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Posts posted by EnixLHQ

  1. 6 hours ago, The_Dudemeister said:

    I agree in principle. But on the other hand, I also think that ward saves are handed out way too liberally nowadays. Once a staple of mainly Death armies, there are now several other armies who have a 6+ ward as their generic allegiance ability.


    But more importantly many individual units whose whole shtick is to be tanky either do it via innate wards or they get beefed up with wards. Denying wards isn't all that niche anymore and with retreating and charging + good movement, we can easily pinpoint those units with Harridans.


    So we don't even have to look for those few extreme units like Lady Olynder and Gotrek to... hmm, wait a second. I think it's mathhammer time!


    Ah yes, it takes 8 (eight!) Kurdosses to simultaneously strike to have a little over 50% chance to kill Gotrek. A 10-lady unit of Harridans with their buffed profile has an over 80% chance of slaying him outright. Cute 😵

    I agree, the meta is shifting and wards are increasing in prevalence. I'm not quite at assuming it's universal yet when you're just building a list and showing up somewhere. But, I fully endorse building Quicksilver against armies you are pretty sure will have wards.

    There's a certain Cities of Sigmar list I'm dying to use Quicksilver against.

  2. 1 hour ago, Selpharia said:

    So I really love the vibe of the new Nighthaunt book, but as a potential new player, really struggle to pick the alright battleline units. I like Quicksilver as a procession, but I’m not sure how hard to go in on their unique battleline options

    Nighthaunt does well with a little sprinkling of various battlelines because they perform different functions.

    Chainrasp and Reapers play very well together and are a very solid base to build any army list around. Chainrasps are on bases smaller than 1" with a weapon reach of 1", meaning you can line them up in two rows and all of them can still attack. Cohesion is simple with them for the same reason. Reapers are generally anti-horde units, but with their 2" reach they can swing over the top of the Chainrasps even when they are two rows deep. This combo packs a surprising amount of damage and wounds into a space that you can shape as you need.

    Spirit Hosts now shine as a hero's extended wound pool, and being battleline is really an excellent quality for them, effectively letting you decide just how many extra wounds you want on the table.

    Nothing will be able to match a Hexwraith on speed alone, bar none. Not even the Black Coach. You need teleporting shenanigans to even get close with anything else, but Hexwraiths don't need the tax of other units to cover all that ground. This makes distant objective hunting trivial, or you can use them to lock your opponent in their deployment zone by forcing them to deal with the screen you just zoomed into their face.

    Bladegheists in a Scarlet Doom list is probably the only time I'd ever advocate for packing as many as you can at the detriment of other battleline options. This is just because of the pure damage potential packed in the charge and is dependent on a hyper-aggressive play style.

    And, lastly, the Harridans of the Quicksilver Dead will bypass enemy ward rolls and come with a built-in Shademist effect. -1 to wound rolls is a deceptively powerful debuff, making these guys a good bulwark, screen, or anvil, and provide that protection to any units that enemies within 3"could target. You have to charge to get this, of course, but we're always charging now. The ward bypass is a slightly different bag. This can either be really powerful against certain armies (like ourselves), but can also fall flat hard against others. By no means a bad choice, but unless you're fairly certain to face warded armies I'd not take Quicksilver just to get these guys as battleline. You can still take them as non-battleline.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 2
  3. 14 minutes ago, Tinniez said:

    Had my first game with Nighthaunt today against some Lumineth!
    Here are the lists and a quick battle report for anyone interested:

    The plan we played was First Blood.

    Before R1, the Loreseeker dropped down on the right objective and I pulled my unit of 10 Grimghast into reserve. I only managed to hit two units with the Emerald Curse, so I chose Eltharion and Avalenor. In hindsight, it may have been a better choice to target the Cathallar and the Lord Regent, as they both have quite potent abilities.

    I gave my opponent T1 and he got most of his spells off. He moved his Dawriders up the flank to support his Loreseeker on the rightmost objective and set up a counter-charge. His small unit of Wardens only just tagged the left objective and the rest of his crew castled up and advanced toward the centre objective. His Sentinels did a small amount of damage to my Bladegheists, which I was mostly able to recover through my Spirit Torment. He achieved his battle tactic (Ferocious Advance) and scored 5 points.

    In my T2, I failed to get most of my spells off or they were unbound. Solar Flare was a massive pain in the ass. I did manage to cast the Mortalis Terminexus, but it did marginal damage. I ran my Chainrasps and Reikenor to the left objective, advanced Olynder, the Guardian of Souls and two units of Spirit Hosts down the middle, while my Spirit Torment, Bladegheists, Knight of Shrouds and a unit of Spirit Hosts headed for the right objective. I dropped my Grimghast behind his lines near the left objective and succeeded on the charge, wiping most of the 10 man Warden unit. My Bladegheists were further replenished by the Spirit Torment. I achieved my battle tactic (Conquer), but failed to kill the Loreseeker, so I only scored 3 points.

    I lost the roll-off for Round 2 and my opponent chose to take the turn to prevent me from doubling down. I managed to unbind a few spells in his hero phase but unfortunately the Mortalis Terminexus was also dispelled. He charged Eltharion into my Chainrasps on the left, killing six. Then he used Avalenor to wipe out my Grimghasts. His Dawnriders and Sentinels did some damage against my Bladegheists, but it was nothing that the Spirit Torment couldn't mostly fix. My Knight of Shrouds finished off his Loreseeker on the right flank which meant I was able to capture the objective. At the end of his turn, he scored 3 points for holding the centre objective and completing his battle tactic (Broken Ranks) with a monster.

    On my turn I replenished my units with Lady Olynder. Reikenor managed to cast the Mortalis Terminexus again and sent it right into the middle of his army. It did a lot of chip damage and knocked some wounds off his support heroes. Olynder lifted the veil, rolled a 6 and killed the Lord Regent. I rolled hot on my charges here and managed to apply the fight last effect to every fight, excluding the one with the Dawnriders on the right objective. My Guardian of Souls headed over to help the Chainrasp on the left, who charged into Eltharion. Reikenor charged into the middle of his army to try and bully the Windmage. Olynder and the two units of Spirit Hosts charged the 20 block of Wardens and everything on the right objective charged the Dawnriders. Eltharion died, the Windmage died, the Dawnriders were wiped out and Olynder and the Spirit Hosts did a tiny bit of damage to his big unit of Wardens. 5 points for me, as I achieved my battle tactic (Aggressive Expansion) and held both the left and right objectives.

    My opponent won the roll-off for Round 3 and chose to take the turn. I removed the objective in the centre of the board. He didn't have much casting left at this point and banked heavily on killing Reikenor and wiping the Chainrasp off the left objective with Avalenor. Reikenor survived this tun, thanks to the nearby Spirit Hosts and the Chainrasp managed to make their saves against Avalenor, who has a low number of attacks, but high damage. My opponent couldn't see a way to win from this point, so he conceded the game.


    Wow, very detailed report, thank you. And also a great game by the sounds of it.

    How did you feel about how we play? And also, what were some things to keep an eye on with the LRL?

  4. Which one of you madlads wrote this? 

    Pretty good takeaway, I think. I like how it highlights using GoS with Spirit Hosts, Kurdoss and Lord Executioner together, and even offers a good 3-unit Vanishing Phantasms tactic.

  5. 16 minutes ago, Evil Bob said:

    Thank you for sharing EnixLHQ.

     I had to close it after the Nighthaunt player decided to bring a Spirit Torment and no Chainghasts. His force had no composition or thought, it made my head hurt. XD

    Then you missed out on the ending. All in all it did well to highlight our new strengths even though they (admittedly) didn't know all the rules or what to focus on when filming. I think it's pretty valuable, especially from a new-to-the-army point of view.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, The_Dudemeister said:

    You're right. They are 160!

    The warscroll-builder site doesn't give me a way to contact them so they can fix that. Does anyone know how to contact the team?

    They're the proper cost in the AoS app, if that helps.

  7. 2 hours ago, Warbossironteef said:

    Opps! It's Emerald Host and Seal on Lady O and Shademist on GoS.

    I do agree 30 is not optimal for getting all in combat and buffs, but I truly believe, with how much dmg there is in the current meta, some matchups you'll need 30. I think most NH lists will need a decent anvil unit, and if you go up against armies with enough shooting, magic and combat, 20x GG wont last. Especially because you wont always get Shademist up due to our lack of bonuses to cast. 

    Against some melee armies, which lack magic control and cant get around Cruciator, sure 20xGG will be more than enough but going with 30 gives me a bit more TAC feel to the list. At least that's how it seems in my head and based off my experiences with other armies. 

    I say give it a shot and see how it plays out. I'd like to see the result.

    Though I really hope that 20+ incoming damage before any chance of healing is a very niche problem for you to deal with.

  8. 33 minutes ago, Warbossironteef said:

    I think I've landed on my first 3.0 list with NH. It feels like a balanced list but I dont know if can compete with the top tier. It has enough MSU to get 2 to 4 charges off when you need to kill something, but it also has some defense with the GG block. 

    Anyone have CC or think this could work?

    Lady Olynder, Mortarch of Grief       340
    Guardian of Souls     150
    Master of Magic - Midnight Tome        
    Krulghast Cruciator       150
    30x Grimghast Reapers      480
    10x Chainrasps      110
    10x Chainrasps     110
    3x Spirit Hosts      125
    3x Spirit Hosts      125
    10x Bladegheist Revenants    175
    10x Bladegheist Revenants     175
    Emerald Lifeswarm      60
        Total:    2000

    What procession? Which spells?

    You've got a lot more than 2-4 charges here, since you want to charge with heroes now in the new book, and everything retreats and charges for free. The only thing I'd warn about is the 30-block of Reapers. It's nice to have, but you'll have a lot of them hanging around doing nothing. I'd break them into a 20 and a 10.

    • Like 1
  9. 2 hours ago, Nos said:

    Is the Scriptor Mortis as gimmicky as he reads? I can't see past it but love to be wrong with such a gorgeous model.

    He's gimmicky in that you usually want your points to be worth more than what you spend them on, and he'll likely only be worth exactly as much.

    In other words, spending 340 on Olynder or 160 on some Reapers you expect them to be able to fight heroes, empty units, and contest objectives. The Scriptor is most likely only going to put out about 8 wounds in a game for 155 points and a coveted hero slot, maybe taking out an opponent's 150 point hero.

  10. 4 hours ago, Rors said:


    Is there any clarification on how one is turned into a nighthaunt. I've seen read that it's all dead now, or that it's those who were sinners from their prospective religions and didn't make it into their heavens, or that it's all the afterlife mini-realms who pulled into the central oblivion at the core of Shyish. I only have the actual rules right now, I'll buy the book soon. Some clarification would help me with my own head cannon and army narrative though.


    Yeah, it gets into it pretty early on.

    From the point of view of this book, "..the dead have been claimed utterly by the Great Necromancer..." and "Rather than being allowed to fade gently into nothingness, they have been remade into weapons of war."

    However, a very strong sense of faith or conviction can temporarily interrupt the process. It's the same phenomenon that allows attacks to hit Nighthaunt. If the will is strong enough a soul can spend a little time uncorrupted, but will eventually succumb.

    All souls go to Shyish upon death, unless intervened upon by an outside force. It happens so fast that most don't perceive the journey, called to an afterlife that their beliefs help manifest for their culture. But, once there, depending on how faithful or strong the conviction of *their entire culture*, the afterlife might be struggling against the pull of the Nadir and thus can resist Nagash's curse for a bit.

    But, for any culture that's been weakened a bit, or a soul that loses their will or lets it falter, the curse twists them into Nighthaunt. There's a passage here that in Shyish, in an afterlife that's still fighting, an outbreak of Nighthaunt manifested suddenly when the ghostly protectors fighting shoulder-to-shoulder with their living kin faltered resulting in them "falling upon their once-beloved relatives with a monstrous need to kill."

    The only exceptions, other than soul-theft by Sigmar, the Deepkin, or others, are when the souls are devout in the service to Nagash or are killed by those who are, who he allows them to shape into something else. The Scriptor Mortis' purpose is to do exactly that on Nagash's behalf, and powerful necromancers are often allowed to shape the dead how they like. The Soulblight are another creature entirely, created by the Soulblight curse and thus are transformed (dying from the curse might be up in the air) without a soul escaping, so they don't become Nighthaunt. And defacto serving Nagash (to an extent) as a race, they are allowed to play at necromancy without many rules being enforced with souls.

    • Like 5
  11. I finally got my hardback in hand and cracked it open for some lore reading, and I'm loving the new style they're using for the prose. The last book had a "we're ghosts, ooo so scary" vibe to it and was pretty much it, but in this one they detail a great deal of reasons to fear them as well as what breaks the ghosts and why. And it's written with more of a consistent tone I appreciate.

    Something else, they wrote this about Lady Olynder, "Indeed, conventional military tactics are seen as rather quaint by the Mortarch of Grief. Her way is that of psychological warfare, for if she can steal the courage from her foes, victory is all but assured."

    Oh, and this bit which I absolutely LOVE, "...sending mortal agents in the guise of survivors, itinerant elders and dirge-minstrels to bear word of the coming Nighthaunt through a dozen realmgates and more. Many of their stories contained snippets of ancient rites or summon-songs and were worded in such a way to stick in the mind, much as a tune might haunt the ear." And with that my Shanty of Woe is canon!

    Sorry, having a little lore nerdgasm over here.

    • Like 7
    • LOVE IT! 3
  12. I agree there's no one right way, for sure. I just don't want us to fall into the hammer-and-anvil style play as the only one for Nighthaunt. I've seen so many posts since the leak that say exactly that, and then they lose their games and wonder why.

    • Thanks 1
  13. 12 hours ago, dmorley21 said:

    Yeah, this was something mentioned by Dayton Obre on the Party at the Allpoints podcasts. He said that he had 90 Bladegheists and still barely had them all survive a game. His thought IIRC was to go for a block of 20 Grims. But he thinks if you run MSU, you gotta lean in heavily and go for maximum redundancy. 

    Granted that I've only played a handful of games under the new rules, and against armies who can't really answer these new rules, so my opinion here is wildly uneducated as of yet, but I think MSU is the way to go.

  14. 7 hours ago, Neck-Romantic said:

    I still dont understand how Hexwraith's spectral scythe has a 1" range... grimghasts' scythes are 2" range... cavalry with 2 handed polearms with ahort range is goofy


    3 hours ago, Rors said:

    It does seem goofy. I guess if you need to justify it in your mind thematically, being on horseback puts you further back and they're flying over the units so if their weapons are the same length as grimghast the loose an inch due to having to reach further to get passed their own horses?

    Was it ever 2"? I don't recall, but it's been 1" forever now. I wish I could sit one of these designers in a corner and force some answers out of them about things like this. This and the Mortis Engine would be my first two questions.

  15. 3 hours ago, Benlisted said:

    What's the herohammer type of build looking like list wise? I'd assume Kurdoss and some LEs?

    I don't have any lists just yet, but what I've seen thrown around is something along the lines of:

    • Spirit Torment and Chainghasts
    • Krulgast
    • Guardian of Souls
    • Knight of Shrouds (either)
    • Kurdoss
    • Flex hero - Cairn Wraith, Lord Executioner, Olynder
    • Troops: Myrmourn Banshees, Spirit Hosts, Hexwraiths
    • Endless Spell: Terminexus

    The idea being that all these heroes either buff (and thus sit near the center) or swing, with the Terminexus healing any chip damage, Spirit Hosts/ST healing any bodyguard damage, and the Myrmourn eating any offensive spells lobbed their way. Krulghast reduces damage, yadda yadda.

    Basically, a castle but the heroes are the ones swinging and the troops are other buffers except the Hexwraiths who claim objectives.

    Viable? No idea. 

  16. 2 hours ago, lare2 said:

    Definitely, although they weren't too keen on the Black Coach. One thing they did convince me of, if I'm running a KoSoES, I'm definitely gonna give him Spiteful Spirit. Never really paid attention to it previously. Probably throw Pendant on him as well. 


    1 hour ago, Rors said:

    I don't think the coach is as bad as they suggested. It's a mixed bag of stuff so it's points cost seems a little steep for any of them in a vacuum. It's damage potential seems a little below it's cost. Same with it's mobility and it's durability.

    However put it all together and you have a teleporting threat at can nab extra command points, pick off stuff that's not too big and if you get the buff up your opponent has to screen out their characters or suddenly it can drop down and whack them with 3d3 mortals.

    It's a utility piece that kinda just does its own thing.

    They were correct in pointing out that against some armies like SoB the utility it offers won't be that helpful.


    I have to kind of agree with them about the Black Coach, but I really didn't want to. But Tom was right when he asked "what does it do" and no one could really answer that. It currently doesn't do anything other than be exceptionally beautiful on the field, but that won't be enough to draw fire or deal damage, and it's too expensive to just run out and sit on an objective.

    Sigh. I hope they revise it.

    8 hours ago, Iksdee said:

    Hi all i have a 1000 point game coming up. I ordered the new tome but haven't received it yet.
    Would this be any good? I used to put Lady O in the list but i dont know if she is still worth it with the higher point cost.  Got the Warlord battalion but dont know if we got any good artifacts to be honest.

    - Army Faction: Nighthaunt

    Lord Executioner (140)*
    Spirit Torment (115)*
    Lady Olynder (340)*
    - General
    Spirit Hosts (250) (reinforced)*
    Spirit Hosts (125)*
    - *Warlord
    TOTAL POINTS: 970/1000
    Created with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App

    (models i own https://pileofpotential.com/Iksdee?project=56870136 )


    You don't have a lot to work with just yet, but you certainly have enough to get a feel of how we play. My only advice is to just get out there and use what you have and have fun with it. Do get your Bladegheists built up (or even better, get some Chainrasps or Reapers) so you can see how a battle profile feels to swing with.

    4 hours ago, Ranzou said:

    Ok, what about another grieving legion roster?

      Reveal hidden contents
    + Leader +
    Dreadblade Harrow
    Guardian of Souls: General, Master of Magic, Soul Cage
    Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed: Pendant of the Fell Wind
    Krulghast Cruciator: Lightshard of the Harvest Moon
    Spirit Torment
    + Battleline +
    Chainrasps: 30 Chainrasps, Hunters of the Heartlands
    Chainrasps: 30 Chainrasps, Hunters of the Heartlands
    Hexwraiths: 5 Hexwraiths
    Hexwraiths: 5 Hexwraiths
    Spirit Hosts: 3 Spirit Hosts
    + Other +
    Bladegheist Revenants: 10 Bladegheist Revenants, Hunters of the Heartlands
    Nighthaunt: The Grieving Legion
    Grand Strategy: Hold the Line

    Idea is simple - two big blobs of rasps under unholy trinity (GoS, Torment, Cruciator) with hexwraiths and bladegheists as counter-charge.  

    Another variant  is 20 rasps 20 reapers 6 hosts. Same points.

    When we need to stay - general says Discorporate to first blob, Harrow copy it to second.

    When we need to attack - generals says AOA to first blob, Harrow copy it to second.

    KoSoES here to lead the attack and debuff with -1 to wound.

    WoT gives -1 to hit.

    Cruciator covers for -1 damage.

    Torment and GoS take up buddies.

    And hosts here are for babysitting our heroes.

    So the talk of the town is "hero hammer" and death stars again, and if we go the latter route I see Emerald Host and Grieving Legion as the processions to tap into that natural play style. In a death star only one of the units would actually have to be the one with 10 models, so I could see a double-enforced Chainrasp unit with Reapers behind them as your core that'll never get below 10.

  17. 1 hour ago, lare2 said:

    Just finished watching this last night. Love Vincey V. As someone said above as well, Tom's one of the best NH players around. Was really interesting to see their thoughts and left me pondering Herohammer. 

    I also liked toward the end they mention that Nighthaunt has so many tools now that you don't auto-lose for bringing units you think are cool. Really, I'm just glad tournament-level people are hashing the army out seriously.

    • Like 3
  18. 2 hours ago, Rors said:

    Very thankful the sites back.

    I've been thinking about how one would optimize the crossboos. I don't think there's a way to make them genuinely competitive but as a thought exercise, if someone wanted to build around them what would be the best option?

    The best I can think of is take grieving legion and double reinforce two units and then take a GoS with the auto cast item and palisade and a dreadblade.
    In a one drop list. Take first turn and drop the crossbows as a screen with the GoS buffing them. Dreadblade also then teleports up. From here you have the option of either 60 shots on 3s and 3, or give both units a 5+ ward depending on whether it's strategically better to murder something or ensure you survive. You can drop the palisade and it doesn't bother your shooting. The real benefit of the palisade isn't stopping you from getting shot back but really hampering movement and getting models into base contact.

    Fro there you can rally both units on a 5+ or keep the ward or buff your shooting as needed. Anything that charges will get bogged down for awhile and if they try to ignore you, 60 shots on 3/3 isn't terrible.

    That's the best way I can think of taking them.. it's not great, stuff like dragons can fly straight over or easily kill the support etc

    Does anyone have any ideas about how'd they'd maximize this unit?

    Only two. They can either accompany a Harridan unit or two to ensure their Murderous Bloodlust buff, or drop behind cover in enemy territory.

    None of our free buffs can affect ranged attacks, which means you are defaulting to command abilities to do any buffing. And though they'd arguably be more reliable doing damage than a Krulghast or Chainghasts thanks to more chances at rolling a 6, they won't be doing much than chip damage. And despite being called the Craventhrone Guard, they neither crave anything nor guard anything, so no synergy buffs. The only units in the game I can think of that would benefit in the other direction are the Harridans. I can see them being taken instead of a KC or Chainghasts to be used as throw-away units to follow some Quicksilver Dead Harridans around. Probably their best use right now.

    Otherwise, if you happened to have an opponent who happened to think they were safe hiding behind terrain and you happen to had enough room to drop them 9"-15" away from them, then you'd have a way to force them out or suffer chip damage every round.

    • Thanks 2
  19. 3 hours ago, dmorley21 said:

    Gotta agree. Between Discord, Reddit, and Facebook; I'm in a lot of Nighthaunt discussions but this is the format that I enjoy the most. 

    Also, updated my blog with a few more reviews. The Warhammer Weekly one is definitely worth a listen/watch - I'd say Tom Lyons ended up as one of the best NH players with the previous battletome with his performance at Adepticon and now taking the old book to a 5-0 at Vault Wars. 


    Warhammer Weekly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8DPDQJS-88


    Watch it. It's the first truly "I'm not making hot takes against Nighthaunt because that makes me cool" review, and I appreciate it.

    • Like 2
  20. 9 minutes ago, Neck-Romantic said:

    Praise be to the Server gods!

    That one felt way longer than normal.

    Finished my Vorghast (Mourngul proxy) and a Krulghast in the interim.

    Book is on preorder for a week now; when does it land?

    It's out. Can go get it right now.

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