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Posts posted by Raptor_Jesues

  1. 1 minute ago, Acrozatarim said:

    Worth remembering they said there are command reactions available for every phase of the game, now. It may be there's reactions you can do to being shot that further inflict penalties or boost saves, and they decided that was enough to declaw shooting. May be plenty of other things in the rules we're not seeing yet, as well.

    that could be nice if rather CP intensive

  2. 2 hours ago, RocketPropelledGrenade said:

    Just finished construction on my VloZD last night. Considered several conversion options for a more attractive slance, but ultimately went with the sword  for two reasons:

    --It looks really good. I would regret not having it on the model every time I looked at it.

    --There's no guarantee the lance will stay as far ahead of the sword, or even ahead at all, the next time rules roll around. Second potential point of regret. And if the lance pulls even further ahead instead? I still have the super cool looking sword instead of that goofy lance.


    As a side note, one of the things I considered was a halberd from the relevant Chaos Warrior Upgrade Pack on the GW webstore, which I think would have been pretty cool, if anyone else wants ideas.

    just proxy the weapon, who cares. Just be sure to tell your loadout to the opponent beforehand

  3. 1 hour ago, KK9T said:

    I only have one Vlozd model right now and I’m wondering if I should run it as Vordrai or vlozd as general alongside Neferata. Any thoughts? 

    in LoB a VLoZD with soulbound garnment and either aura of dark majesty or sanguine blur along with neferata is kinda of a must have

  4. 9 minutes ago, umpac said:

    While true, this also means the usefulness of +1 save buffs will diminish (assuming +save is capped at +1). I much rather spend 70 extra points and get Mannfred that provides a similar buff (Shield+CA) and a potential +1A buff, along with everything else he brings. 


    well yes but:
    -a 3+ save with the shield is pretty good by itself, i dont think a buffed throne is going to be easily shot down
    -mannfred is only going to be an efficent general in LoN and it might be important if it gives you CPs. 
    For example, if every general nets you a CP at the start of your turn:
    i am already planning to have a free general named character (like vhordrai in kastelai or neferata in LoB) and i have a choice between manny and the throne. I might as well get the throne and make it the general since i would get an extra CP to use its CA. I could still get manny and another nameless but that is starting to get a bit costly
    It very much depends on the exact ruling for CP generation 

  5. 1 hour ago, RocketPropelledGrenade said:

    I'm holding off on buying a Coven Throne specifically to see what the Command Point economy looks like in AoS3. Number of command points granted being increased would definitely help it, but it matters by how much. I've also heard rumors some of the generic command abilities might be changed, so I want to take a look at that too.

    yes yes, of course. I was just pretasting a little bit my 20 2+/2+/-1/D3 bloodknights with 2+ save xD

    26 minutes ago, Reinholt said:

    I'm just going to leave this here: after one game using proxies for them, if the new Blood Knights are FAQ'ed and/or the wording of the movement phase changes in AoS 3 to make clear they can leave combat and then charge again, BKs are going to be very competitive and the source of a major power build for SBGL.

    that would make them incredibly powerful, yes. Expecially if we get a load of CPs

    25 minutes ago, BaylorCorvette said:

    I definitely think that if Command Points are more plentiful our book is a lot better off, since so much of the buffs revolve around Command Abilities. I HAVE to think that "generals" will play a role in some form or fashion in regards to command points.

    imma say x CP depending on the detachment you take (i suppose that is what the "generic battalions" are) plus 1 per turn plus one for each general. 

    5 minutes ago, pixieproxy said:

    Which makes Vyrkos even stronger if that's the case

    yes, it would probably confirm them as the strongest bloodline but everyone in the book would benefit from it

  6. 9 minutes ago, Honk said:

    If we still had cool bat swarms... 😏

    yeah, that is sad. There still hope for a second wave with a bat swarm endless spell but untill now we are a bit sad in that department. 

    3 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    I think the Coven Throne can get cover, though. It's not a monster, at least.

    true, that is quite good although i have a feeling that terrains are going to get revamped like they have been in 40k

  7. 1 minute ago, Malakithe said:

    Tell me more about these Terrorgeese. I know they are scary up close but are these a new breed of some kind? 

    they honk you to death, very scary stuff.
    (it is an inside joke in my playing group, we refer to the terrorgheist as the terrorgoose)

  8. There are a lot of ways to build a necromancer only army.
    Necromancers (obviously) have a great spell lore, zombies, graveguards, direwolves, terrorgeese, mortis engines and corpse carts are all good units, wight kings are ok and skellies have their uses. 
    Go legion of night, take unbending will and morbeg claw and you have a nice thematic necromantic army. 

  9. I just realized something and i feel pretty dumb now for not making the connection before.
    If the more command points per turn of AoS3 is true then the coven throne will be more than worth its points and it will be very hard for me to justify not including it in every list. 

  10. 1 hour ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    That damage output is actually way more respectable than I would have expected. Drops off hard for high saves, though.

    Save Coven Throne   Coven Throne buffed
    2+ 3.5 6.94
    3+ 4.7 10.95
    4+ 5.91 14.97
    5+ 7.11 18.98
    6+ 8.31 23
    - 9.22 26.08
        EDIT: Fun to think about with the throne's warscroll spell that makes enemy units unable to attack it.

    wait, the coven throne hits harder than a vengorian lord? Well, that is hilarious xD

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  11. 2 hours ago, Aren73 said:

    I think using 10 Blood Knights is scary, not because of their damage but their toughness. 

    3 wounds at a 3+ save with a 6+ reroll 1s death save is already quite tough. With Kastelai that 3 wounds can easily become 4 wounds. It's easy enough to increase their save char too. It's also quite easy to make it -1 to wound or -1 to hit them and the Vengorian Lord dishes out a --1 rend aura. Oh and they heal too. 

    Killing such a unit, especially when buffed, would really take some dedication. It's doable for sure but it's not easy by any stretch and would probably take more than one turn. The fact that their damage is pretty good too turns them from a "nuisance" unit into a "worry" unit. If the opponent doesn't kill them, the Blood Knights are going to do some serious damage. But to get rid of them they'll have to work for it. 

    In Kastelai, your opponent will want to kill a unit as soon as it gets a buff. In serious games I think it'll be quite hard to keep the buffed units from dying as soon as they "level up". A brick of 10 blood knights increases their chances of staying alive. 
    I think what I'd do is hunt down units of 3+ wounds char first. Getting +1 wound char to a 10 man unit of blood knights makes them so much more difficult to deal with - IMO for Blood Knights it's actually the best buff of the 3. Sure the extra damage is great but the targets are more scarce and it doesn't help to keep them from dying as soon as they get it. 

    i suppose you could be right, i guess i could multi charge two units with the BKs brick and still smack some hot dogs off.  

  12. 10 hours ago, BaylorCorvette said:

    Well, you don't get to pick them so you get what you get.


    and this is why i went with the shackles to begin with xD
    Also i would like to point out that the vengorian spell is rather short ranged just like the orb, wich means you are usually given one or two turns when you do not have suitable targets. I think a longish ranged shackles can mess up the enemy arrangement quite a bit.
    Although i could be tempted by the prismatic palisade wich also has a small possibility of granting me a triumph.
    I will try both though, stand by for more data

    Regarding bloodknights instead, i would reckon that small units are the way to go but would a 10 men unit running along two small ones be better? i dont really know, the big BKs hammer is very tempting...

  13. 2 hours ago, BaylorCorvette said:

    Honestly I'd drop Soulsnare Shackles and get the triumph. At 1960 points you will likely get the triumph almost every time. You have two spell casters. Prince Vhordrai is always going to be casting his warscroll spell or pinions and the Vengorian Lords warscroll spell is decent, but fishing for the double cast of amaranthine orb is good. So at almost no point would I even consider casting Soulsnare Shackles. But any of the triumphs would be fantastic on Blood Knights or your Heroes.


    I've got one Kastelai list I will run in a tournament in June and I've spent only a small amount of time list building other lists. I just don't really want to see what 3.0 is going to do with the meta and core rules. If charge reactions are actually a thing, then getting extra pile in distance could be huge.

    wich triumph would you say could be best?

  14. 2 hours ago, Erdemo86 said:

    Why not go for 2 Zombie Dragons? I decided to go for VLoZD and Vhordrai instead of Vengorian. Here is where I’m at because
    1) the vengorian lord costs less and its abilities help both vhordrai and the BKs quite a bit while the VLoZD is mostly another hammer

    2) i only have one dragon 


    your BKS can teleport and need a 7 inch charge.(I would reserve the first Command point for reroll charge to expand the chances) true, that is a good combo



    1 hour ago, Liquidsteel said:

    Looks fun, just don't forget that you lose the Rousing Commander at the end of the phase, so unless you kill a hero the Vengo Lord will lose the extra damage in the following Hero phase when attacking under Vhordrai's CA.

    yes, that is true but i should be able to get off its spell unless some real wizard fuckery is going on (wich it probably will)

  15. Greetings knights and paesants alike! I am going to join a quest of modelling and i would really appreciate some imput from the community on how to work it out.
    I would like to make the Walach Harkon represented in this old illustration, put him on a big dragon and use him as Prince Vhordrai but i would not know where to start from. Could you point me towards some goo bits and kits to better represent this character? 


  16. so i runtested my double vengorian+volga kastelai list a couple of times but i feel like i miss some serious punch except for the souped up bloodknights, so i decided i will try the following list:

    Vengorian Lord 280pts (warlord, rousing commander, fragment of the keep, amaranthine orb)
    Prince Vhordrai 455 pts (amethistyne pinions)

    5x Bloodknights 195pts

    5x Bloodknights 195pts

    5x Bloodknights 195pts

    5x Bloodknights 195pts

    6x Vargheists 310pts

    10x Direwolves 135pts

    Soulsnare Shackles 40pts

    Tot 2000pts

    so very a fast and punchy army. Vhordrai and the Vengorian lord will be best buddies, Prince V benefitting from rousing commander, fragment of the keep and nightmare miasma to be even nastier, if prince v spell fails, the Vengorian lord one is kinda of a small substitute that can still be nice and Prince V command ability could have some seriously worse targets than a souped up Vengorian lord. The bloodknights follow the same line of thought, the wolves are screens and objs holders, the vargheists will probably deepstrike when necessary to wreck some faces.
    I don't need to tell you how good the shackles are to bog down half the enemy army if casted just right.

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