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Posts posted by EnixLHQ

  1. With Olynder's buffs, and the shift away from monsters next season, I think Nagash's strengths aren't as stark as they once were. He still has the best arcane bolt output we have access to, but with the loss of Reaping Scythe he's not as far ahead on the damage anymore.

    While we're still getting points and bonuses from monsters, though, I think he's the best access to that we can get.

  2. 1 hour ago, lare2 said:

    Really nice to see the Craventhrone available so soon. Wasn't expecting that. Know they're not the best but still want to pick them up. Expecting them to be ca.£30.


    I still want them and the Scriptor Mortis even if they never see competitive play. I can't keep saying I have the entire NH army if I don't. Inching ever closer to that 10k game my local GW manager wants to have with me.

    • Like 1
  3. 24 minutes ago, Arzalyn said:

    Just to add another voice, your guide is the best one I ever read! It even inspired to try doing something similar for Sylvaneth when the new book arrives.

    Will try my best to help here!

    Well gosh. I suppose I can give it a shot after the official release. But I'll need a lot of play data from you guys.

    • Like 7
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  4. 2 minutes ago, The_Dudemeister said:

    Nooooo, it has to live on. And we as a Nighthaunt community, definitely need a successor for the new codex 👌

    I'm sure everyone can help out here and there.

    The best way to do it is getting games under our belts, collectively, and then reporting the results good or bad.

    • Like 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, lare2 said:

    Dude, your blog got me through 2nd edition. Hoping you do another for 3rd!

    You're the first to say it in a while. I was actually considering taking the whole bit down. I had hundreds of hours of play under 2nd, I really doubt being able to do that in 3rd.

    • Sad 3
  6. 6 hours ago, lare2 said:

    After having slept on it and mulled on it some more, I wanted to give a summary of how it went. Apologies for the wall of text but I couldn’t seem to see if there was a way to hide it all behind a spoiler tab.


    Emerald Host was actually really good and I rolled high to target 4 units. This really helped chip away at his general and 3 of the little guys, one of which was hiding in the backfield but still died to this turn 4. This combined really well with the Terminexus, which was outstanding, especially considering he had no magic to despell it. 2d3 isn’t to be scoffed at, especially when combined with Lady O’s shooting, making it 2d3+d6 mortals per turn.

    Lady O:

    Speaking of Lady O, she was class. As predicted, she was too much of a target and two of the big lads targeted her throughout the game. We were playing the vice as well so there was always going to be a rush for the centre of the board. I took the spot early and he never managed to shift her. Grief-stricken was amazing when it went off but I only managed it once. Putting a markerlight onto a unit, when combined with all the other WoT debuffs, savages a unit. Having Soul Cage on her really helped as well. Knowing that I had a guaranteed fight last on a unit allowed me to choose -1 save when I rolled high. She also hits pretty hard as well, especially when combined with Stun. I could never seem to remember Mortarch of Grief though so missed out a lot there. 

    Spirit Hosts:

    These chaps were grand. They tanked a lot for Lady O – something like 18+ wounds. Two units died protecting her and the third was depleted but she healed it back up. I went for three separate units as I wanted to farm WoT. Glad I did because the first time I did it, my brain hurt with trying to keep track of all the debuffs. Ended up getting some pen and paper. Can’t remember now exactly what it was but I do remember -3 to the save roll. Spirit Hosts hit very hard when they’re suddenly essentially on -3 rend, especially when hitting on 3+ (Grief-stricken) and wounding on 3+ (Nightmare Lantern). Any concerns I had about trying to kill a giant per turn were quickly assuaged.


    Really happy with this chap. His Nightmare Lantern came in handy so many times and his spell just continued to replenish units. Couldn’t have asked for more. In the end he just hung out with Lady O and was never targeted, being the perceived less attractive option to kill. Yeah, nothing much to say about him but that he’s a dandy utility unit. He did help stack WoT mind and his damage isn’t too shabby. Felt confident charging him in as well knowing Soul Cage was in effect.


    Loved them. The two units of 10 just wandered on the wings. One unit died to a big lad but the other ended up protecting the Krulghast in the later game. Yeah, they were handy. The big unit of 30, however, joined in the fight in the centre. They were barely scratched when they were targeted – an unmodifiable 5+ save and a 5+ ward really does have an effect. Plus they added to WoT and these little dudes, attacking twice and in two ranks, really hit hard when they’re essentially at, for example, -3 rend.


    I didn’t know what to do with these girls. I had both units in deepstrike with the Krulghast. Dropped all of them in and targeted the little giants. The Krulghast shot at one, damaging him, before I failed one out of two charges. The unit that got in did all right, taking off 10 wounds, but then he swung back and wiped it out. In his turn he then charged the second unit and wiped that out as well. So much for the Dreadscythe. Don’t know really what to think about them yet.


    This chap just ran away when his Dreadscythe died and pestered the enemy via shooting. Having that -1 to damage really helped in the centre of the board as well. Yeah, he was OK. I wasn’t massively blown away with him but he did his part.

    All in, I was very happy with how the game went. There’s a lot to keep up with and my brain was spinning by the end of the game. As said, we hit hard in our turn but in theirs I think we really do have the potential to crumble. Trying to avoid the double turn happening to us has been on my mind all day. I had a lot of drops and was forced to go first. I do think that if he’d won priority turn 2 I would have been in a lot of trouble. I think we’re always gonna have a lot of drops so really need to plan for being double turned

    Thanks for the excellent recap! This is a great start.

    2 hours ago, Arzalyn said:

    Got the same impression in the two games I played using the list @EnixLHQ posted some pages ago. During our turn we can do a good amount of damage (specially if you get good charge rolls), but we don't take a strike back that well, unless you are using all out debuffs and things like the Krulghast.


    Are you able to recall your games? Actual table feedback is invaluable right now.

    • Like 1
  7. 26 minutes ago, Neck-Romantic said:

    Im glad Harridans are looking viable, wish the models werent so hideous. Hormagaunts with hair. Hormaghosts. Hormagheists?

    Anyway. Does anyone know if taking multiple Dreadblade Harrows means you can copy a command ability for each DBHarrow?

    I think so. Reads that way to me.

  8. 1 minute ago, Vastus said:

    That makes sense. The Spirit Hosts do not really add additional wounds to Olynder though. Just in case you weren't aware, their 3+ bodyguard replaces any ward saves the unit might have, of which Olynder has a 4+. So you're spending points and losing models to basically increase her ward from 4+ to 3+. If she's very close to death that may be worth it, but usually isn't. The Guardian of course benefits massively from them. Anyway, just wanted to make sure you knew that interaction, I do like the idea of the list.

    As would Kurdoss if you want a hero beatstick

  9. Unpopular opinion incoming, but I like that we have no murder hobo units. That's not interesting play to me and is not what the Nighthaunt are about. Their lore is terror, curses, waves of ghostly mass that chill the air, all while surrounded by ever-blooming gravethorn. And that's what we got in spades with this new book.

    Having a killy unit would not only make it an auto-pick in every list, but it would also promote lazy tactics and gatekeeping. Just like how people still insist every army (or just the good ones) are hammer and anvil. It's not true, but I won't knock that it works for most people.

    We're still a tactically-driven army, with freshly gifted mobility that's gottdam insane.

    I can't wait to line up two or three charges to an enemy unit and watch my opponent put their head in their hands as the debuffs pile up. (And then whiff all the die rolls...)

    • Like 9
  10. As far as table talk goes, we have to remember that the game of Age of Sigmar is a points game. Doesn't matter how many enemy units you kill, or your own units you lose, as long as you end up with more points at the end of the game than your opponent. In fact, you can still earn points even if your army gets wiped off the table, because the rules support that.

    That being said, I think Sotek has probably the best outlook on it for our early early days until we get more real-world experience. Basically it breaks down like this:

    -In our Hero phases, we should be thinking of protecting ourselves for when our combat buffs aren't available. That means getting Shademist and Seal of Shyish out. That means getting a Terminexus out.

    -In our Movement phases, we should be thinking about capturing objectives, preventing our opponent from claiming objectives, and lining up charges to contest objectives. If an objective isn't a goal of the potential exchange, you spend this time changing that fact.

    -In our Shooting phases, we should be weakening enemy heroes or important units so that our opponent has to consider more variables than just what's in combat.

    -In our Charge phases, we should be trying to multi-charge units that are on objectives we want.

    -In our Combat phases, we should be focusing to erase as much of our engaged units as possible, and not be spread thin across too many fights.

    -Then we rely on our spells to get us through to the battleshock step which hopefully eliminates the enemy unit.

    Rinse and repeat.

    His competitive list is as follows:


    Emerald Host

    General - Guardian of Souls with Cloaked in Shadow, Midnight Tome, Seal of Shyish

    Heroes: Lady Olynder with Shademist, Kurdoss, Krulghast Cruciator with Lightshard of the Harvest Moon, and Spirit Torment

    Troops: x20 Chainrasps, x3 Spirit Hosts, x10 Grimgast Reapers, x10 Bladegheist Revenants, x10 Bladegheist Revenants, x2 Chainghasts

    Endless Spell: Mortalis Terminexus

    Tactic: GoS has Cloaked to shore up his squishyness and the Tome to guarantee a first round Terminexus (or save the Tome until later if you know your opponent will try to dispel it). Send that Terminexus to do some damage until you need it for healing. Spirit Hosts will be bodyguarding Olynder and Kurdoss. Reapers with the Chainrasps to attack over their 2-ranks, and if with KC and the Lightshard that's some 60 attacks. The Bladegheists are there to multi-charge and should be accompanied by the Spirit Torment and GoS. And the Chainghasts are to have another +1 hit aura, which can go with Chanrasps/Reapers or Olynder/Kurdoss. Spells go where needed.


    • Like 6
  11. I'm thinking there is a missing page or few to the leaks...

    Reikenor, Kurdoss, Awlrach, and presumably Olynder, all have the Grieving Legion keyword which does nothing for them. Yet no other heroes or rank-and-file units have it. This suggests to me that for that subfaction there is a specific ability or artifact not yet revealed that they may have the option to take or are forced to take.

    In fact, I think that whole subfaction section seems a bit light.

    Anyone got any info on that?

  12. Just now, The_Dudemeister said:

    I'm blanking out here, can someone explain the Reaper of Sorrows artifact to me?


    1 melee weapon. Before the attack you pick 1 enemy unit within 1" and try to beat their bravery. If you succeed that weapon's rend goes to -3 against that unit. It goes to -4 if the target is terrified.


    But the opponent is always automatically terrified, even 2" further away. So when does the -3 rend ever apply? Technically you don't get the extra rend against Nighthaunt, but... you know... So when else is that weapon on a successful bravery roll ever not -4?

    The Honest Wargamer brought up this same point. My speculation is that somewhere in the future there may be a way to either negate being terrorized or be immune to it. Nighthaunt are already immune to it, even from another NH army, so the precedence is there.

    • Thanks 1
  13. 9 minutes ago, Leshoyadut said:

    I do think it's worth noting that -2 to hit can still potentially be useful to cancel out a potential AOA or similar effect. Obviously, if you can, minuses to saves are much better, but getting more than one of the 4-7 charge effect isn't totally worthless.

    Right, it's the final amount can't be more than +/- 1 for hit. So if you're in a buff war with someone you can stack several -1 hit charge effects to end up net -1.

    • Like 1
  14. From Core Rules: 

    A hit roll cannot be modified by more
    than +1 or -1 (this is an exception to the principle
    that abilities take precedence over core rules).

    A save roll cannot be modified by more than +1 (this
    is an exception to the principle that abilities take
    precedence over core rules).

    Designer’s Note: Save rolls do not always succeed on
    an unmodified roll of 6, and they can be modified by
    more than -1.

    So, yeah, saves can be nerfed into the ground, but not hit rolls. Makes the 8-9 range even more powerful to get.

    • LOVE IT! 1
  15. 52 minutes ago, lare2 said:

    Thanks for the pointers. I run them in my PtG campaign so will see how they do there before jumping into matched play with them. 

    Honest Wargamer's done the below. I enjoy his vids. About to start watching it whilst doing the dishes. 


    So apparently the -1 save debuff on the charge can stack infinitely? -3 to enemy save if you rolled 8+ to charge on three NH units into one target. Not super likely, but with an always-charge gameplay it's likely to pop some effect all over the board.

  16. I wish the leaks had a search function. I'm looking for the various interactions with terrify. Anyone got a quick list?

    Also, am I right reading that terrify is just a function of being within 3" of any NH unit and at base prevents Inspiring Presence?

  17. 21 hours ago, dmorley21 said:

    Hey all,

    I’m taking the following list to a tournament in a couple weeks:

    Nagash / Reik / Harrow

    Hex / Hex / Chainrasp


    When I bought my ticket to the tournament back in January, I had hoped it would be my first event with the new book. Well lists are due Friday so I’m just looking to do something completely different and just have some fun. 

    Question is, should I run it as Emerald Host or just no subfaction? 

    I think you lose a bit too much not taking Emerald Host with that many Hexwraiths and the debuff available.

  18. 1 hour ago, dmorley21 said:

    I wouldn’t expect dates announced. And they’ve already announced the new battletome, so I wouldn’t expect anything for Nighthaunt to be announced. Pay attention to when Warhammer Community starts previewing rules. That will be the clue. 

    Booo 😞

  19. 17 hours ago, That Guy said:

    So.. going back to my list post with the 20 craventhrone and incarnate. I won against Tzeentch and Ossiarch. I lost against Nurgle. The plan in many of these games was to have the Incarnate roam around the board with 2 units of hexwraiths on it’s side contesting flank objectives with the massive buffs and debuffs the incarnate brought, they went around the board like a big death snowball and not really anything survived them, except for nurgle. Kurdoss together with the briar queen, her thorns, the scriptor mortis and the guardian of souls pushed for the middle objectives. With 1 myrnmourn banshee unit closeby on the flank. The scriptor targeted Be’lakor, Katakros and a Rotbringer sorcerer and I cursed the same targets. Scriptor Morris proceed in all 3 games. I outright killed the sorcerer, I did 7 mortals to Katakros and I did 5 to Be’lakor. The other banshee unit and both craventhrone guard were kept in the underworlds. Against Ossiarch I had a tough time with the save stacking and re-roll on morteks my craventhrone were pretty useless. 1 unit I kept around a wall on an objective, the other unit I kept forwards behind a wall, targeting Katakros, although still… plinked off some wounds. The Incarnate never died in in this matchup and it was great in dealing with the catapults. The mortal output from the hexwraiths helped a lot against their defenses. He didn’t do much with magic, but what he did I often blocked(he played Katakros with mortek, 2 crawlers, some riders, soul mason and a liege. Kurdoss did some work in and actually killed Katakros. It turned out to be a pretty decisive win for me, once I dealt with the catapults. As or the game against Tzeentch, the banshees came in very strong. Multiple times did I block their spells after some failed unbind attempt, and the incarnate ate one of the endless spells and leveled up. This time it was a very close game, their mortal output is still grant and we are just pretty weak against it. Although this time my craventhrone were able to rally back to full and heal back up with the guardians help. They did a lot of work here dropping down on flanks and dealing with horrors, while pulling them back at some point and focusing Be’lakor down, eventually the incarnate ate him. The Nurgle game was though. A lot of fly boys and the rot covens were able to spread across the field. Once again did the banshees come in clutch, but they had some nasty spells go off. They tarpitted  my incarnate with the mortal fly boys and started charging with beasts of chaos on my craventhrone. They just soaked up so much damage, I couldn’t quite chew through them. I felt the craventhrone did only little although I did get quite some wounds through, they just shrugged it off. Nurgle has a massive amount of mortal output too. Killed my craventhrone and some of my characters including Kurdoss that way. They even killed all my hexwraiths too. In all games the incarnate survived, but he got close to becoming wild in the Nurgle game. Their tarpit was just big and I didn’t spread my forces enough against them. I’m curious how I’ll do after the book drop.

    How do you feel about the Scriptor and the crossboos as units in a game? 2.0 rules being what they are.

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