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Posts posted by zilberfrid

  1. 54 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

    I had a BnB game VS Skaven today.

    By the start of turn two I had lost 76,667% of my models due to unnecessary mortal wound spam (no hit or wound roll required).

    I am drawing the line here and quitting the hobby. It’s too expensive and time-consuming for me to persue any further while it feels like all I do nowadays is face off against insane bs and bad game design decisions.

    I wish all comp. gamers well, you‘ll manage and be fine. For all the other player groups: I am not so sure if you will be fine anymore. :/

    Goodbye guys

    Check in every once in a while. The models work perfectly for other games, and GW is good at making beautiful and creative designs (though they also make space marines).

    Maybe they learn how to make a good game next edition, but I think the models and people are worth sticking around in TGA.

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  2. 6 hours ago, KrispyXIV said:

    I find it odd that rend isn't super valuable some folks.  I get a lot of mileage even out of rend 1 - even if that's causing my opponent to spend resources negating it, but generally by applying it either where they didn't buff or where they don't want to.  

    There's a whole lot of it not being useful in theory, but in practice I find it applying all over the place.

    The problem is that GW seems to value high rend higher than mortal wounds somehow.

    High rend also really doesn't do what it used to. I agree that rend -1 is still as useful as it was, but -2 and -3 have lost quite a bit of value.

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  3. 4 hours ago, Fairbanks said:

    Saurus Warriors/Knights don’t need an update, they need the Cadian Head Sprue Treatment for more open mouths. 

    Besides that, you’d just get an updated kit with the same ten poses.

    Look at their cold ones.


    Now look at those of the Dark Elves.


    Then look at Lost Kingdoms


    Also, the chameleon skinks


    Vs Lost Kingdoms


    Feathers! Proper looking dino! Chameleon doing a handstand and shootingbwith their feet!

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  4. 18 minutes ago, Gailon said:

    Good discussion on how NPE =/= overpowered. Sometimes it's hard to feel this. Right now the competitive meta of AOS is impressively balanced. Lots of different armies hitting podiums with lots of different lists. But that just isn't the measure for NPE. I hadn't played Fangs of Sotek in awhile because they were OP in 2.0 for a bit. As they have fallen off a bit in the competitive scene I busted them back out, because now they are 'balanced.' 

    They might be more balanced on the tournament scene, but they are full of NPE. A block of skinks with a pile of buffs that run and shoot and charge and then shoot when you charge them and run away. That list has high unbinds, alpha strike, mortal wound shooting, and their shoot and run away ability is just a 4+, which is at least random, but is much much harder to interact with than Unleash Hell. 

    Losing 50% of the time doesn't mean it doesn't have a lot of NPE. 

    Save Stacking

    I will throw my hat in the ring as liking save stacking. At least liking it a lot more than just not having it. It's partially about survivability, but also about matchups. Mystic shield goes in one place, all out defense is one place, finest hour is declared in the hero phase. 

    It is kind of weird that Durthu can bounce off some infantry because they have mystic shield in cover with all out defense. But I like having high consequences for a poor matchup, not just x always beats y, but x shouldn't attack y *in this specific circumstance on the table this turn.* 

    It really allows you to use units and counter damage and create opportunity costs or inefficiencies. 

    My problem is that this doesn't work very well in a high point cost monster/hero hammer. I can talk about screens and matchups and such, but they have pointed the game in a way that makes it very difficult to run a tactical mixed force. Much better to have two maw krushas smashing around the table. 

    I just don't think it's the fault of save stacking. Archeon shouldn't be attacking grots when they have +3 to their save, he should be going somewhere else. Spread out your damage, force the use of CP attack weakpoints and try to put strong ones forward. 

    I just feel like save stacking has very strong potential to add a tactical element, but there are other things that make it difficult to engage with those tactics. 

    The problem with save stacking is that mortal wounds are not equally distributed. Rend is almost dead this edition, so they could just call it the "era of the mortal wound" and be more accurate.

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  5. 1 hour ago, KingBrodd said:

    100% agree on Gluttons and Marauders.

    Considering that most of Chaos is made up of them I too am shocked they havent been updated yet. Hopefully with STD they are one more kit updated.

    Gluttons need the dynamic posing treatment. They are supposed to be monstrous creatures of great strength and their arms tucked in walking tip toe does not give that impression. More posing like Cursed Cities Bruttog would go a long way.

    As above, the ogre Blood Bowl team gives another few dynamic options if you replace hands, but they don't have that many poses.

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  6. 3 hours ago, JackOfBlades said:

    Even 18 years ago the way i got into the hobby was through the internet - surely they cant be so out of touch as to believe they cant refresh a kit if it's webstore only (due to lack of physical space)? And even then, it couldnt pass decades without them finding any space to refresh kits which are older than many of the players who use them. This cant be it...

    I think the volume of sales of webstore only boxes is a lot lower than distributed boxes.

    But it's mostly that they don't want to waste a marketing opportunity on it.

    I have no insider knowledge of GW, but have been told Renedra molds are a lot cheaper than I thought, and the work for a 3d print model isn't that much either. I do not know the arcane magic of translating a 3d model to a sprue though.

    I can't imagine there is no return on investment if companies like Wargames Atlantic, Northstar, Warlord and such manage. It must be something else, and a marketing and logistics seems logical.

  7. 6 hours ago, JackOfBlades said:

    I have a question that this thread might be a fitting place for.

    The kits people are mentioning here were already present ~18 years ago when i first got into Warhammer, and yet they still havent been updated. My question is, if GW is a miniatures company first as people say, why do they seemingly just refuse to update certain antiquated kits? Shouldnt that be the first thing theyd be looking to do? I am genuinely curious.

    I think it's because of marketing and logistics mostly. If a faction gets a refresh, they might want to do it more completely than just the one kit. They need to have display space in their shops, get enough hype to get it in player's minds, and get boxes there. Many things that need replacement are webstore only.

    I think exceptions like Kroak just skipped the queue because it replaced a finecast kit that was still selling, and that mold may have worn out, or maybe it was to sell their battletome because they realized the realmshaper engine doesn't have enoigh visual appeal.


    Speaking of finecast, the salamander and it's spiky cousin's kit need replacement quite badly. Look at the models in TW: Warhammer II, and then at the minis...

  8. NPE is also felt different for different people. I played a pre-CoS Free Peoples army (a regiment with Great Companies), and the player that curbstomped me with a double or triple Keeper list was really complaining about the defensive shots from my skirmish guards and handgunners.

    For me, it's mostly not playing the same game. Things like Psionics in early D&D editions that had a whole different combat system not everyone could participate in, would fit, but for AoS there are a few things that come to mind:

    • Being able to almost guarantee your own magic while shutting down that of the opponent,
    • Shooting mortal wounds that need no line of sight with ridiculous range, 
    • Starting out controlling an objective and greatly hindering the chances of opponents getting it
    • Offloading your battleshock to another player's
    • Straight up take the ability to take actions from units
    • Unkillable heroes or units
    • Taking command points and/or increasing the cost of command point usage
    • Ridiculous balance problems
    • Excessive summoning or raising

    It doesn't mean an army that does one of these things is automatically bad, but if your list has most of these things, I won't even care if I win if I'm not having a good time doing it. In the first example, I wouldn't be bothered by losing (it was my first game after all) but the whining and the lack of any chance I had made it annoying, with him taking ages and piling a lot of units on the battlefield while complaining that I was cheating by shooting things that came near to me (I had the GHB open and bookmarked, there was nothing fishy about it).

    • Like 2
  9. Do also note that increased gating by GW makes that NPE worse.

    Previously, the (in this case LRL) faction abilities were gated behind a paywall, which was annoying

    Locking the warscrolls away as well increases the "Gotcha" effect because only people that pirate or fork over hundreds of euros in books they don't need have any idea what an opponent is capable of doing.

    This is a reason why I won't return to GW games.

    • Confused 1
  10. 2 hours ago, JackOfBlades said:

    Compared to those, i prefer the name Age of Sigmar for precisely the reason that it creates a good contrast with what might really be going on in the realms.

    For a company that is plagued by favouritism towards space marines, it also brands the entire product line with the god of the fantasy marines (since we now know GW absolutely wanted them to be just that from mr Reynolds).

    Branding it to the leader of two of its factions is a bad idea.

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  11. 17 hours ago, Neverchosen said:

    I dunno it looks like we are getting some new Chaos Spawn/Demon Princes from the CSM launch to me!

    I have finally dipped my toes into 40k with the Chaos Knight Box and it is primarily so that I can proxy my S2D into a futuristic setting, and use the cooler/fantasy 40k models in AOS. It is largely an excuse to get some Ogoroids and tell people they are demons... or these pretty folk and run them as Chaos Spawn in AOS...

    I will absolutely get those Torments. Kitbash the human bits to be more generic, and I can use them for all sorts or roleplaying shenanigans. They are brutally horrible, and I love them.

    I would also love to see the ideas in the old metal horrors reviewed with GW's current sculpting ability (and in plastic).


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  12. These are nice models. Would be an excellent Pistoleer/Outrider standin if not for their cost. Riders even have double pistols or carbines and sabers. Sorry for the bad glazing, They could be Demi standins if you give the riders lances, swords or halberds but they would be small. I'm just getting to grips with that technique and haven't quite found it. Still need to edge highlight the leather and give it some texture, and this is a pic from before I highlighted all the blue bits.


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  13. 34 minutes ago, Vastus said:

    If those are the points of the new LRL I'm a little surprised. It felt like the trend was for everything to become more expensive pointswise, but seeing DoK and now LRL, it seems that is not a consistent change they're going for.

    If you lower point costs across the board, people will buy more models to fill their armies.

  14. 29 minutes ago, Elmir said:

    This. If they are going to be doing a 180 every 6 months on what type of unit you should be spamming, that's tedious on it's own. I think they are just trying to mimic computer game style seasons somehow... but that just doesn't work in a game where painting and assembly takes as long as it does imo. 

    But changing the meta has a direct correllation with selling more boxes...

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