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Posts posted by EnixLHQ

  1. 2 minutes ago, elescapo said:

    Once per turn, Nighthaunt units in combat can use this ability, meaning every unit in your army can charge from combat.  Shenanigans are still very much alive. Once per turn in your charge phase, effect of Wave of Terror goes off, and now every unit in your army that is in combat can charge.

    The value of Deathstalkers is the extra movement that can be gained from a retreat.  It also allows units that don't want to charge back into combat but do want the retreat to not have to suffer the mortal damage.

    Oh! That changes everything. Thank you for pointing that out.

    That actually makes it a huge quality-of-life upgrade, too. Don't have to move entire trays of units each and every charge phase.

  2. Cautiously optimistic. I'm not calling anything an up/down/side grade until we know what the rest of the armies look like in 4.0.

    But what this DOES tell me is that army-build composition is back on the menu. If you want a specific effect, you have to take the unit. Infantry will Shriek, calvary will Stun, and heroes will Petrify. But, no more stacking. Once a turn, army-wide, you get to evoke the ability, so choose the targets carefully.

    Wave of Terror is interesting. You can charge without charging. Evoke this and your unit pretends to retreat (with no issue) and charge, so that you can evoke a charge ability. Complete with the 3 or less roll basically meaning a failed charge, though you never moved so are still in combat if you fail. But, this ability is only once a turn, and so if we want to keep the retreat and charge shenanigans we have...Deathstalkers?

    My biggest question mark was the Battle Formation and Deathstalkers. I haven't been following the teases and releases too closely, so I'm probably wrong, but are Battle Formations the new subfactions? So instead of choosing Quicksilver Dead you choose between Deathstalkers and some other options? If so, I'm a bit worried. Deathstalkers ability is specifically to negate the penalty for retreating, so would the other formations give buffs that would rival that? As a faction that still wants to retreat and charge every turn?

  3. Reapers were always the horde killers. They just need assistance in the form of non-faction hero buffs or command points. Even if you're of the mind that giving Bladegeists and Dreadscythes 2" reach gives you less reason to use Reapers, you weren't using them anyway because of that dependence on those buffs, our subfactions not favoring them, and the meta not requiring them. They've always had that reach, can fight in two ranks, and reach over the top of Chainrasps, but most tourney lists didn't include them despite that. So, nothing really changed.

    It's a buff for Scarlet Doom, sure, but that faction has always been about eliminating threats on our turn. SD's power wanes over the course of a game, so if you didn't win in turn 1-2, you aren't winning in 3+. All this buff does is make Bladegeists a better pick in non-SD builds; as you now have a 3/3 wandering kill unit you don't have to spend a ton of resources propping up.

    Emerald Host is the opposite. All about getting objectives early and screening out, wasting away key enemy units over time. You see Hexwraiths in this subfaction a lot, not because they are getting buffed, they're not, but because the Emerald Curse will do the damage for you while you use fast units to attack a backline or form screens. Reapers didn't fit into that style, but Bladegeists did, and now they have more of a reason to be picked when not battleline.

    Wards are huge right now, so this change is really the biggest buff to Quicksilver. Removing wards as an option for the enemy with a relatively cost-efficient unit that self-buffs and self-defends that can now fight in two ranks? Harridans stick around a bit longer than most units, so now you're not slow-playing by building a list around them. In other words, our best meta pick is now actually playable in a meta tournament.

    Glaivewraiths...I don't want to ignore them, but this change is barely beneficial. You won't invest in these guys enough to make their weapon range a factor.

  4. Welp, I'm in the AoS Coach Discord now. Time to lurk a bit.

    EDIT: I'm reminded why I don't think Discord is the future people think it is. Everything NH is in one channel. One. Channel. Not a stitch of organization to all that.

    • Like 1
  5. On 7/10/2023 at 2:39 PM, Jabbuk said:

    I was wondering where do you guys go to get the latest Nighthaunt discussions? This place seems fairly dead and I'd like to hear some opinions on the new GHB. Is there another source you guys follow?

    I'd like to know this, as well. I've been out of the game quite a while and it is...confusing...looking at the changes and updates right now.

    But, to throw in my severely uneducated opinion on all of this:

    • Unit Coherency: We have a fair few units this applies to (before losing models), those being Hexwraiths (5), Spirit Hosts (3), Craventhrone Guard (5), Chainghasts (2), Glaiveraith Stalkwers (4), and Myrmourn Banshees (4). Of those, only Spirit Hosts and Chainghasts can be reinforced and still benefit from this change.
      • Functionally, I don't see this doing a ton for us. Spirit Hosts can be reinforced once and 6 of those guys is a very good screen that you have more positional options for now. But, you'd never reinforce Chainghasts more than once, if at all, and it doesn't make throw-away units like Glaivewraiths any better. If Glaivewraiths could ingore this rule at 8 models you'd finally have a use for them.
    • Rally: So this is now capped at no more than 10 returned wounds. Did anyone ever get this CA to do more than that? Seems to help safeguard our middle-style plays and open up more options for non-MSU. Nighthaunt still wants to be MSU for the slot machine, but you could potentially Rally half a reinforced unit of Spirit Hosts back.
    • Look Out, Sir!: Okay, love this. How could you not? Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed and Reikenor, sorry, you are omitted from this, but all of our other heroes are now immune from being pot-shot from across the board? We're less hero-reliant than we were last edition, but --let me check my AoS app...yep, Olynder is still only 7 wounds-- even Lady Olynder is invisible to enemy fire from 12" out. This helps you by giving you time to position your army before our heros are wiped out.
    • Arcane Tome: Nerf! This is a nerf. Can't give it to our Wizards anymore. Can only cast Arcane Bolt, some other spell that's uselss to us, or an endless spell.
    • Points update: Any time we get a points benefit like this is a good thing. Kind of. The idea of point cost changes is to balance an army when considering other matchups, and this suggests that since the last retooling we're now underpowered again across the board. Enough so that we got sweeping changes to points to try to shove more models into the field. Take that however you will.

    These I can follow relatively easily, but as someone who played one singular game in the last handbook and now we have Andtor, I'm more than a little confused on things like Andtorian Locus or Primal Magic.

    And what's Regiments of Renown? Are they slowly bringing back warscroll battalions? As merceny groups?

  6. So which one of you is this?


    Absolutely beautiful take on the grim bloody motif that looks easy to do.

    EDIT: Here's how to do it. I think I can just do the oil and blood steps to my existing scheme to great effect. I'll have to test it and see.

    EDIT 2: I've taken the liberty to write out the steps used in the video. I converted any non-Citadel paints to Citadel as close as I could color-wise, in case one cannot or wishes not to find the alternatives listed.




    1. Spray Primer: a matt black like Chaos Black

    2. Spray Primer, Zenithal method - a bone color like Wraithbone

    3. Contrast Paint: Skeletal Horde over bones and limbs


    Accent - Plants

    4. Contrast Paint: Blood Angels Red for all roses and gravethorn blooms

    5. Contrast Paint: Militarum Green for vines and leaves


    Accent - Wood

    6. Contrast Paint: Snakebite Leather (1:1 with water) over any wood and vines

    7. Contrast Paint: Plaguebreaker Flesh for edges and bolts of the wood

    8. Contrast Paint: Militarum Green over bits of wood and flesh for a decayed look


    Accent - Leather

    9. Contrast Paint: Wyldwood


    Accent - Metal and Bases

    10. Dark earth terrain paint or Astrogranite Debris Texture on outer weapon edges and entire bases

    11. Layer Paint: any metal paint like Grey Knight's Steel or Leadbelcher over all metal, with gold like Retributer Armour reserved for heroes' accents and trim

    12. Technical Paint: Nihilakh Oxide or Dry Paint: Ryza Rust (mix dry paints with Lahmian Medium to get a wet pigment) over any metal bits you want to show rust or corrosion


    Accent - Miscellaneous

    12. Contrast Paint: Basilicanum Grey for all hair, tails, and gravestones


    Varnish (Optional, to protect your base before moving on)



    13. Shade Paint: Nuln Oil or similar over entire models and bases. Wick away excess. Two coats if desired.

    14. Once dry, cotton buff over the oil to increase contrast on raised edges

    15. Contrast Paint: (White Spirit is a paint thinner. Maybe Lahmian or Contrast Medium is similar) to lessen oil, if desired



    16. Technical Paint: Blood for the Blood God, 1:1 with water, load on to a wide brush and flick onto models (it'll get everywhere, so be careful) and a few swipes

    17. Go over the beads of blood with a brush lightly loaded with White Spirit (again, maybe Lahmian or Contrast Medium) to break up the globs into more realistic sizes and congealment

    18. Bloody up the weapons and smear away from the cutting edges


    Object Source Lighting

    19. Airbrush Paint: Phalanx Yellow on and around any light sources in any way that light would spill onto the model from the light source as it radiates out (if, like me, you have no airbrush try Contrast Paint: Bad Moon Yellow and be careful not to allow pooling)

    20. Airbrush Paint: Troll Slayer Orange (or, Contrast Paint: Magmadroth Flame) over the yellow on the edges and lengths of flames


    Final Model Touches

    21. Contrast Paint: Black Templar on edges, spirit whisps, outer-most flame edges


    Final Base Touches

    22. Contrast Paints: Iyanden Yellow, Gryph Hound Orange, and Blood Angels Red. Paint a piece of paper fading from light to dark on both sides, matching, and let dry. Use a leaf texture hole cutter to punch out Autumn leaves. Glue them down, and then oil wash them when dry


    I think the Oils, Blood, and Final Model Touches steps can be used over existing paint jobs to quick-and-dirty up some grimdark models. That's what I'll be testing some time in the future, and if it works out I've got an answer to my grimdark cravings.

    • Like 3
  7. 6 hours ago, dmorley21 said:


    I’m hoping to repaint my army and do a haunted forest basing. These schemes would be great… I wonder how they’re done and if I could pull it off.

    The one I linked is very easy. I reached out to the painter and this is what they said.


    1. Spray Primer: Chaos Black

    2. Spray Primer, Zenithal method - Gray Seer (this means pick a point that a light source would be and spray only from that direction)

    3. Layer Paint: Corax White over edges and flames

    4. Contrast Paint: Aethermatic Blue or Hexwraith Flame (if green is desired) over some edges and all flames

    5. Shade Paint: Nuln Oil Gloss over the Aethermatic Blue or Hexwraith Flame



    1. Astrogranite Debris Texture

    2. Nuln Oil or Black Templar Contrast

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  8. 7 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

    I dont know who painted these. I want to paint an army in this style some day. Dont know what other army would fit such a paint scheme though.

    Geen fotobeschrijving beschikbaar.

    Geen fotobeschrijving beschikbaar.


    There's a similar style I'm in love with that I keep saying if I ever repainted my army this would be what I'd do. I just haven't been crazy enough to do it, though.


    I'd just do a blue in the same vibrance as the green here.

  9. 7 hours ago, lare2 said:

    I don't think anyone really cares what colour you've went for and what subfaction you run. I continuously jump between them. Recently I've restarted my NH. The old style (green) and new (bloody) are below. 


    20200407_135010 (1).jpg




    In love with the bloody.

    • Thanks 1
  10. 14 hours ago, Maxo Bug said:

    Nice lists! There are some interesting ideas to try, but I have to adapt them to 1K games, which is my "local meta" if less than 10 people can be called that.

    I do have a question for y'all, though:

    I'm curious: Do you have your armies painted as the procession you play or plan on doing so?

    Here's mine: https://www.ablucem.com/nh-gallery

    I think most people pick a style and try to apply it to everything in the army.

    Before we got the Scarlet Doom, Dusk made this delicious gorey Bloodhaunt that perfectly fits the subfaction now, but it wasn't the intention when he started it.

    The only "rule" I'd suggest anyone stick to when painting up their models is to have an element in them that's the same across your entire army, even if the paint styles differ entirely from unit to unit. Like the same basing, or they all have a certain pop of color. That way they can still look unified as an army when on the table.

    • Like 2
  11. So now that the guide's been out and sat a bit, does anyone have any suggestions they'd like to see from it?

    Or, in other words, anything missing? Anything that would make it the go-to guide for you or anyone you'd want to learn the army?

    After watching both Coach's deployment masterclass and Ronya's overview I'm thinking of distilling some of that info down into a deployment strategies section. That ended up being my takeaway from both videos.

  12. 2 hours ago, Liquidsteel said:

    Do you think Bounty Hunters is worth sacrificing the 1 drop here?

    I feel like having the choice turn 1 is quite important.

    Quite a few lists now that will be invested in magic with the new endless spell, some like Sylvaneth can yeet them at you from outside standard range.

    Getting to go first and moving in to unbind range can really mess with them, along with getting your defences up potentially.

    I can't comment about the tourney lists since I haven't seen any commentary about how they were played, but the battle reports I've been following online suggest pretty strongly that we benefit from going second much more than we do going first.

    This means that the draw for a one- or two-drop list is to guarantee going second. Depending on your opponent that might not be worth it if they'd always opt to go first.

    6 hours ago, lare2 said:

    Am I right in thinking one of those won a tourney? The list was posted earlier.

    *frantically begins building Nagash*


    4 hours ago, Boggler said:

    He's a really great model!

    The current state of the game is that you can literally wind up laying a huge variety of lists, unless you know your local meta so well that you already know exactly who you'll be playing and what army they're hot on.

    One thing that does stand out is that a lot of people are preferring to go magic heavy and include the Purple Sun.

    This pairs with Nagash very well as we all know he can shut down the hero phase all by himself. If you give him Cogs you're almost certain to avoid the normal T1/T2 miscast. Cogs are strong.

    People seem to be swapping the Portal for Sun. Sun is dumb and a lot of people are jumping on it while it so good. The math makes it almost as likely that you outright kill something quicker than the Hand of Dust.

    I think Nagash/Quicksilver/40Harridans gives enough spare points to upgrade the Spirit Torment to a Kruciator.

      Reveal hidden contents

    Allegiance: Nighthaunt
    - Procession: Scarlet Doom
    - Mortal Realm: Ghur
    - Grand Strategy: Fright or Flight
    - Triumphs:

    Nagash, Supreme Lord of the Undead (955)
    Spirit Torment (115)
    - General
    - Command Trait: Master of Magic
    - Artefact: Arcane Tome (Universal Artefact)
    - Lore of the Underworlds: Shademist

    20 x Bladegheist Revenants (350)
    - Reinforced x 1
    10 x Bladegheist Revenants (175)
    10 x Bladegheist Revenants (175)

    4 x Myrmourn Banshees (105)

    Endless Spells & Invocations
    Chronomantic Cogs (40)
    Purple Sun of Shyish (70)

    Total: 1985 / 2000
    Reinforced Units: 1 / 4
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 65
    Drops: 6

    Tempts me to play Nagash next weekend. Without the purple sun so likely not the silly OP NPE he is.

      Reveal hidden contents

    Allegiance: Nighthaunt
    - Procession: Quicksilver Dead
    - Mortal Realm: Ghur
    - Grand Strategy: Fright or Flight
    - Triumphs: Bloodthirsty

    Nagash, Supreme Lord of the Undead (955)*
    Spirit Torment (115)*
    - General
    - Command Trait: Master of Magic
    - Artefact: Arcane Tome (Universal Artefact)
    - Lore of the Underworlds: Shademist

    10 x Dreadscythe Harridans (160)*
    10 x Dreadscythe Harridans (160)*
    5 x Hexwraiths (160)**
    5 x Hexwraiths (160)**
    5 x Hexwraiths (160)**

    Endless Spells & Invocations
    Chronomantic Cogs (40)
    Umbral Spellportal (70)

    Core Battalions
    *Battle Regiment
    **Bounty Hunters

    Total: 1980 / 2000
    Reinforced Units: 0 / 4
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 71
    Drops: 4


    Nagash so stronk. I hope he doesn't get meta-nerfed in response.

    Something about tying half your points in one model damages my steez. I get... nervous? I dunno, I have commitment fear about it.

  13. 1 hour ago, Rors said:

    I'm surprised by the number of black coaches in winning lists.

    Honestly, me too. I can't even fathom the EH and QD lists, but I can see how they work.

    This, I assume, is what separates the pros from the hobbyists.

  14. 2 hours ago, Aeryenn said:

    It's possible to give more than one -1 save token to the same enemy unit?


    20 minutes ago, Chronos said:

    Yes, it stacks, and you can pick, so if you rolled an 11 for the charge and don't want to strike last you can use that as a -1 to save.

    From my guide:

    What makes this one of our best abilities is the fact that these effects stack, meaning that you can toss several shrieks and/or stuns on the same enemy unit and watch the negatives pile up. This doesn’t override the Core Rules, though, so -9 to hit is still -1 to hit, but it makes your opponent need +9 to hit to get back to 0. Negatives to save, however, do fully calculate, so -5 to the save roll is a true -5 to the roll if your opponent can’t stack positives to cancel it. And with our access to some rend, we can push that save down even further.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  15. 15 hours ago, Aeryenn said:

    Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals

    - Stormhost: Hammers of Sigmar (Scions of the Storm)

    - Grand Strategy:

    - Triumphs:



    Knight-Relictor (140)

    Lord-Castellant (155)



    2 x Dracothian Guard Fulminators (230)

    2 x Dracothian Guard Fulminators (230)

    10 x Vindictors (260)

    - Reinforced x 1

    5 x Vindictors (130)

    5 x Vindictors (130)



    6 x Vanguard-Raptors with Longstrike Crossbows (480)

    - Reinforced x 1

    3 x Vanguard-Raptors with Longstrike Crossbows (240)


    Total: 1995 / 2000

    Reinforced Units: 2 / 4

    Allies: 0 / 400

    Wounds: 96

    Drops: 9

    That. Build it from memory but everything seems to fit.

    Thanks for this. I gave this to my Stormcast friend and told him to try to destroy me the next time we play. Which I hope is this weekend. I'll be sure to report back on what happens and what our individual takeaways are.

    9 hours ago, dmorley21 said:

    This last weekend, two Scarlet Doom lists went 4-1, placing 2nd and 6th. Two other NH lists went 3-2. That’s from the tournaments that were reported on the stats show by The Honest Wargamer. 

    I know Ronya likes Grieving Legion a lot, while Mike Wilson (one of the 3-2 finishes) and Tom Lyons are high on Emerald Host. It will take time for the meta to settle, but I expect NH will be an upper mid to top tier army now at the tournament scene. 

    When the battalions and battle plan favored monsters it was really easy for us to build lists however we wanted since we didn't have any monsters. But with the focus specifically on battlelines and anti-battlelines, it becomes much harder to justify a list that's not all "oops, all battleline." I'm still going to try out EH lists until I feel comfortable, but I think SD and QD got it this season.

    • Like 1
  16. 19 minutes ago, Aeryenn said:

    I was obliterated.

    He had a very strong list: longstrikes, fulminators, vindictors. First turn he destroyed my first unit of 10 bladegheists with his crossbows even though I used discorporate. Turn 2 he used the same technic on another 20 bladegheists. He took a few models with longstrikes and finished them off with fulminators. His second unit of fulminators managed to succeed a long charge for Olynder. The game was set. It was traumatic.

    Holy ******. Did they roll 6's every toss or what? I'm sorry to hear that. The SCs I've been up against have been much easier to deal with. I'd love to know their list.


    1 hour ago, Rors said:

    There's a Swedish lady, I've forgotten her name.. it starts with an R..

    Anyway, she's been killing it with NH. From memory I think she's got multiple 5-0 results using large blocks of bladegeist in their subfaction.

    Yeah, she's rocking the scene hard, and I'm more than glad to see it.

    Building Scarlet and Quicksilver lists seem really easy right now, I think. They lend itself naturally to the new GHB. I'm finding it very hard to build Emerald Hosts lists, myself. The one I just posted I feel like is a stretch, but I'll get a chance to use it this weekend.

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