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Chaos Shepard

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Posts posted by Chaos Shepard

  1. On 10/20/2021 at 11:04 AM, Popisdead said:

    That's true to some degree also but a 4+ and 3+ to hit is significant enough I feel.  Paying for rend in a save stacking meta is tricky.  Meh, maybe it's just my games.

    Having played a few more game I just wanted to say that I do think the Ghorgon is probably better over all. Being a monster, having monstrous actions, counting as 5 models on an objective, having a 2 inch reach, and if you inlcude Ravenous Bloodgreed and Swallow Whole, the Ghorgon could match the damage the Bullgors offer.

    I do feel both of these units need All Out Attack to be reliably effective. In this way the Bullgors are a lot more independent. Both units should be screened for their protection but I feel like I can be a little more free with the Bullgors just becasue they are less of an investment.

    Still I will say that I think Ghorgons are probably the better investment over all.

    I mean I just played a small team tournament where I took 2 Ghorgon and took second place. I would share the photos but they are really potato cam.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Nezzhil said:


    Ya really cant gleam any insight from this image other than something for Chaos is coming. Maybe if this was strictly an AoS event you might be able to narrow it down to Slave to Darkness, Nurgle Maggotkin, Korn Bloodbound, or even Chaos Dwarves. However, since there are 6 systems listed all with Chaos representation, this teaser is kind of meaningless.

  3. Well this new warband could be that new Marauder kit. There is usually 5 to 6 different types of units in a warband and looking at the current you could probably stretch that. Unit champion, banner, drummer, then you have the axe and shield guys or the flail guys. Maybe they will update it to add some new "1 in every 5 guys can take this" kind of weapon. If they need to flesh out the warcry band some more they could get a little more creative with some of the minor weapon variations. Current Marauders have both axes and pick weapons that are the same thing is aos but in warcry you could make slight adjustments to their weapon profile, the axes could be a fairly reliable 2/3 damage where the picks could have a higher crit ceiling and be 1/5 damage. 

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  4. 1 hour ago, Kronos said:

    Yall can joke but I could fully get behind a platypus dragon.


    side note, the internet is truly a weird and marvellous wasteland of creative content. 





    I think a lot of people could get behind the platypus dragon. Its the Lumineth part that would have people flip out.

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  5. I have some new models to share.

    First up is my Beastlord with Mutating Gnarl Blade.


    Next is this Chaos Spawn that I built a while ago and has just been siting on my desk for ever.


    And last isn't an actual unit per se. Its a Anvil of Apotheosis creations, a Herdstone Priestess if you will.1144514898_HerdstonePriest(AnvilofApotheosis)01.jpg.bc934e23f99b447aeb377942700d987f.jpg1623446613_HerdstonePriest(AnvilofApotheosis).jpg.1ba04e41f4de625c2b03a2716255da66.jpg

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  6. 4 hours ago, Apok said:

    That is a Great idea! Care to tell me what was the upper part from?:)

    Well I needed something slim that would match well with the Gryph-charger's frame. I tried a few things at first, gors where to small bullgors to bulky. I then held up one of my chaos spawn that I converted from a Vargheists/Crypt Horors and it really felt like the perfect fit, so that is what I went with.



    There is also a fair amount of greenstuff involved such as the sculpted on breast plates. 

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  7. On 10/11/2021 at 4:21 AM, Apok said:


    I've went for a dangerous "Counts as". Since I make a Tzeentch style army, My Dragon Ogres are as follows, My Shaggoth is a centaur out of the Lord Aquinor and the Silver Tower Ogroid, they have the same "chassis" so if fits more or less. But I have not tried them at a Tournament so don't know how would the TO look at them.



    That's awsome, I also used Gryph-charger in my Dragonogre conversions. Though I stuck with the centaur build for all of them.

    3 hours ago, Popisdead said:

    The Ghorgon hits on 3s (or can be 2s).  You can suffer some bad dice dice spiking with Bullgors.  I also think a Ghorgon and a Doombull paired up together is a good combo compared to 3 bullgors.  Just me, maybe different playstyle.  I also historically have had good success pairing a Doombull and Ghorgon in 8th, AoS 1, 2. maybe 3?  I want to try it.

    With few attacks I find the Ghorgon's dice can spike just as bad as the Bullgors. Add in the lower rend and its much easier for you opponent to negate the Ghorgon's damage over the Bullgors. That's not to say I don't like the Ghorgon. Its just if you are going for raw damage, the Bullgors are your better bet. The Ghorgon, in my opinion, works better when you take its tech in mind.

    Speaking of Ghorgon, I just finished my second one.



    Cow goes "MMMMMMurder"

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  8. 1 hour ago, Maogrim said:

    I don't know. After all the comic books I've read and anime movies I've seen.. the prospect of a dark, shadowy dragon elf king (who sl*tshames his mother) doesn't sound particularly creative or weird to me. I'm very certain the models, should they ever see the light of day, will be gorgeous, but the coolness/creativity factor seems to be catered to the tastes of edgy thirteen year-olds. 

    Hell its not even unique to Age of Sigmar. Between Belakor, Archaon, and Morathi; he would be the forth demon, shadow, dragon lord.


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  9. 8 hours ago, Dolomedes said:

    Cracking idea. Decent model count too for capping an objective deep in enemy territory. Would work well with a Bestigor bomb doing the same from the front. It's an easy battle tactic on 'Savage Spearhead' as well. What do you find more effective - Beastlord or Enlightened? I suppose that may be greatfray dependent.

    I think the Enlightened are probably better, more wounds, attacks, and better range. However, if you are playing Gavespawn, that Beastlord is probably already in your army and has a second chance at life in the form of a spawn. The Beastlord also has the possibility to buff the raiders in combat with grisly trophy, its not much but it can add 1 or 2 wounds to the enemy. Though if you are playing Dark Walkers you could probably use Bullgors or maybe even Dragon Ogors, though the Dragon Ogors might be a tight fit and are a bit of an investment.

  10. I have found that ambushing a unit of 20 Raiders to be pretty effective. I will usually ambush them with either a Beastlord with Gnarlblade/Volcanic Axe or a small unit of Enlightened about 2" deep behind/surrounded by the Raiders. This often forces my opponent to pull units away from the front line to go deal with this threat in their back field. If the opponent isn't carful the Beastlord or Enlighten can really punish what the unit sent to deal with the raiders. It is real easy for your opponent to either over or under commit to this threat. Either case is good for you.

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