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Posts posted by zilberfrid

  1. 48 minutes ago, Noserenda said:

    I think a big part of the clone army is the heads though (Ad also argue the weapons dont help but arent a problem by themselves) as its such an enormous part of identifying a model and its the one part thats essentially identical on every FS. I mean look at the classic slayer range, they are all much more naked, but you can tell the various types apart and they are all armed with similar melee weapons (Though growing in fanciness on the heroes) with things like ornamentation and even scale. Identifying units by their level of beard (and rune) bling would be the most Dwarven thing possible :D

    But you arent wrong, id always like to include so reverse compatibility for existing players but its the least popular army for a reason, a revamp is probably the best thing for them and the game.

    One of the biggest issue is their faces. They have only one expression. And it's a rather neutral face.

    Look at just the face, and tell me the difference.


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  2. 2 hours ago, Kitsumy said:

    and how can u think those chikens are the best sculps??? they are the worst unit by far to me. could have been dilophosaurus or any other dino, those chickens arent really like any dinosaur, in contrast those new raptors/deynonichus? im in love with them

    These look like dromeasaurs (eg, velociraptor, deinonychus, utahraptor). All feathered dinosaurs. They have the right pronation, and are magnificent. About the size of Achillobator.

    The other ones look like their arms were broken, but they look a little like allosaurs or other small carnosauria, though with raptor claws added. They are too small not to be feathered though.

    No sane scientist would depict any raptor (meaning the family of deinochus/velociraptor) without feathers. Even dilophosaurus likely had feathers (because both saurischian and ornithischian dinosaurs had feathers).

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  3. 36 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    With such a massive timeslot here are my hopes!!

    Cities of Sigmar full reveal. The entire Faction as it will be at launch.

    Seasons of War/Narrative Campaign book. Im wondering if theyll sort of combine the two into one if there is a Dawnbringer Crusade campaign book!!

    Spider Incarante mini.

    Flesh Eater Courts tease/reveal. Hoping for a full reveal!!


    New Chaos Familiars!

    New horrors from the brilliant mind that made Tzeench for Underworlds!

    Valaya dwarves!

    Morgrim's ancestor spirits!

    Female Fyreslayers!

    New Kharadron!

    We don't need to pass 150cm/5 foot in relative height for all sorts of awesomeness.

    • Like 4
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  4. 27 minutes ago, silverstu said:

    Yes but its an army box- doubling on a unit  does give a good basis for an army, I found it very useful for the Votann box as much as I wanted more units I've used the box contents as a basis for a playable army. But as a collector I'd definitely love a unit of Kroxigor in there. Double units also means you can do different builds with the units too,  when there is just one of them I tend to be a bit more precious on how I build them. 

    Yeah, I shouldn't fault this army game for making boxes that fit an army. I really like boxes like SC: Skinks that give good variety, but I am not the target audience.

    There is no excuse for Fyreslayers though.

  5. 2 hours ago, Snarff said:

    Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the core Fyreslayers look, but more variety (focus on more Magmadroths especially) is needed. I really don't think the old SC sold poorly, it was amazing value for your money. I just think it totally took away sales from the Magmadroth and Vulkites separately.

    At the two shops I regularely frequented, they said Fyreslayers were selling awfully. One of them still hadn't run out of the initial 5 SC, and only sold one other FS box in (I think) 2022.

  6. 1 minute ago, EonChao said:

    I think only the Fyreslayers vanguard box doubles up on a unit doesn't it? Whereas the launch boxes for Leagues of Votann, Prisoners with Jobs to Darkness and Imperial Guard all doubled up on at least one unit. Admittedly it'd probably be preferable for this to have doubled up on Saurus if you're a completely new player but the skinks are a new unit so it probably makes it more appealing to anyone who already plays too this way.

    I do remember not buying the Votann box because I have no need for doubles, so you are correct.

    Which is dumb, launch boxes are the perfect time for variety.

    If the Seraphon launch box replaced the second skink riders with the Saurus riders or the Warcry chameleons & pterosaurs, it would have been an instant buy.

  7. 1 hour ago, ArcLight said:

    I'm curious why you think the Sylvaneth box is bad/worse? It's one of the few* Vanguard boxes I would be happy to buy multiple times personally as a relatively new collectors of AoS with a small current army. I could easily see myself getting 3 - 4 of them as I build up my Sylvaneth. 

    The Branchwych is a bit of a waste of time having multiples of, sure, but that applies to the old Start Collecting box + most of the other Vanguard equally.

    *Gitz, Idoneth, maybe DoK and Nurgle are the only other ones I could see myself getting 3+ of if I collected those armies, although I'll acknowledge I'm not hugely knowledgeable on most of the armies outside of Sylvaneth/Soulblight/S2D.

    I don't play the game, so doubling would never work for me. I collect a few models though.

    The Vanguard only has 10 models, and while these are pretty, it has to compete with 18 from the SC. I also think the dryads are more usable in D&D like games.

    Gitz Vanguard gives you squigs, shooty goblins, stabby goblins, short goblins (riders from the squig hoppers) and squigs with goblins on them in two varieties, as well as trolls. That's a brilliant box.

    • Like 2
  8. 1 hour ago, Snarff said:

    Fyreslayers was a real ****** move. They changed one of the best start collectings to the worst vanguard, AND they locked the battlesmith behind it. The price of a Magmadroth also increased a lot beyond the price of the old start collecting.

    Yeah, they took out the single model that wasn't "angry dwarf stripper", and left a set that probably sells even worse than the old SC.

    I also think Admech, Ogor and Sylvaneth are worse boxes for more money.

  9. I would have thought a launch box would not double on a unit, that seems more like vanguard territory. A launch box is a perfect time to give a smorgasboard of options.

    That's also why I think Vanguards are on average  worse than Start Collecting for, well, collectors, which includes me.

    Looking at you specifically, Fyreslayers.

  10. 1 hour ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    Hobgrotz feel like somebody's personal project they were working on in their downtime and somebody saw them and said "lets use them for Kruelboyz!"

    They're just so randomly thrown in. I'd have no problem with Hobgrotz if they were the 'forth pillar' of the Warclans armies - but clearly that was never going to happen so long as the focus was on fleshing out Kruelboyz. I can't even say they work as a 'teaser' for Chorfs when we're seemingly no closer to getting them now than we were when Dominion released. 

    Yeah, Hobgrotz are the one set of the swamp orcs I dislike, and they are in everything.

  11. 49 minutes ago, Hollow said:

    The problem I have with Kruleboyz is that they seemed to come at the expense of established factions getting much-needed love. A dozen new plastic kits for a faction that kind of came out of nowhere and didn't really seem to have prior demand. It was a strange choice IMO (although GW does work in mysterious ways, they frequently make decisions that just completely baffle me.) 

    I love all the designs of the swamp orcs and have purchased a few of their sets. Design time here is a lot better spent than on new space marines (of any colour).

    Since I don't care about the rules, the only loss for me is their name.

    • Like 1
  12. 8 hours ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    I hope you're right and it ends up happening like that. Also if TOW will end up like HH, it will have a lot of Forge World resin kits, which I think will deter some people (including me... there's a (among others) reason why HH does not interest me, I am not touching that overpriced resin that's difficult to work with. Full plastic of go home). Only those who truly want it will play it, which means the game will essentially gatekeep itself with just cost and modelling options. 

    Resin is fine, it's Forge World's (and GW in general) quality control that's the issue. My Atlantis resin minis work perfectly, my GW resin minis needed hole filler and are bent. Workability is also less of an issue with GW making all heroes monopose and single loadout. If there is no customizability either way, you're not losing it.

    Forgeworld is getting cheaper than mainline GW in its characters though. Or rather, infantry heroes have balloned in price past FW prices.

    https://www.games-workshop.com/en-NL/Lady-Annika-The-Thirsting-Blade-2021 is less complex than https://www.forgeworld.co.uk/en-NL/lady-haera-13th-daughter-of-lord-helmawr-2023 which is a bit cheaper 

    • Like 1
  13. On 4/10/2023 at 11:31 AM, JackStreicher said:

    Casting Reviving dead on this threat.


    Haven‘t bought GW books for a while.

    The new SBGL Tome costs 42,50€ and the WS Cards for 28€

    wth? I remember tomes being ~28-34€ and the cards to be 16-19€

    Did I miss something? 

    I didn’t buy anything though I play the army, this feels ludacris to me.

    Another price increase?

    At just over 100 pages, that's close to 40 cents per page.

    Pathfinder 2 core rulebook is €60 for 640 pages, so under 10 cents per page.

    The pocket is €34,50, for 5.4 cents per page. And those pages contain a lot less rehashed art and lore.

    They also have all their rules published online where other companies can use them for tools etc.

    I'm really interested in what the margin is on their books.

    • Like 1
  14. On 4/6/2023 at 11:36 PM, Kitsumy said:

    well like i said. krule are only a faction of a whole book. i know some guys hate soups, but... the tome is called bug wagh and it is above average..... if someone wanna play only a fraction of a book with only 1 specific pasive and hope to be as good as others book using his best build.. keep dreaming.

    idoneth book IS the worst one by far, droping them from above average with his 1.0 book to worst 3.0 book in every datashet, maybe among top 3 worst( like i said i dont count every orc faction like differents books). 

    and still waitting the answer to the reason slaves got buffed despite having higher winrate, playrate,numbers of 5/0s, number on ket, number of tomes heck being better in everything haha but idoneth got forgotten like always

    This is why I hate souping.

    Swamp orc models are useless in other factions. Why should their players care that a chapter they can hardly use in a book is competetive?

    If a skyport in Kharadron sucks, you use the same models in another one. If your Ironjaws/Boneslitters/swamp orc chapter sucks, your models cannot be used in another chapter (except big waagh, and I don't think that works for swamp orcs).

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  15. 19 minutes ago, Ganigumo said:

    Double turn isn't really diminishing winrates because it goes both ways, statistically over enough games you'll win as many as you would have lost because of it, not that its a completely random mechanic either as good players are strategizing around it and keeping drops low gives you a lot of control over it.

    Every randomization draws winrates towards 50%.

    If you win as much from the double turn as you lose from it, that's a 50% winrate from games where you have a double turn. Now not every faction has as much capability to use that double turn, but still.

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  16. 2 hours ago, Neverchosen said:

    It is funny, I am vocally not a big fan of Space Marines. But between tenth on the horizon and starting a small Necron Force I decided to get some Space Marines for pick up games and just to build and paint. My opinion on them has only shifted insofar as I can say the Primaris proportions are much more aesthetically pleasing than Space Marines of my childhood. Overall they still feel like the same thing repeated into an entire army with little distinction, it is as my earlier post indicated they are simply always wearing a new hat. I don't understand how their are like 40 variants of the same theme and yet CSM seem to fill the same roles with like half the models and unending possibilities with mutations and demonic possessions at their disposal. 

    I have seen 40k fans level this charge at SCE and I get it to a small degree as their are some recurring elements and themes upon release. But the different cavalry, monsters and weapon types are much more visually distinctive. I know people can tell the difference between a Bolter, Lasgun, Flammer, Plasma pistol and 30 other fictional forms of gun at a glance, but to me they are signifiers without a referent. Whereas a Spear, Hammer, bow, and Sword I can immediately see the difference between.  I suppose you could argue that the Vehicles of the space marines add variety but they are almost all very boring boxes with guns. As opposed to Dragons, Chariots, Angels, Gryphons, and an ugly Goat Pegasus that was hit in the face with a frying pan... aka the best one!

    Yeah, I don't like the look of old Stormcast, but it's better than Space Marines. I think the lot of them can fit in some 5 kits (variety wise), then a few boxes for their vehicles.

    • Confused 1
  17. On 3/29/2023 at 11:05 PM, Jagged Red Lines said:

    What's your predictions for the next set of broken realms (dawnbringer crusades?) set of books.

    Here's my wishlist:

    * Grombrindal/dwarf soup

    * Tyrion

    * Morghur

    * Orion/Kurnothi

    Potentially with an Ogor wave in there somewhere - maybe instead of Morghur. 

    My wishlist

    * No dwarf soup. There is no way to do that without losing the identity of at least one Dwarf faction.

    * New Kharadron sets.

    * New Fyreslayers sets with actually different looking models (not heroes).

    * Valaya dwarves.

    * Chaos dwarves.

    * Kurnothi as part of Sylvaneth.

    * New Ogres.

    * Halflings.

    * New FEC

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  18. 13 minutes ago, Flippy said:

    I always thought that the thunderstrike variant is a soft range reboot / upgrade and we are now supposed to only buy the new ones. Which is fine - the new ones are really good and the old ones did not age well.

    The old ones work very well as golems for D&D/Pathfinder

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