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Posts posted by Raptor_Jesues

  1. 8 minutes ago, Loyal Son of Khemri said:

    Leave the PG Hellsing Abridged references outta here man, we don't need ******-Vampires today.


    AU CONTRAIRE, we need exactly that: REAL ****** VAMPIRES
    ps. the music is very ominous

  2. 4 minutes ago, Akylas said:

    Super pumped to hopefully get more info on the vampires today. Because of my work schedule I'll likely be asleep for the preview, but I'm preparing by starting an Isabella Von Carstein campaign in Total War, having a glass of wine and building my Crimson Court warband. Probably a bit on the nose but still a fun way to hype myself up. 🧛‍♂️

    yeah, "wine"....
    i am incredibly hyped as well

    • Haha 4
  3. Just now, warhammernerd said:

    Let’s call a ♠️ a ♠️ the Palanquin is utterly turgid bum gravy. The amount of time, money and effort it would take to paint that is so completely out of whack with its in game utility. It’s also a super lame build of the kit compared to the other two, and if I’m brutally honest it always felt a bit like a cash grab. If the rules were half decent, it’s a cash grab I could get behind. Currently the meh is strong with that one.

    amen, i want an abyssal terror now

  4. 19 minutes ago, Honk said:

    Somewhere in between that 😂

    With Neffi, manni as 350+ buff pieces, vordhrai and VloZd as 450+ melee, the throne is 250-300 buff, a 200-300 melee piece would be nice, the palanquin is a bit lackluster.

    like the Chaos lord on Karkadrak something fierce...

    YES, we need an horse (or horse+) lord

    • LOVE IT! 1
  5. 10 minutes ago, BaylorCorvette said:

    I know a lot of people are going to disagree, but I am really hoping with all of the events in the BR series, it is leading up to the Vampires leash loosening and allowing them to have more autonomy. However that Flash Point blurb in the upcoming White Dwarf makes me think there is going to be something that ultimately reunites Death so that they can fight off Chaos. 


  6. 19 minutes ago, EMMachine said:



    I don't know the source, but it is possible that the model shown in White Dwarf could be a new one. In another community this sentince was posted.


    citation needed

  7. Just now, BaylorCorvette said:

    Unfortunately, you all are slowly convincing me that this is a kitbashed model using the Anvil of Blood character creation. But I'm still confident of us getting a new center piece model!

    dont get me wrong, it could be a new one, it just looks quite a bit like siggy to me. I cannot undersand what is the thing in the lower half tough, at first i though it was the commander bloodknight horse seen from the front but i am not too sure 

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