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Posts posted by zilberfrid

  1. 1 hour ago, Loyal Son of Khemri said:


    I'm betting on the top image based on the previous Forgeworld kits version of Chorf train. I'm admittedly biased based on my history of being a Thomas the Tank Engine kid (the classic show, when it was basically stop-motion and model trains) and still have my train table that I passed down to my younger siblings (my Chorf army will most likely be in his colors).

    I'd also think the former. I do like the latter though. I somehow need to make a model from that picture to torture my players with. Feels like the vibe of this month's Bestiarium https://www.bestiarumgames.com/releasepage?pgid=kzt66szq-07f7fa45-a221-4292-bccc-6ef4e0099980

  2. 10 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

    Surprised no one mentioned this yet(well probably on rumors somewhere likely) but new AoS horror novel cover dropped on a Beast-Hunter and Witch Hunter from Shyish:


    Now first thought was “Ooh, this could hint at my hope for Ghur barbarian reclaimed and Order of Azyr to head the first big CoS to Dawners reboot)

    but then I noticed the Beast-Hunter has a fully prosthetic arm. Talking to the lexicanum guys and they said that stuff has been showing up more and more after Soulbound Steam and Steel dropped because(like the Mallus armor) they detailed a lot of Freeguild technology and medical advancements made by the Ironweld:



    These can very well be hints for future Dawner units as since the Sylvaneth battletome doesn’t have the cursed city Kurnothi aelf in it(she was a Sylvaneth unit before with a special glade) that’d point out why they have advanced Ghyran equipment too.


    I love these designs!

    10 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

    Lastly, guy posted his amazing Sisters of Battle conversion to Lionesses of Edassa greatswords-

    Which look amazing:

    -And that reminded me of Prince Jordain, the Freeguild commander from Realmslayer:


    His royalty attire and religious heavy icons could mirror those from the 3D concept hints(remember all the fancy monarch looking stuff made of little circles?)

    These look great, but do note that they are Sisters of Silence. Really nice models, but twice the cost of (equally good) Greatswords.

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, xking said:

    Sigmar is not like the Emperor, their personalities are not even close.  

    That is true.

    My point was that a god-king who creates supersoldiers and leads an empire isn't that dissimilar from a god-emperor that created supersoldiers and leads an empire.

    This golden ruler is quite different from the other one. Alive or not is quite a change already.

    But let's go back to rumours. Do we think new chorfs demon engines will look more like this image.png.5be9c47b7b4a773d892ac8e4adba3c54.pngor this



    • Like 2
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  4. 5 hours ago, MitGas said:

    Your argument borders on being an unreasonable demand.


    Things evolve and GW (and the companies that work with their IP) didn't stop to portray the Imperium as dubious at best (and very often joke about their factions too...), perhaps you should play some of the games or read more 40k stories. Sometimes said Empire does things that is bad for the involved Space Marines (or other Imperials) too. 40k is a place full of evil factions and it's multi-faceted, with many levels of grey.

    Can you be a grey to evil character and still be the protagonist? Yes, especially if most other factions are arguably worse than you.
    Can you be evil and perform acts of heroism (especially in the eyes of people allied with you)? Yes.

    The fluff is usually written from the perspective of the main faction - that's the Imperium (and used to be the Empire in WHFB). So it should definitely be taken into account, which is something you just swipe away but it is important as it recontextualizes many things.


    Stop playing Warhammer if you can't stomach the fact that its main faction are fictional fascists, it won't change for you (at least I hope not).  Or play Chaos and let them burn, even better! But there are a ton of evil factions in fiction that people find cool and that are therefore portrayed more sympathetically over time (or at least in part), so if we followed your idea, we'd have to rewrite lots of stuff, not just 40k. You wanna burn down the whole house because of a couple of spiders.

    This is an interesting discussion, but shall we agree to leave it here? We're not going to convince one another, and it isn't on topic. It started because I wanted to explain one of the reasons I hate everything space marine. That has been established, and it has been established you do not agree with me.

    I agree settings need to evolve, but we disagree on the effect that departure from satire has had.

     Stormcast might have been designed originally as AoS's Space Marines, they are a lot less problematic. I may dislike Sigmar for his similarity to the Emperor, but he at least is dr Frankenstein making lightning golems powered by human souls, instead of a corpse on a throne powered by said human souls.

    Back on topic:

    I would like Hashut vs Dawnbringers, two new factions of which I like one, but GW would need to be careful with the mesopotamian look of early chorfs, otherwise that crusade would really be on the nose. 

    The current hobgrots and horns seem to be far enough removed, keeping only a few elements that weren't popular in the real world at the time of the crusades (still hate the term crusades for a faction without crosses. Jihad would fit better).

    • Like 4
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  5. 23 minutes ago, MitGas said:

    Nothing you can do about it though unless you want to censor the setting though - you wanna put disclaimers on the minis/books? Perhaps they like their IP as it is, despite some looneys taking it at face value? The timing might've been less than ideal but thankfully the majority are not like that. 


    Also, Space Marines themselves don't have to be bad either (and yes, there are obviously lots of bad apples among the loyalists too), they just serve a bad empire (in a galaxy full of bad factions).


    I'm sure lots of people drive Ferraris who have opinions the company doesn't share either (think Middle East). And yes, different product with no fitting "message" but ultimately when you go out of your way to exclude a certain group, the whole thing will suffer. I'd suggest to simply not bother with people that have values you won't tolerate and enjoy it with people who you actually like.

    I enjoy games, movies, books, music, etc. that are liked by people I probably won't get along with either - so what, should I complain about that now too? 

    In the long forgotten past, space marines were the fist of a fascist empire, and clearly also bad guys. Then GW needed a good guy, and that portrayal of "bad" was lessened. Still a fascist empire, but now to be considered heroic.

    That's just plain fascist propaganda.

    I don't care that you like a certain thing. There are probably a lot, even the majority of players of space marines and kriegthat aren't fascists. I care that that thing is made to appeal to fascists.

    • Like 10
    • Confused 6
  6. 37 minutes ago, Sahrial said:

    Coily haired, gold obsessed people with huge grinning teeth, very prominent noses, and little horns, coupled with the Mesopotamian/Babylonian aesthetic is… pointed.

    While I'm normally quite wary of GW's portaying, these are babylonian reliefs.relief-depicting-king-shalmaneser-iii-858-824-bc-of-assyria-meeting-a-babylonian-stone-assyrian.jpg.9ab54912e5f154434ac80b922064d807.jpg1186426563_0a0ec05db4_b.jpg.e631f41dff293a8108fc7fd986cb7c3b.jpg

    This one even has horns.tumblr_58623f7412b051d90bc76f352d1a4af0_37214d38_400.png.f3240117f66cd7b6e0829a16ace551aa.png

    Enkidu, of Gilgamesh fame, is often portrayed with horns, and slavery is quite a common subject. I don't think I recall demon powered trains from that epic though.

    • Like 1
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  7. 5 hours ago, Sahrial said:

    I understand that chorfs have a very vocal following, but I gotta say, looking at some of those old models…

    they might be better off staying dead.

    that’s some Harry Potter Goblins level 😬😬😬

    I thought the old chorfs were based on babylonian reliefs, and for the sculpt quality of the time it's not a bad attempt.

    Newer chorfs were quite different, and I can't see what would be wrong with those.

  8. 14 minutes ago, Ganigumo said:

    Imo the latest we see them is the starter box for 4.0, also they're calling him a dwarven deity, not a chaos god, which is interesting to me. I think it would be super cool if they ended up in destruction instead of chaos.

    honestly I imagine the second wave of hobgrots will be allied with the chaos dwarves and maybe not the kruleboyz (although they might be allowed to pull double duty). The impression I got from kruleboyz was that the hobgrots were closer to the chorves than the orruks, which matches how they were in fantasy too.

    Would hobgrots be not only dual faction, but also dual grand alliance? I think that's a first.

    If GW starts doing that, Dawnbringer crusade might be more than an unmitigated disaster for Cities.

  9. 2 hours ago, Ogregut said:

    A few LT models exist but AFAIK only 2 can be bought right now. 

    No, I have no evidence to say marines out sell other factions, but having worked for GW I know I sold more marines than anything else. 

    And its fine you don't see the appeal of marines or stormcast, there are many other factions, there is a lot of choice but just because you don't like something, it doesn't automatically make it a bad thing. 


    2 hours ago, Jaskier said:

    The last time I worked for GW, it was a known fact that Space Marines - not counting the kits from offshoots like Grey Knights, Dark Angels, Blood Angels, Space Wolves, their Chaos alternatives, etc - just Space Marines made up roughly half of all GW's total sales. As much as we always clamor for them to do more with other 40k factions, the reality is even when factions get the Dark Eldar treatment (i.e. a near complete range update) they still don't come anywhere close to Space Marines in terms of sales. It's just the nature of the beast, and the Space Marine centric nature of 40k will never change unless they find a good monetary reason to do so. 

    I'm thankful AoS doesn't really suffer that issue; Stormcast get a lot obviously but we've gotten so much non-Stormcast stuff since AoS launched that I can't really complain. 

    I'm not talking about sales, I'm talking about new sets, marketing rule support (though this is also marketing) and retail space. The effort wasted on space marines that could have gone into something interesting.

    "If you build it, they will come". If GW makes new sets, puts them in shops and points their marketing efforts into a faction (including fiction books and stuff like animation), people will buy it.

    In AoS, Lumineth received this, and they sell well (in the store I frequent). Admech and Sisters receive some, and look at that, they sell well. Space marines get more, and they sell more. That shop still has two of their original order of Fyreslayers start collecting boxes.

    If GW does not put any effort into a faction (rule support of factions has improved, so mostly fiction and new sets), does not let people know it exists and doesn't even allow the models in stores (both their own physical and third party), they do not sell well.

    Now granted, I might have an unreasonable dislike of space marines being portrayed as heroes, stoked again recently by a conversation about inclusivity with a lovely fellow with the youtube username "National Socialist" that unsurprisingly played space fascists.

    GW marketing to literal ****** will never feel right to me.

    • Like 3
  10. 1 minute ago, Sahrial said:

    Same but other people do love them, so we’ll continue seeing them. The friend I play AoS with most is one of those people that gets super hyped for them.

    I do agree they serve some function, and they have enough variety for two 10 model infantry kits (one normal including 30k, one heavy, heroes can be made from that). All their vehicles are just boxes with wheels or tracks and no ground clearance, so fancy painted toddlers wooden blocks will do.

    Which is better than Fyreslayers, who have enough variety for one 10 model infantry kit and the magmadroth.

  11. 3 hours ago, Ogregut said:

    Like it or not marines have a massive fan base and I can see why. 

    It's a striking looking army when painted with the bold colours and pleasing geometric silhouettes. 

    They are also easy to paint and a great model line to learn and master painting techniques, such as edge highlighting, panel lining and drybrushing. 

    I don't know much about the rules as I don't play 40k but I guess they are a forgiving force to play. 

    I've no issue with marines being released fairly regularly as they sell so well, it's allows for model lines to be released that may not sell as well or are much slower to recoup their design and production cost, genestealer cults for example. 

    There is also a huge amount of hyperbole about space marines (and stormcast) releases. 

    40k has seen big releases for sisters, mechinicum, orks, necrons, eldar and choas the past 2/3 years and we have squats coming up. 


    Do we really need separate models for a slightly fancier space fascist with some 63 loadouts? How many Primaris luitenants exist?

    Also, are you sure space marines don't outstrip non-imperium releases?

    I really don't see the appeal in space marines. Or early stormcast. They are such incredibly generic comic book super soldiers.

    • Like 6
  12. 1 hour ago, EntMan said:


    Some details of the Necrosquat head options available. These all look nice and dwarfy/squatty and when I get and build mine I think I'll be leaving of the helmet lids. Not sure when the Kin are arriving but thinking I might be doing a bit of mix and matching with Kin, Necrosquats and Kharadron so hoping the scales match.

    Bitzbox has a handy breakdown of all the individual components: https://www.bitzbox.co.uk/index.php/ash-wastes-ironhead-squat-prospectors-c-311_312_482_493

    Do note that these guys are quite large, very similar bulk to Kharadron Thunderers

    • Like 2
  13. 3 hours ago, Vasshpit said:

    I really enjoy the simplicity of the "god" theme going on in destro. You had Gorkamorka and most things were derivatives of this. Spiderfang branched off a bit but still tied into Gorkamorka. Chaos and order were filled to the brim with god x and god y, death not so much but thats another topic, so it was, dare I say, more casual of a grand alliance. And this was the allure for me. No god squables, just might makes right. 

    I was hoping it would stay this way and instead of Kraggy we saw existing champions of Gorkamorka rise up even more in favor. 

    A really cool story arch I wanted to see when death had the spotlight and all those stormvaults were being opened was Gordrakk finding Azog the Slaughters crown of Nagash but this time being in more control. But instead we got... a centaur... 

    We did get Kruleboyz however and they are awesome so still excited for the future of my favorite grand alliance. 

    I do like the dynamic of destruction in some sense. It is one god, but none of them agree on what that god is or what they want.

    Death also is a single god, but much more structured.

    Chaos has a reasonably short list of gods, or just the pursuit of chaos as a whole as a higher cause.

    Order is thust the unstructured mess that's left (which is ironic considering the name) including a faction that refuses gods are neccessary.

    • Like 1
  14. Thanks.

    I generally think GW will choose the worst option, though they often make good models. Not always, but over half of the non-space marine kits look good. So if there are no indicators of good, and there are indicators of bad, that's where my thoughts go.

    I love the Landsknecht look. I wear it regularely. Losing that isn't the greatest to me.

    I love the concept of Cities, and I don't think GW will start making multi army warscrolls, so the update would detract from that faction instead of add to it.

    Smothering models under even more religion than they have now is also far outside my interest. I particularely dislike the Impirium, and the references are clearly there (though I do like some Sisters models, and the kill team krieg dudes get shot by my players regularely).

    I hadn't read enough of Soulbound, and am not going to read more GW fiction (not to my taste). That is a fault of mine.

    I don't really see a way for humans to become more to my taste this update. I do understand my taste isn't everyone's, because space marines sell.

    • Like 2
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  15. 2 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

    I just can’t get the Debbie downer mindset behind this.

    Like sure the CoS update is gonna focus heavily on humans as it’s their only place to shine compared to all the aelf & duardin books but it’s not like it was decided last minute.

    It’s like what Phil Kelly said in the Gnarlwood video, a lot of that stuff was built up since the beginning of AoS when they were just small lore blurbs they could only expand on down the line.

    GW and Cubicle7 haven’t spent years setting up cosmopolitan cities and even recent novels of mixed race places, Stormcasts worshipping other gods besides Sigmar who’s big on helping everyone, every WQ game from Silver Tower to Cursed City having multiple Order races work together with even Champions of Destruction noting Orruks can find themselves in Freeguild city service before wandering on to the next fight just to immediately go back on it all and say it’s every race for themself.

    Like geez, have Some faith they want to make it interesting like the rest of AoS has been on creative ideas.

    I haven't seen stuff from Cubicle 7 used by GW. Right after he was on the front page of the book (might even have been before), the Warpriest was removed from the game, and he'd be such a good tie in product.

    There are a few reasons I am quite wary of the plans:

    * The artwork shows no non-human Cities models.

    * I don't know any double army warscrolls, so either that changes or Dawnbringer is not in Cities.

    * The only bits we saw are religious.

    * The "macabre" statement.

    * Evasiveness around other Cities races

    So far, we have no indication it will be anything but a bunch of religious fanatics, and no indication the rest of Cities is with them.

    I also just don't like religions. Pushing the "Cities" out of "of sigmar" robs it of all its uniqueness.

    • Like 2
  16. 10 hours ago, Jetlife said:

    I feel like Seraphon doesn’t need a lot. Everything that  is played is plastic outside of Salamanders and Kroxigor… which is coming at some point. The rest of their sculpts look decent enough to continue with. 

    Skaven, Beasts and Ogres need a decent over work in my opinion. 

    Skaven has a lot of decent stuff, but at same time a lot of old metal or resin. I think they could get an honest legit update with only a handful kits and be good for foreseeable future. 

    Beasts to me needs a complete overhaul. Similar to how they did Soulblight. New models everywhere. 

    Ogres is a weird one. Their aesthetic is just overweight human. Nothing about their look screams man eating ogre. However I can’t see them doing a complete overhaul when a majority of their line is already in plastic. I assume they will just update some of the kits over time. 

    Flesh eater just needs some beautifully sculpted heroes. Named ones at that. I know I heard a rumbling of a ushoran model. Two of the rumored pictures might be him sitting on a throne. 

    The rest from a gameplay prospective have enough. The sad part is, it’s impossible to get that much variety on the table as far as units anyways and you will never get every model from a faction into most games. From a collectors viewpoint then bring on waves to collect!!! 

    **Exception to the rule might be Fyreslayers. But I think that is more we just want to see some unit variance. Everything looks exactly that same. Tapping into some volcano creatures could help stir the straw in that drink again….

    I really disagree about Seraphon. Their Saurus Knights look prehistoric in the wrong way, chameleons and salamanders not so different.

    I also disagree for factions like Kharadron, which have so much design space unexplored, both in game and models. I don't count a single usable infantry hero per edition, I mean real kits.

    Skaven kan keep some models, but most should be updated.

    FEC also have some kits that aren't ugly as sin, but need much work. And a plastic Mournghul.

    Beasts need a lot of work, we agree there. With things like the Ogroid Thaumaturge, new Tsaangors and Underworld team, they have shown they can design them, so that gives hope.

    I get what you mean about ogres, but I kinda like these. I use the Blood Bowl ones to harass my d&d players.

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