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Posts posted by BaylorCorvette

  1. You hit the nail on the head with KO, in terms of shooting, being super mobile and sitting in mobile bunkers. Tzeentch just has good shooting with great spell casting and then decent chaff (Pinks and the ability to split) which all together make them strong. The thing with Sylvaneth is that while they can be decent at shooting they aren't oppressive in the other phases of the game. 

    Anyways, the fact that GW put out an article that looked at Meta's in AoS gives me a little bit of hope that they will realize that something needs to be done. After all, if you just want to sit and shoot, GW already make a game for that and it's called Warhammer 40,000.

  2. That Metawatch article very clearly shows how shooting is king in AoS. Heck Stormcast ranked up there but only because of their shooting. Aside from that Stormcast is not very good, at all.

    It would be nice for AoS 3.0 if there was more penalty to shooting. For instance if player A has two units, one of which is engaged in melee with the enemy and they have their other unit shoot into that combat, maybe the misses have a chance to hit their unit. I mean it would kind of make sense, if you're shooting into melee combat and you miss your target, then there would be reasonable chance that your misses hit your friends. Would also help balance the obvious shooting meta in AoS right now.

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  3. When the Scions models were revealed I was so excited for them, they really do look amazing. But given their sorry excuse for a Warscroll I guess I am going to end up kit bashing / converting them to be used as either Marauders or maybe a special Hero or something. I don't play Warcry so changing base sizes isn't a problem for me but it is still disappointing.

  4. 20 minutes ago, Scurvydog said:

    I would agree if:

    1. The other warbands were useless too, but they are actually quite interesting for DoK.

    2. Cultists are an integrated part of the StD battletome and showcased everywhere as they are cool models, but they are absolute trash in game.

    If you put rules, warscrolls, images etc in a battletome for AoS, there is not excuse that they should be useless junk because they were originally made for a spinoff game, that makes no sense at all. The rules are so poor it seems spiteful actually, they must be aware that they are releasing the weakest warscrolls in the game for models people are quite hyped about.

    My initial  thought was "yeah these are really designed for Warcry so they aren't really making an effort for AoS." However, the DoK ones are actually very useful, but I suppose GW could make them cost a ton of points that it would make it very wasteful to take them but I don't think they will. Like Overread mentioned earlier, if the cultists could take Chaos god specific Marks it would make them more compelling to take. 

  5. 12 minutes ago, Scurvydog said:

    Like with the underworld DoK warband, DoK gets a cool unique unit that actually does something useful the army couldn't do, they got the Haq bodyguard unit then and now gets a teleporting unit with some decent attacks and built in surviveability.

    StD gets another completely useless cultist warband, for some reason GW seems to have some marathon going on how to make as many cool new units absolutely trash in AoS. Only the untamed beats being used for no other purpose than pre game movement to die to alpha strikers.

    I would really like same kind of explanation on why all the cultist units needs to be so incredibly poor, they do not even have marks of chaos to benefit from the armies allegiance ability at all!

    100% agree. I was REALLY hoping that the Scions would actually be useful. Just think if they were the ones that had the teleport ability. Not only would that change things for StD but also all Chaos factions. However, maybe that is the reason that the Chaos warbands suck so much. GW knows that it would have a larger ripple effect than other factions warbands. I don't know, I'm just trying to see some logic as to why we cannot have a really cool StD warband that isn't hot garbage.

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  6. 7 minutes ago, pixieproxy said:

    Warcry book leaks are about! Looks like new fighters and leaders for every faction. Notables include Sylvaneth Arch-Revenant, Akhelian King for IDK, LoN gets a bunch of stuff, etc. Practically the whole army ranges are in these warbands now

    LoN actually have Vampires?

  7. 1 hour ago, lare2 said:

    Regarding Dolorous Guard as allies for LoN: If a unit of Hexwraiths in the Dolorous Guard dies and you bring it back with Endless Legions, would it still be a part of the battalion? 

    You cannot bring them back with endless legions because they are allies and do not benefit from allegiance abilities. So only way to bring back / heal them is through Deathly Invocations or Vile Transference.

  8. 1 minute ago, lare2 said:

    This never crossed my mind... I like this. 

    Yeah, now that GW has confirmed that Dolorous Guard is legal to use in matched play I will be using it as an allied battalion and testing it out. Two units of five Hexwraiths and the battalion is just under 400 points, so it works perfectly.  Aside from being able to shrug wounds off on the Hexwraiths (which is worth the points alone) you also get the added number of attacks on the charge for the Hexwraths. 

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  9. I think allying in the Dolorous Guard Nighthaunt Battalion to Guard a VLoZD is the way to go. In Legion of Blood make him your General, use the Command Trait "Aura of Dark Majesty" so he is -1 to Hit in the Combat Phase and then the Artefact "Soulbound Garments" so you're re-rolling all 1's to your save. Any wounds that get through on the VLoZD are shrugged off to the Hexwraiths on a 2+. You just use that as a ridiculous sledgehammer and ram it into the scariest thing your enemy has. Couple all that with the Chalice to heal D6 wounds and then Vile Transference to heal D3 wounds (or 2D3 if you roll a 9+), all this means the VLoZD is going to stick around for a while. While the allied Hexwraiths won't be affected by allegiance abilities, the VLoZD (and other Death Heroes) can still heal or bring back some Hexwraiths with Deathly Invocations.

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  10. On 10/1/2020 at 10:19 PM, Lucky Snake Eyes said:

    Honestly a soulblight aristocracy book is a good chance to do an army that shows more of what it's like to serve nagash. Unlike the nighthaunt that do it as a punishment, legions which are puppets and obr that are built for the job, Vampires are (mostly) willing participants in his empire and are capable of operating independently and occasionally even backstabbing the rest of death or even nagash himself. They're also the only niche of death that actively needs living mortals to live.  This could be a death army that's a complete departure from anything undead (depending on your personal interpretation of vamparism anyways).

    What I'd like to see is your battleline units be mortal servants, either thralls as a cheap horde option or willing soldiers as a mid tier choice. Make these the basic battleline since every vampire needs food and include the ability for vampire units to eat mortal models to heal or empower spells. Other mortal units could include knights as a weaker cavalry to blood knights, death priests, archers or gunners (as the vampires rule cities in shyish) or maybe a mortal captain or enforcer to buff mortals. 

    Where this would get interesting is in the actual vampire stuff, naturally you'd have blood knights, vargheists, bats and lords but you can get into more in depth vampire options. Have vampire foot troops as the elite infantry option (3 man min to maybe 9 or 12 max) they'd be essentially a unit of vampire lords without the command abilities or the wizard keyword, maybe the unit champion gets a blood chalice. Maybe savage vampires half transformed due to starvation or a defect of their curse as foot monsters to compliment the vargheists flying monster role. A new "black coach" type unit that carries the coffins of ancient vampires either as a combat chariot or buff piece. To expand hero options you could have lords, sorcerers/warlocks, ancients (basically uber lords with better stats), and hero versions of the monster vampires or a hero vampire built around taming/controller their transformed kin. 

    Faction terrain could be a crypt or blood wagon for a healing aura or some sort of buff with limited uses that can be refilled by sacrificing thralls or killing enemy heroes.

    Generic army abilities include "feeding" basically making the heal on kills universal to all units with the vampire keyword, "blood rituals" which would involve sacrificing models with the thrall keyword for a buff or one of a list of possible buffs (maybe even including faction specific ones) and finally "benevolent overlords" as some form of bravery buffing or limited battleshock mitigation for thralls near friendly vampire units.

    Basically the army would work on a basic theme of treating thralls as a resource as much as a unit to support and enhance the elite vampire units.

    For sub factions it's obviously gotta be bloodlines and my two cent ideas for them are as follows:

    Blood Dragons: makes blood knights battleline, gives extra attacks to vampires or maybe bonus for fighting heroes/monsters, Vordhai is the intended general with maybe a cp bonus for taking him as incentive

    Night lords (because gw loves recycling names and manny is a bit sore about the family name): follows similar design to legion of nights scheming, using mortals as the bait instead of skeletons for slightly better mortal anvil with deepstriking vampire units. Mannfred is the intended general possibly making another hero gain a command trait as he is known to have imitations of past rivals around to stroke his ego.

    Lahmians/Blood court: Gimmicked around beguiling enemies giving vampire units a -1 to hit aura and some way of sabotaging enemy cp/command abilities. Neferatta is the intended general and taking her makes vampire foot soldiers battleline.

    Beastfangs: Some of the lore mentions a bloodline from ghur that idolizes the bloodstarved curses and transformations so this is a monster themed faction. Vargheists or other equivalent vampire monster become battleline, non-mounted heroes can become vargheists or a hero monster on death. Vampires are "starved" and reroll charges, upon killing an enemy unit become "frenzied" and gain +1 to wound instead.

    Necromantic/necrarch: All non-monster vampire units become wizards and know a spell from the spell lore. Heroes give a +1 to cast aura or maybe heal when successfully dispelling/unbinding a spell.

    Wraith admiralty: provided we don't get an actual wraith fleet book, these guys can take 1 in 4 nighthaunt and get some form of deepstrike or redeploy ability with bravery shenanigans as a theme

    The True Inheritors:  one part filler if we don't get wraith fleet and one part hard wishlisting on my part. Basically a "true von Carsteins" sub faction built around buffing thrall units or encouraging working together rather than sacrificing them. Intended general would be Isabella von Carstein Mortarch of shadow whose gimmick would be the von Carstein ring and the ability to summon Vlad as a "shadow" (I'm picturing some daemon prince sized shadow monster) that functions like morathi's transformation when the ring fails or maybe summoned when the ring succeeds and both are stronger as long as both are close together. 

    This would honestly be perfect. I have been craving a Vampire / Soulblight book for a while now. In an effort to stay competitive, at the start of COVID I started my conversion for a Vampire themed Khorne army, I'm super happy how they turned out and should hold me over until a proper Vampire / Soulblight book is realesed. 

  11. Just now, Overread said:

    Unless Corona or lockdowns affect it - yes. The book is coming out next month - we also expect the new duel army pack to come that month too with DoK and Slaanesh. What we don't know is when the Warcry boxed set will come out. Either this month or next or early December. 

    Got it, thanks! I am really eager to see if the Broken Realms will really be the Psychic Awakening for AoS. I'd be over the moon to see some nice updates for my beloved Soulblight.

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  12. 17 hours ago, Infernalslayer said:

    These look great. Did you get the art commissioned exclusively for the character, that is some extra dedication there!

    I have been thinking of converting my older chaos knights into Blood Knights ever since the new Slaves to Darkness start collecting was released.  Did you change anything on the knights other than the heads?

    Thanks, yeah I had the art commissioned based on the mini I kit bashed. I also use that for an Age of Sigmar RPG that a few friends and I are playing. For my Vampire Chaos Knights, I use the horses from the old Chaos Knights kit and then I use the head, body and legs from the Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon kit and then the Chaos Knights weapons, shields and arms.

    49 minutes ago, Mortus said:

    Well done, great job!


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  13. 3 minutes ago, Kramer said:

    Damn those look brutal! 
    So weird how just making swole vampires suddenly feels as whole new take! I hope they do that if they ever do a Khorne Vampire faction. 

    Nice conversions as well. Warshrine is probably my favorite, but also very nice use of the 40k range. will there be more Tyranids monsters in there?

    Thanks! Good question about the Tyranids being incorporated. I'm not sure to be honest. That model was the last kit bash I did, finished it up about two weeks ago. The first conversions I did were based on things for my 2k list. So now that I filled out my 2k list, I can focus on creating a kitbash just for the sake of making something unique. Time to brainstorm I suppose! 

  14. I've grown impatient for GW to come out with some really cool Vampires and with the COVID Pandemic it has given me suffcient time to hobby. So without further ado, I present House Corvent, a Vampire Coven that turned its back on Nagash and made a deal with Khorne.


    House Corvent

    “To be on the cusp of dominating the mortal realms, only to be denied such power from a group of greedy rats only shows how ignorant he really is.” - Duntov Von Corvent, discussing Clan Eshin’s intervention during Nagash’s Necroquake and the Arcanum Optimar.

    House Corvent is an ancient Soulblight Coven that is of significantly smaller size than many other Soulblight Covens. Despite its size, House Corvent’s members are known as being some of the deadliest and fiercest fighting of all Soulblight. This has resulted in the Coven being tasked with some of the most difficult and deadly missions. Duntov Von Corvent, the head of House Corvent dates back to a time when there were only faint whispers of blood sucking immortals that inhabited the realms. Duntov has served under Neferata since she turned him centuries ago. However, that came to an abrupt end several years ago when Duntov made a deal with the Blood God, by turning the Covens back on magic and the Great Necromancer. In return House Corvent would, for the first time in centuries, have their minds free from Nagash’s grasp and no longer would they be puppets in his undead army. 

    Having served Neferata and as a result Nagash, Duntov became increasingly frustrated with the strangle hold the Undying King and his Mortarch had over their servants. It was during a bloody battle in Shyish when the forces of Khorne appeared and House Corvent was sent behind enemy lines to assassinate leaders of the invading Khorne Warhorde. Duntov ruthlessly slaughtered a high-ranking Chaos Lord, plunging his sword through the Chaos Lord's skull and then sucking his body dry of any remaining life blood. The feasting did not stop there, the warriors of House Corvent drained the warriors of Khorne of their blood as was the Soulblights nature. It was at this very moment that the eyes of Khorne gazed upon Duntov and house Corvent, for the Blood God cares not from whence the blood flows, only that it flows, and on this particular occasion the blood flowed endlessly. Khorne was aware of the existence of the Soulblight, however never had he seen such bloodthirsty warriors as those from House Corvent and this pleased the Blood God. Sensing turmoil within Duntov and his House, Khorne appeared to the Vampire Lord offering House Corvent freedom from Nagash and Neferata and in return they only needed to turn their back on magic and pledge loyalty to the Blood God. Duntov and his House accepted the offer, and at the snap of his fingers, the Chaos powers of Khorne freed House Corvent from the grasp of Nagash and his Mortarch of Blood.

     The following years proved to be difficult for House Corvent, no longer would they have the luxury to do as they pleased in Shyish; no longer would they be the apex hunters of the realm of Death, now they were the hunted. Despite being incredibly cunning, Neferata was blinded by her rage, one of her oldest and most elite Soulblight leaders had defected to the forces of Chaos. She would send countless Deathrattle legions in search of the traitor Duntov Von Corvent and his House. However, each skeletal legion was met with swift destruction. Duntov not only had the elite forces of his House to command but was supported by Khorne daemons. In one particular bloody battle against the forces of Death, Duntov called upon The Tyrants of Blood and he was greeted by Skarbrand and two Bloodthirster escorts. The trio of Bloodthirsters went on to decimate the front lines, allowing Duntov and his Blood Drenched Knights to ride down the remaining forces of Death. 

    The once powerful magic wielding Soulblight in House Corvent, now turned warrior-priests, were often found drinking the blood of their fallen foes so that Khorne would answer their prayers. Top Lieutenants, now called Deathbringers were found spearheading charges, some aspiring to gain Khorne’s favor and others being exalted by their new God. Through these victories in Shyish, the locals in surrounding areas bore witness to an alternative life, one that wasn’t dictated by the Undying King. Over time these locals would flock to Duntov Von Corvent, pledging loyalty to him and worshiping Khorne as their new God. Most would fill out the ranks as Bloodreavers or Chaos Warriors, but those that proved particularly savage would receive The Red Baptism and become a fearsome Blood Warrior and thus was established the Corvent Warhorde. Less than a decade after their pledge of loyalty to the Blood God, House Corvent had grown to become a thorn in Nagash’s side and for a fleeting moment the Undying King questioned the vulnerability of Shyish.


    House Corvent Organizational Background of Notable Leaders & Units

    Faction: Chaos, Khorne

    Realm: Shyish

    Motto: Ut neque quod duceretur captum neque quartam partem dare, non accipere vulnerum occidioni (Take no prisoners, give no quarter, accept only bloodshed).

    Duntov Von Corvent (Chaos Lord on Karkadrak): Often found leading his House into battle from atop a Karkadrak. He carries a Khorne blessed Sword as old as House Corvent itself, forged from the metal of Chamon that has the ability to pierce even the strongest armor with relative ease earning its nickname The Gorecleaver.

    Arkus Zrone (Chaos Lord on Manticore): The famed Vampire warrior and right hand of Duntov Von Corvent, Arkus leads the troops of House Corvent head first into combat, riding atop his Chaos Beast. 

    Cazdrakk Corvaul (Chaos Lord on Foot): Perhaps one of the most ruthless and bloodthirsty officers in House Corvent. Cazdrakk prefers offense to defense and thus throws caution to the wind, wielding a Reaperblade in one hand and a Daemonbound Axe in the other. Cazdrakk  leads House Corvent’s foot soldiers and is usually tasked with taking and holding areas of great importance on the battlefield.

    Zori Zosix (Priest): Oldest in House Corvent, second only to Duntov Von Corvent himself, Zori was the spiritual leader of the House in their mortal days. When Neferata turned Duntov and subsequently the remainder of the House, these rituals were practiced in secrecy as it was seen to be heresy. However, under their new Chaos God, their bloody rituals are welcomed. In battle, Zori is often found atop his skull altar or warshrine praying to the Blood God for support in battle. Sometimes answered in the form of daemons, other times in the judgments of Khorne.

    Lt. Unu (Bloodstoker): One of Duntov Von Corvent’s most trusted lieutenants, he is tasked with keeping the infantry known as the Gore Seekers in line, whipping anyone that dare disobey an order.

    The Blood Drenched (Chaos Knights): It is rare to see Duntov Von Corvent without his royal cavalry escort of Chaos Knights called The Blood Drenched. Their name paints an accurate picture, as these former Blood Knights charge at terrifying speeds, crashing into enemy lines breaking bone and detonating organs creating a red haze in the air and soaking the riders and their mounts with their enemies’ blood.

    Gore Seekers (Chaos Warriors, Blood Warriors or Bloodreavers): The Gore Seekers are a general term used for the foot troops within House Corvent. The Gore Seekers look to capture The Blood Gods' eye through spilling as much blood as possible and as a result they are usually found on the front lines and oftentimes they are the first to see combat, in hopes that their eagerness will earn Khorne’s favor.



    Art of Duntov Von Corvent



    Duntov Von Corvent on Foot (Chaos Lord)



    Duntov Von Corvent on Karkadrak (Chaos Lord on Karkadrak)




    Arkus Zrone (Chaos Lord on Manticore)




    Cazdrakk Corvaul (Chaos Lord on Foot)



    Zori Zosix (Priest/Chaos Warshrine)



    The Blood Drenched (Chaos Knights) with Duntov Von Corvent on Karkadrak


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  15. 21 minutes ago, Saiken said:

    I was about to start converting a whole army of Stormcast Vampires ... But with all these rumours around soulblight .... I'm lost again 🤣

    I've already made a Vampire Khorne Army since GW is dragging their feet with Vampires lol.

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  16. 2 minutes ago, sandlemad said:

    Depending on how far they take the Mannfred-style "sun's in, guns out" look for sleeveless himbo vampires (and there's one rumour engine that suggests it'll be there at least a bit) that could well be a solid option.

    Speaking of Mannfred, I've been working on just the model to lead this new Vampire army 😁




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