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Posts posted by Raptor_Jesues

  1. 5 minutes ago, Lich King said:

    Still want to have it confirmed if this is technically Legions 2.0 with extra goodies 

    what more do you need? It has soulblight, deadwalkers and deathrattle, it is exactly the vampire counts xD

    • Like 1
  2. On 3/17/2021 at 2:18 AM, Sception said:

    I like the direction we've been seeing out of Cursed City, apart from maybe the oddball choice to have the zombies carrying around a plot of land on their backs.  But other than that, a good, gothic horror feel, nice, classic looking models that would have felt at home back in Sylvania.  A nice variety of vampire styles too, between the cursed city, underworlds, and leaked SBG vamps.

    While they seem to be bringing back some sort of bloodlines, when it comes to individual style I hope they go for a more individualistic, hodge podge approach, with vampires following their own personal styles rather than every vampire in a given dynasty having the same personality and fashion sense.  If there was one thing I didn't like about oldhammer vampires, it's that every blood dragon, necrarch, lahmian, and strigoi were effectively interchangeable as characters, and it led to boring narratives and boring builds in game.  The only bloodline with any variety to them were the von carsteins, and that's only because they had characters with radically different styles (Vlad as the classic dracula, Mannfred as a scheming spellcaster who avoided direct confrontation where possible, and konrad as a brute warrior who eschewed subtlety and spellcasting) that had been established long before bloodlines were a thing.

    I do have reason to hope on this front - the rat prince vampire for underworlds has all sorta rat themed powers, but from his description they derive from the particular circumstances of his transformation, they weren't inhereted in any way from his sire.  Fingers crossed that generic vampire heroes you field have enough flexibility to likewise follow individual paths.

    absolutely could not agree more

  3. 16 hours ago, CDM said:

    It would likely be a reimagining if they did. I quite like the fluff behind them so would be nice to have back in some form.

    I'm not very familiar with the abyssal horror lore, would you like to enlighten us? I'm always in for some lorehammer

  4. 4 hours ago, Honk said:

    Not to mention the footprint of a mortarch with 10 hexwraith surrounding him ...

    this, 100%. I hope that if soulblight gets a new mortarch (say vlad or abhorash) he will come either in a cavalry or standard hero base. I would hate to see them on yet another huge monster, even though a diorama like hero could be fun.

    • Haha 1
  5. 14 hours ago, Causalis said:

    Ok, thanks for the input! How does Mannfred perform for you in combat? He seems to be decent (not really worth his 340p to be honest but not terrible either). Any recommendations on units that synergise well with him? Morghasts are obvious. Maybe Black Knights or Vargheists? He needs something to keep up with him or else he will just get run over if he charges into combat alone.

    Another question: If I take Legion of Night and Mannfred, does he still HAVE to be the general? And if I take him in Grand Host I can freely choose the general, correct?

    Mannfred is a very big based assassin. He can absolutely ruin the day of squishy models or units (expecially if he manages to cast something to get his buff on) and his casting and support abilities are very good too in the right armies. Alas he is very easy to kill for his point cost so keep that in mind. 
    Any army that sports a good number of units hitting and wounding on 3+ is a perfect fit for him so mass morghast in grand host, blood kights spam in soulblight and the such will be amazing for him. JUST BEWARE SHOOTING. He will die super quickly if he gets focussed by artillery and the such. 
    yes, he has to be the general in LoN wich is quite a bummer. In grand host he does not have to be, so it could be the better idea, there are some very good traits there.

  6. A 5x200 points blood knights would be perfect if supported by some good rules from the book.  This opens up the usual debate on blood knights and black knights filling the same-ish role of shock cavalry but i really would not mind having both

  7. 2 hours ago, JackStreicher said:

    Lately GW seems to finally capitalize on their awesome Art. In the 8th Edition Army Book of the Vampire counts there was an amazing Blood Knight illustration. I think we might see that with a slightly eastern touch :)

    (it was very dark with green witch flame)  U‘ll edit it into this post if I find it :)




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    I‘d love to see Vamp infantry that looked like this 



    yes, amazing one but it is a black knight

  8. I need few but well done things (wich makes me think that i will get naught) in decreasing order of importance:
    -a good competitive army book
    -plastic bloodknights
    -vampire infantry with polearms (and maybe dual kit shields)
    -either vlad or abhorash, possibly both

    • Thanks 2
  9. 13 hours ago, Charlo said:

    So the points drop are a little bit mental, eh my bloody brothers and sisters?

    This dumb list is now legal:

    • VLoZD - Mistform
    • Palanquin - Saccharine Goblet (maybe this on the VLoZD)
    • Coven Throne
    • Neferata
    • 3x5 Blood Knights
    • Bat Swarms
    • Command Point

    You could even drop the swarms to upgrade the Dragon to Vhordrai and take an endless spell.

    Just run forward with quite possibly a buff for every occasion. With Vhrodrai's command ability, killing a hero to Proc "a Fine Vintage" is a very doable prospect!

    what hath thou done bretheren, you knoweth that the palanquin is forbidden

    • Haha 3
  10. 1 hour ago, Ghoooouls said:

    Change of topic but I'm loving my blood knights lol.


    Very early WIP, but so much cooler than my old chaos knight conversions.. highly recommend them.


    they look ****** amazing, gotta grab sum

    • Like 1
  11. So, i was thinkng about the next character to make and my attention drifted towards abhorash. Pretty cool guy, smasher supreme and edgy ass vampire knight that drank from a literal dragon. SO I MADE A VERY PISSED VAMPIRE DRAGON THAT CAME BACK FOR SOME. YEAH. THAT SOUNDS LIKE A NICE IDEA.
    It is 400 points and still lacks keywords but i suppose ill make it a vampire. Also we need more command abilities pronto because i need to make Abhorash now


  12. 11 hours ago, Sartxac said:


    Maw Krusa increment his damage and points of life by one point every turn if kill any enemie model.

    Frostlord isn't a specefic character, in the last games he could use one realm artefact in order to obtain +4 move and fly. realm artifacts are no longer avaiable in matched play as written in the new general handbook

    The main spell of Vordhrai only rules the 56% of the times (without considerate the possibility of dispell). He only shoot in the shooting phase while the fight phase occurs two times in one round. I think that many times Vhordrai will fights as you can see in the purple line.  And the comparisson is with the weakness big daemon of khorne whitout any improvement. if you take him considering the investment you should also probably try to have him cast reliably so this may vary. I tend to use him in necromantic soulblight for exaple. Also even if you want to consider his shooting only one it still is 3 more wounds per turn on average

    Both frostlord and mega woss are compared withouth all of their abbilities vs one vhordrai with alot of upgrades as the cp of a covern throne (if you want see his damage output in the melee phase you must substract 4 in every damage average of his row). Now, i only considerate Vhordrai as a good character for the existence of Dolorous Guard  (i reccomend read the explanation of Thamalys in the page 17). In which competitive list before to the points down you find the use of prince vhordrai? i never said vhordrai is competitive, i just stated that he is one of the hardes hitting heroes in the game and you are confirming it

    This is the damage outpout of Vhordrai without the Covern Throne CP, in a charge with his spell (whithout shoot):


    Around the half damage outpout of similar smash monsters of similar cost.
    this math is wrong, vhordrai puts out roughly 16,88 wounds in melee with his spell on. You are not counting that the spell affects the dragon's attacks as well

    If you shoots and fight in melee:


    same as before






    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  13. 5 hours ago, Sartxac said:


    Mega Woss Maw Krusa whithout considerate factions abbilities, artefacts, upgrades of his main weapons killing enemies, any cp or spell for doing him more killeable. 460p. but cant heal himself, cant resurrect slain friendlies and cant cast something useful like amethistine pinions that is pure gold on the prince. 

    Vordhrai in the blue line cost the same points but you must considerate that i incorporate his shoot of  6 moral wounds on    +3, his spell on him, the cp ability of covern throne in order to do the same damage of a standard Mega Woss. 460p (remember that we only can shoot one time for round while we fight two times in a rount)

    Frostlors on stonehorn only with the mount trait and charge do the same damage for 400p. same thing i said for the mawcrusha applies, also he cant fly

    Bloddthirster of fury of 270p whitout faction abilities, artefacts, etc do similar damage than a standard Vordhrai in a charge (purple line).

    wich is not counting the shooting and the spell, so what are we talking about? you cant not use half the models abilities and expect it to perform 



  14. 28 minutes ago, Sartxac said:

    i dispute this. The breath of shyish attack of Vordhari only is good with all of his live, after this is little poor. His damage outpout in comparrison with other smash monsters of 400 p is poor (even other monsters of 280p). I only think that is good helped with the dolorous guard. You need spend 2 cp so as to make a good damage outpout.

     Furthermore, i think that we are the few factions withoutm mount traits.

    i strongly disagree with this, vhordrai is one of the hardest hitting heroes in the game period.

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