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Everything posted by repressedowl

  1. Hi there, I posted a 1000 point list a few weeks back and got some decent feedback on it - I'm new to Aos, and I won a game and lost a game with the list. In a couple weeks, this small league is going to bump up to 2,000 points. Again, I'm not especially looking for all-out optimization, mainly fun but with a good chance of winning a few games. How does this sound? 1 x Lord Arcanum on Gryph-Charger (220) -General 1 x Lord Castellant (120) 1 x Lord Celestant on Stardrake (560) 10 x Sequitors (260) - 5 maces 10 x Sequitors (260) - 5 maces 5 x Sequitors (130) - 3 maces 5 x Evocators (220) - Grandmaces 5 x Evocators (220) - Grandmaces Total 1990 pts, haven't entirely figured out spells yet but I generally want to go with Hammers of Sigmar just because I've painted them that way. I've heard Anvils are generally best though.
  2. Have also got a 2nd box of sequitors - so I could run any combination. Knight Incantor might be better come to think of it. Best spells for this setup?
  3. Playing in a local league next week - total newcomer but I've been building up SCE from Soul Wars. How does this look for 1000 points? Trying to do a decent all-comers list that's fun to play and will win me a few games. Not looking to absolutely dominate but I don't want to get obliterated. Lord Arcanum - 160 Lord ordinator - 140 5 sequitors (blades & shields, 3 maces inc prime) - 130 5 sequitors (blades & shields, 3 maces inc prime) - 130 2 celestar ballistae - 220 5 evocators (grandstaves) - 220 Looking to be fairly defensive, shielding the ballistae and buffing sequitors with spells. Holding back evos as a triarii type unit to lock-break when and where they're needed. I also have draco-evos, lord celestant on dracoth, 2 knights incantor, rest of soul wars but these units seem to be the most cohesive with the price increases. Any tips/thoughts would be really appreciated.
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