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Posts posted by zilberfrid

  1. IMG20221016185951.jpg.da6e2a3eceb4f759593f1dfc67153196.jpgNot that I plan to finish it this month, but I sprayed and drybrushed all my Into the Dark terrain. Squig for size. Holy ******, that's a lot. I can make all the walls I ever need if these cuties ever bother my players again.


    Also lots of boxes, welders, engines, compressors etc.

    • Like 2
  2. 38 minutes ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

    But those things are already introduced in the lore, i would'nt call them red flags.
    Seems mostly  marketing-speak using the "grimdarkness" to boost interests....(40k comparison is not a "coincidence").
    The community articles got many errors during years (i remember clearly some lore errors that the battletomes did not have) so is still "vague".
    I would call red flags the latest models from cities that seems just plain whfb empire recycling.

    I hate religion. Reducing Freeguild to just some mindless godsuckers while breaking down Cities would be my worst case scenario. The last order human models almost all were some flavour of religious, so that's one foot off the cliff. So if that continues, I don't see myself getting another set of them.

    My hope is on Kharadron, but they started tainting them with god as well. Plus they are quite clear in using rejected sculpts as "new" heroes.

    • Confused 9
  3. 1 hour ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

    What red flags?
    Article seemed just to announce cities will get something but nothing much on info.


    The only info is that they have a "macabre dedication to the god-king", a bunch of symbols of sigmar, comparison to the imperium in 40k and of course the stupid name*.

    We have nothing to go on that doen't scream "religious fanatic".

    *No crosses, still a crusade, so they must want the real world connection.

    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

    Let's be honest, that's the major problems with AOS right now.
    They could even churn out 20 battlettomes in a year but without miniatures wave seems hollow.
    Idoneth,Fyreslayers and many others needed more so i get why people are not that much pleased.
    Also considering the "late year" big release is chaos i really doubt we'll see something big before....hoping at least for a couple units for one of the destruction tomes but i fear we will not get much(other than the singular hero).
    The white dwarf update remains also a mistery imho...they were done like the world eaters ones as placeholder for a future release?Or not?
    I just hope next year will start better, at least this year i could concentrates on Votann but i really hope the Kharadron\Bonereapers will get a second wave next year .

    I think it's most frustrating that the new heroes feel like sculpts that just didn't make the cut earlier. Just a bit less in quality than equivalent earlier wave heroes.

    • Like 2
  5. 1 hour ago, woolf said:

    guys are we not forgetting that they mentioned something about new humans coming? a rework of old empire similar like what they did with highelves--> lumineth should also be in the cards for next yr or?

    Info is very sparse on the reconquistadors (dawnbringer crusade is a stupid term and I won't use it). We had one article full of red flags and that was it.

    I expect it at the end of the edition, and am unsure what its effect on Cities will be.

  6. 3 hours ago, Jetlife said:

    GW definitely has their finger on the pulse of the community. They know they have their customers chomping at the bit to know what the destruction times are. Building hype is always good for a brand.

    With that being said, AOS in its short existence has had a lot of new stuff come out. Rules, books, models Battletomes etc. I don’t play 40k but a lot of their armies and models were due an update and it is their bread winner.

    We are at the point now where AOS 3.0 is a year old. In one year, we have gotten 11 Battletomes of the 24 armies. Plus we already know at least 3 (2 destruction, S2D) will be here by 2023. So they’ve updated half the armies in one year. I think that’s pretty good in the grand scheme.

    We also know that everything has been delayed and because of that they spent a ton of money to move production from over seas to in Nottingham, so a delay is to be expected.

    As much as we want more new AOS stuff right now, and 2022 has by far been the slowest AOS year since it’s release, we can feel it coming. The flood gates are going to open. 

    I/we have all heard the rumors and actual statements from GW that they are sitting on a ton of stuff waiting to be released. I think Nova will be announcement of the destruction Tomes. And there’s usually always something right before Christmas. 


    October of 2019 was OBR

    October 2020 was Sons

    then in 21 we had Soulblight that came out in March but was supposed to be fall release.

    So I’m expecting something good this fall

    I don't care about rules. Or fiction books.

    If we subtract that, most of what came out were single heroes, though the swamp orcs are really good.

    As for the amount of updated books: that's their own doing. Three years for an edition is really short, and it requires a lot of updates.

    • Like 3
  7. 1 hour ago, EccentricCircle said:

    That kill team space hulk looks grand. Kroot are always awesome and the others would be great for necromunda as would the terrain...

    they note it the article that its perfect for the "worlds best sci fi skirmish game " good of them to acknowledge that it will be a great haul of minis and terrain for Stargrave too!

    It does miss elevated platforms, but that's probably why they put the books in.

    Measuring sticks can easily become terrain as well.

    Would also be using it for Stargrave and Starfinder 2.


    • LOVE IT! 1
  8. 52 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

    I think the last good rumour was about 3 month ago mentioning King Brodd.  What happened? GW shut its door to outsiders or did they all go on holiday at the same time XD?

    Well, you have the year ramping up to a 40k edition release to squeeze the most out of the last edition, the year after a 40k release to flesh out that edition, and the year of said release with a big hype train.

    With a three year turnaround, that's the whole calendar filled.

  9. 4 hours ago, Beliman said:

    A lot of tournaments allow them (at least where I live), but their warscrolls didn't age well, and some old interactions are lost (like Barak-Thryng DUARDIN) or worst, you can't legally take them in any of your AOS armies unless going without battle traits (GA).

    Thryng at one point could take a Hellcannon

    • Haha 1
  10. The problem is that they aren't legal in tournaments, and many people play by tournament rules. People that do not are generally less active in rules discussions.

    The other issue is that the warscrolls dumped in 2019, Swordmasters included, are not yet in Legends if I see it correctly. They have the "Eldritch Council" keyword. I am unsure whether or not they can be included (though the warscroll builder seems to think so).


  11. 42 minutes ago, derpherp said:

      What does this have to do with Rowling?

    Rowling has gone off the deep end a bit. She wrote nice books, but has fallen in with terfs, and if you look a bit closer, those nice books and their films had some rougher edges.

    She lumped all native North American beliefs into a single caricature to fit her world, which is overlaid on ours (much like the old Warhammer world was).

    If you use the real world, and put caricatures of real people in it, you can expect some pushback.

    Now I fully expect GW to do better, because they want to make it unique enough to copyright it.

    Let's leave Rowling (sorry I brought her up) and focus on GW.

    • Like 14
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  12. 42 minutes ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

    @zilberfridWithout using the "native american ones" skinchangers existed in norse myths as Ulfhednar\berserkr (is not the same but the whole idea of lycantrophy is changing the skin,many european countries got something like that) so they could just expand them like the old chaos skinwolves....the native myths are also more different and not just "skinchangers" but more like some possession monster.

    Also imho destruction has to expand with new "greenskins lookalike" from folklore and mythical lookalike that mesh wells with the old "ogre+troll+orcs+goblins" idea (every country got some legends about impish and brutish creatures).
    We got 8 realms the greenskin\Troggoths and Ogor should have adapted in some way like Krulez did.
    Liking also the idea of some species native to ghur like Birdmen or barbarian tribes.

    It can absolutely be done well. I'd even say GW is better than Rowling, so if they do their own take on this, they want it heavily copyrightable after all

  13. 2 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    The Skin Changers is a perfect Faction for Destruction.

    Make them similar to Wildlings from Game of Thrones or Wildmen of Dundland from Lord of The Rings, but with the power of Lycanthropy.

    Troops are just basic wild people backed up by AOS versions of Wolves and Bears with Werewolves and Werebears leading them!!

    GW would need to avoid semblance to the real world mythicism better than Rowling, but I think GW has moved away from the times of Pigmies and slave girls and they might be less offensive.

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  14. 2 hours ago, Aeryenn said:

    Ugliest dwarfs on the market...

    I'd say Fyreslayers have more problems with diversity, but yeah, they are no lookers. But you can replace them with these new ones, especially with Blood Bowl heads!.

    • Like 3
  15. 18 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    And there I thought reducing the range might be more healthy for the stormcast.


     reducing I mean like having a profile for multiple units that all do the same thing

    and literally look alike 

    I think there was an /s implied at the end

  16. 5 hours ago, Noserenda said:

    Our group loves warcry but it never gathers any momentum, we all say nice things about it and every so often have a games night  (With mostly minis from our AoS armies rather than dedicated warbands)  and then continue to say nice things without ever really doing a campaign or anything despite us all saying we like the system.

    Customisation would be nice, though i can see the argument for the fixed loadouts. But as mentioned there isnt much in the way of long term purchases, perhaps warband expansion boxes like necromunda might help but im not sure.

    Ultimately i think a lot of specialist games coast on nostalgia a bit, if they released exactly the same system but called it Mordheim and used that setting for warbands it would triple sales id bet. Just have Belakor or Nagash conjure the memory/soul/macguffin of the old city somewhere in the mortal realms. Job done.

    Not entirely true. I regularely buy Necromunda stuff, but won't touch it as a game with a 3m stick because it's an overpriced convoluted garbage heap of a game.

    Similarely, Blood Bowl teams like the Snotlings and Ogres can stand for themselves (at least for parts). Also not that bothered by the game.

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