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Posts posted by Raptor_Jesues

  1. 2 minutes ago, GutrotSpume said:

    You’re more than welcome to set up a separate thread where you all high five each other for unconditionally loving a product a billion dollar company have released with the sole purpose of extracting as much money as possible from you.

    we definetly need both sides, that is how you find the gold. And when you get the gold you get the power and when you get the power you get the ladies

    • Haha 4
  2. 2 minutes ago, Aren73 said:

    For sure, completely agree. I think they could be fun to run and I'll try them out :) 

    On that note, you guys up for helping me figure out the faction to go with? 

    Units I like:

    Blood Knights
    Vengorian Lords
    Vampire Lords
    Fell Bats
    Grave Guard

    I am not a fan of one-dimensional armies so I don't like to run just Blood Knights or just monsters. Going by that, I probably won't get most use out of Avengorii (sadly), Legion of Blood doesn't interest me much either. Legion of Night likewise seems a bit meh. 

    Between Kastellai and Vyrkos, which one do you think benefits the above units most? 

    it really depends on how many knights you have. You need some battleline for vrykos so consider adding skellies/zombies/wolves or running kastelai instead with bloodknights battleline

  3. 3 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

    Yes, Imo they‘re good. Yet I won‘t field units I don‘t like visually ^^. Though I have a conversion in mind that will make my Vamp Lord on Steed less redundant 🥲

    i was going for a snek dude with wings (like morathi) conversion but now that i am done i dont know, it does not feel right for kastelai, you know? I think i will put them on horses and put bladed wings on the mounts, that could be nice. What were you thinking for your conversion?

  4. 4 minutes ago, Aren73 said:

    Sadly I don't see them as that strong. The outflank is risky if you're not guaranteed a charge (unlike the Idoneth one where they get +3 to charge) and the buff when you kill things is quite fun and thematic, but situational. Not many good players will let you kill one of their units without retaliation. 

    Not saying it's bad, but you just have to be more careful with it than you might think. 

    the comand trait and relics though help A LOT

    • Like 1
  5. Just now, Malakithe said:

    Oh I thought that was your list idea lol which could work. Prince V, Coven Throne, fill the rest with Blood Knights. That will be devastating compared to anything else  

    that is surely one of the possible lists that popped in my mind  but i REALLY want to run two vengorian lords so i feel pretty torn. How do you feel about the vamptaur?

    • Like 1
  6. I may be tunnel visioned with all the crying going off around me but Kastelai are damn amazing and stronk. Dunno what all you paesants are complaning about. 

    Imma do
    2x vengorian lords
    lots of bloodknights
    coven throne (THAT CA, just damn)
    vargheists (got buffed yay :D )
    vhordrai being even more chad

    i am not sure about the battalion, healing is good but i would have to bring 2 foot lords, meh

    • Like 3
  7. 3 minutes ago, BaylorCorvette said:

    Shifting subjects slightly. Does this Blood Knight have a full helmet? Am I just now noticing this? I thought all the Blood Knights you could see their mouth / jaw exposed.


    uh... i thought it was a sallet... it probably depends on how you paint it
    ALSO this is clearly some inferior virgin metal cosplay armor instead of the obviously superior chad 100kg blood red fullplate <.<

    • Like 2
  8. Just now, warhammernerd said:

    Lol. As ever, things immediately descend into:

    Hooray this is great


    Boo this is ****** why can’t it be better

    At which point someone, in this case me, foolishly tries to:

    (a) add some brevity to what is for most of us a joyous moment 

    (b) point out that perhaps we did actually get quite a good deal here

    Followed by immediate accusations along the lines of:

    Toxic apologist or strawman.

    Guys, were on the same page. And if we happened to be sat around a table enjoying a pint we might jovially agree that all is well, but no... threads and Twitter and fb convos always lead to some ill words being shared.

    Hey, right / wrong, whatever. 

    Bottom line is this, the feeling I get is akin to it being someone’s birthday party and we’re all excited. Then someone comes in and says, meh the one down the road is better, and why haven’t you got chocolate cake strawberry cake is lame. 

    But yes, all opinions are valid. 

    Was just tying to lift the mood and point out it’s actually pretty sweet. But some people just wanna focus on the negative, and that’s cool.

    nah this is all in good spirit, i am actually very damn happy and i think most people will be. My pissings are mostly mild (except doot guy being gone, that i hate, i need some doot) 

    • Like 2
  9. 1 minute ago, Sception said:

    I like what I'm seeing. Roughly 9 average damage on the charge vs. a unit with a 4+ save, without counting any buffs or debuffs.  Sounds decent.  Always being able to 'retreat' and charge, being able to move over and damage enemy units while doing so, so that you can get to their back lines, that's pretty decent utility.  The subfaction bonus for the castellans is exactly what I wanted to see, a recreation of their outflanking gimmick plus a rule that specifically encourages you to try and take on the strongest enemies with them.  Looks good but not wildly OP.

    Obviously how good they are in practice will come down to points costs, but I like how these are looking.  Will definitely be grabbing at least one box this weekend, if I'm not beat out by the scalpers.

    Not sure what I think of the banner bonus, though, especially if that's what banners do faction wide.  A +1 to Deathless Minions would have been fantastic, but a 1/6 chance to get another shot at a 1/6 chance of doing something useful... that's 1/36.  basically nothing.  So I guess I am sure what I think of the banner bonus - it's bad.  We're also looking at what appears to be loss of the minimum 6" charge from our old musicians, possibly faction wide, and that hurts, too.

    Yet more faction-rule nerfs.  If they keep getting paired up with significant improvements to individual warscrolls like we're seeing with the Blood Knights here then it should work out fine in the end, but there's definitely going to be a lot more weight on our warscrolls to be good out of the gate.  Still, these blood knights /are/ good out of the gate* so for the moment I'm riding high, if you'll pardon the pun.

    * again, points cost depending, but points costs are the one thing I'm not too terribly bothered about them getting wrong in the book, since that's the one thing GW's willing to tinker with regularly outside of major releases.

    yeah, the banner are a bit junk but i cannot feel sad for the bravery thing being gone since it did almost nothing anyway. What i am really sad about is the removal of the doot boy, that was strong and i will miss it

  10. 2 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    I think chances are good that we will be able to give them extra attacks, too.

    100%, probably even the base vampire lord still has the +1 attack CA. Rend is not too hot but they make up for it very well with raw power, after all rend -2 is only like a 17% damage increase from rend -1.

    2 minutes ago, warhammernerd said:

    I’m guessing 220 pts

    sounds fair enough, gonna bring at least 20 of those guys

    1 minute ago, BaylorCorvette said:

    So as a competitive tournament player my thoughts:

    The new Blood Knight warscroll changes are good but not obviously OP, especially outside of Kastelai. IMO the warscrolls of a unit should be fairly simple but then sub allegiances add some buffs to a specific unit, that way it makes sub allegiances meaningful and outside of its specific sub allegiance a unit doesn't feel like it is an auto include. So if you don't play Kastelai, you may or may not want Blood Knights. However, if you want to lean into a Blood Knight themed army (like me) then Kastelai really adds a lot of flavor to the unit, being able to outflank with a unit and buff Vampires (not just Blood Knights) based on what type of units they destroy. The only real down side I see is that their weapon range is 1" across the board and they will likely be on large bases than whay they currently are on, meaning getting them all into range could be difficult. Still, I am VERY pleased and based on these rules I'm thinking we may not have gotten the bin writer after all. I'm just going to have to hold my breath on points for these guys.

    doesnt feel sin either but since i would have run kastelai anyway i feel extreamely pleased with my noble knights. Also i bet there will be loads of ways to power them up further.
    I really hope the palanquin have been improved


    almost always D2 lances, 3+ armor, mortal wounds when running through things is good already but kastleai blood knights are dirty and i want 20 of them. Oh wait, i do have 20 of them, AWESOME :D
    lets hope they do not cost too much pointwhise

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