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Chaos Shepard

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Posts posted by Chaos Shepard

  1. 10 hours ago, TheArborealWalrus said:

    Very cool! Keeps closer to the look of the brayherd part of the army.  I dig it. Also feels very ghur or chamon to me. I'm not sure where I want to take my dragon ogres yet design wise, but I hadn't considered tying them to the more furry elements of the army. How does she compare in size to the regular dragon ogres? 

    While I don't have any regular dragon ogres to directly compare her with, I do have this image of her with my Gorgon and Shaman.2146220618_ShaggothSizeComparison.jpg.f8f92bc85025ab122d2817bf0f016acb.jpg

    I would say she is fairly close in size to a regular Shaggoth, maybe a little larger in some ways and smaller in others.

    • Like 2
  2. 53 minutes ago, TheArborealWalrus said:

    I was thinking of trying out some dragon ogors and wanted to avoid the old shaggoth model. What have others done for their shaggoths? Thoughts, ideas, or better yet, pictures?

    For Morghur!

    Well I don't know how much this can help but this is my Shaggoth.


    Very much not your typical Shaggoth. The bottom half is that of a Gryph-chargers, while the upper torso, arms, and some of the head are that of a Vargheist. Everything else is pretty much green stuff.

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  3. On the subject of what to expect from AOS 3rd Edition, I have two thing I would like to see. One, we will get the new moral system that is being introduced into 40K 9th edition, this one just seems tailor made for AOS. And two, I hope that they wont get rid of the double turn, unless they plan on fully uprooting the "I Go You Go" system.

  4. I don't fully see the rush to have a new General's Hand Book. Don't get me wrong, it would be nice to have one, but one of the main appeals to the General's hand book is points adjustments. However, because of the pandemic, many large tournaments could not happen in that  time frame and I believe  that tournament date is one of the best measuring sticks for proper points adjustment. Since we didn't have those tournaments I feel adjusting the points maybe too much a shot in the dark. I know I have barely had a chance to experiment with the last points adjustment and while I still have personal ideas on what may need adjusting, these are all layovers from the last points adjustment.

  5. The Chimera at least for me is a fairly consistent monster, at the very least it is the most consistent monster that Beast of Chaos have. It can still swing but just about anything in this game can do that. It has good attack stats and good mobility, the one part if falls apart is its toughness. With a little bit of luck and proper use it can do a lot of damage. 

    However, the last General's Handbook brought some massive points reduction to our warherd units. For 60pts more you can now bring 2 Gorgons. A Gorgon is still a massive swing machine but two have a far more decent chance of landing a blow on top of 28 total wounds between the  two of them.

    I think they are still something you can feasibly summon. If by turn 2 you have accumulated at least 7 Primordial Call Points and desperately need bodies on the board, you have a reasonable chance of being able to get it on the board turn 3. Any later and its probably not worth it.

  6. Another thing worth noting its that they are  pretty easy to get second hand as well since they have been around for a while. I have also found that the older models still blend in with the new models pretty well, at least the older plastic models, the really old metal ones tend to stick out.

  7. This is something that happens, whenever there are point changes, and frankly 40k has needed more granularity in their points for some time. Conscripts cost the same as Guardsmen but have worse stats all around, same for Cultist but you cant make them cheaper because they were to strong at 3pts and you cant increase the points of Guardsmen because then they cost the same as veterans. They have needed more granularity for some time I would say. And if you want to use more model in a game you can always play with more points.

    • Like 2
  8. 2 hours ago, Overread said:

    You realise that in the interests of the forums great (and secret) policy to keep the plastic flowing - I'm going to have to have you exercised and banned now. 


    Your first exercise trial of a 5 mile marathon  is in 3 days time. 

    I assure you that I had no intention on halting the flow of plastic, quite the contrary. My hope was to open a new means of transporting the plastic, for there's no travel faster than warp travel. You can literally get your order yesterday. 

    • Like 1
  9. 7 hours ago, JackStreicher said:

    BBC News - 12:16, 19th of March 2020:

    “Games Workshop, the World leading producer of miniatures and games, and creator of the popular „Space Marine“ franchise has been performing well despite of the Covid-19 epidemic. All of their retail shops within Europe had to shut down during the development of the crisis, yet their losses were dampened by a rise of online sales, as our sources claim. The company seems to be a rare exception in these demanding times and overall Games Workshop seemed to be fine, until this morning, when dramatic events unfolded:

    Due to a lack of workers and the pressure to keep the production going one employee accidentally overheated one of their machines, used for the production of plastic miniatures and caused a fire. Too late the fire was discovered, so it spread throughout the entire factory complex engulfing everything in flames. Yet the situation somehow got worse as a so called „Warpgate“ manifested right above the second production facility, demanding „Blood for the Blood God and Skulls for the Skullthrone“ - the perplexed firefighters and employees did not meet the Warpgate‘s demands in time it seems. A few more seconds passed then the Gate vomited forth a torrent of burning blood, incinerating the second factory building. In the meantime winged creatures charged out of the gate towards the GW headquarters. The mostly winged creatures fly out of the Gate in such numbers, that even the ground started shacking, just to be ripped asunder and burned alive by massive beams of lightning raining down from the skies until the Headquarter was surrounded by hulking gilded figures shouting out a Greek letter. „Sigma!“ was echoed a thousandfold by each golden  hone - as a shocked worker told us.

    We had a chance to talk to the Lead Game Designer Jarvis Johnsson who only hastily answered with one cryptic Sentence: „I hope these Sigmarites don‘t roll as many ones as I do when I play them“! - He then continued, with renewed vigour, to hastily write down notes into an archaic leather-bound book“.

    Keep up to date with our live ticker.


    - All of this is Fake News, I just had to make at least a few people smile in these times 😃 

    Darn, I thought that my ritual had finally worked.

    • Haha 2
  10. I think people are selling the bestagor's bestial charge ability a little short.  Flat guarantied damage should never be ignored, flat ability damage no less. This can be critical at chasing down a fleeing target.

  11. If Teclis represents the moon, what exactly is the moon in the mortal realms. If I recall correctly night and day in the mortal realms are triggered by the rotations of Hysh and Ulgu. Is the moon the light of Hysh that shines along the edge of Ulgu while Ulgu is technically in front. Is the moon an aspect of Ulgu, that little bit of light that in the dark. Is it its own separate entity that reflects the light of Hysh while Ulgu is in effect, I mean the "Bad Moon" is its own entity.

    • Confused 1
  12. The cockatrice is not a bad unit, I just don't see it being a good blocker.  Its foot print is too small, most units can go around it and its to fragile to hold up anything for a significant amount of time. For almost half the price you can take a chariot which has a better save and larger foot print. The cockatrice makes for a better backfield assassin taking out enemy support heros. I think it can also be a good distraction unit, no one likes the unit that can dish out D6 mortal wounds at a distance, you just have to place it so your opponent has to walk away from the objective to kill it.

    • Like 1
  13. With the drop of Disciples of Tzeentch, the one thing I can see them doing is maybe simplifying the base Tzaangor warscroll, similar to the way they changed Plague Monks recently. I don't think we will see any significant changes in any of the other Tzaangor units.

  14. I have been experimenting with this new way to possibly use the Doombull. Now its a bit absurd but what you do is you take the Doombull, you place it on the Herdstone and your done, that's the strat. The Doombull is now the single cheapest source for Primordial Call points we have. 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 3
  15. Furies and other similar units are fantastic objective holders. When it comes to combat, target priority is key and furies mess that all up. As an example lets say the enemy has your light armored objective holding unit and some hard hitting hammer type unit of yours in combat. In this situation it is typical to attack the hammer unit first because the damage done by the objective holders should be mostly minor but doing this when the objective holder is furies means that can activate, move out of combat and probably still score the objective. Alternatively, you opponent will swing at the furies first giving your hammer unit the chance to do some damage to the unit that charged them. And this is just how the furies work on their own, put them into the kind of army your designing and your really gonna see them shine. Once you start forcing your opponent to swing last you can basically freely opt out of any combat that is sent your way. 

    • Thanks 1
  16. Everyone's terrain feature has different rules for how they are to be deployed. While I don't know the skull alter's specific restrictions it would not surprise me if it was less restrictive because of how less impactful it is over all.  

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  17. Well kind of regardless of how the campaign ends, its still nice to see a significant event take place that doesn't directly have anything to do with Stormcast or the forces of Order. On top of that whens the last time you saw Chaos as the defender instead of the invader. 

    • Like 4
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    • LOVE IT! 2
  18. I have noticed this myself but I would not count on this to remain this way. When our book was written, it had no such named characters so the wording did not have to account for them. It is hard to argue Rules as Intended vs. Rules as Written, as "Intentions" (or the interpretations of "Intentions") much like "Opinions" can very wildly, so take the following with a grain of salt, because it is my opinion that if they had intended Grashrak to seamlessly slot into any Greatfray, they would not have given him a specific Greatfray to use as a Keyword. From this point Rules as Intended deviates even further. The most strict interpretation would be that Grashrak can only be played in Allherd armies, however, based on examples in other books Heros from other sub-factions can be used with the caveat that the don't gain the benefits of the sub-faction used. 

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  19. I find that I always ambush the same 3 units every game, a unit of 40 Ungor Raiders, 10 Bestigors, and a Beastlord with Mutating Gnarlblade. I try to be aggressive with the Raiders striking at a weaker flank. The Beastlord sits inside the Raider within 2 to 3 inchs from the edge to really punish any would be chargers. The Bestigors usually ambush near by to counter charge anything that gets close, alternatively i will try for an ambush charge if my opponent has a relatively soft isolated unit or to go sit on an isolated objective.

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