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Posts posted by BaylorCorvette

  1. 16 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

    So I'm guessing the theme is going to be  "Preview: X & Y" from now on? I like that, gives us a better idea of what to expect. It does seem like one part is 40k and one part is AOS--however, I think it'd be cool if they got to a point where the titles were teases for both systems. i.e Faith & Damnation could be Sisters and Azyrite mortals, vs Damnation being Traitor Guard (or Drukhari) and Gravelords. etc.

    Maybe asking too much of GW but a double parallel would be awesome!

    It sounds like the "Faith" is going to be 40k (Sisters of Battle) & Necromunda (Redemptionists) and the "Damnation" is going to be Underworlds (Ossiarch's) and AOS (fingers crossed Gravelords).

  2. 8 minutes ago, Aleser said:

    First 2 are this weekend, for cursed city is not stated when is going on preorder. 

    You're right I misread. But it does say "and it’ll be coming your way at the same time as the boxed game." So if we do find out a release date for the book then we know when Cursed City comes out.

  3. 1 minute ago, Black_Templar_Lad said:

    between the ambitions and prejudices of Warlords, Kings and aspiring Gods. And I do like a bit of grim dark I do. 

    Agreed, and on that topic, I would really like to see more stuff from the side of living mortals in Shyish that worship Nagash. We see it in some of the Black Library novels and it is very interesting.

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  4. 4 minutes ago, Svalack said:

    I was thinking even earlier, maybe this sunday announcement and preorder 13th, release 20th? I cant imagine them having an almost month long gap with no releases, it is bad for business. 

    That is a possibility. However per their article this past weekend they are having logistical issues, and we don't really know what that means since they word smithed the article so much. For all we know there could be a gap in releases so GW can get things caught up / figured out. So I guess I wouldn't be surprised if the next preorder was March 20, but I'd also be equally unsurprised if it was the dates you gave.



    Also, the Serephon Underworlds warband is due out this month too.

  5. With Lumineth being the focus for this month, I'd say a VERY good chance of BR: Teclis preorder this month. With Drukhari up for preorder on March 20th it does make me wonder when BR: Teclis preorder will happen. I suppose they could announce it the following weekend with preorder April 3?

  6. 1 minute ago, HollowHills said:

    So the release schedule thing... is anyone else confused?

    My understanding was that Teclis would be the next book. Are they now announcing Be’lakor and immediately releasing it? 

    If element games has cursed city that would usually mean it's about to go up for order. With warcry and Blackstone my LGS had it set up to play in store for the week of the pre-order.

    The drukhari preview makes me think their new codex and the battlebox should be coming out.

    What's going on?

    I have no idea what is going on. That article from yesterday is very word smithed and extremely vague. I don't know if that means a bunch of releases are being pushed back right now, if they're changing up when certain things are being released (out of order releases) or if things are being sped up.

    I do find the post from element games interesting, no doubt gaming stores (especially those that are not GW owned) have an embargo on products even if they have them in their facility already. We haven't heard anything from GW on the release date of Cursed City, so I cannot imagine the information element games is going to post throughout this week is going to be anything we don't already know, unless GW makes some announcement about Cursed City.

    I just wish GW would be a little more transparent and not dance around things like the post from yesterday. Like if things are going to be majorly delayed (for examples if there were going to be NO releases this month), just say so.

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  7. Just now, Kronos said:

    Undead skaven would be really cool. I loved the old skeleton unit of mixed skeletons. I doubt gw would ever do that, best we have is the skull kit with a variety of skulls. 

    Yeah, I agree. It would be amazing if a unit of zombies had aelves, dwarves, and other races/species and skeleton units for that matter. 

    My pipe dream is that the new Soulblight Gravelords sub allegiances are different Bloodlines / Dynasties. One is very regal that utilizes elite units like Blood Knights and some sort of ground Vampire infantry unit, maybe even supported by Vampire Archers or something. Another Bloodline is one that focuses on critters (dire wolves, rates, etc), Another Bloodline that is more feral, like Vargheists and the new Vamps in Cursed City and finally a Bloodline that is all about necromancy.

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  8. 7 minutes ago, sandlemad said:

    Christ yes, imagine how this dude appears to skaven. He's the equivalent of a rat-man who suddenly dissolves into a swarm of tiny naked men running around your ankles and biting you.


    I can just see it now "If Kritza is your general, then 1 in 4 units may be Skaven." 😂

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  9. He could be in a Cursed City expansion. But lets not forget that all of these characters in Cursed City are getting AoS warscrolls. They may just be super crappy like a lot of the underworlds warbands AoS warscrolls or they might actually be decent, who knows. However we've seen a lot about bloodlines or dynasties, so I think that the new Soulblight Gravelords sub allegiances will likely be different bloodlines / dynasties. This guy could be a named character for one of them.

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  10. 38 minutes ago, 123lac said:

    Gravelords release with plastic blood knights and hopefully updated skeleton and zombie kits. What else needs updating from that range? The wight king on foot? 

    Well from Cursed City it looks like bat swarm and/or fell bats are getting updated. So aside from adding brand new units there isn't much else that needs updating (model wise).

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  11. 1 minute ago, Wraith said:

    I think the next Broken Realms book is Teclis versus Nagash. So a new Death unit or two makes sense. The 3rd book is Alarielle versus Be’lakor, it seems. Maybe we will see some new Chaos stuff in addition to Be’lakor’s new model. 

    This is the most logical thing to me. We have Soulblight warband coming out in April, cursed city soon and we know Teclis is going to Shyish. This is where we should see Soulblight Gravelords. Then we have been teased with a new Be'lakor model and have very good reason to believe the third BR book will be Alarielle. So a Be'lakor model with some more Chaos stuff during BR: Alarielle would make sense.

    Because this is the most logical result, I'm going to go on record and say this doesn't happen at all like this 😂

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