while Disengage requires 10 wounds. So If you have 6 or fewer wounds, you can Fly High and still shoot. If you have between 7 and 9 wounds, you can disengage and still shoot, but you cannot shoot if you were next to a flyer.
  25. If you're afraid of flyers, the Master of the Skies artycle let's you reroll hits of 1 against them with your ships. The There's No Trading With Some People footnote would also allow you to over ride this restriction. Adjusting your skyport based on your opponent has benefits.
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