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Posts posted by BaylorCorvette

  1. Only thing I want in 3.0 is to tone down shooting. I primarily play AoS instead of 40k because it is (was) melee and magic focused. I think something simple, like if you're outside of 3" from an enemy but shooting into melee combat you're -1 to hit or maybe have a chance of hitting your own guys that are engaged in melee.

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  2. 10 minutes ago, Ganigumo said:

    This thread moves way too quickly to keep up with so I don't know if it was mentioned, but this basically confirms the mortal slaanesh release for early 2021. These coins (and the free models) are going to coincide with releases for that month. We know death guard is coming in december, so that means the hedonites coin is probably january's coin.
    Free model will probably be a daemonette or whatever marauder equivalent slaanesh ends up with.

    Agreed, and I suspect the Broken Realms book in Janurary will be Borken Realms: Slaanesh. Now the question is, will there be a Broken Realms book in December or are they going to release the BR books every other month?

  3. 3 minutes ago, Grimrock said:

    Full rerolls to hit and wound are catastrophically good but they're just a touch too unreliable when they're going off on a 3+ prayer or 6 to cast. It means in games where you always have your buffs you'll simply wreck face everywhere, and games where you miss them on the clutch turn you're facing a massive uphill battle. Honestly I think the abilities are far too polarizing and the faction would have been much easier to balance without them. 

    Yes I agree and frankly that's why I take StD in my Khorne army. Re-rolling the Warshrines prayer next to the Skull Alter all but guarantees it goes off.

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  4. 59 minutes ago, Dressedspring1 said:

    In running them in Khorne. A block of warriors with a bloodsecrator behind them actually puts out a lot of damage and also keeps your buff heros safe behind their wall of rerollable saves 

    Yeah I'm running a Khorne army that is primarily StD. I agree StD seems to work much better in god allegiance armies. If cultist could take a Chaos god mark then it would be pretty darn good in god armies too. I sometimes wonder if GW purposely balances StD based on the god allegiance armies and thus it further handicaps StD armies.

  5. 11 minutes ago, El Antiguo Guardián said:

    Can be funny if we get the new Soulblight book and then, at some point on Broken Realms, we can make an deat-faction Cities of Sigmar army like the DoK one, with 1 of each 4 units being a Soulblight one (not zombies or skellies even if they´re in the battletome) and just humans from CoS. That can be amazing.

    I would LOVE that. A nice way to get shooting into Soulblight too.

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  6. 2 hours ago, El Antiguo Guardián said:

    "Far above , clinging to the spar of a bladed tower, was a figure wreathed in shadow. He could see the creatures eyes, pinpricks of crimson light, boring into him.
    He caught the impression of a pair of bat like wings unfurling, and there was a sudden rush of air. In an instant the thing was gone, leaving Ven Brecht alone on a dead ship."


    Maybe vampires? Ven Brecht have +1 to hit VAMPIRES, and his bloodline fails to the Curse of the Vampire. Maybe some agents of Neferata that are on the Cities and Sigmar and didn´t want the political changes of the dark elves?

    So given increased discussion of Shadow Aelves, I thought that maybe that's all that this quote was referencing. However, when I heard that Ven Brecht had a bonus to hit Vampires I thought that was VERY interesting. Of course it could just be a little lore bit tossed in. However, given all of the rumor engines pointing at a Death faction and some looking Vampire-ish I think there is a very good chance we see some new Vampire faction, which would make me super happy.

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  7. I  voted "Classic baroque armored blood suckers: Carstein/Blood dragons" however I don't think that will be the route that GW goes. With their recent releases it is obvious they want to protect their IP with unique things and as such the classic baroque vampires just isn't unique enough. Now having said that, if they come out with a new Soulblight faction that is completely different than what we have now, I am curious if the current Soulblight stuff would be squatted. I certainly hope not, I love the VLoZD.

    Based on the current meta and wanting Soulblight to be competitive, a Vampirates faction could be good, allowing them access to shooting, etc.

  8. As a Legion of Blood and Khorne player here are my thoughts:

    At the end of the day, remember this is an objective based game. That list you posted of his has decent damage by not really any staying power. Be very strategic about your fights, do not overcommit yourself to fights, and by that I mean charging too many things in a single turn.

    Now that Dolorous Guard is official from GW, if you want to be a real pain, play Legion of Blood, ally in DG (two units of 5 Hexwraiths) and have them be bodyguards for your VLoZD General. Give your VLoZD the Aura of Dark Majesty (-1 To Hit) and then either Soulbound Garments (always re-rolling 1 to save) or Orb of Enchantment. My personal route would be give the VLoZD the Soulbound Garments and then a Vampire Lord Flying Horror the Orb of Enchantment. Have the Hero with the Orb of Enchantment charge in on Skarrbrand or another Hero you want to neutralize for a turn and nuke it down without any sort of retaliation. If you're not familiar with Dolorous Guard, basically it allows you to shrug off wounds and mortal wounds from you general to near by Hexwraiths on a 2+.

  9. I'm personally not a huge fan of "Walking Death" on a VLoZD. If you want him to be killy, use his built in command ability so he is re-rolling hits on his entire profile. I think you get more value out of Soulbound Garments or Orb of Enchantment. My personal go to would be Soulbound Garments with Dark Majesty and then a support hero (usually a Vampire Lord Flying Horror) with Orb of Enchantment that can come in and neutralize a Hero.

    • Like 1
  10. 37 minutes ago, Rhetoric said:

    Right?  It feels like there is a new Death related rumour engine every other week, that’s been going on for months now.  A new Death faction that’s been teased feels right in Broken Realms.  

    I also agree with this, so many Death related rumour engines. It may be my own wishful thinking for Vampires that is making me a little biased though, lol.

  11. 4 minutes ago, Marcvs said:

    well, shootcast makes use of the Anvils of the Heldenhammer command ability to shoot twice. Supposing that the Stormkeep is a stormhost in itself, you would loose that CA so... probably not?

    Yeah, and that is the unknown. If a Stormkeep replaces / functions as a Stormhost then it seems fine. But if a Stormkeep is in addition to a Stormhost then oh boy..

  12. 1 minute ago, Espy85 said:

    Hi guys, I haven't played for a while, but is it possible to play the dolorous guard with the legion of blood? When did GW confirm this?

    They validated the White Dwarf stuff as being matched play legal a month ago.

    Any of the Legions can take Nighthaunt Battalions per an old FAQ, provided the battalion and all of the units meet the requirements (points, unit size, etc). The Dolorous Guard battalion cost and two units of five hexwraiths comes in just under 400 points, which is why it can be run in a Legions list.

    • Thanks 1
  13. Just now, Thamalys said:

    Amazing stuff - well done! The one on top of the Manticore/Tyranid is gold...

    Can I just ask, where the heck have you found all those VLoZD/Vhordrai helmets/heads (the winged ones, I mean)?!

    Thanks! The Vamp Lord (Mannfred model) on top of the kit bashed Hive Tyrant / Mawloc was my last conversion and the one I'm most proud of and had the most fun making.

    All of the Vamp helmets I scored off of various Facebook bits trading groups I'm in. Mainly Flesh Eater players that had made Terrorgheist instead of Zombie Dragons and had the spare Vampire Lord bits. So I used the Head, Torso and Legs of the Vampire Lord and then the arms/weapons of the old Chaos Knights.

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  14. Just now, Thamalys said:


    Risky... not so many bodies on the table. But then again, we can only try stuff out and see how it goes, I guess. Same here, btw, with COVID around there's not many games to be had, sadly... 

    Agreed on the low body count which is why I think in competitive play it wouldn't be as good. Plus people would likely snipe the Prince off the board before he got much of a chance to act. I'm just happy that the Dolorous Guard are something that is usable for LoB. I love my Vampires so much and was tired of them being out dated and not super competitive that I actually converted a bunch of models to make up my custom Khorne Vampire army, made up of primarily StD models with the mark of Khorne.

    The models can be found in this thread: 


  15. I have a somewhat similar list that I've been wanting to try out ever since GW confirmed Dolorous Guard are legit. But thanks to COVID it has really slowed down tournaments here. The list is:

    -VLoZD: Artefact: Soulbound Garments, Command Trait: Aura of Dark Majesty, Spell: Vile Transference. 440 pts

    -Vampire Lord winged Horrow: Aretfact: Orb of Enchantment, Spell: Amethystine Pinions. 140 pts

    -Necromancer: Spell: (undecided). 130 pts

    -Blood Knights x5. 180 pts

    -Blood Knights x5. 180 pts

    -Dire Wolves x5. 70 pts

    -Dire Wolves x5. 70 pts

    -Chainrasp x10. 80 pts

    -Grimghast Reapers x20. 320 pts

    -Hexwraiths x5. 130 pts

    -Hexwraiths x5. 130 pts

    -The Dolorous Guard. 120 pts

    Total Points: 1990/2000

    I do have concerns with how slow the necromancer is so possibly drop him. However that will leave me with only two Heroes. I have another list similar to this but drop the Grimghast Reapers and the Necromancer and pick up Prince Vhordrai.

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  16. 3 minutes ago, Irvy said:

    Hey guys, this is my first post 😃

    I've only been back into the hobby for a few months but so excited about everything coming up, especially the Lord of Pain. How likely is it that I will be able to pick up this model on it's own, I have plenty of the other Slaanesh stuff in the S&P box. Do GW release individual models from boxes like this - eBay maybe? Thanks.

    Yes you will likely be able to pick up the Lord of Pain by himself at a later date. How long that wait may be, who knows.

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  17. Does anyone have any idea the time between when Physic Awakening was officially announced and then when it went on pre-order? I mean I guess we know Broken Realms: Morathi is going on sale sometime in November. I'm just curious if it will be at the start or near the end.

  18. 17 minutes ago, EMMachine said:

    After the first Book is named "Morathi" I would guess something like "Broken Realm: Nagash", "Broken Realm: Neferata" or something like that or maybe Soulblight as 1 of the parties (after Broken Realm Morathi has Daughters of Khaine, Cities of Sigmar, Stormcast Eternals, Slaves to Darkness and Idoneth Deepkin inside).

    Yeah I agree, at best it will be Broken Realms: Nagash, if not that then they will just be apart of one of the Broken Realm books from another individual. In all honesty, with the way they are doing Broken Realms books I wouldn't be satisfied with the Soulblight. I want a stand alone Battle Tome, but with these Broken Realms books I assume we won't see a new Battle Tome of any kind until well into 2021.

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  19. From the website: 

    DoK are getting the Zainthar Kai Temple which has battalions and two warscrolls that let you use both versions of Morathi on the tabletop at the same time

    Cities of Sigmar includes rules for the cities of Misthavn and Har Kuron as well as a warscroll battalion for the sorceress Drusa Kraeth and her chosen warriors

    Stormcast get five new warscroll battalions representing the Wardens of the Stormkeep, Stormtower Garrison, Stormkeep Patrol, Stormkeep Brotherhood and Ven Brecht's Black Watch, alongside three sets of allegiance abilities.

    Slaves to Darkness gets a new warlord - Rokar Gresh, ruler of a warband called the Crimson Bretheren which include his warscroll battalion, Gresh's Iron Reapers as well as four new sets of allegiance abilities.

    Idoneth Deepkin get a warscroll battalion for The Bloodsurf Hunt, Nemmetar's royal guardians also includes four warscrolls, Akhelian Allopexes, Akhelian Leviadon, and both Eidolons of Mathlaan - alongside mount traits for Deepmares and Leviadons


    So primarily new/updated rules with an occasional new model.

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