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Posts posted by Jabbuk

  1. 10 hours ago, Sivyre said:

    Units of 10 are likely seen as to run off and grab/hold objectives or even act as screens themselves, same reason you see units of 10 hobgrotts.

    guttrippaz in bodies of 20 there roll changes to essential body anything on the center objective where the game tends to see most play. 40 wounds is hard to move and with a sludgeraker present the shear weight of dice will fish those 6’s and the extra 1 dmg on a 6 from the support puts your opponent psychologically in a hard place. Stuff like AoD and mystic shield makes it harder to move them and your support from sludgeraker, KB, and boltboyz suddenly could swing your opponents priorities but it’s not an easy choice for them. And this is all before the fact you have a 2” reach wall where if you wrap units all your attacks are getting in for the most part with no issues from coherrancy 

    hard to charge into them too with boltboyz ready to lay waste even further reducing whatever what’s to crash into them.

    ive played 10 and 20 unit gutrippaz and 20 is a magic number for these guys 10 they don’t do anything 30 is way over kill and your missing attacks and of course these “wholly within” but 20 is juuuuust right - like the bowl of porridge. 
    of course with all that it’s your preference and your strategy that will make either work and for me maybe I failed to make 10 and 30 work but I had a lot of success with 20

    Im convinced, I'm gonna group my 2x10 into 1x20. I got Hobgrot screens anyway. Thanks!

  2. 18 hours ago, SunStorm said:

    I've got a Skumdrekk on order and was looking at the GW images and thinking about those empty cages:


    Is anybody else going through ideas in their heads about models that could fit in there as unfortunate souls already captured?

    Wilhelm, obviously. Or the guy with the turkey. They are two excellently ridiculous models in my eye.

  3. 2 hours ago, Predien said:

    Literally have this same list in my AoS app right now. I'm going to run this as soon as I get my 2nd order in this weekend (fingers crossed). If you've run, this let me know your thoughts on it!

    That's awesome, do let us know you as well, please!

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  4. Warscroll Builder is now updated so, the AoS world is good again :D

    First list after discussing some options with you guys previously. I feel like units of Hobgrots are necessary to just create roadblocks and slow down other armies. This could be interesting. 


    Allegiance: Kruleboyz
    - Warclan: Big Yellers
    - Grand Strategy:
    - Triumphs:

    Snatchaboss on Sludgeraker Beast (315)
    Swampcalla Shaman with Pot-grot (105)
    Killaboss on Corpse-Rippa Vulcha (240)

    10 x Gutrippaz (180)
    10 x Gutrippaz (180)
    6 x Man-skewer Boltboyz (240)
    - Reinforced x 1
    6 x Man-skewer Boltboyz (240)
    - Reinforced x 1

    10 x Hobgrot Slittaz (80)
    10 x Hobgrot Slittaz (80)
    10 x Hobgrot Slittaz (80)

    Beast-skewer Killbow (130)
    Beast-skewer Killbow (130)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Reinforced Units: 2 / 4
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 138
    Drops: 12


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  5. 2 hours ago, Malakree said:

    On profile alone swampdrek is so much better it's unreal. For 5 points you get. +1 wound, +1 attack with his snatcha-stikk, +1 damage on the noisome bite and his snatch and grab is equal and greater, not just greater than.

    If you aren't giving it an artefact or command trait there's no good reason not to upgrade him.

    Something to note though is that he has the Grinnin Blades keywords I believe, so he wouldn't benefit from the other factions buffs.

  6. 14 minutes ago, Sivyre said:

    Yuppers, he has all the same features as with the other KB’s but for 70 points more from the gnashtooth you gain more movement, more wounds, fly, mount has the allegiance rule (venom encrusted weapons) and the ability to issue another CA that has been previously used. 

    not to mention it has a marginally better save then our gobsprakk friend (4+ vs gobs 5+) and it can have an artifact. I would argue that for most lists this model is auto include along side sludgeraker

    Damn, that's badass. I might build my model as him instead then.

  7. 3 minutes ago, Sivyre said:

    I am 100% building KB on the vulcha because the ability to issue a previously used CA alone is worth his 240 points,

    2 blocks of boltboyz using unleash hell is no laughing matter. Other armies that have this ability pay a lot more in points. The armies that don’t have this ability wished they did. Odds are you’re already including a KB for the battle shock protection… so might aswell get the best of the 3 KB options with a stellar ability

    That's what I was wondering, does he provide the battleshock immunity too?

  8. 49 minutes ago, Sivyre said:

    300 points support utility piece that can cast 2 dispel 2 with nearly all spell lores having a CV of 7+ with no +1 to cast and an abysmal save of 5+ 6++… you will see very few successful casts and an equally amount of successful unbinds vs you.

    there’s a reason many aren't including this expensive $$$ model in their lists, sure it does well vs an army with equally poor magic. But Even then are you even concerned about their magic? The armies that do have good magic this model isn’t going to do anything for you. all in all this thing is far too situational.

    Great model, janky warscroll

    destruction as a whole suffers when it comes to magic without easy access to cheaper wizards or any easy access to +1 to casts. Things get widely unreliable when your trying to cast a 7+ spell and especially into your opponents +values. So players find it better to exclude this thought, save the points and invest into the other more apparent more reliable strengths of the army. 300 points for gobsprakk or 315 for what probably is a 2nd sludgeraker for example.

    Thats very interesting. Would you be more tempted to build him as. Killaboss on Vulcha then?

  9. So, I noticed that some of the lists you guys propose don't have any casters in it (I think the shaman doesn't count since he's in it for the potion). You guys are ok with that? I mean I always think I need some kind of magic in my lists at least. What's your rationale around building lists without casters?

  10. 1 hour ago, Malakree said:

    I mean...I actually kinda like the models :$

    Don't get me wrong, me too! But coming from someone who painted 40 ardboys, you tend to lose your sanity if you want to do a nice painting job.. at least I did a little. And now there would be 70 :D

  11. 2 hours ago, Malakree said:


      Hide contents

    Allegiance: Kruleboyz
    - Warclan: Grinnin' Blades
    - Grand Strategy: Hold the Line
    - Triumphs:

    Killaboss on Corpse-Rippa Vulcha (240)
    - General
    - Command Trait: Supa Sneaky
    - Artefact: Amulet of Destiny (Universal Artefact)
    - Mount Trait: Fast 'Un
    Swampcalla Shaman with Pot-grot (105)
    Swampcalla Shaman with Pot-grot (105)

    30 x Gutrippaz (540)
    - Reinforced x 2
    20 x Gutrippaz (360)
    - Reinforced x 1
    20 x Gutrippaz (360)
    - Reinforced x 1

    10 x Hobgrot Slittaz (80)
    10 x Hobgrot Slittaz (80)

    Beast-skewer Killbow (130)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Reinforced Units: 4 / 4
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 191
    Drops: 1

    Why not something more like this. Focus on putting hard to shift wounds on the board with lots of infantry. It all goes in a battle regiment as well which means you're a 1 drop. Hobgrots for screening. Gutrippaz go on objectives and the beast-skewer is your answer for those pita things.

    The Supa Sneaky and Grinnin' Blades also combos really well for dumpstering the opponents hero phase if they are magic heavy.

    That's a lot of Gutrippaz to paint, my friend :)

  12. 2 hours ago, Zappgrot said:

    I think the problem i have whit kruelboys form a competative sense. Is this. If this is the best thoretical list. Then kruelboys seem pointless. Since you could have a same type of army but way better by plating LRL.  I know they ar filthy elves and all. But if one looks at it purely from a copetative point of view. There is little point to the lads ;( 

    But isn't this the case with many armies though? I mean it's not an identical army to LRL at all, and several other armies have similar game mechanics or builds. Kruleboyz also have additional sneaky shenanigans that can disrupt gameplans. 

    Overall, I think it's very early to declare anything. Besides, let's not kid ourselves either, this is a destruction army. Destruction armies are never top meta. As long as we sit well in the fat middle I think GW did their job. The problem is with the filthy elves...

    • Like 3
  13. 1 hour ago, idn0971 said:

    It's +1 damage to one ironjawz not +1 to hit. I wouldn't run any ironjawz without playing at least one and if you are playing pure ironjawz I'd play at least 2.

    Wait what? I think you're mistaking Marshcrawlers with the Warchanters. Warchanters have an ability to give +1 damage to an IJ unit. The Marshcrawlers have a +1 to hit aura around 18inches.

  14. 1 minute ago, P.T.Bahnum said:

    i think they are fantastic for bw and ive been looking at them, boltboyz, and strangely kb on vulcha as great bw pieces.

    The problem with KB on vulcha is that only buy this model once and I have to pick how to build it :) I love both of em.

  15. 3 minutes ago, P.T.Bahnum said:

    so I have your answer but its going to rain on a parade here. you cant take a marshcrawler in current kruleboyz list. it doesn't currently have it and even if you try and make a kruleboyz list in the new app its not listed. so the correct answer here is that you actually have 300 points to play with because the marshcrawler is an illegal choice. you could include any number of the listed choices you want in that 300. personally I like the idea of taking a killaboss on foot, a shaman, and a unit of hobgrotz for maximum use but you could take a kb/mirebrute or mirebrute/shaman as choices as well. sorry to be the one to point out that marshcrawler currently doesn't have kruleboyz keyword.

    Hehe it's all good, thanks for the suggestions. I have tons of IJ anyways so I guess he'll be good in BW right? I mean that +1 to hit aura will certainly be useful. Thanks for pointing it out.

  16. 8 hours ago, Sivyre said:

    Wait what on earth do you plan for a list?? Like a metric ton of gutrippaz because the models you can’t field  you should have the space for…


    currently planned tentatively I have the following

    gobsprakk.     300
    KB on vulcha. 240
    mirebrute        180
    sludgeraker.    315
    swampcall.     105

    gutrippaz x20 360
    boltboyz x 6.   240
    boltboyz x 6.   240

    total 1980

    debating droping gobsprakk for another sludgraker. Notentirely sold on the warscroll. Lame save, no + casts HCV spell lore leads to unreliability so we have this 300 point utility support piece that’s looking very situational.

    Sure yeah, so my list I'm thinking of right now is the following:


    Gobsprakk 300

    Sludgeraker 315

    Swampcalla shaman 105

    Marshcrawler Sloggoth 150

    2x10 Gutrippaz 360

    9x Boltboyz 360

    2x Killbows 260


    So that puts me at 1850 pts. From there on, I'd like to have a Killboss on Gnashtooth but I don't got the points, so I'd go for the foot one. I'd also like to include the Mirebrute but no spot and nothing for the Belcha banner too. I could also forego the Killaboss for a 2nd shaman but I feel like it puts me very vulnerable to battleshock. Do you have any constructive thoughts?


  17. 11 minutes ago, Rachmani said:

    I don’t feel like we have the points to field 3. I’m honestly not even sure we can easily field 2. There just seems to be so much stuff we need.

    Redundancy is king to some extend and against certain armies the shaman surely has a big, skull shaped target on his back so bringing more than one seems mandatory. But then again, he’s a pure force multiplier. So firstly, we need force that can then be properly multiplied. So we’re talking 6-9 bolt boys or 20 gutrippers and the like just for one shaman. And then, we don’t necessarily have redundancy on our “force” units & they’re awefully expensive. 

    3 shamans just to be sure someone can hand out poison do nothing, when your rippers get slaughtered etc. because you didn’t bring enough.

    But then again, maybe MSU is the way to go and we’ll go the way of redundancy in small units, who can die no problem.

    Exactly this. I'm toying with lists and after I take everything I need I can't find a place for the Mirebrute, even though he's a really cool damage piece (+a nice model), I can't find a place for the Belcha banner, even though I know he's really useful, and I can only find a place for a Killaboss on foot to reduce battleshock ripples. And I got only one shaman.

    I guess this is a good problem because we have many good units in the army for synergies.. but I'd really like to have Gobsprakk, a sludgeraker, a marshcrawler, and THEN put other useful units (after putting battlelines, Boltboyz, etc.) I do have 2 Killbows in my list though. Maybe that's where I need to cut?

  18. 3 hours ago, Smash said:

    Do we think there is gonna be an update regarding allies? So we can splash in a few savage orruks or kruel boyz? Would love to get some ranged support with a few bolt boyz or even a wurrgog prophet.

    I really don't think this would happen, otherwise nobody would ever play Big Waaagh. They would just ally in some Boltboyz and keep their allegiance abilities. BW as it stands lost a lot so it's main attractions is being able to actually mix up units and keep the main traits. Anyways, would be extremely surprised of the contrary.

  19. So.. what you guys are saying, is that a unit that is in the Kruleboyz section of the Warclans book, that has JUST been introduced with this new faction, with the same aesthetic (greenskins riding it), with the same branding and all on the warscroll, cannot be played in the Kruleboyz faction? Am I getting this right here?

  20. 3 minutes ago, 5kaven5lave said:

    I’m so hyped for list building in the new book, loads to think about. 

    I'm really hyped too. I don't know why but I really want to see lists with like, ardboys groups of 15 getting refilled on a 4+. That seems extremely durable and crazy.

  21. 17 hours ago, Arzalyn said:

    You are ok with using some of them rather than spamming? If yes I would suggest something like this:

    Allegiance: Kruleboyz
    Snatchaboss on Sludgeraker Beast (315)*

    Swampboss Skumdrekk (320)
    Killaboss on Corpse-rippa Vulcha (240)
    - General

    20 x Gutrippaz (360)*
    - Reinforced x 1
    10 x Gutrippaz (180)*
    10 x Gutrippaz (180)*

    6 x Man-skewer Boltboyz (240)*
    - Reinforced x 1
    1 x Marshcrawla Sloggoth (150)*

    Core Battalions
    *Battle Regiment

    Total: 1985 / 2000
    Reinforced Units: 2 / 4
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 147
    Drops: 3
    Not sure on the command trait and mount trait. Artefact would probably be the Amulet. I imagene it playing like two blocks:
    - Snatchaboss + 6 boltboyz + 10 gutrippaz
    - Skumdrekk + 20 gutrippaz + Marshcrawla
    The Killaboss could move between the two blocks as necessary and there is 10 Gutrripaz that could follow any of them.
    If you don't want to use the Boltboyz at all, you can change Skumdrekk for another Snatchaboss to get 260 points for 10 hobgrotz + 10 gutrippaz/1 Breaka-boss.

    Wow, where did you make this list? It looks like Warscroll Builder but the Kruleboyz don't seem to be in yet for me.

  22. 1 hour ago, Underworld40k said:

    Obviously no real games played out yet but what's the general forming consensus on Blotboyz v Killbows in terms of numbers to take? 

    My meta usually involves games against Skaven, Soulblight Gravelords, Slaves to Darkness, Ogers (but footslogging), Sylvaneth and soon to be storm cast. (So pretty varied!)  For refrence im not a tournament player but play a lot of the vague 'friendly competitive' games.

    The Killbow obviously loses value the less high wound targets you come up against but with the glow up to monsters this edition there are usually a couple of high value targets floating around in every list. 

    My gut feeling is 3 probably has immense diminishing returns over the course of most games but 1 may prove to 130 points of not contributing to this game. Is 2 the sweet spot or is 1 backed by 2x6 boltboyz what a lot of people are considering? 


    Personally, I'm leaning towards 2 for now. I'm gonna share a list that I really like that was published on Goonhammer in their review of the Battletome. I feel like it's a nice list that is potent in every phase and is a good introductory list for newcomers (such as myself).


    - General
    - Command Trait: Supa Sneaky
    - Artefact: Amulet of Destiny
    - Mount Trait: Loud 'un
    - Hasty Hex
    - Choking Mists
    10x Gutrippaz
    10x Gutrippaz
    9x BoltBoys
    Beast-Skewer Killbow
    Beast-Skewer Killbow
    Mashcrawler Sloggoth

    To me this list feels really good in shooting and also has some melee power with MW buff stacking. Gobsprakk is just too good for me to pass on. Love his magical abilities. I'll probably tweak it from there on out to lean more towards one side or another. What do you guys think of this list?

    • LOVE IT! 1
  23. 3 hours ago, cyrus said:

    As far as I understand from tome reviews you can say your kruleboyz are bigyeller and use them in bigwaagh.

    I don't think that is true Russ specifies it when they go in-depth into the Big Waaagh! portion of the book (FaceHammer). The only thing that you can keep in Big Waaagh! From each allegiance is written in bold and bullet points: Mighty Destroyers for IJ, Venom-Spears for Kruleboyz and 6+ ward for Bonesplitterz. Nothing else. I'm certain that you army needs to be Kruleboyz in order to access the subclans.

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