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Posts posted by zilberfrid

  1. 6 minutes ago, elfhead said:

    I have a feeling GW is moving elves from quick, skillfull and slender pointy eared humans into something more extreme. The cities of sigmar contain the more traditional elves and the other elves will explore new esthetic choices and concepts. 

    I’m actually a little puzzled why we’re seeing these kurnothi instead of the light/shadow elves. But I’m fine just sitting back and seeing what GW comes up with. 

    They seem to stick everything to a god.

    - What remains of the light elves could be allied to Teclis

    - Dark elves to Malerion

    - Plant elves to Alarielle

    - Beast related wild elves to Kurnoth

    They'll stick Freeguild to Sigmar.

    • Like 1
  2. 9 minutes ago, Turin Turambar said:

    so do you think shadow warriors will replace glade guard as the wanderer's generic archers since all other swifthawk stuff is going away or do you think they will throw them in with what they plan to do with them Phoenix boys?

    Sisters for Kurnothi/Wanderers, Shadow Warrors for Teclis elves would be my guess.

  3. 4 hours ago, Max Baumann said:

    Guys, I think you need to stop panicking and prematurely selling off your collections.

    The Cannon and Organ Gun is "last chance to buy", but were recently added into a mercenary company in GHB19. In my opinion this means they are only getting reboxed to be sold in stores too, since they were only available in the white mail order packaging.

    The same goes for Quarrelers / Thunderers and Warriors - they still have their old WFB packaging. High Elves / Sky Wardens have the identical issue, not sure if they will be kept around or discontinued for the sake of the new hinted Hyish "light elves".

    Last chance to buy could mean they are emptying their stock of the old 16 man (duardin) boxes. Could also mean we finally get 20 modell boxes for those.

    Many of the discontinued Empire character models are resin, they probably will throw those out for newer character models with a more AoS-style appearance (like the new announced Ogre Tyrant).  The Unforged however could very well be retired without a new replacement, since the Slayer guys got their own entire Army and can be allied into certain cities anyway.

    As some wrote previously, lets wait and see what we get. If they are gone for good, we can still grumble then.

    From the mail GW sent after half of the models were already sold out:

    Don't Miss Out!
      It's your Last Chance to Buy these classic Aelf, Duardin and Free Peoples models! If you've always dreamed of owning these miniatures, this is your final opportunity to secure yours – they're going fast and not coming back.
  4. 1 minute ago, EccentricCircle said:

    Well, this is a sorry development. I can't say that I'm entirely surprised. Most of the stuff I expected to be cut has been, even if its been a bit worse than my expectations.

    Fortunately I think I've managed to get all of the models I wanted to complete my armies, so I'm effectively "safe". I've been through this before with Tomb Kings, and then goblins, so at least I'm used to it by now!

    I was really looking forward to getting a cities of Sigmar battletome, but a bit less so now.

    I think instead my next project is going to be "Cities against Sigmar" I like the idea of a rag tag collection of Dwarven, and Aelven armies united in the face of Azyrite oppression. I imagine them being hunted across the realms by battalions of Knights Excelsior, sworn to wipe out all cultural diversity from their tyranical God King's realm. Desperate last stands, and heroic sieges will abound as they fight to the last man to help all of their civilians flee into hiding.

    I'll see if I can do it using the rules in the new book, if not I might try to write up some homebrew rules for the stuff that is going to legends. Either way, Down with the God King! Let the Rebellion begin!

    My Freeguild stands with you! They pay homage to Taal over Sigmar, and I myself am not a fan of the dude.

    • LOVE IT! 1
  5. 26 minutes ago, Mandzak-Miniatures said:

    Too bad much of the free people line is intact like the Guard. I had hoped those would go which would indicate a closer revamp to the core line of humans.. man those guys suck haha

    The guards and crossbowmen suck, the rest, except the dreadful general we are now left with, are glorious. This general is still better than 95% of the Stormcast though.

  6. 13 minutes ago, HammerOfSigmar said:

    Up to now, everything seems to be out of stock except the loremaster. I really wonder why so many people just don't buy those ready to be discontinued model before GW decide to discontinue them and wait to the last moment. If there are so many people buying them previously, I don't think GW will discontinue them. 

    When I wanted to buy the general and archer tuesday, just because I wanted them for my army, they already would not go to my cart, later they were confirmed no longer available.

    Half of the people that buy now are Ebay scalpers, the others want something for their army and simply did not want to buy yet because they still had unpainted plastic, or were waiting for the updated warscrolls in CoS.

  7. 26 minutes ago, Aryann said:

    Not worth it.

    If those minis were selling good GW would never remove them. That's why they are being removed OR REPLACED (we don't know that yet) by fresh versions matching new direction of certain army. I's not the end of the word if Glade Guard will be replaced by Kurnothi archers. Same goes for Light and Shadow Aelves and maybe every other army that is suffering from unit removal.

    What I'm loving is not making people uncertain of their collections or leaving them behind. I'm loving that GW is not lazy with introducing old armies the new way. In my opinion they were with DoK where there was 50% old minis vs 50% new. This time around I expect that Wanderers, Light and Shadow Aelves will be more like 20% old vs 80% new. Making those armies fresh, up to date.

    However GW should have given far more time for people who wanted to comlete their collections with current minis. Like 6 months of time.

    For the Freeguild general and archers, it was minus 4 days (they went to last chance to buy while already out of stock worldwide). For about half of the rest, the announcement came when they were out of stock, then it was a matter of hours for most.

    It is better to inform people that you're not going to support their faction than to keep it festering, but leaving the high elves in their shattered state for four years simply isn't fair.

    People had high hopes for CoS, I was sceptical because there were so many forgotten factions for such a low page count.

    Madmac made a list of what was left, I edited to reflect what I think:


    1. Warden King

    2. Rune Master

    3.  Longbeards

    4. Ironbreakers

    5. IronDrakes

    6. Hammerers

    7. Gyrocopter

    8. Gyrobomber

    9. Cogsmith

    + something

    High Elves/Teclis elves

    1. Frost Phoenix

    2. Fire Phoenix

    3. Phoenix Guard

    4. Shadow Warriors

    + something?


    1. Nomad Prince

    2. Wild Riders

    3. Sisters of the Thorn

    4. Wild Wood Rangers

    5. Sisters of the Watch

    6. Eternal Guard

    + Kurnothi centaurs and fauns

    Dark Elves/Malarion Elves

    1. Sorceress

    2. Black Ark Fleetmaster

    3. Assassin

    4. Dreadlord on Black Dragon

    5. Sorceress on Black Dragon

    6. Black Ark Corsairs

    7. Drakespawn

    8. Dark Riders

    9. Bleakswords

    10. Dreadspears

    11. Dark Shards

    12. Scourgerunner Chariot

    13. Drakespawn Chariot

    14. Kharibdys

    15. Hydra

    16. Excecutioners

    17. Black Guard

    Free People:

    1. General

    2. Battle Wizard

    3. Battlemage on Griffon

    4. Hurricanum

    5. Luminark

    6. General on Griffon

    7. Crossbowmen

    8. Guard

    9. Helblaster

    10. Handgunners

    11. Rocket Battery

    12. Pistoliers

    13. Outriders

    14. Greatswords

    15. Demigriff Knights

    16. Steamtank

    17. Flaggelants

    +something priesty

    • Like 2
  8. 1 hour ago, madmac said:

    The Excelsior Warpriest is packaged separately, like all the Silver Tower heroes. They'll very likely bring it back for CoS, like they did the Doomseeker for Fyreslayers.

    Mind you, just like the Doomseeker you can still buy the Warpriest pretty much anywhere, there's no shortage of them floating around still in the original clamshell.

    The excelsior warpriest was from before the final design of the gryph hound, and is on the same sprue.

    It's 32mm high and 38 mm long. The gryph hound currently sold is 42 mm high and 55 mm tall (measured the first one, they are not exactly the same size, shoulderheight might be better than total height, that 23 vs 32).

    I do not think they'll sell that warpriest again.

  9. 1 hour ago, Overread said:

    Right now only the Dispossessed Warriors and Loremaster are left on the UK store - everything else is either fully gone or "out of stock" which might well mean the same as fully gone (GW don't appear to be doing another print run). So by the time the GW community article goes up the UK store likely won't have anything left at all. That is unless GW does another run of castings, which is looking doubtful. 

    Don't Miss Out!

    It's your Last Chance to Buy these classic Aelf, Duardin and Free Peoples models! If you've always dreamed of owning these miniatures, this is your final opportunity to secure yours – they're going fast and not coming back.


    • LOVE IT! 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, AthlorianStoners said:

    The book could be boiled down to: 

    • Duardin (Dispossessed + Ironweld)
    • Free Peoples (Freeguild + Devoted + Collegiate Arcanum) 
    • Dark Aelves (All the Dark Aelf stuff survived basically) 
    • Wanderers - Primed for an expansion, Kurnothi being likely 
    • Phoenix Temples - Being the only survivors of the High Aelf Nuking of 2019 bodes well for them. 

    Phoenix temples with the remains of the high elves, which is Shadow Warriors and not much else.

  11. 4 minutes ago, Aryann said:

    I'm now making some enemies here but got to be honest - I LOVE that last move of GW. Seriously. I know some of you feel let down but on the other hand, how long have those minis been available to buy? 10 years? It's no surprise that products disappear and are replaced by newer ones. You had lot of time to have joy with those minis. Some factions might be abandoned which might make you sad or angry. If I were to guess - Free Peoples and Dispossessed. Some will be reimagined or updated which imho is great. I'm thinking all the elves. Your minis had their time and still can give joy. As your collection and in games. Maybe only tournaments will be a no go. Maybe you will actually like where GW is taking your army. 

    If they had done this at launch, sure.

    They did not. They strung people along for four years, hinting at them in lore, and now phase out their armies.

    • Like 6
  12. 2 minutes ago, Maturin said:

    Yeah, they squatted the High elves. And seeing what they did with Kurnothi and Idoneth, I really dread what they're going to do with the Dark and High Elves, aka now Malerions and the twins' elves! Those were amongst the most beautiful miniatures in WFB 8th, for me anyway.

    I must say that their aesthetic never did it for me (both high and dark), but still better than Stormcast.

    Wood elves might find solace in the Kurnothi, Dark elves are relatively untouched, but I don't know what's in store for the remaining high elves.

  13. 5 minutes ago, Overread said:

    The other shocks are things like the dwarf cannon - not just iconic but GW released rules for using them as mercenaries only a few weeks ago. This might be their insane internal divisions showing up issues for customers again. Their mania to protect against leaks meaning that one department develops something another is going to axe. 

    Also the general on horse, the only general we now have is the ugliest one someone could find with a loadout noone would ever choose. I would not even put this guy in a Greatsword unit.

  14. 17 hours ago, Redking said:

    Good luck.  Achievable goals are the best.

    I have glued the models together, not the hobby room and they have not been primed yet. Now a bit disheartened by the squashing and lack of communication around it.

    Thanks for the support!

  15. 1 minute ago, Overread said:

    A good few are "out of stock" but not showing it on the store page until you click on the item, Skycutter is already listed as such on the UK store. It's a shame GW isn't doing more casting runs of the models for a "last week to order" which, whilst it might hammer their production, would at least give more people a chance rather than fighting over the last stocks (esp as GW isn't holding much stock of things these days). 

    came back to tell this.


    • Loremaster
    • Chariots
    • Warriors
    • Swordmasters
    • Quarrelers
    • Dragon

    The rest is already gone.

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